

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    Just popping in to say I have lost another 1lb. That takes me to 50 lbs lost!!!!:love::flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: :laugh:
    WOW! Last June I was, in my wildest dreams, thinking I might, just might, be able to lose 36 to take me back to the weight I was when I met DH 10 years ago. I have also lost half an inch off my hips. :bigsmile: I know that my body has taken some calories to do the repair work on my mastitis, but I am not complaining. I have kept to my calorie goals throughout all this, so I feel I deserve some reward. Will have to ponder a while on what that should be.
    I asked my DSIL to be brutally honest with me as to whether I should lose some more. Jodios- I do have a fear of looking haggard and I don't want my bones to suffer. She said I looked 'well' and could maybe go down a few more pounds with no ill effects. I am still 24.4 BMI. So onward I go. I want to resume a little bit of strength training today, but will take it easy.

    Michele- good luck with the party. I am a logistic thinker too. I don't think men quite have it figured. My first husband was terrible at anything like that and was a last minute person. So I got rid of him! :laugh: :laugh: I think if you are good at visualizing you can easily see the sequence in your head, like a film. My mother always used to say she could see an accident waiting to happen. I am the same, therefore I am a good planner.

    Joyce- I did scuba in the Red Sea a couple of years ago. I was quite large then. I practised a couple of times beforehand at a swimming pool with a Scuba Club. So much depends on the instructor. The ones I had were so reassuring and rather hunky! When I went down to see the coral we walked off the beach and my gorgeous instructor latched himself on to me behind me and guided me round. We went about 10 metres down. Fabulous! And he wasn't bad either!:blushing:
    With your MIL I think it is Nature's way of preparing us for death. Gradually allowing us to let go of this world, so we don't mind too much when the end is near. As a nurse you must have seen it happen so many times.

    Meg- a gannet is a large sea bird that dives out of the sky to grab the fish under water. They hunt in packs. I think that describes the attack on the cheeseboard!
    I was lucky enough to retire at 55 when I married DH. I am largely a kept woman, though I do have a small pension, the rent from my flat and my own capital and half of the house. I quite like being a kept woman, though recently when my flat was empty I had no money for clothes or anything. But my life style is comfortable thanks to DH and I pay for as much as I can out of my own pocket, like holidays and clothes. I have so loved my retirement, by far the happiest time of my life.:bigsmile: :heart: :drinker:

    I continue to mend. Now have a pink, warm breast instead of a hot, red one.

    Heather in dull and damp Hampshire UK
  • nanasorchid52
    Hi beautiful ladies!

    Been AWOL for too long - then couldn't find the thread!

    It's been a busy summer, but although I have managed to keep logging I have been slack posting - my apologies.

    So bumping to save my place. I am hosting an Asian dinner party tonight for some good friends so have to finish food prep, decorate the table and clean the house!

    Hope to have more time to devote to this wonderful thread when we stop gadding about and the children go back to school!

    Love to you all - speak soon

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    I have bought myself a new yoga bag for my 50 lb lost present. It is bright red and takes a mat as well as everything else I need. I thought it would go with my new winter red stripey raincoat. I wanted to buy exercise clothes, but think I am going to have to try them on rather than buy them on line as my waist is out of proportion to my hips now. (My waist is a size bigger or even two sizes) .My yoga ladies should see me coming now!
    Heather UK
    WELCOME BACK nanasorchid!:flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,767 Member
    morning ladies~
    just a quick hello, off to work, then to the picnic.. I will behave and hopefully get some exercise in while there, because I haven't had time to do any this morning. and I cant really do it at work,because I am at the reception desk at work and there are camera's on us..
    so will have to wait till the picnic,but it is a resort will all sorts of stuff to do.. dont think we will use the pool,but there is enough other stuff that will keep us entertained...
    as promised because of this lifestyle I will choose wisely at this picnic, it is a place that has cheese and crackers out, then picnic stuff, then free ice cream etc.. but will bring my 24 oz insulated cup full of ice and go to town on the water...
    i hope everyone enjoys there weekend, I guess in Plainville, which is about 20 minutes from us they have a balloon festival today.. would have loved to see that:smile:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    This is my Friday check-in (yes, I know it is Saturday).

    Went lawn bowling (I run it on Friday), but there were 13 people, so I had to drop out. I did some practice on my own, but then someone else turned up and I helped get ready for a group of 28 people who were coming to the club for a 'work teambuilding' afternoon. I did a whole pile of cleaning up in the garden round the club-house.

    Had lunch at the club and then helped the visitors to learn how to bowl for a couple of hours.

    Did my grocery shopping and then worked on my lace for a little while.

    DBF and I went to supper with my GF and she invited us back to her house for tea. She needed help to put her antique bookcase back together. We took it apart a few weeks ago so she could repair some of the beading round the leaded-glass doors. It is certainly a two person job, but we managed to get it done and get the doors working ok (they are up and over doors - sort of like garage doors).

    So, that was my day.
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    :bigsmile: Good morning ladies
    I have been waiting since April for today...the king of fitness Shaun T (Hip Hop Abs and Insanity) is live in Fayetteville, NC today!!! I bought my tickets months ago and will do a double workout today. The best part is that this is a fundraiser for Coins for Children, through our church, and Shaun is doing this all for our charity! More than 150 tickets were sold so all the energy, and sweat, should be overpowering. I am sooo excited. :happy: And how will you spend your day?

