

  • HandiCrafter
    HandiCrafter Posts: 56 Member
    Good Morning,
    We had a wonderful Christmas weekend. We spent time with family on Christmas eve morning and then went to deliver present to the grandchildren on Christmas day. We came home and had a quiet afternoon and evening.
    We had 4 inches of snow fall on Christmas eve and today we have fog as well as the snow to contend with.
    I have enjoyed reading about and seeing all of the Christmas celebrations.
    Katla: I am in Ontario Oregon.
    KetoneKaren: What a special treat to share such a special port and moment with your son.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
    Martha in Eastern Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Sitting in ER with dad..blood in his stool for the last week

    so sorry.... thoughts are with you
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did a workout on the bosu today. The plan for tomorrow is to do 30MF cardio DVD

    DJ - what is your recipe for French Toast in the oven? I'm thinking that might be a good thing to make for Denise and Pete. I have no idea what they like, so I'm trying to think of things that either I like too or that I can donate. I have a recipe for a sausage, egg and cheese casserole that I might make one day.

    Barbara - I wouldn't call my crochet "stick-to-it-tiveness". Really, it's more something to keep my hands busy so that I don't want to eat because I know that if I eat anything and the yarn (or material) gets stained, I know who'll have to wash it. I'm lazy, so avoiding eating I will most likely avoid having to wash the piece.

    Went to the Salvation Army this morning. They had this snowman as a decoration, and I got it for $1.59. Not sure how good it is. I figure if worse comes to wose, we can always redonate it. Looks like there are two sets of lights and one is out, but it might be an easy fix like a bulb is out that we can replace. The hat seems to be coming off, but a bit of bailing wire should remedy that. Also, the weld for one of the hands is broken but, again, some bailing wire should fix that.

    Lisa - what lovely pics. Thanks for sharing them

    Allie - is there an area of your condo that isn't carpeted? When Jess watches this one dog, she always leaves the dog in the kitchen when she goes out. The dog has kidney problems and can't hold it in very long. At least if it pees, it's in the kitchen which has tile so it's easier to clean up. Why not for the first time leave Alfi in a smaller, but bigger than his crate, area -- like a bathroom -- and see how he does?

    Barbara - "Working out on less than 3 hrs sleep?" I swear in a lot of ways I am addicted to exercising. However, I did cut out my plank that day and another part. But I just had to do SOMETHING

    Allie - (((HUGS FOR YOU))))

    janetr - great that everything is so organized. Is it in some sort of holder so that you can just pull out a drawer?

    We'll probably be leaving for the movies soon so I want to get this posted.

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Katla - I don't feel that Denise is a blessing. When we moved to NC, she didn't want to move. Pete's mother co-signed for an apartment for them, which they skipped out leaving her owning thousands of dollars. then she co-signed for yet another apartment for them. She buys them this and that. See, our feeling is "we'll help you, but you need to also help yourself". To me, Jess is more of a blessing. The last time Denise was down here except for Christmas Eve (which we really have to convince her to do) was 4 years ago, and that is only because Vince was going for major heart surgery. Did she stay with me while he was in surgery? Of course not. Jess took the day off from work to stay with me. Denise didn't. Pete's step dad bought them a truck. When she had problems with her car, we brought her down here, made sure she got a job and earned the money for the repairs. She went back to PA as soon as the repairs were completed. At least she does call. Why is she coming here so late after Christmas? Because she didn't make arrangements for her dog. She wanted to bring it here, we'd told her before that the dog can't come here so why did she think we would allow it now? Why can't Pete's parents watch the dog? Because his step dad is afraid that the dog would scratch their new wood floors. Actually, it's Pete's dog. They have a VERY small apartment, and this is a BIG dog.

    But at least she does call. Which is more than Bryan does

    Well, we need to leave now.

    Michele in NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Kelly, sounds like Joaquin loves his grandma!

    Karen, Olivia is so cute! Of course I am partial to Olivias as I have one.

    Pip, let me know how the socks work. I’ve never heard of them.

    Becca, travel safe.

    Heather, fingers crossed that you don’t ring in the new year sick. Enjoy your company.

    Allie, not a good way to spend the day after Christmas. Hope your dad is better soon. ((HUGS))

    Got about 4 inches of snow yesterday but it was all ice when I cleaned off the car this morning to go to work. Only 17 here now. Suppose to get to the single digits this week. Guess we will have that wood stove burning.

    Well back to work.

    Terry not looking forward to going back out in the cold after work in VT

    will do
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Michele, yes it does have drawers that pull out. This shows how the entire container looks.


    Janetr OKC

    I love this. Doesn't it fee good to get organized. I have to go down cellar at some point and organize all my crafts.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Merry day after Christmas! It started out with a dead battery in my van. It has died before and we had AAA come out and charge it up. This was about a month ago. He offered to put a new battery in for the AAA charge but Charlie said no. Well we have been going out and starting it and running it for about 15 minutes every day. We didn't yesterday and it did again. So AAA came out and put a new one in. I guess that is how much Charlie has changed with his Parkinsosn's he wouldn't have done that before. But it is 24 degrees out there and he couldn't immediately find the right tool to take the old battery out and take it to Auto Zone like we usually do. He just always take sit out, take s it down to Auto Zone, and gets a new one, brings it home and installs it. But now we have a new battery.

    We went to my sisters last night for supper and had a good time. That was all it was but sometimes that's all you need. They will get the key to the fellowship hall today and my sister whose name is Norma, Michelle and I will get down to see the hall so,e time this week. I think we will start taking things down there so it isn't all done in one day. If you remember, the dishwasher doesn't work and we have to bring everything either to my house or Norma's. So casserole dishes, pots and pans, everything has to be taken there. We will use paper plates and disposable silverware as usual. The cost of the place we have rented befor has increased from $75 to $150 and they didn't make any improvements so only one stove and no dishwasher. This new place is $50 and has two stoves, two microwaves, etc. it does hav a door that is open to a long hallway and my nephew with an autistic daughter is worried about that but I hav told him to bring baby gates. And this place isn't in the boonies like the other one. It is right off the main highway which is where the hotel is that my brothers stay at.

    Today I finished putting the tissue wrap in the last remaining gifts, have the money gifts together. So everything is ready.

    Allie, we didn't want to crate our dog when we got him but when he as a puppy was getting pretty distructive, took the heels off of every high heel I owned, we went to a pet store and talked to an expert. He said all animals have homes, they all have different names. And a puppy needs to have his own home to go to for comfort. So we bought a good size crate for bedtime and when we were out of the house. That crate became a place of solace for him. He would go in there every night at 10 PM sharp and go to sleep. He did that even if we weren't there to close it. If there was an argument he would go in it. That big ugly crate was his place. And when he got sick he spent a lot of time in it. We thought it was a place for punishment but it wasn't. It became his home inside our home. Yes, he loved to sleep with the girls and as he got older we allowed that. But when he was a puppy he had his very naughty times. He also took the skirt off of my couch. He was a very bad boy,

    Loving all the Christmas pictures!

    Joyce, Indiana