Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    22 C here according to Metservice, can usually add another couple to that at my place. The sun has come out, so the house is a-heating up. The ceiling fan is at least blowing that hot air around though :|

    @JoLightensUp, I'm really enjoying Strong Curves (at home version). Except Swiss ball back extensions, those I just feel like I'm doing wrong. And anything involving a Swiss ball is awkward, frankly.

    I think my measurements are back to where they were pre-pred. Waist I still live in hope of reducing further, the rest are fine. I have a thigh gap, y'all. The envy of teenage girls everywhere :D (I don't have a gap at the very top, and nor do I aspire to such a thing).

    Swiss ball stuff gets better as your core stabilizes. Stick with it. It's meant to be awkward to engage those stabilizer muscles :) Back extensions are awkward on the Swiss ball. I'm too short to have done them on mine without rolling off, I used to do them on my weight bench with my feet anchored on my couch.

    Side crunches (the only other Swiss ball thing I currently have to do) are actually fine. I have awesome core strength from yoga. The back extensions is actually a lower back issue. I don't think I'm over-extending, but maybe I am.

    26 C outside, 28 in :| I could go sit under a tree or something, but I kind of feel if my poor long-haired dork cat is suffering, I should too.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Yeah I'm an Aussie, but it was an American tv show. It's "shark week" this week on Foxtel (cable).

    It's 30 C here today @VintageFeline , up to 38 on Wednesday :weary: For the Americans, 38 C = 100.4 F

    We had 38 yesterday @Christine_72... Ewww. 34 today, but supposed to be cooling off for the rest of the week. Christmas shopping hours are somewhat of a blessing - I try to make an effort to run to our local shops everyday, and they have just started opening at 7am instead of 8. Means I can still get out without getting too hot/burnt.

    @Nony_Mouse, I'm with you on the logging. I made rocky road to take to a party, and ended up with a lot left. I keep nibbling at it! Doesn't help that I have absolutely no idea how calorific it is (just, very).

    I have another Dr appt this afternoon - I've had 3 lots of blood tests since my last visit, so hopefully she's got a better picture of what is going on, and I get some answers and ways to improve things!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I do hope you get some answers @livingleanlivingclean

    My great plans of pizza for dinner were scuttled again by the no way in hell am I turning the oven on with a shut up house.
  • monica182
    monica182 Posts: 60 Member
    edited December 2017
    Edited to delete comment after reading further in the thread :)
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have been reading this thread for the last few weeks whilst at work (I get excited and search every morning for updates) I love reading all background science, as I like to know why I am doing stuff! Though I haven't been implementing re-feeds as such, I have been trying to slowly reverse diet my way out of a deficit as I was struggling with training and have definitely noticed a difference in energy and training levels.

    I just wanted to unlurk and say hello- and that I am planning on a diet break over Christmas, just cause all of the food! :)

    Oh and meet Enzo, our resident Santas little helper <3zdagsh7ukcjl.jpg

    Welcome and hello Enzo!

    @livingleanlivingclean , I hope you get some answers.

    On my front, I have a nasty migraine today. I was going to dive into my body weight program, Body By You, full on, but might need to postpone it. Still will try to keep up some sort of semblance of activity.

    Weekend refeed was a success. Up three pounds, and have some interesting thoughts on how I feel about the scale vs. how I've been feeling in the past. My weight is now in the territory where my higher weight fluctuations are more comfortable for me to look at. So the brain hamsters are a little less annoying than they had been. I'm back to being a bit more laissez-faire about the whole scale thing.

    So anyway, I guess that's just my roundabout way of saying that I realize now that my brain hamsters were due to just overall dissatisfaction at the number the scale was hitting.

    Mind games are a very strange thing.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »

    I also have a sick fish (glowlight tetra). She may or may not make it. My success rate for saving fish is pretty dismal, because there's really not a lot you can do.

