

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    didn't get as much on the pedometer as I wanted ,but at least its something
    under calorie count,but over on the sugar:grumble:
    keepin my finger's crossed that when I step on the scale tomorrow it will still be on the downward slide.
    Once I hit the 50lb mark trying to figure some way to celebrate..:bigsmile:
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello All,

    Just a quick note. I got my pedometer today and am eager to try it out tomorrow. I will just do my normal routine to see how many steps I have been doing and then will find ways to increase it.

    My DH retired about 3 years ago and is loving it. He often says he doesn't know how he ever found the time to go to work. He volunteers at church, leads a Celebrate Recovery group two nights a week and helps with the foster dogs. One of the dogs is getting a little heavy so he takes him for a walk around a lake (about 2 miles) 3 times a week if weather permits. He has also taken up fly fishing and asked for a metal detector last Christmas. He loves spending time outdoors. I have about 1 1/2 years until I can retire and am really looking forward to it. We have been married just 9 years so we want to spend time together to make up for lost time. We both love to travel and plan a vacation yearly at a place neither one of us have been to yet. We have a trip planned for Montana next summer.

    I tried the plank for the first time and held it for a grand total of 45 seconds. :blushing: Planning on doing each day and hope to see improvement.

    Welcome to all of the newcomers and I hope everyone is enjoying their evening.

    Tina in Maryland
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. Today was my first “real” day back at work. So to catch you up on the weekend, Saturday we had our friends over for dinner…the snacky food…and it was a blast. We watched Batman The Dark Night Rises. We had a great time and our friends who normally go home by 9 stayed til 10, so I think that was a sign they had fun too. Sunday I took DD#2 shopping and had quite a fun time. She has matured so much in the last few months. She even bought me a bottle of nail polish (I’m addicted) for taking her shopping. She is very slender and can pull off all kinds of dramatic looks, so she got some great clothes that make her look fabulous!

    Then another blow up with DD#1. I feel like I live in an insane asylum. I have no idea what to do with her. She is so totally incapable of even the smallest tasks and refused to try to think about things or take suggestions, so I am at my wits’ end.

    Today I finally called the doctor’s office about the blood work I had done last week. Thyroid and basic metabolic panel were normal but my fasting blood glucose was 140 and my hemoglobin A1C was 6.5. I am so disappointed in these results. After losing 25 pounds, eating right, exercising a ton, NOW I’m a diabetic? Tomorrow is my employee health screening, so I’ll have them again plus lipid panel, then I’ll have to check in with the doc to see what to do next.

    Cindy great loss on your weight loss! Wow your adventure being locked out sounds like something in the movies!

    Alison: great news on your weight loss!

    Michele: I agree about the sodium in restaurant food. It seems to be the predominant taste most places!

    Gail: woo hoo on the weight loss!

    Yanniejannie: I agree with you to not panic because you are right that you could not have eaten that much! It will be gone in no time!

    Anamika: I so love eating but it is so hard to stay on track. I do look the place up and check out their nutrition information, but sometimes there are no good choices healthy food wise! At least you had a nice visit!

    Robin: I’m glad you were able to manage the freezer issue calmly!

    Rebel: so glad to see you back!

    Pat: good for you to get to that AlAnon meeting!

    Sonja: all those festivals sound like so much fun!
    told DH when he retires I better not be here writing how he drives me nuts LOL. He will retire in about 5 years. I went to work today for the first time ever wishing I didn’t have to.

    Well take care my friends. Meg from hot Omaha
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    :smile: Just a pop-in to say hello. Hello!!
    Caught up on the posts, but no time to respond.

    Kate in Brooklyn :flowerforyou:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    WOW where does the time go. I have read and am up to date, but this day is almost gone so going to bed and hope tomorrow I get more done. Have a good night and keep logging.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Gail - you've gotten to the point where monitoring is just second nature to you! congrats! You know, I got an email today about rummikub tomorrow night. The lady said that she was going to make salads (chicken, egg, pimento cheese <weird> and seafood, which usually translates into lots of mayo) she'll have turkey and ham sandwiches on mini croissants (why does it have to be a croissant?) with tomatoes and lettuce (good) and brownies for dessert (mmmmm..I don't know) The first thing I thought of was "is there something fairly decent? Well, the lettuce and tomatoes are.

    Liz - glad you're enjoying the cooler temps, we aren't having them. Yesterday they were predicting that the high on Thurs would be 67, but I see weather.com has now bumped that up. A plank is an exercise for your ab muscles where you are on your toes and also on your forearms (or full arms extended), you keep your body in a straight line. You can see videos of it on utube to see just how it's done if my explanation isn't as clear as it should be.n I understand that some farmers even add MSG to their soil so that their crops are sweeter!

