

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) A busy day today:
    *18,000 steps
    *70 minutes walking the dogs
    *80 minutes walking alone when the dogs got too cold
    *143 minutes riding the exercise bike
    *Costco to buy dog food
    *Wal Mart to buy cat food
    *thrift shop to drop off unneeded items
    *library to get enough books to last til after the holiday closure
    *grocery store to get food for us
    *90 minute nap
    *laundry and house work
    *early to bed

    t9512.gif I read books in bed at bedtime and in the middle of the night if I wake up and can't get back to sleep....also in the bathroom. I listen to audio books while I walk the dogs (usually 2-3 hours a day). I get books from the library or through paperback swap so I can send them on to others when I am finished. I have very few books on my shelf.

    t79010.gif Best wishes to all of you who are celebrating in the next days.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Loving all the pictures and holiday stories! Wishing y'all a wonderful holiday! Stay safe and healthy!
    Holiday Hugs to all!

    in College Station enjoying a few days with our son in residence
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Katla - So glad your dog is improving. <3 That is my brother, not DH. After I came home I had to put my outfit in the washing machine so he can wear it on Christmas Day for the grandchildren.
    My writing excerpt was just in a post. Not too far back. I am very relieved to have finished the main typing and I can now have a break before the close editing starts. I have had an idea for a cover, but still haven't decided about photos. My brother said he was ok about me using one or two of him as a small child. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    M - I honestly don't even know the consistency of coconut milk. But I'm thinking that light coconut milk is probably thin somewhat. Maybe condensed milk? That doesn't have much if any flavor. Maybe cream since that, too, doesn't have much of a flavor. Does the coconut milk give it much flavor? I don't even know what flavor I could use that would mimic it. My daughter is so allergic that she has a reaction even if it's just in the air, which can be scary.

    Michele in NC

    The light coconut milk has a consistency that is possibly slightly thicker than cow milk and it does have a distinct coconut flavour. In some Indian and Thai dishes you notice the coconut even when they set the dish in front of you ... you can smell it from a distance. But in Saag or Palak Paneer, it isn't as noticeable. If I didn't know the recipe, I wouldn't have guessed there was coconut milk in it.

    I had a look at a few other recipes, and they suggest a person could use cream, like what you'd use for whipping. That might be an option for you.
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Michele: My experience with cocoanut milk is ancient, but I found it is rather thin. I know it is full of healthy nutrition. I wasn't a fan of it back then because I was young and it was "different." I'm still not very adventurous with foods. :embarassed:

    It's not something I would just drink. :tongue:

    But it is good mixed into food ... unless you happen to be allergic to it, of course.

    This is another recipe I've done with light coconut milk, but it does suggest a substitute if you don't have or don't want coconut milk:

    These are ones I haven't done yet, but may do in the next week or two:

    Katla49 wrote: »
    It has been a jam-packed few days for us, and very stressful for a while. We have been truly blessed. We have a new grandson, who is a miracle for our son and daughter-in-law. That is truly a wonder and joy. And we're seeing good progress in our dog's health situation. He is better now than I imagined possible and seems to be improving hour by hour.

    Very glad to hear of the improvements! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    I've arranged to phone my friend later this afternoon. I texted her first to make sure she was up to it and wasn't super busy. I am thinking about her most of the time and didn't sleep well. You know when you have a friend that "gets" you? Well that's her. My Portsmouth friend is the same. I consider myself so lucky to have had good friends in my life.
    For those that don't remember I'm reposting a photo of the party she held this year to thank the women who had sat with her through her chemo. In fact, her very best friend isn't there, as she couldn't come. Her hair is just coming back after chemo. She gave us each a beautiful cup and saucer in a "Rose" pattern as that is her middle name.
    Also in my kitchen is an origami bird mobile she made for me. The middle bird is different and the message says. " Heather, you are one of a kind. " etc.

    She is the one in the centre front.

    Got to wrap DH's Santa presents today, tidy up a bit and pack and get sorted for our trip to Hove tomorrow. We have huge presents to get in the car! Setting off a 9 am. My son rang yesterday to urge us to come earlier, but we like our Christmas morning Santa session. :* He is going to cook the turkey on his "Egg" barbecue so that the oven is free for sides. DDIL is still not eating much after her operation. We will stay as long as we are needed on Boxing Day, but have to get back for guests.

    Weird thing - I had been complaining to the tech support for the online grocery delivery about their useless website. I got an email back to say they had reclaimed my delivery slot for the 27th and put some milk in it to hold it for me for two hours if I still wanted it!!! So I used it. Felt a bit spooky........... :o;)

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    edited December 2017
    Merry Christmas Eve

    Today I walked to a church that is 1 km away. I do have a church that is closer, but if some of you recall, I just didn't feel particularly comfortable there. This one is halfway up a steep hill, so it was a bit of a hike, but it definitely felt better. It was a nice service.

    My husband had to work again this morning, but he got back early so we did a little bit of shopping ... mainly work stuff for him, but we did each get new mobile phone covers! :)

    Edit: My parents called via Messenger/Skype ... that was a highlight of the day, getting to see and talk to my parents. :) While we were talking my brother rang them and so greetings were passed between us all.

    Then we went for a 27 km bicycle ride. Gotta make some effort to compensate for everything I'm eating!!

    And speaking of eating ... then we went out for dinner. We've been eating out a lot this week but my husband, the family cook, is tired and it is, after all, Christmas. It was Thai on Friday night, Mexican last night, and American tonight.

    The rest of the evening was spent watching Midsomer Murders and then Melbourne's Carols by Candlelight. :)

    I could wish the weather was better. Drizzle and low teens isn't particularly nice. They're even hinting there could be snow at higher elevations. But at least we aren't getting the Canadian snowfalls!!

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    good morning ladies~
    slept well back in my own bed, and bless the gate that I got so I dont worry about Alfie getting into things he shouldnt...i was bushed last night and fell right asleep and Alfie did well too, he is such a little love bug. Best Christmas present I ever got myself...
    Lisa~ my aunt and uncle used to have a log house in the mountains in Waynesville ,it was beautiful.... was only down there once but it was stunning...
    just checking in having my tea, and then taking a shower and then off to feed my DFIL and back home have to stop at the store and Dunkin Donuts for gift cards for my DB and SIL
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    :heart: Margaret