Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Another little whoosh of .75lbs this morning. I will reverse that today because I am med hungover on top of sleep deprived because I'm ordering Japanese. But med was necessary because I'd be even more sleep deprived at this point without it and I do not need to teeter on the brink of crisis because my brain shuts down from no sleep.

    Maintaining deficit quite nicely this week (and will with food today too, I am a master at ordering from that place within my goals now!). Still not working out because I don't know about you but 5 hours, or like yesterday 1 hour, of sleep is just not enough to then get my sweat on. Taking care of the head first then the body can follow.
  • Terebynthia
    Terebynthia Posts: 75 Member
    Getting bored with my flu, but at least it seems to be clearing up. Now back down to my lowest weight just pre diet break after a whole 3 days of deficit. A+ would eat those things again :D
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    Been meaning to somehow say (just in case any of you guys who are my friends on Fitbit might have wondered), I stopped using Fitbit a year ago.

    Yet somehow it gets SOME of my steps from somewhere (it sends me useless weekly email reports). I average around 18,000 steps a day.

    I no longer have the Fitbit app on my phone. I don't even own a Fitbit anymore. I've disconnected Fitbit from MFP, Strava, and Apple Health.

    I have no idea where else it's getting some of my steps from. It's got me in its claws!

    Being stalked by an app is creepy! I picture it hanging out by the lamppost in front of your home, holding a newspaper up to it's screen to avoid recognition, following you as you go about your daily steps...

    Yeah, and it's talking crap to my friends and making me look bad! :smiley:

    Perhaps someone dug it out of the trash and is using it? Weird :lol:
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    Hey, I had a 2.5 lb whoosh this morning and I'm back at my pre-break weight!! I never whoosh like that! I was OK with taking the 2 lb gain over the holidays thinking I was eating at maintenance on non-cookie-binge days, but clearly I have a lot more to learn about

    1. How many calories I'm eating during the binges (probably way fewer than I'm estimating)
    2. Maintenance calories for my activity level (probably a significant number more than I'm calculating). This one is especially intriguing because I'm small, old and sedentary outside of deliberate exercise.
    Orphia wrote: »
    Been meaning to somehow say (just in case any of you guys who are my friends on Fitbit might have wondered), I stopped using Fitbit a year ago.

    Yet somehow it gets SOME of my steps from somewhere (it sends me useless weekly email reports). I average around 18,000 steps a day.

    I no longer have the Fitbit app on my phone. I don't even own a Fitbit anymore. I've disconnected Fitbit from MFP, Strava, and Apple Health.

    I have no idea where else it's getting some of my steps from. It's got me in its claws!

    @Orphia, did you disconnect the fitbit from the app before you deleted it? If not, that may be the problem - I agree with Kimny that someone may have picked it up and is using it. Maybe try re-installing the app just to do the disconnect if you haven't already done it?
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I have whooshed some more too, past my pre accidental overfeed weight. Could be the stress of the past week, could be the late luteal thing again, could be just because.

    It's mega windy here today, I'm seriously contemplating skipping my usual Saturday trip along to the wee market at the park to save myself the half hour of pollen exposure. I could drive, and combine it with a trip to the supermarket for the couple of things I need there so I don't feel so bad about driving 1 fricking kilometre.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    @anubis609, what do you think is a better protein equation for me to go by, now that I'm not at a deficit and supposedly doing gaintenance (I swear I'm getting back to strength training soon!!), 1g per lb of lbm, or 1g per lb of actual weight? More? Less?

    Tightening up on spending due to impending vet bills, so no more ridiculous-sized protein shakes for me, but I want to know I'm not undercutting it. I had been doing 1g per lb of actual as minimum, and often going over that quite a bit (which I don't need to do, just my shakes are really good...)


    +100 for the milkshake rendition :D

    If not in a deficit, you can get away with 0.7-0.8g/lb/lbm if carbs are high enough as @VintageFeline mentioned. The underlying reason being that the hierarchy of substrate oxidation is always in place: alcohol > carbs > protein > fat (protein/amino acids actually always get broken down before carbs, but a sufficient intake of protein prevents catabolism or at least slows it down), so following that rule, if there are enough carbs, it displaces the priority on oxidizing protein (and if absolutely high will shut off lipolysis), therefore not as much protein (contextually significant) needs to be taken in on a higher carb diet.

    Carbs are anabolic in the sense that they stimulate insulin to direct substrate into muscle as opposed to shuttling them into fat, so long as there's sufficient stimulus to the muscles. Carbs also provide fuel for long duration or high intensity workouts.

