

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Tomorrow is dentist day and Thursday is chiropractor. Does it seem like the older you get the more medical appointments?

    It's been a lovely summer so far where I live. Dry and warm. We could use more rain in fact, because fire danger is xtreme. I decided to take off 2 week vacation (staycation), and have just gone back to work. Sure enjoyed getting some things done around the house, and also got away for some day trips.

    New grand baby is doing well, although she cries a lot. Nothing like our grandson, when he was in his first couple of months. He just turned 2 btw. He has learned to scream!! Here was a child who barely made a sound, and now he screams, just because he is 2?? Oh yeah right, he's 2. that explains it. :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is well. Thanks for the welcome back wishes. Not sure how much I'll be on the forum, but I'll try to keep up with reading the posts.

    :heart: Rebel
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • HarrietSmeltzer1
    HarrietSmeltzer1 Posts: 101 Member
    Omg you did an awesome job
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    The FitBit emailed me to say I had walked 32.5 miles last week. That was an unexpected surprise!

    Now, really, I AM going to bed!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    DBF's new fridge is supposed to be delivered tomorrow morning. which means he will have to cancel his physio because of course, they couldn't give him a delivery time. He called his insurance company but because he has a $500 deductible he can't claim anything. However, I completely understand having to list and price everything. Last year my fridge died, and after several days the new fridge was delivered but it died within a few days. Luckily I'd taken out the extra insurance and they paid me $200 of the $300+ that I'd lost. So, DBF was here for lunch and supper again today and I made him his morning care package (milk, OJ and bread for his breakfast in a cooler bag with several bottles of ice).

    Lawn bowling in the morning for me, and then a meeting of the Club Executive at 1:30 (why it couldn't be straight after bowling at 12:00 I don't understand, so I'm coming home to have lunch in comfort).

    Off to bed - good night all.
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Bumping to try & catch up tonight.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    morning ladies, got a load of laundry in and DH dinner done,messin about on the computer then going to the gym..Go into work at noon and gonna wear work clothes because I have to clean out a room in the cellar that a pump backed up in... we have to have plumbers come in and then servpro..
    taking my favorite jacket to a tailor and see if I can get it taken in:bigsmile:
    i have looked for another one ~ nowhere to be found...
    well with what I ate yesterday the sodium did me in ,im up a lb, but will suck down alot of water today...
    I go to my kidney Dr tomorrow ,she will be flabbergasted to see what weight I have lost..
    i have to figure out if I can print out paperwork for her to fill out, so that I can get another 100.00 from UTC...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Good morning,
    It feels strange to be back home without our little companion! He is such great company, we are still talking about him. Before we left DH did a game where he pretended DGS's Spiderman slippers were catching the farmer from the toy farm. DGS laughed so hard he nearly cried, having hysterics! I managed to capture some of it on video so it will be a lovely memory. As DGS said, "Too funny!"

    When we got home I must have felt a bit empty because I had a little too much to drink. Feeling it this morning, but I managed to do my gymming and even some weights, but I think I'll leave the plank until later! Not good, but I will take the advice of all you, forgive myself and move on. Up a lb today, but it's mostly water, I'm sure.

    Tomorrow morning my new friend is coming over for a yoga session and then DH's new cricket friend is coming for lunch. I haven't met him yet, but he says he eats everything so I will just make a roasted tomato and red pepper soup and serve bread and cold meat and cheese with salady bits. We are going out to buy a few things this pm so will also get something for them to take to the cricket for the evening. I can freeze some of the soup for DSIL next week when she arrives late on Tuesday night for a short stay. It's one of my favourites, made with lovely home made chicken stock.

    Busy week next week as DGS will be here, staying on his own with us. He so loves DH and was so sad to see him go yesterday, that I think it will all go well. The only problem might be getting him to bed, but he is not normally a problem. We will take him back to the other grandparents Tuesday night before DSIL arrives. What a lucky little boy! I think the arrival of a baby sister is going to be a bit of a shock!

    I will post a picture of him blowing bubbles in my profile. Behind him you can see the table where all the cutting and sticking goes on. My forte.