    Trish and Joyce - oh how I remember the first time Jessica went off to college. She's my first. After taking her to the college, we went to our Lady of (I'm going to misspell this) Chanstokova which is right by her school and went into the chapel there

    Cindy - what an adventure you had!

    Deb - the man called, he'll be able to put up the baseboards Friday or Saturday. That gives me one week to clean (boy, is the bathroom downstairs a mess but I can't get to it right now). I do hope we have nice weather, at least no rain, but if not, then we'll be inside. Fortunately, our house is large enough. Oh, dear, I hate when something gets flooded. Hope things work out and nothing's permanently damaged.

    katla - that's so nice of the restaurant to make you food without sodium or MSG.

    Eileen - when Vince retired, I think he expected that I'd change my schedule to meet his. Not going to happen! For 23 years the kids would go off to school, he'd go to work, and I'd have the day to myself. I wasn't going to give up my friends because he retired. One time I said to him after he was telling me how to cook dinner (like I hadn't done it before) to "just go downstairs, just go downstairs". Eventually, he got his hobbies, his trains and computers and music. But at first he really didn't know what to do with himself

    Just got back from mahjongg, didn't maj once.

    Did the extremepump class today, tomorrow I'll do incline intervals at the Y. I'll ask them if I can do my step DVD there on Wed. a.m. and I'll need to use their weights on Thurs a.m.

    Karen - welcome. Where are you going?

    KABH - WTG on the plank!

    Robin - in some ways, I can't wait for my freezer to die. I really would like a larger one. I know, I know, when we were buying it Vince asked me if I wanted the larger one and I said "no", but now I really regret it. Is yours an upright or chest?

    Pat - I can't think of a way to close off part of the house while the baseboard is being put up. Everything is open. Looks like I'll have to clean, clean, clean when he's done.

    katla - that is so terrible about the flowers!

    Looks like I'm spending too much time at home, the minute I get back, Vince wants my total attention. Tomorrow is going to be "one of those days". I really want to go to mahjongg in the afternoon then I have Rummikub in the evening. There's nothing I can do at home until the baseboard goes up, then I'll have lots and lots to do. Did some shopping today for the social. It's just me, but I want to be sure there's plenty of food so I got chips (fortunately, Vince likes them), pretzels, some Goldfish (Jessica likes them so I'll give her the leftovers), the things I needed (except for one type of cookie) for decorating the cake. Well, off to log my food now.

    Michele in NC
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just caught up with the day's posts. DBF retired more than 20 years ago and has no hobbies which doesn't help his general well-being. At one time we lived together, but now I have my own house and he lives in apartment just down the road, but I can tell him to go home when I've had enough.

    Today I went over to help him with the fridge, which must have been on the fritz for more than just yesterday as everything in the freezer was thawed and not even cold.

    There were about 6 or 8 bags of stuff that went down the chute into the garbage can. A few bits I brought home and have in my fridge. He is supposed to get a new one either tomorrow or the day after. He came back here for dinner because he had nothing left. I had a couple of things that he did on the barbecue and I did the veggies.

    I hope that he can sleep better tonight because last night he didn't sleep well, worrying about the fridge.

    Good night all.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I forgot to mention about my most recent NSV, My CPAP straps don't leave much of an indentation on my face when I get up in the morning!!!! I will be so glad when there is no indentation. Of course it could be because I haven't gotten any new straps for over 2 years now. The tubing is broke in several places and it is duct taped to make it air tight!!!! My duct tape is this fire looking tape that some one thought I would like. I put it away because it was so ugly but it has come in handy when the cat tries to chew through my cords and the CPAP tubing.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies,
    im up and cooking chicken, im in my gym clothes and having my lemon water.. as soon as the chicken is done will head over to the gym..
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies from a London with blue skies and cooler weather.

    We finally have our broadband and Wi-Fi working again at home. My relief knows no bounds! I was beginning to get extremely grumpy about it all.

    I'm wearing the hernia belt .... not loving it, but it has to be done for a while. It's not at all comfortable, especially when my IBS starts raging. What an old wreck I am!

    Well, I'm at work so I suppose I should actually do some.

    Have a good day my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone:

    Heather ; What a sweet love story

    Karen: join us often, I've always said I am a yo-yo exerciser and when I don't exercise my wicked ways catch up with me

    Barbie: early morning suits me too. My walk was a little later yesterday and I really had to watch out for the people hurrying to work. I'm going out much earlier today

    Robin: sorry about the freezer. I've had to deal with that before.