    Tomorrow I am officially on vacation for 2 weeks. I lost 3.6 lbs this week, now at -57, and will pray every day to practice self-control while I am away from my house. I appreciate all the positive comments, special thank to Joyce and Michelle in NC. :smile: I am wishing everyone a fantastic 2 wks, since I am not sure how much connectivity I will have on my vacation. I plan on deprogramming from life on the beach and spending quality time with my older sister. Life is good, praise be to God.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Megblair: I’m thinking there is a barley recipe that includes hops and results in an alcoholic beverage. :wink: :devil: I know it isn’t diabetic friendly. :noway: More seriously, you could probably substitute barley for rice in many recipes. DH can’t have it so I don’t get to use it any more, but I’ve always loved barley. Look at this site for some ideas:
    http://allrecipes.com/recipes/whole-grains/barley/ You'll find other cooking sites on the web, too. Your comments to DeeDee about the dog made me laugh. The old saying something or someone is “dogging my steps” is based on reality.:bigsmile:

    Michele: I’ve always been shy on a social level, and I love reading about all of your parties and events. I’m not shy about much else, but my mom was very shy and I’ve never learned the skills you have in abundance, so I lack confidence. Your posts are fun to read. Vince obviously doesn’t understand the mischief cats can get into with party things.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I was wearing 18s when I started this journey in October. They were snug. From there I went to a few 16W’s in December for DS’s wedding, then regular 16s, & 14s. I wore the 14s until they were so baggy that DH was complaining. I haven’t bought more than two pairs of pants in a size, except I have long pants and capris for summer. I’m still wearing ALL of my original tops and size 10 pants. I was carrying a lot of weight in my butt and legs. :grumble: I don’t have any dresses that still fit at all. That will be something I buy as needed. I lead a pretty casual lifestyle. With such a small wardrobe I do a LOT of small loads of laundry. :laugh:

    Jodios: Thanks for your good wishes for my son. It’s nice to see that you’re back. I hope you’ll be able to stop by a bit more often. Enjoy your DS and his GF.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on hitting the big weight loss five-oh! Celebration is needed. I was thinking clothes or flowers, but the new yoga bag is an excellent option.:bigsmile:

    Nanasorchid: Welcome back. You were missed.:flowerforyou:

    Genealice: Your day sounds productive and busy.:flowerforyou:

    I picked up DD at the airport yesterday, brought her home long enough to grab DH and went out for Chinese food. We had a good visit all afternoon and grilled steaks for dinner. DD and I watched TV for a while after dinner. DH went to bed early. I’m up now because I couldn’t sleep through DH’s snoring. :noway: So far, I’ve done a load of laundry and spent some time here reading all of your posts. At least I'm putting the time to good use.:tongue:

    DS and DDIL will arrive about noon, and his best friend will bring his family out around six. I want to move to the boat this morning and let the kids have the house so they can stay up as long as they like and party. The house will be full. Our daughter is already in the guest room and I’d like to leave our room with fresh sheets for DS and DDIL. I hope I can talk DH into it. Our place has just two bedrooms, and when it is only the two of us I can go to the guest room on the nights his snoring is an issue. On the boat, I’ll be able to leave him in the aft cabin and close the door if he snores. Then I can sleep in the main salon, or even the Vee berth. We often use the boat as a guesthouse, and we’re usually the “guests” in it.:laugh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Just wanted to let you know my sister passed away this morning around 3am..:cry::cry: .we were there with her till the end...for the next days/week....I won't be doing much on the site except the food diary if I am able.Thank you to All who were helping me thru this with your kind words and prayers... She isn't in pain anymore :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Liz from Halifax NS
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    Liz,I`m so sorry about your sister.Take time for you now to work thru this.Sending you hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
    We`ll be here when you come back.At least she is at peace.
    Welcome back ladies that came back,you were missed.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    I am so sorry for your loss, and know you will miss your sister. I'm sure you'll be very busy for a while. Come back when you're ready. You will be missed.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member

    I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm sure your sister appreciated you being with her. Take gentle care of yourself during this time.

    We will be here when you need some extra support.

    You are in my prayers.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,316 Member
    Liz - Love to you:heart: It was a blessing you could be with her to the end.:heart:
  • etak17
    etak17 Posts: 71 Member
    Liz, many many hugs for you. I am so glad you were able to be with her. Know that we are all with you, in our thoughts and prayers.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    My condolences, Liz. Take care of yourself. Your sister knew she was deeply loved.
    Gail, metro ATL
  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Liz…My sympathies in the loss of your sister. I was with my Grandmother when she passed on, her last words were “see the angels”, that was a comfort for me. I hope you find comfort in knowing your sister is at peace.

    Take care.
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Liz, Thoughts and Prayers for you and your Family at this time. May you be comforted with your many memories of your lovely sister.
    Juanita in Sudbury
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :cry: Liz I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you at this very sad time. ((Hugs))

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Liz - my deepest condolences. I am so sorry for your loss. I'm glad you were able to be with her at the end. I know how hard that must of been for you. We will be here to support you when you are ready to come back. Sending prayer to you and your family as you go through this difficult time. Jodios
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    Liz - so sorry for your loss. Praying for you...........it's been such a tough time. We're all thinking of you.:heart:

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Liz, so sorry to hear of your loss. Your presence with and for your sister was a gift beyond measure. Knowing she is no longer in pain hopefully brings you comfort. Take good care of you during this trying time.

    Brooke from Colorado

    "We were together. I forget the rest" - Walt Whitman