    Love to all. Got to get off to the post office and collect a package that couldn't be delivered while we were away.
    Heather, Hampshire UK
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone:

    Sort of tired this morning. Took a really long walk yesterday and then went to pick up my helpers. We removed all the furniture off the front porch and then started cleaning all wood work, washed windows and cleaned the furniture. I had to take them home at 2 because of an appointment they had to go to. Came home and worked some more and Eric helped me finish the parts of the ceiling I couldn't reach. I've got one more window to do and then I will be through except for a little touch up painting I need to do around a window. Well actually 2 windows need to be repainted but I think I will wait till cooler weather.

    The grass needs mowing but I may wait til tomorrow since the yard needs to dry out. It supposed to be dry here for a couple of days and I am really tired. I'm having a hard time getting motivated to go walking.

    JB; The huckleberries look great. They sort of look like blueberries. Is the flavor similar?

    Sandy: I do hope you find the shoes you want. I particularly like Asics because they seem to have a wider toe box. I usually want the sales people to leave me alone so I can try on what I want but my first job was a sales person in the shoe dept so I can usually carry on by myself. Encouragement and virtual hugs to you today ;-}

    yanniejannie: Hope you get your new washer soon! I have a front loader but when it dies I'll probably go back to a traditional machine

    Katla: I'm surprised a Dr would be upset that someone is tracking their calorie intake and making progress with their weight loss.

    Joyce: I loved your freezer story. My son once killed a snake that was too close to the front porch. It had a big lump in it so he cut it open to find it had eaten a bat!

    Meg: So sorry about your husbands aunt. Aren't you blessed to have access to good healthcare!

    Vicki & Kate: I've been seeing some beautiful duct tape in the school sections and I was in the craft section of the store the other day I didn't realize there were so many choices. I'm going to google what people are doing with it these days. And Kate loved your lock out story. If I'd been you I probably wouldn't have had on a bra either!

    Cityjane: What a cutie!

    Hello to all the rest of you and I hope we all have a good day with wise choices!

  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Cindy . . . I'm sure I didn't have a bra on. To this day, the first thing I do when I get home is take off my shoes and my bra. :happy:
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Good Morning, All

    It is a crisp beautiful morning here in Maryland. Had a storm last night that pushed out the humidity. I am working from home today and my DH just left to take a dog to the park for a walk. So wish I could have joined them.

    Yesterday was the first day using our pedometers (I got one for my DH too so now it's like a little contest between us). I registered 6597 steps (2.27 miles) for my basic day at work. I wanted to get an idea of what my normal day is. Now I know I have to 'step' it up and it will encourage me to get up from my desk and do some walking at lunch time. Want to join you all in the "10,000" step club!

    I'm planning on taking off work tomorrow so we can go kayaking at a location about 1 1/2 hours away from home. DH has been wanting to go there so have to go when the weather is cooperating. Should be another nice day tomorrow.

    Critter Sue - I also have an older dog (14) that does the coma sleep. He often doesn't hear us come into the house and we'll have to stand over him and call him for him to wake up. He has a harder time now getting up and sometimes I will help him by gently lifting his back hips so he can get his feet under him. We block the stairs when we're not home as he sometimes slips on them going up and down. At night he goes up with us to go to bed but I always walk right behind him in case he misses a step and walk down the steps in front of him in the morning and make sure all of the lights are on so he can see better. Vet said to let him keep doing it as long as possible because it will help to keep his legs stronger.

    Well, I'm supposed to be working so I'll check back in later.

    Tina from MD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Your autopsies of animals were clearly part of the medical curiosity that led you to a career in nursing. :smile: We didn’t have a freezer when I was a child but our neighbors rented a “meat locker” at a business that made ice and rented freezer space out to the public. This would have been during the mid to late 1950s.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: You are lucky to have good medical care, but no one has to be grateful for diabetes. :noway: On the good side, DH has had it for decades and is still under good control. The quality of insulin is wonderful compared to the bad old days of "purified pork" insulin. Back then, when I told him he was being pig headed, it was true. :frown: The humalog he now uses became available to the public in 1983 and it is an excellent medicine. Diabetes has not stopped him from doing the things he wants to do or enjoying life. MS is another story.

