

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    pip - love that wine stopper. Where can I get one?

    Karen in VA - how sweet!

    Giving Jess LOTS of leftovers. Well, the fact is that I'll have to make another dinner when Denise and Pete come here. But it won't be as big. As a matter of fact, I have some crab cakes in the freezer that I was going to make for them, but we have enough from our Christmas that I'm just going to give them the leftovers.

    Got lots of Lowes gift cards which is what I asked for. Jess and Colby got me knives (Jess keeps complaining that I don't have good knives), a book about cake decorating, some cat coasters, holiday earrings, just a few little things. All in all, very nice. It was nice of Colby to go out of his way to come here. But then again, if he didn't he'd probably be alone. But we love having him. He needs to be at work on Wed so he and Jess are planning to leave tomorrow

    Just found out that Jess' interview is the 3rd. I was planning to use my laptop the Thurs. before to do a Body Pump DVD, but I guess I'll just do something at home. Not a big deal.

    Vince wants to go see "The Last Jedi" either tomorrow or Wed before Denise gets here. I'll need to straighten up the house, but that won't take all that long. Not sure when we'll be going.

    How I can't wait to get back to healthy eating tomorrow. Then I'll probably go somewhat off when Denise and Pete get here, but not as much as I have during the holiday.

    Michele in NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Merry Christmas, lovely ladies!!! <3

    Tracie in Wisconsin
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Love the bicycle earring! :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    edited December 2017
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Merry Christmas Eve

    Today I walked to a church that is 1 km away. I do have a church that is closer, but if some of you recall, I just didn't feel particularly comfortable there. This one is halfway up a steep hill, so it was a bit of a hike, but it definitely felt better. It was a nice service.

    My husband had to work again this morning, but he got back early so we did a little bit of shopping ... mainly work stuff for him, but we did each get new mobile phone covers! :)

    Edit: My parents called via Messenger/Skype ... that was a highlight of the day, getting to see and talk to my parents. :) While we were talking my brother rang them and so greetings were passed between us all.

    Then we went for a 27 km bicycle ride. Gotta make some effort to compensate for everything I'm eating!!

    And speaking of eating ... then we went out for dinner. We've been eating out a lot this week but my husband, the family cook, is tired and it is, after all, Christmas. It was Thai on Friday night, Mexican last night, and American tonight.

    The rest of the evening was spent watching Midsomer Murders and then Melbourne's Carols by Candlelight. :)

    I could wish the weather was better. Drizzle and low teens isn't particularly nice. They're even hinting there could be snow at higher elevations. But at least we aren't getting the Canadian snowfalls!!

    Machka in Oz

    Machka's Christmas

    My husband went out to the orchard in the morning but was back in time to make us waffles (topped with cherries and whipped cream) while we packed. The whole waffles and packing thing was quite leisurely so we finally got away about noon.

    We drove out to the Tasman Peninsula on the east side of Tasmania, close to where my sister-in-law lives, and got ourselves settled in a gorgeous 2-bedroom self-contained unit. It was the only one they still had available when I book, and was possibly a bit larger for our purposes, but it was just lovely.

    I decided I wanted to burn off some Christmas dinner before we had it ... or maybe burn off the waffles ... so I went for a 4.2 km run, along the water's edge, and then another 1 km run on the beach there. I haven't run on sand before so that was a different sort of experience.

    Then we dressed up and went to dinner. I didn't know what to expect, but I was impressed ... so much food and so much variety. We were absolutely stuffed full by the end of the meal. My sister-in-law and her new boyfriend were with us, so we caught up while eating.

    BTW - dessert was, as expected, quite traditional with little Christmas puddings, pavlova, and trifle. Also delicious brownies and a very tasty orange cake.

    My husband and I returned to our unit and relaxed for the rest of the evening. I even read much of the evening!!

    Boxing Day

    We were up fairly early, packed up and headed over to the Tasman Island Cruise booking office.

    Today, we went on the Tasman Island Cruise: https://www.tasmancruises.com.au/

    We've been on the Bruny Island Cruise, run by the same company, a couple times before, but when we decided to go out to the Tasman Peninsula, we decided to try out this cruise as well.

    The link I've just posted (https://www.tasmancruises.com.au/) has a short video about the cruise and shows footage of the dolphins and seals etc. ... and the scenery! And yes, we saw it all! There were two pods of dolphins, all sorts of seals and birds, and gorgeous scenery. The video shows the boats we were on as well ... they had three boats out today.

    When we finished the cruise, 3 hours later, we had lunch with my sister-in-law and then headed home where I am now planning to start a pavlova! :)

    Machka in Oz