    For all of you with retired husbands Jeanne Robertson from NC is pretty funny here's the link

    Pat: I locked my kids in the car once and totally lost it. They were both strapped into their car seats so the one old enough to open the door lock couldn't have helped even if she had wanted too.

    Sonja: sounds like you had a fun weekend

    Katla: I'm sure that was very frustrating but I hope it has all sorted itself out by now

    Meg: sorry about your blood work. I saw that I am high risk because of waist to hip ratio that I have a good chance of diabetes and that is what has started me back on getting fit. But age related diabetes does run in my family. I hope I can keep it at bay

    Well I've tried the open document copy & paste method to respond to everyone; Still takes a long time but I'm glad someone told us how to do it.

    I know I haven't posted to everyone but my timer is dinging and I have got to exercise. I've got some helpers coming today to help me wash the painted parts of my front porch and if I don't get my exercise in now it just won't happen.

    I hope everyone has a good day!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have no time this morning:sad: !!! But I just have to reply to a couple of post!

    Katla:smile: I had a similar thing happen with an on line florist :angry: , it took forever to get them to credit my credit card back:explode: , keep an eye on it. I emailed the company and told them I would never recommend them to anyone and threatened to turn them into the BBB. They got it straightened out after that.

    Cindy:smile: Funny story, when my youngest granddaughter was about 2, my daughter went out to get the mail (on the front porch) and the little one shut the door, it was locked, my daughter was locked out of the house and had no phone with her, she ran to the neighbors house and called the police dept. they came and tried to break into the house, had no luck and had to call a locksmith, the entire time the little one was standing at the dining room window looking out at them. My daughter was so afraid they would arrest her for child neglect :laugh: . I have an embarrassing story of locking myself out while in my pj`s on Thanksgiving morning one year:embarassed: , but I have no time to tell it now!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cloudy gray NC:frown:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    back from gym,did a little bit of elliptical,little bit of stationary bike, and did the machines..
    feelin good..reminds me of the movie trading places-remember that one,dan ackroid and eddie murphy..
    feeling good louis, lookin good :laugh:
    anyway was up at 4:15 , got the DH dinner set and lunch for him tomorrow..
    me I am taking a sweet potato and veggies for lunch today, then I snack during the rest of the time.. but it is all logged..
    I am working until 6 tonight so might add more snacks..
    gonna hop in the shower and get ready for work and then take the boys for a walk before we get the rain
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just got back from my morning walk. and yes you better believe I made sure I had my keys today!

    My husband was impressed and thought I was very resourceful too. but determined was more like it.

    Gotta hurry, I've got to go & pick up my helpers in about 30 min.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    good morning ---

    RE: locked out of the house, we have a keypad on the garage door - very convenient!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    Today I finally called the doctor’s office about the blood work I had done last week. Thyroid and basic metabolic panel were normal but my fasting blood glucose was 140 and my hemoglobin A1C was 6.5. I am so disappointed in these results. After losing 25 pounds, eating right, exercising a ton, NOW I’m a diabetic? Tomorrow is my employee health screening, so I’ll have them again plus lipid panel, then I’ll have to check in with the doc to see what to do next.

    :brokenheart: Meg, I know how you feel......in February when I went to the see the doctor, I expected a good report on my health thanks to all my good eating and exercise.....instead she told me to put on some weight---that I'd gotten too thin to be healthy and then the results of my bone density scan showed the beginnings of osteoporosis in spite of dancing three days a week, walking 20,000+ steps a day, strength training, and eating a diet filled with calcium and protein. My first response about the bone density scan was "could the machine have made a mistake?".....she agreed with me that it wasn't fair and although she didn't hug me when it looked like I was going to cry, she patted my knee.

    When I left her office I was filled with the feeling of "what's the use?"......it seemed like there was no point in all the health related things I'd been doing and all was for nothing. I had to dig deep into all my spiritual resources and take it one minute at a time to get out of the overwhelming sense of despair.

    I have continued doing what I was doing. I put on a few pounds so now my skinniest jeans don't fit anymore and in two weeks I trek over to Seattle to see an osteoporosis specialist. I plan to go with an open mind.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs, to you.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good Tuesday morning

    Dull and grey here at the moment and it rained hard about 3:30 a.m. The noise of the rain made me visit the littlest room, but I was able to go back to sleep.

    Teaching this afternoon, if I have any students turn up. It is very hit and miss in the summer as everyone has something better to do! I must remind them that next week I'm lawn bowling all day in a tournament so there will be no class.

