

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Cindy – congratulations on the loss. I find weekends the hardest to stick to a meal plan and to drink enough water. You are very determined, it's awesome that you were able to get back into your house.

    Grandmallie – congrats on the loss – woohooo. So happy to hear you will get a replacement for your fitbit. I’ve become quite attached to mine :laugh: You exhaust me just reading what you get done in a day :ohwell: I bought myself a new charm for my charm bracelet when I hit the 50 lb loss. My bracelet has become a tribute to all my hard work. I hope you find something that will mean a great deal to you too.

    Katla – I wake up every morning stiff & sore, some mornings it’s hard to get out of bed.

    Yanniejannie – yikes I hope that there isn’t too much damage to your kitchen.

    Genealace – amazing results of your bone density test…doing the happy dance

    Suzy – wow 18,000 + steps that’s amazing

    Karen – welcome, I’m sure you will find great support here. It’s a wonderful bunch of women.

    Jill – thanks for the alternate to the plank on the floor. The arthritis in my knees make it difficult to be get down on the floor. Actually truth be told, it’s more getting up off the floor that is just as difficult :noway:

    Pat – I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. You have so much going on, try and be gentle with yourself. I’m glad you made it to the Al-anon meeting. I’ve had such a great experience with them. I too am a “fixer” so I completely understand.

    Tina – when I got my fitbit it was a real eye opener on how much I did not move in a regular day. It has given me more motivation to move more.

    Amanda – great news about your wifi – reminds me of that saying “a clean house is the sign of a broken computer” :laugh:

    Meg: sorry about your blood work – I’m hoping that the next test shows that it’s back to normal and that it was just a fluke test. We as parents need a boat load of patience. I've always said that patience is a virture just not one of mine :laugh:

    Jb – oh my the huckleberries sound wonderful. I don’t think I could have just one muffin. You have amazing willpower :wink:

    Thank you all for your support in regards to my shopping for running shoes. I can't seem to stand up for myself but when it comes to my kids .... I'm a momma bear when it comes to them. I know that it started growing up, my mother always told me I wasn't worth it, that I was useless and then married a man that continued on with that theme. I left him after 10 years of marriage, he didn't let me go and stalked me for years. I freed myself from my mother as well not long after that. I have shopped online and remained hidden away from the world (with the exception of work) for the last 6 years. I am determined to get myself some good running shoes and will attempt this weekend going to a different store. I do have to say that it's causing me great anxiety and I keep thinking about snacking but I haven't. I did have pizza last night but I was still under my calorie limit. :ohwell:

    I need to do this for me! I've never done anything for just me.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuedsay.

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm mourning my washer
    the repairman (a guy I know and trust) says that my 30yr. old Maytag has done its duty and REALLY needs to go to the scrap heap. He says the closest to my old one I will be able to find is a Speed Queen...........not a brand you hear every day anymore; anybody have one of these? He also told me which brands to avoid based on his repair knowledge and experience...........so, I'll check with Consumer's Reports and go from there in combination with his picks, I suppose.

    Meg..........wow, what a shock.........I know I would be in such a state of upheaval and depression...........learning the severity of the osteoporsis left me very sad and actually outraged at my own body for a long time.....well, maybe "betrayed" is a better word..........wish you the best

    Got to run,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues!!Gonna be a good day!!
    Cooler weather!!
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Happy Tuesday, Ladies! When I weighed in this morning, I was surprised by a little over a pound loss. I am feeling bloated and crampy, so I really thought I had gained. Happy Me! :drinker: I am going to the dr this afternoon, so it should make him smile, too.

    It is going back up into the triple digits down here for most of the week, maybe that will motivate me back to the pool. I just don't know why I have been such a slug lately about the exercise.

    Genealace- K.T. Oslin recorded a song years ago titled "Live Close By and Vist Often". I like that philosophy! I don't know what I will do when Bill actually sells the hunting camp and thinks he will move in here full time! :ohwell:

    Amanda- I am so sorry that you are so uncomfortable! Those hernia belts are not much fun; I have a friend back home who had to wear one, and she hated it!

