

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2017
    Karen: DH says the cod liver oil didn't taste bad. Like Penny, he bought lemon flavored. I asked him about the feel of oil in his mouth. He said he didn't particularly like the feel of the oil so he would have coffee, tea or water as a chaser to wash the oily feel down. :ohwell:

    ceemyheartm: I eat a relatively low carb diet, but not no carb. This results in a higher fat balance. I shoot for roughly one third each of fat, protein, and carb. I feel good this way & my doctor is happy with my blood counts whenever that comes up, which is seldom. I suspect you will figure out what feels best for you as you go along. :star:

    Terry: We chose a light blue. The color name is minor blue. I hope we'll like it. Painting has started. We've spent days getting furniture away from walls, getting everything out of the closet and are currently sleeping in our guest room. :ohwell:

    Heather: The photo of the four of you is a treasure to keep. Your "genial hosts" look wonderful, too. :heart:

    Allie: Good news for Chester! Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    Becca: Your writing is easy to read. Nice job! :smiley:

    Barbie & Lanette: I feel the same way about losing something. :grumble:

    Kim from N California: It is so good to see your post!!! I have missed you. :heart:

    Regarding Halloween--I live in Halloweentown. It is a month long celebration around here with a parade, original actors, props from the sets, and this year a tribute to Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher. It is doing a great job getting customers into our local shops and businesses. Today is Saturday, there is a beautiful sunny day, and the park is filled with people having a good time. Local shops are getting a good amount of business. Yay!!! DH & I split an elephant ear.

    Here at home we're getting our bedroom painted. It is blue with white woodwork, and a much more intense shade of blue than before. So far it seems like we made a good choice. We'll see how we like it when it has dried and we have our stuff back in place.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    edited October 2017
    stat for the day -

    forced slower jog-
    still a bit sick-
    another 5lb of sweat lost- it'll come back, just water, so not too excited

    slow jog on treadmill- 1hr, 53min, 36sec, 5.0sp-5.2sp mostly, 131ahr, 150mhr, 11.39min mi, 10mi = 1035c
    Apple Watch- 1184c

    total cal 1035
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Lenore , audio books are books read by professionals. They use slightly different voices for the different characters in dialogue. I download audio books to my phone to listen to them while I walk. They can also be downloaded to a computer or tablet. You can purchase or rent audio books but I think free is better

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    <3 Started my Advocare cleanse today! 211 <3
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi Sisters, I had an awesome morning, galloping my darling Mani down at the beach. Now it is raining, so I am glad I went early, at low tide.

    Lenora I do my audiobooks two different ways. The Audible.com costs money but the library is free (or the cost of annual fee for a library card if your library charges a fee like ours does.) I joined up to Audible.com through my Amazon account. I use my Amazon password and my account which has my credit card details loaded. I love Amazon. It's so easy to get whatever I want sent to me, waaaay over here across the ocean. Once you are joined up ( I think it costs around $15 a month, you get a 'credit' every month and you can use it to download any book that is available on Audible. You just do a search of whatever subject or author or title you want and click "Buy Now for One credit". The book is then sent to your "library" You open your library and click download on your new book. Then you can open it with Itunes. You can also have it sent to your phone, as well as your computer. I connect my ipod nana to my computer and copy the books onto my little ipod, or I connect my phone and click download on my audible app. Then I listen to my books constantly, while I'm working out, doing housework, driving, working in the paddocks or running.

    I just found out recently how to get audible books free from the library and I don't know if the USA system is different to the NZ one. But all I did was get a password set up on my library card- I just asked for help at my library to do this- and then I go into my library website, search for books (both audio and kindle) and download whatever takes my fancy onto my computer and phone. I can borrow them for three weeks and then extend if needed. I had to download an app on my computer and on my phone called Overdrive. This all sounds a lot more complicated than it is. LOL. Just ask some young employee at the library to set it up for you.

