What annoying comments did you get from your weight loss?



  • mlutiker
    mlutiker Posts: 4
    I haven't had anyone notice any weight loss yet... BUT, the two phrases I hear way too often from my husband are, "I'm going to get ice cream, what would you like?" or... "don't worry honey, I picked up dinner" (usually fried chicken or some other ridiculously unhealthy fast food.) I know he's trying to be nice but sabotage is sabotage any way you slice it.
  • mlutiker
    mlutiker Posts: 4
    My family tries to sabotage me; I've never seen so many cookies, cake or candy brought into the house before. They sabotaged my efforts to quit smoking until I was put into a medical coma and never smoked again. My (obese} in-laws have disowned me and villainize me. I take it in stride knowing being fit and healthy is the best comeuppance.
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    My husband: "well, don't go buying a whole new wardrobe every time you go down a size"

    Fast forward to a couple years later, gained 20lbs and needed to invest in a professional wardrobe for business school. I couldn't fit into what size I thought I was. I came out of the dressing room, and told him "come on" and made a beeline for my car where I broke down in wracking sobs. I then said "well, it looks like I won't be buying a whole new wardrobe every time I go down a size" He had no idea he even said that. He marched me back into the store and said "buy what size you are now, and when you go down a size, buy clothes in that size, and the next, and the next. Don't listen to me, I am an idiot."
  • Tffanie4712
    Tffanie4712 Posts: 115
    Are you on drugs?
    Don't lose anymore weight!!
    Everyone isn't meant to be skinny......
    Are you eating?
    Do you exercise all day long?
  • bobbinalong
    bobbinalong Posts: 151 Member
    I have lost 45 lbs, changed 3 pant sizes and co-workers have said nothing, nada, zilch. I don't mention it as it's not worth wasting breath over, lol!
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    "Is this even for real?"

    "Yikes, another anorexia thread. Get help for your eating disorder." <- I was asking if my scale could possible be accurate and I got this.

    "People judge. It's how the real world works, but I guess you're not supposed to do it on the internet.

    Okay, after some deductive reasoning, I've decided to make an inference based on your statements, profile information, and FL. You should really get some help. Sound better?"

    And many other messages that were very hateful, I actually cried. People judge me, even in topics that are completely unrelated.
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    Why are you doing this again? You know you're gonna just gain it all back

    for some reason this one seems extra mean to me... sorry you have to put up with this.

    And that was from a family member
  • SammiFromMiami18
    My mom: " You don't need to lose weight! Where are you fat!?"

    Damn, I know I am fat and I'm going to work my butt off to get my dream body. I wish she would be more supportive than telling me I don't need to lose weight. When I KNOW I do.
  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    Awwwwwwwwww..........he's a keeper!!
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Don't overdo it, you don't want to have a heart attack! (Comment about not "eating enough", it had nothing to do with exercise)
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    In general people are afraid of change. When you start changing they are afraid that they will have to change too, so of course they will try to sabotage you to keep you like them...Bird of a feather...

    Keep strong, be the leader...they will follow, just like a flock of geese :)
  • ashamedbe
    ashamedbe Posts: 11
    I hear way too often from my husband "I'm going to get ice cream, what would you like?"

    You can always answer "Well defined Abs, thank you darling!"
  • zeastronomer
    Reading these comments just reminds me how important it is to tune everyone else's caustic "opinions" out, no matter what you're doing.

    And that it is a wonder our civilization has ever advanced to the Space Age with all the people out there who like to rip down those who DO things.

    You are all awesome, don't forget that!
  • lauly101
    lauly101 Posts: 63 Member
    A guy at work (who previously told me Insanity was 'too hard for someone like you') told me yesterday 'you're looking fab!' (good part) 'if you don't mind me asking, how much have you lost?' (me '1 stone') 'Oh God. You don't need to loose any more, youre looking so thin' (so fab or too thin?). I said 'Well I'm still a size 14 (which I AM!) and I want to lose a little more' and he walked away blushing. If we're going to talk about my weight loss I am goign to tell you I have 42 inch hips. Thing is, I think, different people look at different parts of each others bodies. I have a nice tum and upper bod now but my hips and bum - as always- are bigger than I'd like. If you're a person who has probs with your upper body you'll look at that persons upper body more (as it's what YOU focus on) and if you see that they're thin upper body you'll think 'hell theyre thin' but the person with the thin upper body and the thicker lower body will naturally focus on their butt and not their lovely upper body coz its their normal and think 'no way my *kitten* is huge'. I ALWAYS look at girls legs and think 'I want that' or compliament my friends on their legs and *kitten* but other people compliament me on my tum. If that makes sense?
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Why are you doing this again? You know you're gonna just gain it all back

    This one more than once. Till I am sick of it.
  • bohlmanwe
    bohlmanwe Posts: 14 Member
    From my younger sister who used to be smaller than me "Great now I can be the ugly fat sister again, just like old times"
    "No pictures! I look fat next to you"

    No one will take pictures with me anymore, especially in bathing suits and I worked really hard to look like this and I wish I had pictures of the fun summer I've been having with my friends.

    Sounds like you have some jealous friends. Good job!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I just started hearing this. According to MFP, I'm down about 61lbs, but I am really down closer to 68lbs from when I started in January 2013. One of my coworkers was like "You don't need to lose anymore! You'll waste away!" I'm still about 25-40ish lbs away from my goal weight (I started at 262 and am now hovering between 194-196). My body fat% is still at obese (but on the positive side, I'm about 2% away from being "appropriate"). I'm like, "What are you talking about?" I've also lately been getting a lot of questions about what I'm doing, and I feel like no one believes me that I am just counting calories, planning meals, and exercising. I'm also getting a lot of very personal questions, asking me specifically how much I've lost.

    I totally understand how that feels. I have had several people assume that I am lying about how I've lost the weight and think that pills or starving is involved. I share your SW (actually I was up to 307 at one point, but 262 at the time I started MFP last March) and we're at about the same CW as well. I honestly LIKE it though when people ask specifically how much I've lost.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    one old friend's wife has stopped talking to me completely, I suspect because she's got fat & resents me going the other way
  • elainek79
    elainek79 Posts: 499 Member
    my older sister told me only last week that i shouldnt lose anymore weight....and she added the comment

    "your eyes look too big for your head"

    i said seriously what can i do about that!!!!
  • N3rdyBird_
    N3rdyBird_ Posts: 98 Member
    I get, "Don't lose anymore weight."
    "Are you starving yourself?"
    "No more."
    "You look so skinny."

    I'm not even skinny. I'm still a bit chubby. I still have a tummy and flabby thighs. What they talking about? I'm 5'8" and 194lbs (gained 3 pounds). My weight keeps going up and down. I can still fit in my clothes, but I gain some weight? I was so close to 189lbs. Damn it! I just wanna be healthy, not skinny. My goal is 160-155lbs, but I feel like I'm never gonna get there. I feel like giving up, but I'm not going to.

    I walk a lot, cardio, Tae Bo, Zumba, eat healthy and drink water. :explode:

    Basically the same things on top of
    "Are you feeling okay?"
    "Did you stop eating?"
    "Did you get really sick or something?"

    It is so annoying that people can't just accept the fact that I lost weight through healthy diet and exercise... :mad:
    But to all those people who still believe I did something other that those to two things, ya better believe it, because it's the truth! :tongue: