

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michele ~ Is that the spinach feta pie....the square dish on the bottom left?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) There is a blanket of snow on the ground this morning. The dogs and I walked for almost an hour in the quiet. They have their coats to stay warm and they love running around and sniffing in the snow. We'll go out again in a few minutes.

    :)Katla, I got the pattern from an afghan I made about 12 years ago. The border on the scarf is seed stitch, then there is a twist that is done on two stitches and the bumpy part is called "trinity" or "blackberry" and is very simple. The hard part of the project was knitting with black yarn. There isn't good light when I knit riding the exercise bike and if I make a mistake, I have to get off the bike and move to where the light is good. On the other hand, if I made a mistake, it probably isn't visible in the black yarn.

    :)Allie, my day will be a lot like yours. Playing with the dogs in the morning and a restaurant meal later. I can't think of a better way to spend the day.

    :)Marcelyn, I have a table that will open up to seat 16 but I don't have that many chairs. Where do your 22 people sit?

    <3 Barbie from snowy NW Washington desismileys_6940.gif

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    I will go down at noontime to feed DFIL, Tom went this morning and ,Buddy was coming out with some crazy stuff, always always makes us laugh..
    I am enjoying just relaxing here, even though I have a load of laundry to do.. but might just hand out with pup..
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    edited December 2017
    Feliz Navidad desismileys_2593.gif

    Kate UK
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Carol - you're right, that IS the spinach/feta. Good eye! I don't think we had enough food...do you?????

    Jess went to the interview before she went to TN. She said that she thinks she'll be offered the job (wishful thinking?) but she doesn't think she'll accept it. Sales really isn't her "thing". Research is more. I mentioned "doesn't NIH have a branch in NC?" Who knows if she'll look into it. I am glad to see that she's pursuing vet school, even in the Caribbean. It's not like it's for that long, I'll live.

    Opened presents with Colby, Jess, Vince and myself. Sad that Denise isn't here, but in a way somewhat glad. I know that Jess is still really hurting from what was done to her with the shower. she's hurting (I am, too, but I'm trying REAL hard to get past it. I know it'll be a long long time, if ever, before I'm over the hurt. But I keep saying to myself "Pete had nothing to do with this, there is no reason to hold anything against him. Forgive Amanda, she's just clueless and has no idea what she's doing" Haven't come up with a reason why Maria did what she did, as an adult you'd think she would have known better. I really don't want to think the worst of someone and the only thing I can think of is that she wanted to run it HER way.

    Going to have the bbq that Jess' friends' family sent us. Denise asked us to save some, particularly the pulled pork. Well, they usually don't send a lot and if it's all gone, oh well.... I'm not going to lose any sleep.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sounds like almost all of you have had a Merry Christmas. So far it has been a normal day for me. Well except in my mind I know what Chrsitmas Day means to me. Tonight we will go over to my sisters house. Even though our family Chtistmas is Saturday, we do like to have the few that live here in Evansville get together today. Michelle got a nice size ham at work and we will have that. Charlie is already getting all Scrooge on me and saying if my nephew and his wife don't feel like going over there then why should he. This my sisters son and they always have a big breakfast and actually open presents and stocking is morning. So they don't rerun in he evening,

    Michelle took me out yesterday afternoon and we got Charlies present, I have to really wrack my Brian to think of what to buy him. Sometimes it is appreciated and sometimes, well most times not. But I got him a mail box. Yep, a very romantic mail box. We have looked at them but never bought one. So now he has one. They didn't have the post you have to put it over but we are going to see if it will go over our present post.

    Charlie recorders the Yule log from Hallmark channel last night so that is on. Lovely music and it she angels from puppies or kittens running around, occasionally a small pig will come out of a gift box.

    Again, Merry Christmas to all of you.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member