    Here is the link to audible: https://www.audible.com/ You can take a look at it and browse it for books without setting up an account just to get the feel of it and what books are available. I have found it to be a very well run site and whenever I encounter a problem, their helpline is super quick and nice to fix it up.

    TERRY I am excited for you! I hope you are already planning what to do to celebrate when you drop into the 100's. I am BIG on rewarding myself for any progress at all. Not a food celebration but something else that you really really like!

    MARY I did my second day of the five week challenge. I had to modify it as I don't have a safe pull up arrangement and I did my presses with a lighter dumbbell because my kettleball is too heavy for me to do one arm presses, but I just substituted deadlifts and dumbbell presses and did plank crossovers and worked out for 30 minutes this morning. I already feel like I should get a heavier kettleball for the swings and squats, but I am just adding in a few more reps instead. Don't want to be too gung ho and injure myself. LOL
    <3 Wendy
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Was a nice day today. Got up late, went to breakfast with DH then to the bookstore. When we came home
    DH painted some more on the porch and I mowed (hopefully for today last time this year. Supposed to rain all day tomorrow.

    Going to meet my DD breakfast tomorrow. She has spent the last two nights with her boyfriend. Was nice having the house to ourselves. After breakfast we are going to look for our kettlebells.

    Have loved all the pics.

    DJ, don’t feel you need to explain to me. Just want you to enjoy your own home.

    Rye, love the cat! Made me lol

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Regarding audible.com: When I was commuting I bought books frequently. My round trip commute was close to two hours every day. I let my Audible active status pass, but every book I bought still belongs to me and I can listen again if I wish. It appears they've joined "the amazon family." My library to go account also has audio books available for the price of a library card. :heart: (also managed by amazon.)

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Olivia looks so cute. Looks like she has enough to keep her busy. Is she crawling?

    Love the cat on the screen. The creator of Garfield is from right down the road. I guess we will never see our cats do that since both of them are front declawed. It's funny, when I am playing with their feet, it is MOzarts back feet that she doesn't want touchd, or her back hips. She isn't aggressive, just moves them away. Oh it is funny to watch the two when Melody is being the Mom and giving him a stare down. Then she will just walk away. Job done.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Well, my world has been totally rocked today. Got a new 2 in 1 laptop after my 7 year old laptop gasped its last megabyte. :)<3:) If you all don't hear from me for a few days its because I have fallen into a rabbit hole of exploring all the amazing features of his HP Spectre. My old laptop served me well, but this new baby may replace not just that hunk of junk, but my trusty Kindle Fire as well. The Kindle has been a total workhorse for the 5 years that I have used it daily in the gym. I have audiobooks (Wendy is right about Audible), music, podcasts, library access, and fun apps on it. Feeling so grateful for this wonderful world of technology. Afterall, without it, I wouldn't have met all of you.

    My brother had a procedure yesterday that is nicknamed "gastric glue". Basically, they seal up the main abdominal artery and put a little cap on it. This prevents the kind of internal bleeding common to cirrhosis (sp) patients. He feels great, but still in hospital for observation. He was referred to this program, and it does include counseling. Whether he will follow through only time will tell.

    Terry: Yay!!!! Can't wait to welcome you to onderland.

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hey friends!
    I'm watched the "Dark Shadows" movies.....oooh I loved that series every 4 pm and watched it with my eyes covered, after school!! Haha!

    Made my tilapia fish fillets, and rice mixture for lunch and I put too much spinach in it! Two handfuls made it taste medicine-y!! So now I know, my limit!

    Today my daily numbers are calories 1298, fats 39 grams, and protein 61 grams. My water is consumed, and its only 4 pm!