    We have a sick fish right now too. Hard to tell what's up, she's just been very lethargic and hasn't had much of an appetite for about a week now. We've done some online research, but it's hard to tell what is going on without many physical signs. :(
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »

    I also have a sick fish (glowlight tetra). She may or may not make it. My success rate for saving fish is pretty dismal, because there's really not a lot you can do.

    We have a sick fish right now too. Hard to tell what's up, she's just been very lethargic and hasn't had much of an appetite for about a week now. We've done some online research, but it's hard to tell what is going on without many physical signs. :(

    Yeah, tiny little animals are difficult. She's one of my big ones, so I think a couple of years old, could just be her time (glowlights don't live long). Initial thought was that the nitrates in the tank had spiked because I'd slacked on water changes (Giles' daily watermelon means I need to be pretty vigilant cos it mucks up the water pretty quick), but a) I for some reason did not grab a vial of water to test as I did the water change, and b) she's not behaving like others who have suffered the nitrate poisoning fate. She may actually be doing a little better today. She's not moving around at all, but she is upright (has been the whole time), and no longer right at the top of the tank. I've only ever brought two fish back from whack water chemistry, one who survived when everyone else died - she was touch and go for some time and didn't eat for a good week but don't remember now if she was not moving around at all, and another who somehow miraculously survived a nitrate spike but had a bung swim bladder that meant she was always kind of vertical instead of horizontal, she bobbed around in an attempt to keep herself right, and was hence named Bobbi. She passed away earlier this year, after probably 18 months like that. Anyway, little fish is in the breeder tank so she's not getting buffeted around by the filter current and I know where she is and can keep an eye on her. I'll give her another salt dip shortly, but really it's just watch and wait.

    I hope your girl comes right, Jane.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »

    I also have a sick fish (glowlight tetra). She may or may not make it. My success rate for saving fish is pretty dismal, because there's really not a lot you can do.

    We have a sick fish right now too. Hard to tell what's up, she's just been very lethargic and hasn't had much of an appetite for about a week now. We've done some online research, but it's hard to tell what is going on without many physical signs. :(

    Yeah, tiny little animals are difficult. She's one of my big ones, so I think a couple of years old, could just be her time (glowlights don't live long). Initial thought was that the nitrates in the tank had spiked because I'd slacked on water changes (Giles' daily watermelon means I need to be pretty vigilant cos it mucks up the water pretty quick), but a) I for some reason did not grab a vial of water to test as I did the water change, and b) she's not behaving like others who have suffered the nitrate poisoning fate. She may actually be doing a little better today. She's not moving around at all, but she is upright (has been the whole time), and no longer right at the top of the tank. I've only ever brought two fish back from whack water chemistry, one who survived when everyone else died - she was touch and go for some time and didn't eat for a good week but don't remember now if she was not moving around at all, and another who somehow miraculously survived a nitrate spike but had a bung swim bladder that meant she was always kind of vertical instead of horizontal, she bobbed around in an attempt to keep herself right, and was hence named Bobbi. She passed away earlier this year, after probably 18 months like that. Anyway, little fish is in the breeder tank so she's not getting buffeted around by the filter current and I know where she is and can keep an eye on her. I'll give her another salt dip shortly, but really it's just watch and wait.

    I hope your girl comes right, Jane.

    Thank you. I hope yours does too.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    It's amazing how attached we get to these tiny creatures we can't even pat, isn't it?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    It's amazing how attached we get to these tiny creatures we can't even pat, isn't it?

    I know, right? I have no idea what she's thinking or how she actually experiences her life, but none of that matters. I feel a connection to her and -- from the way she usually darts around her tank when she sees my face -- she experiences . . . something in relation to me.

    There's also a sense of obligation I feel, since I chose to bring her into my home. I just want to feel like I'm doing right by her.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    So my cold has really amounted to nothing in the end, most peculiar because I felt like total crud yesterday. Today, no sneezing, no runny nose, no headache, no sore inside face. Just really tired. And some of the tired might be from sleeping awkwardly because I have exchanged the cold for some sort of shoulder thing.
    Go me.