    Sandy- You are such a sweetie! I teared up when I read the paragraph about your life. You have done some very difficult things to take care of yourself, and you should be very proud. I am glad that Al-Anon was good for you, it gives me hope. I understand about the hiding away from the world. It is tempting to just walk off and not tell anyone where I am going, so I really do understand how much it has taken you to to come out into the light. Good Work, my Friend. :wink:

    YannieJannie- Whatever brand you buy, do not buy one without an agitator. The new machines that shoot the water in and never actually hold the water in the tub do not get the clothes clean, and they make the clothes so wrinkled that you have to iron everything. I have hated my 'fancy' new washer since the day I bought it :angry: , can you tell?

    Well, I have to go back and finish yesterday's dairy. I remembered it as I was crawling into bed, and just continued the crawl!:blushing: Oh, well, better late than never!

    Have a great Tuesday!

    Pat (Phoo in Az)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Must come back in and offer my support to SANDY. You deserve those shoes - big time! Just think of us all standing behind you in the shop and speak up! Loud! We want to hear you have got those shoes. I think the email to the company is a great idea. It's always better to do something rather than nothing. It gives you POWER, ! ! Today we reprimanded a guy who was on his mobile in the Quiet Carriage. He didn't even know and apologised. Some people are just plain stupid!
    I am going to ask for my postage back from John Lewis, who mailed my DDIL the wrong snow suit. The order is plain to see on the receipt, the packer put the wrong one in. They are my favourite company and have been amazing with compensation in the past so I know I will get it. The company is owned by the shop workers and was the only one to make a profit in the recession.:heart: Most British love it.
    Well done to yanniejannie for getting her money back. DH is a marvel at fighting these companies - he has got miracles out of them. The British are renowned for not complaining, we are the opposite and it definitely pays dividends. We are behind you, stand up for yourself!

    Back at home now. Lovely. We adore DGS but it's nice to come home and relax!

    Love to you all, HeatherUK:love:
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    I've really been slacking for the last month or so. I don't know what happened to me. :sad: One thing that derailed me was my birthday. I had a ball and all the martinis :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: were showing up on the scale for the last 3 weeks that was so discouraging - especially to the tune of a four pound gain! But my wonderfully encouraging SO talked to me about going to the gym everyday last week, kept a hawk eye on what I was eating and snacking, and practically dragged me to the gym on yesterday. It was wonderful. Thankfully, Storm (the Doberman) continually demanded to be walked everyday! So the damage was not as bad as I thought. So here I am again, starting over. Today I can post that I did get rid of the extra 4 pounds! Yeah me! I am going to try not to let the lazies catch hold of me again. I am pleased to know that the extra gain came from the many extra celebratory martinis and can truthfully say I have accomplished a change in my eating habits!

    Thanks for listening Pals even though I stayed away in same :sad: I missed all of you!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am just plugging along today. I will have to dreadmill tonight since I am at training today and don't get any steps on my fitbit. Getting ready for Alaska and being happy with the new job.

    Michele - My freezer is an upright. I debated on the 20.5 cubic foot versus 15.8 cubic foot. the cost was a lot different and we decided that I just didn't need that much freezer so I stuck with the 15.8. I like the uprights so I can get to and see what I have in the freezer.

    Renny - glad you are back.

    Amanda - glad to see your wifi issue is fixed.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Tuesday afternoon. It has been rainning here alday. Glad my DS and DDIL got the yard mowed yesterday. They are such a Blessing, not sure why but they dicided they would do the mowing this year and show up every week and do it. Last summer our DD and her SO were going to mow it for the summer and we had their car repaired. Well they never showed up and kept saying they were too busy. Guess we learned.

    Heather- sounds like DGS has kept you busy. I agree I never sleep well if not at home. But I love the time I spend with my GC, they keep me young.