    Kate in Brooklyn: I’ve never heard of anyone with a horny turtle before. Your post made me smile. I picture your box turtle hanging out at the street corner with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth saying, “hey little girl” to passing strangers.:laugh:

    Rebel Renny: Our calendar is full of medical appointments for DH. There is something at least every other week, and sometimes weekly. He’s worth it.:flowerforyou:

    Heather in Hampshire, UK: Your grandson is a real cutie! :bigsmile: I suspect he’ll do okay with a baby brother or sister and I hope he’ll do okay at Grandpa’s house. :flowerforyou:

    Cindy: I’m surprised that a doctor would be upset that a patient is tracking her own calorie intake, too. :huh: I speculate that he was worried about rapid weight loss in an older, morbidly obese person. You’d think he’d be patting her on the back and saying “atta girl.” I can’t help but doubt she showed him her food logs. This is a great system. :bigsmile:

    I enjoyed my first planning commission meeting. The other commissioners are an interesting group and I found myself liking them. I didn’t get to vote on the issue at hand, but did make some worthwhile comments about federal v state and local law that seemed to help move the discussion along. A few members of the public who were there on another issue that will be coming up stayed for the discussion.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Hello to all: Well went to my second PT session yesterday. My therapist is on jury duty so I had someone different. She is very good and I like her but felt I got more done with Drew. Hope he is back for Friday. Finally going today to get a massage. One of the things that has bothered me most since the surgery is muscle tightness and spasms so hopefully this will help.

    I have been doing fairly well getting in my 30 grams of protein per meal but it is getting old as I find myself eating the same things all of the time. I need to work on finding some different choices or combinations. I can do this and I can stay away from sweets!!!!

    Pat(phoo) - You have so many wonderful insights. I always come away thoughtful after reading your posts. Keep them coming. I am also a singer but I am a 1st alto. I am currently rehearsing with the Peace Choir here in Sioux Falls. First Congregational Church starts their fine arts series every year with a Peace Concert and the choir consists of people from all over the area. Some are professionals and some are amateurs like me. I also sing with chancel choir at my own church and with a small ensemble called Joyful Accord. Music is such a magical thing.

    Joyce - Glad you have chosen to stay. You may whine from time to time but that is allowed and you always seem to be to be a very positive person.

    Well must get ready to go. I am going early so I can get some time in on the NuStep before my massage. Everyone have a great day. Sue in SD
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    I have a favorite jacket, that I bought about 7-8 yrs ago- it is a polar fleece Great Blue Heron jacket.. i have tried in vein to find another one,no where to be found.. so I took it to a french lady in the town next to ours, and she is going to take it in:bigsmile:
    she said she doesnt do pockets, told her,I dont care about the pockets,I love my jacket. do what you can...
    told her I am not in a rush,she is doing wedding dresses and other stuff,
    so freakin excited to get this back and see how it fits, I put a sweatshirt on under it so she could measure with heavier clothes on underneath...
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good Wednesday everyone

    Back from lawn bowling (90 minutes of exercise) and have just had my lunch, now I'm going back to the club to the Executive meeting - hope it doesn't last too long.

    I've done the financial statement and I must remember to pick up a thumb-drive to save the minutes as I type them. Beats doing it by hand and then having to type them up later. They are usually in note form and then I can just flip them out to the others by e-mail.

    DBF's new fridge has been delivered and when I spoke to him, he was just waiting the 1 hour before he could plug it in. Not sure what is happening about supper this evening - we'll discuss that later.

    Off to the meeting.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Freezer was delivered. DH was working from home today so he could be there. I will have to organize it tonight when I get home.

    When DH got home from the office this morning the boys figured it must be afternoon and time to eat. (Very strong Pavlovian repsonse in those two labs of mine) DH had to tell them no so Ritter decided to open the food bag and stick his head in anyway and get his own "dinner". Typical imp. Byt thats why we love him. :love:

    Work is still awesome but I am soooo ready for our Alaska trip commencing this Saturday. :bigsmile:

    Much love to you all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon,

    My washer arrived and is installed. Officially it is a top load Speed Queen AWN432, and, yes ( for Pat, lol), it has an agitator. Planning to try it out shortly on the old bath towels I grabbed to help mop up the flood.

    Down one of those extra four pounds from last week.

    Went by the SPCA and added our name to the list of persons interested in the little poodle. My dd is dying for another dog but I'm not quite as sure and she's not going to be here; but then I wasn't sure last time either and ended up loving her. I do have to admit to rather enjoying the "no job, no kid, no dog" lifestyle.........able to just pick up and go, not having to come home to let the dog out, etc.............and I SURE don't miss the vet bills! This possible dog is 5 and the last one lived to 18, my first one to 14. I do miss the furry little body next to me. Well, chances are, someone else will get it.......maybe...although this is exactly how we ended up with the last one. The people who got Betsy couldn't handle the agression issues and brought her back.........and she was a lovely dog here in our home. You usually just have to let those types adjust and bond at their own rate.........quietly and gently but firmly and very, very slowly.... Ah, well, if it's meant to be it will.