    Last night, working on the last piece of lace for my portfolio, I noticed that I'd made 2 mistakes right near the beginning, so I'm going to print the pattern again today and start a replacement piece right away as I am restricted in the time available.

    So, off to make lace!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Just got DGS up from his lunchtime nap. He sleeps for 2 hours, so cue for me to have a nap on the sofa! I think DH dozed off for a bit as well. He has been doing the bulk of the minding, crawling about on the floor today pushing farm tractors back and forward. I just do the Funny Faces sticker book.:laugh: :bigsmile: :love:

    We had an expedition to the local shop today, stopping to smell every flower and touch every leaf. Some workmen were digging a hole - great excitement! It's a Turkish community round here so we had a wonderful time choosing flatbreads, olives, hummus, falafels and strawberries for lunch. I had to resist the delicious flatbreads stuffed with minced meat. :sad: The bread is to die for - I had one small piece!:smile:

    DDIL will be back from work and her scan in a few minutes when we will pack up and run for the trains. Hope to be home by 6.30.
    Next week DGS is coming to stay with us so we might get a better night's sleep. Anything less than a superking is too small these days! And I had to climb over DH to get out in the night for the bathroom. Too old for all that.

    Katla- I used to be almost crippled in the morning, taking ages to loosen up. Getting up in the night was a major expedition. It is much better now with the lost weight, but I don't exactly bounce out of bed!!!

    See you later folks, I'm needed for a round of Old Macdonald.:laugh:

    Heather in North London, UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Good luck with sorting out the implications of your blood work. Getting the doctor’s input will be a start. :flowerforyou: Your daughters are quite a pair of opposites. I’m wishing you the gifts of patience and wisdom. As a mom, you’ll need them both.:wink::laugh:

    Michele: I wonder if your rummikkub hostess is a Paula Deen fan. Seems like she wants to put out a good number of rich foods for everyone. Good luck finding suitable snacks—or abstaining.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Duct tape is one of the top inventions of the century, in my opinion. It isn’t glamorous, but it works. The other is WD 40. If it moves and shouldn’t, use duct tape. If it doesn’t move and should, use WD 40. (One of our old favorite sayings.) We watched a Mythbusters episode on duct tape and it was amazing what that stuff did. They even made a sailboat out of it and salied it on San Francisco Bay.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Amanda: I’m glad you’re getting nice weather. Heat and a hernia belt would be an unpleasant combination, I think. :flowerforyou:

    Cindy: I’m glad the word document is working out for you. It is a huge improvement over writing a long response and having a computer glitch lose the whole thing. It only took a couple of times to teach me the lesson. :grumble: Have a great day.:bigsmile:

    DeeDee: You naughty tease. Now you’re in for it. You have to tell us the story of locking yourself outside in PJ’s on Thanksgiving.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Gail: We also have a keypad on the garage door, and a combination lock box on the deck with a house key. The second item is needed because we shut off power to the garage door opener when we’re going to be gone for a trip. Our kids sometimes check on the house, and had to break in by climbing to a second floor balcony a couple of years ago.:noway:

    My neighbor adopted a dog from the animal shelter two weeks ago. He’s a cute little thing and smart, and he is changing her life for the better. Thanks to him, she’s getting out of the house, exercising and socializing more. We went on two walks together yesterday. We have two animal organizations in one facility in our little town. One is Animal Control and the other is the Humane Society. The Humane Society operates a “No Kill” shelter, so when the Animal Control pets reach their time limit, they get transferred to the Humane Society instead of killed. Cheeto was shipped up here from a kill facility in LA and now he’s bringing joy into my neighbor’s life and she’s bringing the security of a home and happiness of being loved into his. :heart: It is a good deal for both of them.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi there, happy Tues!

    Just have a sec to pop in, I'm about to start shucking corn and prepare it for the freezer, then tackle the 3 gallons of huckleberries we picked over the weekend on our annual excursion to Mt. Adams in WA. They'll need a quick rinse to remove the few leaves and stems, then a quick dry with a towel, and into the freezer they go. Made huckleberry muffins yesterday, I'll make a batch of jam this morning, too, if I have time before going to work.

    Showing huckleberries in my pic, in case you didn't know what they looked like.

    The gardens are producing like mad, millions of raspberries, corn, squash, beans, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, greens, broccoli, red cabbage, celery, carrots, potatoes, scallions and leeks. Yikes, I'll be busy for a couple of months!

    Needing to restart my Phase 2 plan - the weekend of camping caused me to take a bit of a wrong turn. :blushing: Then I had to go and make those muffins yesterday! Silly. But yummy!! :love: I can have just ONE today, that's it. And no other bread at all.

    Good day to all,

    :smile: jb in Portland