What annoying comments did you get from your weight loss?



  • leelafit_mtl
    leelafit_mtl Posts: 132 Member
    Why are you doing this again? You know you're gonna just gain it all back

    OMG!!! MUST BE SO ANNOYING and even insulting!
  • leelafit_mtl
    leelafit_mtl Posts: 132 Member
    My boss, who's a beautiful, tall, grey hair and skinny woman in the 50s, told me "you eat too much, you should reevaluate your calorie needs. People these days just overeat with no reason."

    She didn't even know I was watching my weight!

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    "...you've lost how much? Wow, I don't think anyone can tell but keep it up, you'll look better soon!" :/

    How rude!
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    From my younger sister who used to be smaller than me "Great now I can be the ugly fat sister again, just like old times"
    "No pictures! I look fat next to you"

    No one will take pictures with me anymore, especially in bathing suits and I worked really hard to look like this and I wish I had pictures of the fun summer I've been having with my friends.

    That's soo funny! After I lost my baby weight (which I suspect she had secretly been enjoying), my little sister looked at me and said "Now I'M the fat one!" .. Not being the type to take the high road, I said, "you always were". Haha sisters :heart:
  • MissJacquelineN
    MissJacquelineN Posts: 175 Member
    "...you've lost how much? Wow, I don't think anyone can tell but keep it up, you'll look better soon!" :/

    Really, somebody said that lol?

    Yep, and trying to be the better person I just sighed and walked away.
  • itsfatum
    itsfatum Posts: 113 Member
    Holy... and here I thought my "you are too skinny!" was bad. My goodness, some people are just crazy out of their minds.
  • pettychia
    pettychia Posts: 109 Member
    "Eat a sandwich." HATE that one.

    Also: "You don't need to worry about what you eat -- you're skinny!" Uh, I'm thin exactly because I worry about what I eat.
  • missionskinnynow
    missionskinnynow Posts: 88 Member
    "OMG, are you starving"
    "Are you only eating salads?" I actually enjoy ordering salads when dining out - and all of them are at least 700-1000 cals ! lol
    "You look sick"
    "Ok thats enoguh, no more"
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    I actually just hate "oh my gosh, you look so good" and "how did you do it" and "are you feeling better now?"

    My responses (in my head) "are you saying I use to look bad?" and "exercise and good food, are you accusing me of starving myself or taking a pill?" and "I didn't ever feel bad"
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    I havent gotten much, as i have lost close to 25 but it isnt noticable unless i pull out older pictures lol.
    just yesterday i got:
    (note this is happening while im sitting down and look fatter)
    *stares at my stomach*
    i can see your stomach going down.
    *pokes my stomach*
    O.o ...thanks? lol
    and then theres my mom
    Me: i've lost about 25 pounds now
    Mom: *quietly sits there refusing to look at me* ... thats good.
    -_- best way to tell me you cant see it and im still fat lol.
  • Just_Kim_
    Just_Kim_ Posts: 38 Member
    After I had lost all my excess weight once before, my mother said, "You better enjoy those jeans while you can. They won't fit for long."

    She constantly says things like this. I have my guard up this time around.
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    "are you sick? - why are you trying to lose so much weight?"

    "You can stop, you are going to vanish into nothing"

    are currently my favorites...

    In their defense, I have lost 170 lbs though so it is a BIG adjustment from always being the biggest in my circle of family/friends to being well average sized now...
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    years ago i went to join the Y and the receptionist who was also quite over weight made a comment that i was big boned like her and would never reach my goal weight that i made the mistake of telling her. needless to say i did not get a membership and i am not big boned. i actually have a sm/med frame but i pack on fat as i like to over eat.
  • yumbinkbugonrox
    yumbinkbugonrox Posts: 61 Member
    I just started hearing this. According to MFP, I'm down about 61lbs, but I am really down closer to 68lbs from when I started in January 2013. One of my coworkers was like "You don't need to lose anymore! You'll waste away!" I'm still about 25-40ish lbs away from my goal weight (I started at 262 and am now hovering between 194-196). My body fat% is still at obese (but on the positive side, I'm about 2% away from being "appropriate"). I'm like, "What are you talking about?" I've also lately been getting a lot of questions about what I'm doing, and I feel like no one believes me that I am just counting calories, planning meals, and exercising. I'm also getting a lot of very personal questions, asking me specifically how much I've lost.
  • kelseylynne1320
    "You look sick"
    "Are you anorexic"
    "They have support groups for problems like that."

  • yumbinkbugonrox
    yumbinkbugonrox Posts: 61 Member
    And then other people get like REALLY defensive and argumentative about what I'm doing. It's like, "Wooooah, there, cowboy, what just happened here?"
  • Lola7791
    Lola7791 Posts: 85 Member
    My sister in law asked what was wrong with my face. My smile lines!!
  • legallysteph
    legallysteph Posts: 22 Member
    I'm not sure why it annoys me so much, because I used to ask this question myself, but "How did you lose the weight?" really annoys me...esp when people are surprised/disinterested when you tell them simple diet and exercise: eat less, move more. People are usually disappointed when they realize that there isn't any magic pill or "secret" to losing weight. lol
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I have a few people who constantly tell me I've lost too much weight and I'm too skinny. But I'm 5'4", weigh 134lbs and wear a size 4. I'm healthy and lean, not skinny.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    Why are you doing this again? You know you're gonna just gain it all back

    ^^ This. And from my husband: "If you lose anymore weight there will be nothing left of your boobs and butt." (Thanks Hun)