    DD is life guarding at the pool until 9; must make some phone calls, grocery shop, and do paperwork for one of the volunteer groups.

    Heather............your grandson is so adorable; just want to hug him!

    mid-Atlantic, sunny and warm
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Bump 2 trying to catch up.

    Sue in Tx
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    If I keep marking my spot someday I will make it back here to read:blushing:

    Laura80111 in coloraod

    Yeah we finally got the house up for sale and put down money for a townhome....let the fun & games begin.:wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tina, welcome to the 10,000 steps a day club…..it may not be an official club, but it’s a great way to add to your fitness and your inclination to move more. There is research that shows that people who wear or carry pedometers walk more than people who don’t. My pedometer has software that allows me to keep track of my steps on the computer so I can look back and compare today with the past. I walk more than twice as many steps a day now compared to three years ago. My husband has a pedometer and sometimes we “fight” about who will take the cart back at the grocery store because we both want the extra steps. Sometimes we walk back and forth in the house at night to get extra steps before bedtime.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sue in SD, one of my greatest strengths is that I am willing to eat the same things over and over….it makes shopping and meal preparation so much simpler.

    :bigsmile: Walked the dogs this morning, then an early meeting, then line dance class…..I just had my lunch and am messing about on the computer for a bit until I can do my strength training workout before walking the dogs and then heading out to practice our line dance performance on the fairgrounds stage (the fair opens tomorrow and we dance on Sunday).

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    August Resolutions (with week two comments)
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard (making lots of progress)
    *participate in the new strength training challenge (two workouts so far and today will be the third)
    *walk 18,000 steps a day (every day)
    *act the way I want to feel (going great…this makes a huge difference in my life)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sue in SD I am a 1 alto and I always loved it. Anyone can sing a melody but the harmony makes the song. I knew how to read music enough that I could double as a tenor or 2nd alto when needed. We had 5 kids on our family and Dad was every position in his churches, choir leader to janitor! Anyway all of us ang our own part. One brother the bass, other a tenor, my Mom the pianist, two sisters sopranos and my Dad a tenor. So we frequently didn't have a special on Sundays and Dad wold just call on all of us kids to come up and we wold sing. Since we many times didn't have a in the parsonages about all we had to do except playing outside was standing around the piano at home and singing. So we always had something ready. One time late in my parents life all of us kids were home and my brother preached, other brother led the choir and had a solo, my sister's daughter played the piano, my daughter sang a solo and we all together sang. This was all in the small church, and last one, he had. One proud family.

    Katla, my sis and I were always going to be nurses. She was 18 months older so she would go to school first, then me. We would then go to the wilds of Africa and be missionary nurses. Dad built us a life size man out of scrap wood and gave him all the appropriate joints. The old garage became our hospital. We made slings, collected berries and ground them up and made all sorts of healing pastes since people in the wilds of Africa wold need them. So we got older, she graduated fro high school and went off the nursing school. And also discovered boys, older more mature guys than what lived in our small corn field type community. So nursing kind of was on the sidelines. The school she was in was a 4 year and by the end of the 1st year they hadn't even stepped foot inside a hospital. So she changed majors. I stuck to it, went to a hospital based school of nursing and we practically lived in the hospital from day one and I was in love. It was all female school, not by choice just the fact that guys didn't apply. But we lived in a city that had a big university so I found guys to!!!! I was one of those students that didn't get good grades, flunked out of OB, but made a darn good nurse. My OB course was the last course of the year and most students if they flunked a course dropped out. I didn't. They didn't know what to do with me. They had never met anyone who flunked but yet wanted to stay. I felt quite alienated when I graduated. My original class didn't want me to be considered to be part of the class of '91 but the class I graduated with didn't think I belonged in the class of '92. Through the years the class of '91 has accepted me because I became successfull.

    I saw the podiatrist today due to 2 bad toenails. I call one a snail shell since it curled into that shape and the other looks like a truffle so that's what I call that one. He gave me the option of going ahead and removing them or having me have routine visits at a diabetic foot care clinic and having them routinely cut the nails, keep them trimmed and observations. So I'm not real good at making decisions lately, my husband says do what I want to. So now I'm in a cunumdrum