    Protein is also insulinogenic, but it's about half the response of carbs, so for anabolism it *can* work, but if you can stimulate insulin without the need to bombard your digestion with a 6 oz steak, then carbs as an insulinogenic fuel source are much better.

    But that's also why cyclical and targeted ketogenic diets exist, to act as a way around the inherent problem of muscle building in standard keto. Even taking 10-15g of dextrose or glucose tabs prior to an intense lifting session is more than enough to trigger an insulin response while being low carb. As an advantage of keto, the body becomes insulin sensitive so even that little spike in glucose will trigger a faster insulin response compared to a mildly insulin resistant individual.

    And just because I have the urge need to be complete, insulin resistance in this case is referring to elevated basal fasting insulin where fat cells become insulin resistant, leaving fatty acids and glucose to be stored in other tissues that weren't meant to store them long term. The advantage to being insulin resistant is that you absolutely can lose fat faster since they won't take in anymore substrate; conversely, being super insulin sensitive means you can easily store more fat. So there's a bit of a balance that should be taking place.

    Being metabolically flexible allows the body to be in an insulin resistant state (during exercise) to increase lipolysis and fuel muscle, where in other times of the day, you're insulin sensitive enough to not damage other organs when you're in an energy surplus. Switching between glucose and fatty acid substrate oxidation at appropriate times.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    @anubis609, what do you think is a better protein equation for me to go by, now that I'm not at a deficit and supposedly doing gaintenance (I swear I'm getting back to strength training soon!!), 1g per lb of lbm, or 1g per lb of actual weight? More? Less?

    Tightening up on spending due to impending vet bills, so no more ridiculous-sized protein shakes for me, but I want to know I'm not undercutting it. I had been doing 1g per lb of actual as minimum, and often going over that quite a bit (which I don't need to do, just my shakes are really good...)


    +100 for the milkshake rendition :D

    If not in a deficit, you can get away with 0.7-0.8g/lb/lbm if carbs are high enough as @VintageFeline mentioned. The underlying reason being that the hierarchy of substrate oxidation is always in place: alcohol > carbs > protein > fat (protein/amino acids actually always get broken down before carbs, but a sufficient intake of protein prevents catabolism or at least slows it down), so following that rule, if there are enough carbs, it displaces the priority on oxidizing protein (and if absolutely high will shut off lipolysis), therefore not as much protein (contextually significant) needs to be taken in on a higher carb diet.

    Carbs are anabolic in the sense that they stimulate insulin to direct substrate into muscle as opposed to shuttling them into fat, so long as there's sufficient stimulus to the muscles. Carbs also provide fuel for long duration or high intensity workouts.

    Protein is also insulinogenic, but it's about half the response of carbs, so for anabolism it *can* work, but if you can stimulate insulin without the need to bombard your digestion with a 6 oz steak, then carbs as an insulinogenic fuel source are much better.

    But that's also why cyclical and targeted ketogenic diets exist, to act as a way around the inherent problem of muscle building in standard keto. Even taking 10-15g of dextrose or glucose tabs prior to an intense lifting session is more than enough to trigger an insulin response while being low carb. As an advantage of keto, the body becomes insulin sensitive so even that little spike in glucose will trigger a faster insulin response compared to a mildly insulin resistant individual.

    And just because I have the urge need to be complete, insulin resistance in this case is referring to elevated basal fasting insulin where fat cells become insulin resistant, leaving fatty acids and glucose to be stored in other tissues that weren't meant to store them long term. The advantage to being insulin resistant is that you absolutely can lose fat faster since they won't take in anymore substrate; conversely, being super insulin sensitive means you can easily store more fat. So there's a bit of a balance that should be taking place.

    Being metabolically flexible allows the body to be in an insulin resistant state (during exercise) to increase lipolysis and fuel muscle, where in other times of the day, you're insulin sensitive enough to not damage other organs when you're in an energy surplus. Switching between glucose and fatty acid substrate oxidation at appropriate times.

    Okay, I'm all good then. Will just leave it at its current setting but not stress if it's under.

    Milkshake rendition is from Riverdale, which if you haven't watched, you should. Awesome teen drama, with the added bonus of former teen idols of screens big and small in parental roles (that doesn't make me feel old, not one bit!).
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    2050 is absolutely a deficit. RMR shouldn't be considered maintenance. This is the minimal activity done when binge watching Netflix and getting up to go to the bathroom (I know @heybales has a better definition of it and can explain it much better). At 209 lbs, using the rough estimate multiplier for maintenance, yours would be between 2900-3100kcal (rounded to the nearest hundred), so let's call it 3000kcal per day, or 21,000kcal per week. Dropping it down to 2000kcal/day (14,000/wk) is a 33% deficit and would be considered aggressive.

