Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Oh and yes, refeed pre-emptively, I say.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    As much as I hate him bringing in the poor, dead, baby bunnies, I do love watching him hunt. He will just sit there, so patient and still, at dusk and dawn. Waiting...

    I've heard that rabbits are an ecological problem in Australia-is it the same where you are? I suppose you could console yourself that he's doing the native species a favor lol

    Though was it new Zealand that was talking about outlawing cats a few years ago? It's been a long time since I saw the article that said the cats were killing too many native birds so the government was considering it, but I don't remember exactly where it was. I just remember being appalled!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    "Hanging out in the shade of a tree" is the pinnacle of any celebrated day.. The only state in the US allowed to have that reference during December is probably Hawaii. Taking a random trip to a tropical island sounds really good right about now. Really, a nap sounds just as good.

    Unfortunately, SoCal also qualifies. We’ve had unseasonably warm weather this fall (90 on Thanksgiving and 80’s last week). And then there’s the whole out-of-Control Fire thing. :disappointed:
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    So I went for a walk with the friend who did the weed whacking for me on Saturday tonight. As we're wandering along, he casually announces that, oh yeah, he'd been feeling a bit off before he'd come over, stiff neck etc, and turns out he had a mild case of shingles (he's had them before, so is pretty sure). I currently have a pretty much non-functioning immune system. Chicken pox (and therefore shingles) is one of the things on the list of things to tell my doctor if I come in contact with. I have felt absolutely punk today. I could just about cry at this point.

    Also, things I could have done with knowing a little sooner than five days later.

    I clicked “like” for support, but would rather have a (((hugs))) button.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    As much as I hate him bringing in the poor, dead, baby bunnies, I do love watching him hunt. He will just sit there, so patient and still, at dusk and dawn. Waiting...

    I've heard that rabbits are an ecological problem in Australia-is it the same where you are? I suppose you could console yourself that he's doing the native species a favor lol

    Though was it new Zealand that was talking about outlawing cats a few years ago? It's been a long time since I saw the article that said the cats were killing too many native birds so the government was considering it, but I don't remember exactly where it was. I just remember being appalled!

    Massive, massive problem. And I know this, and my conservation ethos is strong. But they are so cute and tiny :(

    Wasn't the government, rich man (who did actually form a political party this year). He has backed off a little from his hard line stance. Some of his stuff I actually agree with (de-sexing, microchipping, registration). He also did a campaign against rats. Several people pointed out that cats kill quite a few of those, so, y'know...I know my cats aren't saints, and do get the odd native bird probably, but the twins have always been far more rodent-oriented in their hunting, so I figure the occasional bird is well balanced out.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    So I went for a walk with the friend who did the weed whacking for me on Saturday tonight. As we're wandering along, he casually announces that, oh yeah, he'd been feeling a bit off before he'd come over, stiff neck etc, and turns out he had a mild case of shingles (he's had them before, so is pretty sure). I currently have a pretty much non-functioning immune system. Chicken pox (and therefore shingles) is one of the things on the list of things to tell my doctor if I come in contact with. I have felt absolutely punk today. I could just about cry at this point.

    Also, things I could have done with knowing a little sooner than five days later.

    I clicked “like” for support, but would rather have a (((hugs))) button.

    Thank you :)

    Shingles were an anxiety over-reaction. Everything else is holding, though have had a couple of days of feeling incredibly punk. Okay yesterday and today, ish. Comparatively a lot better!! It's cooler today, which helps. Though, what fricking rain????
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I have no animal pictures to share - we're more dog than cat people, and don't have the right environment or time for the dog we'd love (Alaska malamute)....

    I had terrible luck with kittens when I was younger - I had 3 at separate times, (willow, catkin and champagne)... They all ended up getting out and meeting their fate on the road. Champagne used to be our dogs best friend (a giant newfoundland called Nelson) - they would chase each other round the garden and sleep curled up together.

    On topic.... Is it weird if I am getting antsy about still eating at maintenance? I just want to see how I react to deficit again! Haha. I shouldn't complain, I'm enjoying the extra carbs.

    Nony, I'm with you on the heat - we've had a few days in the mid-30s. Urgh. Going outside is awful - I had been enjoying jogs/walks to the shops, but it's even too warm at 7/8am for that.

    So sorry about your kitten losses. :heartbreak:

    And no, it’s not weird at all to fear maintenance. I still do and I’ve been in maintenance for three years. Geez, you’d think I’d be a little better about being mentally stable, but ... NOPE! “What if I get fat again” is an annoying little voice in the back of my head.

