60 Minutes per Month Plank Challenge - November 2017



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,964 Member
    @Spliner1969 Thanks! Because of my back and neck I’m going to hold off on side planks but will do what I can in hopes that the other muscles will strengthen and I’ll be able to add sides in the future.
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    alipsie19 wrote: »
    11/1- none
    11/2- 26 sec

    Good to see you back!
    Thanks! It's been rough year :)
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    11/1- none
    11/2- 26 sec
    11/3- none
    11/4- 31 sec
  • MimPic
    MimPic Posts: 47 Member
    November 1, 1x3 min mixed planks
    November 2, 1x3 min mixed planks
    November 3, 1x3:30 min mixed planks
    11/04, 1x3:30 min mixed planks

    Total for November, 13 minutes, 47 to go!
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    alipsie19 wrote: »
    Thanks! It's been rough year :)

    Of all people you got this, even if it’s 10 seconds at a time. Stay strong man.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    November 1, None, Unplanned Rest Day
    November 2, 2x4 min mixed planks, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)
    November 3, 2x4 min mixed planks, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)
    November 4, None today.. nunya I tell ya.. nunya.
    November 5, 1x5 min mixed plank, 1x3 min mixed plank, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)

    Total for November, 30 minutes, 150 to go!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    edited November 2017
    OMG, @alipsie19 is in the house! :smiley: ...now I really need to get back on track...as I've been a total slug...

    2 Nov: 0 minutes - Sick (after paddleboarding)
    3 Nov: 0 minutes - Sick / crazy hours of work
    4 Nov: 0 minutes - Blargh/Still sick (but yea, I did manage to get a paddle in, but only because I had to bring the boards for a group that I co-lead)
    5 Nov: 0 minutes - Busy @ Church / Excuses continue...as you know how much I will back burner planks...

    Total: 2:30 minutes out of 60 minutes
    Left to Goal: 57:30 minutes

    @quiltingjaine - Ha! My cats do the same thing, when they aren't staring at me like I'm crazy. It's sweet how they try to motivate us! Waiting for one of them to climb on my back one of these days...just what I'd need...extra weight...lol.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,964 Member
    11/1 1:20 58:40 to go
    11/2 2:12+1:10 55:18 to go (4:42)
    11/3 0 Spent most of the day running errands and I’m lazy. 55:18 to go.
    1/4 0 cleaning and cooking until company arrived. Fell asleep at 8PM!
    1/5 1:20 my arm went numb (53:58)
    1/6 2:00 so far today
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    November 1, None, Unplanned Rest Day
    November 2, 2x4 min mixed planks, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)
    November 3, 2x4 min mixed planks, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)
    November 4, None today.. nunya I tell ya.. nunya.
    November 5, 1x5 min mixed plank, 1x3 min mixed plank, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)
    November 6, Planned Rest Day

    Total for November, 30 minutes, 150 to go!
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Hmm looking at my 'calender-o-doom' on wall in my office, gonna have to pick up at least 10 minutes somewhere and not slack except for my two planned days during the week if I want to make my goal lol.
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    11/1- none
    11/2- 26 sec
    11/3- none
    11/4- 31 sec
    11/5- none
    11/6- 35 sec
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Minutes      MTD   Notes
    -------   -------    ------- ------------------------
    Nov   2     5.0        5.0   1X90, 3x60, 1x30 seconds
    Nov   6     6.0       11.0   3X90, 1x60, 1x30 seconds
  • MimPic
    MimPic Posts: 47 Member
    November 1, 1x3 min mixed planks
    November 2, 1x3 min mixed planks
    November 3, 1x3:30 min mixed planks
    11/04, 1x3:30 min mixed planks
    11/05 rest day
    11/06, 1x 3 min mixed planks

    Total for November, 16 minutes, 44 to go!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    11/1 - 5 minutes mixed planks
    11/2 - 5 minutes mixed planks
    11/7 - 5 minutes mixed planks

    Total For Month - 15
    Left to Goal - 45
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    11/1- none
    11/2- 26 sec
    11/3- none
    11/4- 31 sec
    11/5- none
    11/6- 35 sec
    11/7- 35 sec
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    November 1, None, Unplanned Rest Day
    November 2, 2x4 min mixed planks, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)
    November 3, 2x4 min mixed planks, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)
    November 4, None today.. nunya I tell ya.. nunya.
    November 5, 1x5 min mixed plank, 1x3 min mixed plank, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)
    November 6, Planned Rest Day
    November 7, 2x4 min mixed planks, 1x2 min mixed plank (10 min)

    Total for November, 40 minutes, 140 to go!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,964 Member
    11/1 1:20 58:40 to go
    11/2 2:12+1:10 55:18 to go (4:42)
    11/3 0 Spent most of the day running errands and I’m lazy. 55:18 to go.
    11/4 0 cleaning and cooking until company arrived. Fell asleep at 8PM!
    11/5 1:20 my arm went numb I tried later but by arm felt like it had a Charlie horse. (53:58)
    11/6 2:00 (51:58)
    11/7 I am having a horrible time today with muscle cramps in my right lower leg. I’ll keep trying.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
  • MimPic
    MimPic Posts: 47 Member
    November 1, 1x3 min mixed planks
    November 2, 1x3 min mixed planks
    November 3, 1x3:30 min mixed planks
    11/04, 1x3:30 min mixed planks
    11/05 rest day
    11/06, 1x 3 min mixed planks
    11/06, 3x0:20 planks on small sand filled balls for extra stability work ( part of my Tabata workout during my lunch break)

    Total for November, 17 minutes, 43 to go!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    11/1 - 5 minutes mixed planks
    11/2 - 5 minutes mixed planks
    11/7 - 5 minutes mixed planks
    11/8 - 5 minutes mixed planks

    Total For Month - 20
    Left to Goal - 40