    Your body adapts to lower intake because that's what it does, and even if you maintained at 2000kcal, that's more likely your body creating an uptick in adaptation to regulate itself with that amount of incoming energy, but hormonal adaptation to create a homeostatic environment isn't the same as maintaining an energy balance that actually addresses hormonal and physiological response.

    Though, since this coming dieting period is only going to be about 6 weeks long, it's relatively short and probably sustainable at that deficit, but again, you don't need to flatline at a pure 2000kcal/day everyday.. you can undulate some days at or close to maintenance just to pulse and give hormone signaling a break every so often. You want an average deficit, so if 21,000kcal keeps you around 209 lbs, anything less throughout the week is going to be considered a deficit.

    As for protein, again, just to make it easy, the rough estimate is ~1g/lb of goal weight. If 180 is that goal weight, get about 180g of protein. I'm aware protein is also a self limiting macro since it promotes satiety and reduces hunger, so if you need to supplement, then go for it. If you were going by lbm, then getting 1g/lb/lbm puts you around 152g pro, given your last bf measurement of 27%.

    At 2000kcal, protein contributes anywhere between 600-720kcal. You fill up the rest with whatever combination of carbs and fat gets you to 2000kcal.

    Doing the math - 11 x 209 is 2299 - and that is still the high end of a deficit. I don't think I would feel restricted in the least at 2300 calories. Seems really high and that I would be gaining weight at that level. One thing to do - try it and see what happens. My calorie levels fluctuate some from day to day, so increasing to maintenance some days will fit right in with a little planning. Maintenance at 14 is 2926. I will try to stay between those targets for 6 weeks and see what happens.

    (Side note: Saw my doctor last week. Blood pressure is down and I was asking him about stopping the drug I have been taking. We also discussed my weight loss and he asked about my calorie intake. I told him what I was doing and he said "You should be able to eat 2000 calories per day and lose weight." Mentally, I scoffed at that, but that falls in line with your recommended levels.)

    Thank you.

    209x11 is the lower end of activity to create the deficit with 209x13 being on the higher end of an active deficit. I should also mention again, being in a low carb/glycogen depleted state is going to fall on the lower end of the spectrum for scale weight (and to a degree body fat percentage) maintenance, so depending on your carb intake, you may very well have a lower maintenance range. As an example, since I'm anywhere between very low and moderate carb, my maintenance multiplier is x14 as opposed to the usual x15 that most active males who take in more carbs get to use.

    But your doctor would be correct in his assertion that eating 2000kcal/day would result in weight loss. As a hat tip to @heybales comment, anything less than maintenance in a long average is definitively a deficit, and it's not going to be a static number given daily weight fluctuations/energy exertion/life in general.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    @anubis609, what do you think is a better protein equation for me to go by, now that I'm not at a deficit and supposedly doing gaintenance (I swear I'm getting back to strength training soon!!), 1g per lb of lbm, or 1g per lb of actual weight? More? Less?

    Tightening up on spending due to impending vet bills, so no more ridiculous-sized protein shakes for me, but I want to know I'm not undercutting it. I had been doing 1g per lb of actual as minimum, and often going over that quite a bit (which I don't need to do, just my shakes are really good...)


    +100 for the milkshake rendition :D

    If not in a deficit, you can get away with 0.7-0.8g/lb/lbm if carbs are high enough as @VintageFeline mentioned. The underlying reason being that the hierarchy of substrate oxidation is always in place: alcohol > carbs > protein > fat (protein/amino acids actually always get broken down before carbs, but a sufficient intake of protein prevents catabolism or at least slows it down), so following that rule, if there are enough carbs, it displaces the priority on oxidizing protein (and if absolutely high will shut off lipolysis), therefore not as much protein (contextually significant) needs to be taken in on a higher carb diet.

    Carbs are anabolic in the sense that they stimulate insulin to direct substrate into muscle as opposed to shuttling them into fat, so long as there's sufficient stimulus to the muscles. Carbs also provide fuel for long duration or high intensity workouts.

    Protein is also insulinogenic, but it's about half the response of carbs, so for anabolism it *can* work, but if you can stimulate insulin without the need to bombard your digestion with a 6 oz steak, then carbs as an insulinogenic fuel source are much better.

    But that's also why cyclical and targeted ketogenic diets exist, to act as a way around the inherent problem of muscle building in standard keto. Even taking 10-15g of dextrose or glucose tabs prior to an intense lifting session is more than enough to trigger an insulin response while being low carb. As an advantage of keto, the body becomes insulin sensitive so even that little spike in glucose will trigger a faster insulin response compared to a mildly insulin resistant individual.