    I am working on a recomp and trying to maintain a small 150-250 cal/day deficit. Shifting from maintenance back to a small deficit is a mental challenge. Hard not to go all-out after those years of deficit for weight loss.

    Inspired by all the spreadsheet talk I e begun one to track and compare data incoming diet, macros, TDEE and exercise/steps. Nothing fancy no determining standard deviation or using regression (dear God, if I even mention running this through SPSS will someone please reach out through the internet and slap me?). Just some tracking with some line graphs in another month or so with enough data points.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Sorry for the clump of late-ish replies. Saved the thread for when I was lifting at the gym as it helps me get enough rest in between sets. If you all weren't such and engaging, informative bunch I’d get bored and rush through my lifts. :smiley:
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Okay, bedroom and living room furniture all rearranged!! Moved couch twice because the first plan just didn't work. Second run I was iffy about, then remembered I had more speaker wire, and could therefore move a speaker and get a chair in a better position. Living room rearrangement was necessary because the morning sun streams in right where the couch was, and where Miss Photosensitive sits drinking coffee and eating breakfast in the mornings. Yeah, no wonder my back is so brown! Hopefully I have been able to reposition it enough to be out of the sun.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Oh and as for saying I feel okay-ish today? Yeah, not so much. I think it's just pred leaving my system stuff. Doesn't feel like eczema flare.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    Sorry for the clump of late-ish replies. Saved the thread for when I was lifting at the gym as it helps me get enough rest in between sets. If you all weren't such and engaging, informative bunch I’d get bored and rush through my lifts. :smiley:

    Haha, see how useful this thread is??
  • JoLightensUp
    JoLightensUp Posts: 140 Member
    Just gotta say I really love your profile pic @Psychgrrl
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited December 2017
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    I was down another .2 pounds this morning, which while it could be a fluctuation... I know my body patterns from prior whoosh patterns. This is part of the full whoosh.

    Anyway, today was a refeed day and I it came just in time because the hungries hit. I was considering starting refeed yesterday and just wasn't hungry, but am wondering for next week, considering how hungry I was today, if it might be better to time my refeed pre-emptively and just do it no matter what my body is telling me.

    I keep waiting for what Nony mentioned about these refeeds no longer feeling uncomfortably full to happen. That hasn't started yet.

    I'm really not getting this, because you know, this is the same chick who spent the past year having a problem with disinhibited binge-like behavior and who had grown quite accustomed to feeling uncomfortably full.

    Now, here I am... 7 weeks? 8 weeks? I've lost count without a binge and I don't like that feeling any more.

    Weird. And interesting.

    I think I just got a little better at not leaving myself having to eat stupidly big meals, and if I did, pacing them. Like pizza is perfect, because all the cals, but not actually that much volume. I can munch through one of my pizzas no problems. But totally hear you on going from the 'omg eat all the food!!' to 'oh dear god, more??'. It is indeed weird.

    Part of yours is very possibly that your appetite is just so punk atm though. The days I was feeling really wretched the last couple of weeks were only made possible by shakes. If I'd had to eat those calories in solid food, I don't think I could have.

    The thing is that my refeed meals aren't even that large comparatively speaking to my regular meals. I think it's a timing issue given that I IF and how my appetite works. And all my NEAT and then I'm left with all these calories. And there I am.

    I think you have a very good point about my appetite being punk right now because of my health. It's still pretty abysmal on that front. My TDEE is still running well because I fight things by staying active, so it's a catch-22 to balance things.

    But yes, I saw your next post, next week, I will re-feed pre-emptively, on a schedule, instead of the day the hungries hit at a time before my scheduled meal time.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    Sorry for the clump of late-ish replies. Saved the thread for when I was lifting at the gym as it helps me get enough rest in between sets. If you all weren't such and engaging, informative bunch I’d get bored and rush through my lifts. :smiley:

    No worries. I'm happy you're here. You're one of my favorite posters, and I'm glad you've joined in with our little bunch.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    Sorry for the clump of late-ish replies. Saved the thread for when I was lifting at the gym as it helps me get enough rest in between sets. If you all weren't such and engaging, informative bunch I’d get bored and rush through my lifts. :smiley:

    No worries. I'm happy you're here. You're one of my favorite posters, and I'm glad you've joined in with our little bunch.

    Right back at ya! :blush: