

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve day, ladies! Thanks for the suggestions for the cold symptoms. I actually felt pretty good last night, but took a cold capsule, just in case. Didn't sleep worth a darn, so I'm kind of dragging it at work today.... Drinking hot water with lemon right now, had some of that yesterday too, maybe it helped. Good thing we are off early (2 p.m.) but I need to get some housecleaning done. Not too much, but there are a few things, like washing the kitchen floor and I really should fold some laundry! I also want to prep veggies for dinner and the stuffing, little things like that. Fortunately all my shopping is done. Would not want to have to venture into a mall or store today! It will be madness!
    Lisa, so glad that you are staying with your daughter for a year, what precious time with those grandkids! and such a relief for her, knowing that if (when?) she has to leave at least her kids will be in good hands.
    Heather, I love your santa shirt and your brothers costume is quite awesome!
    Talking of accents, my older son was in Virginia several years ago, he was fortunate enough to attend Little League umpire training in Williamsport. When the security officer was checking his passport, she said "I just knew y'all were from Canada, I could tell by your ax-cent". He was only 18, but had the good sense to just smile and not say, "My accent???? I don't have an accent!" Ah, fun times....
    Looking forward to the end of the work day today, it's so quiet! I work in a storage facility and most people who needed to get stuff out or put stuff in don't do it the day before Christmas!. And we don't need to be here for that anyway, it's all security gated etc and tenants can use their security code to get into the lot and building, but we are here in case someone wants to pay their rent or something like that. Yesterday we had a few people in, but today...... I think I just saw a tumbleweed blow by! lol
    Michele, I would love to see the placemats! I crochet too, I did a table cloth, took me about 20 years and just last year I realized it wasn't quite square as my tension had changed over the years. So, I took part of it apart and now am in the process of "fixing" it. It does seem to be working, so perhaps I'll actually use it at some point!
    Not quite sure what I was thinking when I did start making it, I was young, I'll have to just use that as the reason! lol
    Hope everyone has a great day! And anybody who is travelling, or thinking of travelling, please go with great care! Or stay home if the roads are yucky! Friends and family would rather see you when the weather is better than not at all.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Son messaged me that they have snow! Nice for them, because they are California transplants, so have never lived in a place with snow. But we have to drive there on Tuesday, so I hope its melted by then!

    Slept in this morning! Had cereal at 11am.... I'm such a slug! Packing up everything so we don't eat them out of house and home this week. Invading their apartment until Saturday early morning. We will be out and about Wednesday, then Thursday well stay at home and have turkey dinner. Friday hopefully go into the city to walk around, maybe just drive to OMSI then take the tram in to the city, so we don't have to worry about parking.

    Our car is so small! Food for a great meal, sons seabag, our bags, our BODIES, it a logistical nightmare!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Michelle, those are lovely! Yeah, it took me two years of waffling back and forth before finally deciding that I needed to redo part of the tablecloth. It's all done in small motifs that are crpcheted together as you go, so it wasn't too difficult to take the main offenders out and fix the rest. Just takes time. And I have a kit, well, my mom had a kit, have no idea now what it was for, pattern is long gone. I tried doing something with the yarn, ran out, found out that particular type of yarn was discontinued years ago. So I just carried on, found something the same weight, it was white so that was no big deal. There were 6 balls of yarn, I used 3 of them, used the other stuff in the middle and finished off with the last 3 balls of the original stuff. It looks pretty good actually!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    edited December 2017
    Machka9 wrote: »
    BTW - a bit of an amusing thing. The pastor at the church I went to on Christmas Eve guessed I was Irish based on my accent.

    When people guess where I'm from based on my accent, Irish is the top guess with Canadian coming in second.
    Evidently, Canadian mixed with Australia = Irish!! :grin:

    I've been told I have quite a strong lilt ... I can't hear it at all, but who knows.

    So, if you're reading my words here, imagine them with an Irish lilt ... and a bit of Canadian and Australian thrown in, and that's probably about right. :lol:

    Machka in Oz

    HAHA, I have people guessing my accent as well and apparently American crossed with Kiwi sounds Canadian. That is ALWAYS what people guess! all13z3hj4vd.gif

    Hey everybody, it's already Christmas morning here in NZ! Just heading out to feed all the hungry furr family before the human family arrives. Our latest refugee is a hedgehog with a sore leg that my husband found by the hedge yesterday. It will get an egg for Christmas breakfast. Merry Christmas and hope you all get a good book to read. (That's what I want!)
    <3 Wendy

    Merry Christmas Day!

    I had a coworker and friend who was born and grew up in China until his teens, lived in the UK and was educated at Oxford until sometime in his 20s, then lived in South Africa for a lot of years, and then had been living in Australia for about 10 or 15 years. I could not work out his accent, and it wasn't until he told me where he had lived that I finally got it. He had a bit of everything in there!

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka, that hair! Hubba hubba ;) Irish for the hair, but when I hear Canadian in my head it's more burr than brogue.

    Thanks! :)

    Apparently I've got a lilt ... so much so that one person guessed I was Swedish. And I must have something else in there too because another guess has been French.

    But I have spent several months in Europe and have been living almost 9 years in Australia so I might have picked up bits and pieces here and there.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    It’s snowing
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy anniversary with us, Lanette . <3<3<3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I rode my exercise bike and read instead of taking a nap this afternoon. I noticed that it was dark outside but since I'm usually asleep in the middle of the afternoon, didn't think it was unusual. Just as I was reading that Lanette, said that it was snowing in SW Washington, the dogs got up from their nap and asked to go out. That's when I found out that it's snowing on the North Olympic Peninsula. The dogs love the snow.

    <3 Barbie t78009.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Wish I could go to sleep, but as I can't I will wish you Merry Christmas Day from the UK. :D<3 I have set the alarm for 7am.
    I think I have gone a bit overboard on DH's Santa presents, but they are all useful things including the perennial essential, socks!!! :laugh:
    It will be a rush to open them, eat breakfast, titivate and get into the car. At least the weather is mild. Don't envy you your snow. :o:/
    I will read a little and have another go at sleeping. ;) I do get so wound up with travelling.
    Will be thinking of you all today and hope to have time to check in with you.
    Much love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member