    And just because I have the urge need to be complete, insulin resistance in this case is referring to elevated basal fasting insulin where fat cells become insulin resistant, leaving fatty acids and glucose to be stored in other tissues that weren't meant to store them long term. The advantage to being insulin resistant is that you absolutely can lose fat faster since they won't take in anymore substrate; conversely, being super insulin sensitive means you can easily store more fat. So there's a bit of a balance that should be taking place.

    Being metabolically flexible allows the body to be in an insulin resistant state (during exercise) to increase lipolysis and fuel muscle, where in other times of the day, you're insulin sensitive enough to not damage other organs when you're in an energy surplus. Switching between glucose and fatty acid substrate oxidation at appropriate times.

    Okay, I'm all good then. Will just leave it at its current setting but not stress if it's under.

    Milkshake rendition is from Riverdale, which if you haven't watched, you should. Awesome teen drama, with the added bonus of former teen idols of screens big and small in parental roles (that doesn't make me feel old, not one bit!).

    Will file under "guilty pleasure" shows to watch then! Lol.

    Orphia wrote: »
    Been meaning to somehow say (just in case any of you guys who are my friends on Fitbit might have wondered), I stopped using Fitbit a year ago.

    Yet somehow it gets SOME of my steps from somewhere (it sends me useless weekly email reports). I average around 18,000 steps a day.

    I no longer have the Fitbit app on my phone. I don't even own a Fitbit anymore. I've disconnected Fitbit from MFP, Strava, and Apple Health.

    I have no idea where else it's getting some of my steps from. It's got me in its claws!

    @Orphia is it possible that you still carry your phone around with you while you walk around and do stuff? Before I start speaking like I know wtf I'm talking about, my thought is that even deleting the app from your phone and disconnecting the pairing of Fitbit from Apple Health, there might be some stored cached data being sent. I guess you could completely try to wipe yourself from Fitbit's database by deleting your actual Fitbit account from their site. Or another thought is if you paired your fitbit account with your FB account, there might be some backdoor logging?

    Whether it's actually possible or not, it sounds like it could be a thing in my head. You know, just to feed the conspiracy theory that big brother is always watching and you're never truly alone. :tongue:
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    So my new low of 123.5 popped back up to 125.0 today lol. Still happy because I went off the rails a little more than intended but it seems my activity and eating kind of evened out over the month. And 125 is still on the low side of my normal range.

    @Psychgrrl Cable tv is my enabler too! I know people who complain that they have 200 channels and there's never anything on and I'm like, how picky are you? I could do nothing but watch for days, I'm so lazy. But I could do just as much damage with Netflix, so it's my Fitbit that saves me. It buzzes if I don't get 250 steps by 10 to the hour, thank goodness.

    It has been ridiculously cold here and I haven't been able to chase the chill out of my bones for weeks. I wonder if that increased my metabolism a little and helped nudge the scale number :blush:

    @kimny72 I'm partial to crime dramas and things that are free. So when "Blue Bloods" came on Amazon Prime, I jumped on it. Still missing the most recent season, but I don't care about watching current stuff that much. The only currently airing shows I watch are "The Walking Dead," "The Goldbergs," "Modern Family," and "Major Crimes." Catching up on "Bones" but by bit (just started Season 5) and "Covert Affairs (just started season 4)--both have been off the air for a few years. ***shrug***

    My fitness tracker nudges me similarly. Even if I've been standing at my desk. My staff thinks it's amusing when I make us all get up and walk around the conference room table until the "person" turns from red to happy green again. :smiley:

    I am completely blessed to live in Southern California. This is my reward for 40 years of weather purgatory (Michigan, upstate NY, Colorado, Oklahoma). So, I have no excuse not to get outside. Even in "winter." Even when it's raining, it's fine. I went to leave the gym once and when I got to the doors everyone was crowded around. I thought there'd been a car accident or something outside. Nope. It was raining. Just ... raining. I started to go outside an was asked, "OMG--you're not actually going outside in this are you?" Hmmm ... Let me see ... No thunder, no lightening, no golf ball or larger-size hail, no tornadoes. Yep--I'm good to go! And out I went. I haven't worn my winter coat since I moved here. I keep it just in case I want to go to the snow. (HA! As if ...)

    I remember the times of sleeping with heating pads, two kitties and so many blankets it's a wonder I/we didn't suffocate. And bundling up like the Michelin man just get to the ten feet from my door to my car, so fluffy from the layers I could barely fit behind the wheel at my regular setting (I'm short--moving the seat back any further means I can't reach the peddles--let's just say I was kinda serving as my own airbag.). And let's not forget plugging in the car engine so it doesn't freeze overnight. Good times. (NOT!)
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Yay for Hamilton!

    Boo for cold. I'm with you, kimny. I cannot get warm to save my life. I am drinking so much tea and getting ridiculous step counts because I am desperately trying to keep warm. And it will be even colder this weekend. I can't bear to think about it. I know I'm in a warm house, but it still seeps in.

    I moved from NY to VA last year, so of course we are having one of the coldest winters anyone can remember down here. Single digits every night. I actually ran out and bought some herbal tea because I usually drink regular tea and I think all the caffeine was starting to get to me. Just trying to keep my electric bill from bankrupting me at this point. At least I'm not in the blizzard. My hometown is in the process of getting a foot of snow with 40mph winds, grateful I'm missing that.

    At least you're using electric and not oil for heat. My friends in CT and NH are going bankrupt.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Warm hugs to all my freezing friends and a cool fan for Nony! :heart:
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    So my new low of 123.5 popped back up to 125.0 today lol. Still happy because I went off the rails a little more than intended but it seems my activity and eating kind of evened out over the month. And 125 is still on the low side of my normal range.

    @Psychgrrl Cable tv is my enabler too! I know people who complain that they have 200 channels and there's never anything on and I'm like, how picky are you? I could do nothing but watch for days, I'm so lazy. But I could do just as much damage with Netflix, so it's my Fitbit that saves me. It buzzes if I don't get 250 steps by 10 to the hour, thank goodness.

    It has been ridiculously cold here and I haven't been able to chase the chill out of my bones for weeks. I wonder if that increased my metabolism a little and helped nudge the scale number :blush:

    @kimny72 I'm partial to crime dramas and things that are free. So when "Blue Bloods" came on Amazon Prime, I jumped on it. Still missing the most recent season, but I don't care about watching current stuff that much. The only currently airing shows I watch are "The Walking Dead," "The Goldbergs," "Modern Family," and "Major Crimes." Catching up on "Bones" but by bit (just started Season 5) and "Covert Affairs (just started season 4)--both have been off the air for a few years. ***shrug***

    My fitness tracker nudges me similarly. Even if I've been standing at my desk. My staff thinks it's amusing when I make us all get up and walk around the conference room table until the "person" turns from red to happy green again. :smiley:

    I am completely blessed to live in Southern California. This is my reward for 40 years of weather purgatory (Michigan, upstate NY, Colorado, Oklahoma). So, I have no excuse not to get outside. Even in "winter." Even when it's raining, it's fine. I went to leave the gym once and when I got to the doors everyone was crowded around. I thought there'd been a car accident or something outside. Nope. It was raining. Just ... raining. I started to go outside an was asked, "OMG--you're not actually going outside in this are you?" Hmmm ... Let me see ... No thunder, no lightening, no golf ball or larger-size hail, no tornadoes. Yep--I'm good to go! And out I went. I haven't worn my winter coat since I moved here. I keep it just in case I want to go to the snow. (HA! As if ...)

    I remember the times of sleeping with heating pads, two kitties and so many blankets it's a wonder I/we didn't suffocate. And bundling up like the Michelin man just get to the ten feet from my door to my car, so fluffy from the layers I could barely fit behind the wheel at my regular setting (I'm short--moving the seat back any further means I can't reach the peddles--let's just say I was kinda serving as my own airbag.). And let's not forget plugging in the car engine so it doesn't freeze overnight. Good times. (NOT!)

    The bolded is awesome :lol: Meetings that go on long enough my wrist buzzes are the worst!

    I watched Covert Affairs, enjoyed that one too. Bones was great in the beginning but I drifted away after awhile, I don't remember which season though.

    And this morning I was 127. So 123.5 - 125.0 - 127.0 in 3 days. My body is like those blow up lawn decorations!
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    @anubis609, thanks for the summary and for forwarding that post from aadam.

    I am glad to tell you folks that my weight on the scale today is the same as it was Dec. 6 which makes me feel great! I enjoyed my holiday thoroughly, without feeling deprived in the slightest (actually felt "apprived" lol) I need to wait for medical clearance to get back to the gym (I get to wear a holter monitor for a couple of days next week) and in the meantime I am managing to maintain the dog's 5-walks-a-day with us both being bundled up. Might be a bit shorter route, might be creeping rather than striding, but we're out there! Back on the deficit wagon today - aiming for 2# a month loss. I'll be using what I learned during my re-feed experiment. Thanks to all of you all for the thread and for the stories and for being you.