    That happens to me a lot, one or two days of feeling like the big one is coming and then nothing. I have come to the totally uneducated and unfounded conclusion that my immune system is a powerful behemoth that kills whatever sickness tries to take hold but confiscates all my resources in the process. :lol:
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    It's amazing how attached we get to these tiny creatures we can't even pat, isn't it?

    I know, right? I have no idea what she's thinking or how she actually experiences her life, but none of that matters. I feel a connection to her and -- from the way she usually darts around her tank when she sees my face -- she experiences . . . something in relation to me.

    There's also a sense of obligation I feel, since I chose to bring her into my home. I just want to feel like I'm doing right by her.

    Yeah, with Bobbi I did a lot of contemplating as to whether I should just let her go, if life was just a struggle for her with needing to work at keeping herself semi stable, but she seemed happy enough, ate well etc, so I figured it wasn't my place to make that decision for her (I always have clove oil and vodka at the ready for when I know one is past the point of no return).
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    So my cold has really amounted to nothing in the end, most peculiar because I felt like total crud yesterday. Today, no sneezing, no runny nose, no headache, no sore inside face. Just really tired. And some of the tired might be from sleeping awkwardly because I have exchanged the cold for some sort of shoulder thing.
    Go me.

    That happens to me a lot, one or two days of feeling like the big one is coming and then nothing. I have come to the totally uneducated and unfounded conclusion that my immune system is a powerful behemoth that kills whatever sickness tries to take hold but confiscates all my resources in the process. :lol:

    Never happens to me but something interesting has been going on since change in mental meds a year ago. I used to catch every single bug going and suffer royally. When I was my most mentally unwell colds turned to chest infections because I'm (low level) asthmatic. But this last year I've barely caught a thing. So I guess that whilst I'm not "well" head wise (it's a bit better, mostly just moods more even) my immune system is seeing a benefit!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    It's amazing how attached we get to these tiny creatures we can't even pat, isn't it?

    I know, right? I have no idea what she's thinking or how she actually experiences her life, but none of that matters. I feel a connection to her and -- from the way she usually darts around her tank when she sees my face -- she experiences . . . something in relation to me.

    There's also a sense of obligation I feel, since I chose to bring her into my home. I just want to feel like I'm doing right by her.

    Yeah, with Bobbi I did a lot of contemplating as to whether I should just let her go, if life was just a struggle for her with needing to work at keeping herself semi stable, but she seemed happy enough, ate well etc, so I figured it wasn't my place to make that decision for her (I always have clove oil and vodka at the ready for when I know one is past the point of no return).

    Yeah, that's why you have vodka handy........
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    It's amazing how attached we get to these tiny creatures we can't even pat, isn't it?

    I know, right? I have no idea what she's thinking or how she actually experiences her life, but none of that matters. I feel a connection to her and -- from the way she usually darts around her tank when she sees my face -- she experiences . . . something in relation to me.

    There's also a sense of obligation I feel, since I chose to bring her into my home. I just want to feel like I'm doing right by her.

    Yeah, with Bobbi I did a lot of contemplating as to whether I should just let her go, if life was just a struggle for her with needing to work at keeping herself semi stable, but she seemed happy enough, ate well etc, so I figured it wasn't my place to make that decision for her (I always have clove oil and vodka at the ready for when I know one is past the point of no return).

    Yeah, that's why you have vodka handy........

    Haha, it actually is!! Admittedly I have drunk some of that vodka, but when I got the current bottle, the bottle shop I got it at didn't have hip flasks, so I had to get the big one. It would take forever to get through if it was only used for easing fish into the next realm.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Yoga achieved, sun now streaming into living room :\ I think I need to give in and get a net curtain for that window. I hate them, but it's not helping with the indoor heat having that much sun getting in. The house does heat up no matter what, I don't think the lack of ceiling cavity helps with that, nor the solid wood (so pretty, so heat retentive), but the more I can control it, the better.