    Joyce- Great news about your BM. Since I have been eating less it seems I am having issues. I have started taking a stool softener. But taking it at night so maybe that is the problem. Today I started taking it in the morning with my pills and see if that makes a difference. I remember working in the Skilled unit of the hospital and most the patients talked about theirs alot and I thought I would never be like that. Little did I realize, LOL I find I myself better with my GC. I believe it is because I know I am not responable for them all the time and less stressed. I would love to have done alot of things different when the kids were growing up but I think I did the best I could with what I knew. One of my GD love duck tape. thats all she wanted for her birthday. She makes all kinds of things with it. So got her several rolls with different designs for Christmas.

    Jane- Congrates on the loss

    Sandy- When things like that happed to me at a store I am afraid to speak up, but what I do is go home and call the store manager and let them know they lost a sale.. You worth alot and I understand about hiding. for over 2 years when my DS was little I never went out of the house. Thank God I found a way to get out.

    Welcome to all the new people. You have come to the right place for support and friendship.

    Gail-What a nice evening. DH sure sounds like a keeper, does he give lessons? I can't complain my DH is very supportive and I have learned over the years if I need something I have to speak up as he does not read minds.

    Cindy- glad you got into the house safely. I would of been to scared to do what you did.

    Katila- for several years I slept in the recliner as could not sleep in the bed. Since I have lost some weight I can now sleep in the bed. DH would sleep in the other recliner and he is happy to be back in bed. When I first get up my back is sore, but by the time I am done with my shower it is better.

    Jill- I tried the seated plank. I can do that. Getting on the floor is not a good idea for me as would take along time to get up, my knee will not take me being on them.

    Pat- Good loss. Keeping you and your brother and sister in our prayers.
    Well everyone have a good rest of the day. Blessed! vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got a 50 min walk in with Violet and we went to Subway for lunch(walking there).Stopped at a park,
    Fun day!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JB from Portland: Your huckleberries look good, and your garden is amazing. Enjoy.:bigsmile:

    Sandy from Ontario: I guess misery really does love company because it is nice to know I’m not the only one who wakes up hurting. :tongue: On the other hand, it would be much nicer if all of us woke up feeling great every morning.:happy:

    yanniejannie: DH and I replaced our loser front-loader set with a Speed Queen set. (Traditional agitator washer and accompanying drier.) We LOVE it! :heart: :heart: :heart: And it is made in America. We got the large size so we can wash King sized quilts and comforters.:flowerforyou:

    Robin & Michele: DH bought the last freezer and it isn’t as big as the one it replaced. :frown: We’re thinking of giving it to one of the kids and getting a bigger one. Long ago we had a chest freezer. They are very efficient energy wise, but trying to find something in the bottom is not fun. DD fell in in to the bottom of it the week before Thanksgiving when I asked her to get the turkey out to thaw. She was only wearing a towel. :blushing: We replaced the chest freezer not long after that. We put in on the driveway with a “for sale” sign on it and sold it the first hour.:bigsmile:

    While waiting for the doors to be unlocked at yoga this morning, one of my classmates said that the cook at Meals on Wheels was severely overweight and had recently lost quite a bit. The classmate went on to relate that the woman’s doctor was furious and the woman had been using an app—MyFitnessPal. I said that I’d been using MFP since October and it has been wonderful. She didn’t say another word about it. Maybe she was embarrassed.:embarassed: I wonder why people want to jump so quickly into the blame game. :huh: Lots of good things are misused with bad results, not that I’m saying the woman who was losing weight was misusing anything. I don’t have the facts of the matter. She was obviously losing a lot of weight and I gather the doctor was worried about how fast she was losing. It is my classmate I’m wondering about.:huh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I was sure hoping that my fudge incident and weight gain after would be gone from the scales this week but I don't think it will be. My back and neck pain has side lined me from the Y . I have gradually lost but I fear my weigh in tomorrow will be up a little bit from last weeks. But you pay for what you do wrong.

    I went to the Y today. My intent was not do a regular workout, only do cardio and take it easy. I was so glad 'my' bike was available since it has a bucket seat and not a bike seat. I wouldn't be able to ride the bucket seat. So I set the intensity on 2, I usually do 3 and very slowly rode while I watched HGTV. I guess I lost track of time since I enjoyed the show, Curb appeal the block, but I ended up going about 7.25 miles in just a little less than a mile. But I burned 200 calories. I called my husband and mayed sure my heating pad was turned on because I was needing it. So I used the heating pad and then went and layed down on m sleep number bed for a bit to relax the back a little more. I wasn't intending to rest or sleep, wasn't needing that, I just needed the comfort of the sleep number, my sleep number!

    I have a freezer story from my youth. Since we were a poor preachers family our garden was very important to us. Often preachers are paid in meat, gardens, etc. So it was well filled and Mom and Dad did a lot of canning. But all of us kids were animal lovers and couldn't stand to see an animal suffering. We had a hummingbird try to fly though our window and it broke it's neck. We wrapped that poor bird up and it stayed in our freezer for many years. I also loved to see how animals worked so all the kids in the neighborhood kids would bring me dead animals and I would do autopsies on them. Well one day some brought me this big box turtle and it had been a long time since this big ol dude had moved even when we left it alone so I brought out my trusty 'tools of the trade' and cut him between the shells to seperate them. That really made him move.:noway: Dad told me that once I had started I had no choice but to continue. so he taught us hwot o make turtle soup that night. It was so hard to eat that:sad: But Mom helped me make sure the shell was really clean and he spent many years sitting on my shelf and was taken to show and tell by my brothers, Bible school. He was one of my prize possessions since no one else I knew had one. But I did autopsies on dogs, cats, mice even snakes. I loved my childhood.

    Have a good day everyone, Joyce
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening my friends,
    today I had an appitite,which isnt good.
    stayed under the calorie count but not by much..and I dont much like this new pedometer, it doesnt count like my old one lol
    sorta tired tonight,will get my tail up and to the gym again in the morning...:wink:
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Haven't checked in for a few days. I fell off the wagon over weekend due to some pancakes that wouldn't stop calling my name! I'm not going to lie, they tasted fabulous! I didn't love the bloated feeling after, however. Back on track this week, including the gym.

    Ryder did well over the weekend. He goes into that ''old dog coma sleep''. I keep checking to make sure I see him breathing. So hard to watch our beloved pets age...

    Off to make a smoothie. I'm getting sick of my usual. Anyone have any yummy smoothie recipes?

    Have a great week!

    Critter Sue
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. This has not been a very good day for us around here. DH’s favorite aunt, who literally raised him, is dying of heart failure. She was sent home with hospice care and the family has been called in. He is leaving Thursday and DD#1 wants to go with him. They are not saying how much time they think she has, but it doesn’t sound good. She is in her late 80s and is one very tough old gal. She has had a chronic bone infection in her leg almost her entire life and many, many hospitalizations, but still lives by herself on her farm.

    I heard from my doctor’s nurse and yes it’s time I accepted everything. So I made an appointment at our diabetes center, which is run by a nurse practitioner. One of the great benefits we have here is free diabetes care as long as you stick to the plan and meet your target lab goals. Free lab work 4 times a year, free meter, free test strips, free “pokers”, free dietician consult, and free nurse practitioner visits every 3 months. I should be grateful.

    I did weight lifting and the dreaded yoga tape today. That downward facing dog really needs to be euthanized!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Kate; hope you are being a “good” busy!

    Vicki: hope you got a good night’s rest

    Michele: all your games and get=togethers sound so fun!

    Genealace: I went with my parents once on a motor home trip for 2 weeks. When we got home to their house, we found the power had been out for the entire time after a lightening strike on their house. The smell was something I will never forget. Their insurance company would reimburse them for all the lost food but needed an inventory!!!! Guess whose job that was??? BLEH

    Joyce: well that’s one unusual NSV! Congratulations! I have a great mental image of you and your duct taped cpap machine!!!

    Amanda: I sure hope your health problems go away soon! How is your dad adjusting to the new environment?

    Cindy: good for you to prioritize that exercise!

    Barbie: thanks for the encouragement. I do feel it’s unfair!

    Heather: you should send me a care package of all that wonderful food!

    Katla: thanks for your encouragement too! Our humane society is a kill shelter, but the one in our county is not. I would love to volunteer there after I retire, but I’d want to take all the special needs animals home!

    Jb: you are so busy in that garden but I bet you’ll be really glad when you get to eat all your hard work!

    Sandy: if you have any extra patience, you could send some my way!

    Yanniejannie: so sorry about your washer! I hate it when something tried and true breaks down! Thanks for your kind words. Betrayal is a good way to describe it.

    Pat: congratulations on the weight loss!

    Tere: welcome back. Those pounds will be gone in no time!

    Janemartin: yay on your walk! Keep it up!

    Crittersue: the old man (cat) I have does the coma sleep too. He sleeps so hard it actually takes a while to wake him up.

    Well dinner is almost ready; smoked orange roughy. I have no idea where the butcher got it, but it smells delicious and we haven’t been able to get it in several years. Take care all, Meg from cool-ish Omaha
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I didn't walk as much as usual or work in the yard but but I took care of some financial business that has been on my "to do" list for weeks and I feel great about that.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :yawn: :yawn: :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :smile: “The only real freedom a human being can ever know is doing what you ought to do because you want to do it.”
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Cleaning out refrigerators.... when DH's sister passed away in AZ we had to do that. Mind you, she had been dead a couple of weeks and the power had been shut off. O-M-G... :noway: :noway: We paid the power bill and opened up the frig very quickly to put it as cold as possible, and closed it up for a day or so. When it finally had to be done I just took a deep breath outside and dove in to do it as quickly as possible. She was a hoarder so the frig was the least of our problems!

    DH is on his second bowl of the squash soup, which is unusual. It was pretty good. He made side salads to go along and he also had some tortellini.

    Did weights at the Y and 65 minutes of walking (2 sessions - some at lunch, some after work) today, so I've already got the 10,000+ steps.

    On to finish up the night.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Vicki . . . my daughter is a duct tape fanatic too! It’s amazing what she does with it, and we have also given her rolls of tape for Christmas.

    Joyce . . . I had a box turtle as a pet when I was a kid – his name was Knoll. And I know he was a male because he tried to mate with anything he could. If you’ve never seen an erect turtle penis, let me tell you, it’s quite a sight! My father wouldn’t allow us to have any mammals as pets (perhaps because he couldn’t relate to warm-blooded animals) but one of my brothers had all kinds of reptiles and amphibians.
    Congrats on the 7.25 miles!

    Jb . . . oh my gosh, I can’t believe your garden – you do all that and work too? Amazing.

    Grandmallie . . . “sort of tired tonight”? I can’t believe that you’re not exhausted every night, with all that you do.

    Terewilliams . . . I’ve really been slacking in the exercise department myself. Congrats on not letting your birthday martinis derail you!

    Sandy . . . good luck with the shopping. I don’t like dealing with stores and salespeople. I’ve really taken to buying my clothes on the internet. However, it’s certainly been hit or miss with shoes, and I’m not good about returning things that don’t fit. So even though I virtually never buy something if it’s not on sale, I probably don’t end up coming out ahead.

    Liz, Meg, Pat, and all who are dealing with illness or family issues, my thoughts are with you.

    (one of) my lockout stories: (This was many years ago, before cell phones or children - my children that is.) My husband and I were visiting family in Chicago and were staying at my sister-in-law’s. They had cats, and we were supposed to be careful about not letting them out of the apartment. I was alone in the apartment, and for some reason, opened the front door. One of the cats went running out, so I went after him. The door closed behind me and I was locked out. I was wearing some kind of pajamas (probably a long t-shirt), was barefoot, and had toast in the toaster oven (for some reason, I was terrified that the apartment was going to go up in flames). Oh, and it was winter and there was snow on the ground. The good news was, my MIL lived about 2 blocks away and Chicago has alleys. So I scurried down the alleyways in my t-shirt and bare feet to my MIL’s, who luckily had a set of keys, and I returned in her winter coat and a pair of slippers. The cat was still roaming the lobby of the building and the toast was merely burned.