    Well my dinner was acceptable. Zucchini, stewed tomatoes, and whole wheat pasta!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rori: I hope you enjoy your new computer for a long time to come. It sounds like you're starting off with a happy experience. :smiley

    Becca: WTG! You seem to have had a great day. :bigsmile:

    The painter was here on and off all day. He is not finished and will be back on Monday. He is also a pastor as well as a painter. Tomorrow he will likely be spending the day with his congregation.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Starting you off with a photo of me as Ursula05gecj9371l6.jpg

    NYKaren - Do what you need to do for you.

    Terry - You're almost to Onederland! How exciting!

    Karen in Virginia - Olivia is so precious. I love her little head band.

    Busy at work with training, Saturday, special event. Pot luck went well although I should never be allowed near one. Will power? I seem to have misplaced mine.

    Went to American Made. We met friends there. Seems strange not to spend time before or after the movie with them.

    I am grateful that my darling girl got up early to help me be Ursula. Some of the kids did recognize who I was supposed to be. One shared with me that the Little Mermaid was a really, really old movie. One little boy asked if he could touch me as it would feel different because I was a really Ursula not like a cartoon one. Kids are so funny.

    Vinyl planks/tiles are down in kitchen. I like it. Kitchen was out of commission because of flooring being laid. We were supposed to go for something to eat before movie. (that didn't happen). We were supposed to go after movie but Larry felt the need to get home to Chico. The upshot was it was close to 10 p.m. and that is much too late for me to eat with my reflux. Thankful for popcorn at the theatre.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    DJ - I too am worried about you. <3 We want you to have a happy life. It sounds to me as if you might be at the point where you could access some professional advice. Just for information at this point, but it would be good to know your options. These situations with a loved one are very tricky I know. I have every sympathy. <3<3<3 It just sounds as if your needs are coming last at the moment and you sound depressed, not your sparkling self. Love you.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Karen in VA - Awesome to see Olivia thriving! She looks like a happy little one.

    Michele in NC - Thinking about you and the wedding... can't wait to hear the story of this one! I genuinely hope it all goes off without a hitch.

    - Glad they've found something that can make your brother feel better, and hope he can reach out for the help he needs. On the laptop, seven years is a venerable age in laptop-land... upgrades or not. Hope you laid your old workhorse down with the respect it deserved! :smiley: Somehow, Corey and I are going to end up hauling four laptops with us when we move. All kept for good reason, I might add. Just not sure when that happened...

    Sharon - love the Ursula makeup!

    DJ - the Halloween with the special needs kids sounds awesome.

    The Open House/Sale finished up yesterday, and was a mixed success. Did get rid of the biggest piece of furniture, the one Corey least wanted to try to horse into the panel trailer--the recliner loveseat. Fridge and last bookshelf picked up today - the two 100-pound propane tanks will be picked up on Monday. Still a bunch of nitnoid stuff left - the household items and clothes will go in bags and will take them down to El Buen Vecino, the local version of the Salvation Army. The rest will go in a dumpster, and good riddance. Why do we clutter up our lives so much? The funny part of it is, my daughter, since the Army moves her, moved EVERYthing. She wants to have a garage sale after we get there, while I'm there to help her. At the moment, it sounds horrible. I'm sure I'll come around by springtime.

    While we were waiting around yesterday, Corey and I loaded the camper shell on the pickup, and when I say loaded, there's not a spare inch of space in it. Then he used the drill and some long screws and screwed it down tight. If someone really wants your stuff, they can get it, but they'll have to work for it. With all the stuff we're taking with us, we're going to have to find a storage place in Fayetteville. Shouldn't be tough in a military town with a university.

    The plan is to live with our daughter for six months - until her husband comes back from deployment - and then decide what's next. Should be interesting. I say this with some trepidation, but then, I pretty much worry about everything. I do feel like Corey and I are bucking the trend of children moving back in with their parents. Who knows? Maybe we'll start a new trend!

    Back to five hours a night of sleep - and since I was asleep by 8:30 last night, you know the rest. I have to try to get my sleep schedule in better shape before I get on the road...

    Lisa in West Texas for four more days...
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3