    :heart: Thanks again for your support and encouragement!!:heart:
    Kate in Brooklyn

    August goals (with update):
    Couch to 5 K minimum of 3x/week. (Try to complete program.) Update: not doing well. Going to try again tomorrow.
    Limit significant overeating/binging to 1 day/week maximum. Update: I’ve had a couple of bad days, but even those were nowhere near as bad as some of the days in July.
    Start strength training. Update: nope. This might need to wait until I get back from vacation.
    Make 3 phone calls. Update: made 1 phone call, substituted email for one (not the best way, but at least I made contact)
    Post on this thread at least 2x/week, including a weekly update on my goals. Update: Not sure if I’ve posted 2x/week, but haven’t gone completely into “lurk” mode. This is my 1st update on goals.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Goood evening. Just got home from a meeting of the police support group; we got a lot of plans firmed up tonight. Good meeting.

    Katla..........I read the posts before I went out to the meeting; LOL!!! I had just stopped at the house to change after shopping for a washer...... I had bought a top loading Speed Queen and expect to be happy with it as it does seem very close to the old Maytag and made in the USA.

    Peeked in at the SPCA today with my dd..........thinking about a little black poodle. It's been almost a year and a half since Betsy died but I've never had anything but basenjis; not sure about a dog that actually barks............we'll see. Maybe.

    Good night!

  • rjscott
    rjscott Posts: 22 Member
    I wrote most of this yesterday and thought I had posted it, but I don’t see it. Sorry if I’ve posted twice.
    DeeDee–so glad your foot isn’t fractured; take care of yourself!!
    Katla–planning commission; don’t think I could handle that!
    Pat–what encouraging news for your son’s friend
    Janemartin–keep up the good work; you’re definitely moving in the right direction
    Vicki–prays for your friend
    Michelle–hope things get done for your party
    Cindy–can relate to having trouble staying on track over the weekend; I equate food with good times and crave it when depressed; basically, I can easily find any excuse to eat; hope you did have a bit less excitement in your day (hope you don’t forget the keys again!)
    Grandmallie–I get tired just reading your posts
    Yanniejannie–Oh no, not a flooded kitchen!
    Suzy–glad someone has had good beach weather
    Heather–sounds like you are having a wonderful time
    Robin–sorry about the freezer, but so happy the new job is working out well
    Joyce–your posts reveal a person with so much strength

    The weekend was rather quiet until Sunday night when another thunderstorm popped up. During the storm there was a tremendous lightning strike/ thunder boom and we knew it was close. DS#2 thought that a transformer had been hit. He is a member of the community volunteer fire department and five minutes later the all call went out to respond to a house fire. He heads out the door and on the way to the fire department hears the address of the house and calls me to tell me the fire is next door! Lightning struck the neighbors’ house. They are all fine; it was a good thing they were home because the fire was put out very quickly with much less damage than if they had not been home!!!
    * * * * * *
    Now for today’s post:
    Amanda–Glad you have Wi-Fi again
    DeeDee–looking forward to hearing the Thanksgiving story
    Joyce & Katla–when DS#1 was in high school he and a friend made their prom outfits from duct tape; they were quite heavy!!
    JB–your garden produce sounds so yummy!!
    Meg–Sorry to hear about DH’s favorite aunt

    Swam this morning and walked the dog this evening. Also had my 6 month dental checkup–always glad when I’m told no further work is needed:smile:
    Rhonda in SE TN
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kate we took a trip to Philadelphia several years ago, good trip then but an unhappy to thin k about it now. anyway we went to the zoo. Fantastic zoo. We were approaching the turtle exhibit and it could be heard from quite a distance. this one huge turtle was humping everything in it's path. Some of those huge turtles couldn't move fast enough but he was relentless. It was a sound and sight I will never forget.
