Less alcohol- January 2018- one day at a time



  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    This morning when I woke up after another night of great sleep I was thinking about what has sabotaged my efforts at moderation in the past. I think I have hit on it - on non-drinking days I’ve always viewed it as a drag, or boring or deprivation. Like let me get through this day so I get to have wine again. This month so far has taught me the biggest problem is my attitude. Not drinking is great, I feel great, I still get to enjoy tasty beverages (albeit alcohol free) I get to be healthier - it’s all a good thing and positive (not a deprived state) - as this month closes out that’s what I want to carry forward.

    Yes! And I rarely deprive myself so I end up just drinking every day.
  • bdbchick
    bdbchick Posts: 2,434 Member
    Today has been such a stressful day at work and I am so tempted to get some rum after work. I won't however. I plan on staying dry not only for January but most likely until I am done losing weight. Stress sucks. Thankfully the most stressful part of my day is done. I just have 3 1/3 more hours to go then I'm free.
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    Hey, ... does anyone here enjoy irsh coffee..?
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    I slept very deeply for the second night in a row. I think because all the alcohol is out of my system now at day 10. For me, it's all or nothing. Moderation is not in my psyche. When i go out this weekend with friends, I have been visualizing myself ordering a mock-tail and club soda with lime. I have to really get my mind to accept, just for this month I'm not going to drink. And I'll take next month as it comes.

    Benefits I've noticed: dropped two pounds, face is less puffy, skin clearer, sleeping much deeper, no mood swings, able to withstand trauma as in the death of my loved one without alcohol, enjoying simple things like preparing and drinking hot tea, exercising at any time I feel like it, reading much more, feeling more confident that I can resist what I crave, getting out of bed with a clear head, no nausea, no heartburn, no headache and best of all ... not being disappointed in myself when I awaken...
    Stay strong, don't think of the big picture, my friends. Just say, "Just for today, I will...."
    Love being on this thread and on this journey with all of you.

    Julie you hit a big point with me, I wake up not disappointed. I contemplated drinking 1 or 2 tonight and realized that the feeling I feel when I wake up is truly amazing. Great job!
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    Goal — January under 7 drinks a week- for my health.....my mind.....my body....Freedom from alcohol ruling my life!

    1/1 =alcohol free
    1/2 = 4 wine spritzers
    1/3 =alcohol free
    1/4 =alcohol free
    1/5 =alcohol free while my husband must of drank almost 2 bottles of wine....I wasn't tempted, which was great!
    1/6 =alcohol free while my husband must of drank almost 2 bottles of wine
    1/7 =alcohol free while my husband must of drank almost 2 bottles of wine-I copy and paste! Rerun! :) I feel that now I don't even want one drink as it is never enough...I always want more! I will see how long I can be FREE from alcohol. Losing weight and feeling great!
    1/8 =DITTO...I slept better last night--had an Atkins bar around 8...maybe that was it...I also had to go to my guest room again for my husbands snoring started again! :)
    1/9 =DITTO and lost another pound---Wow! 7 days alcohol FREE!! This is the longest I have gone for years!
    1/10 =
    1/11 =
    1/12 =
    1/13 =
    1/14 =
    1/15 =
    1/16 =
    1/17 =
    1/18 =
    1/19 =
    1/20 =
    1/21 =
    1/22 =
    1/23 =
    1/24 =
    1/25 =
    1/26 =
    1/27 =
    1/28 =
    1/29 =
    1/30 =

    I also have to deal with my hubby and he drinks every night, I struggle sometimes communicating with him when I am sober and I hope one day he will join in cutting back, I am not asking him to quit, just limit so we can carry on a conversation without all the drama and emotion. I right there with you chickey.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    @JulieAL1969 I can truly relate to you when you said no mood swings!! I noticed that I had really bad mood swings and I was constantly snapping at my husband like I had no patience. I thought it was because i was in perimenopause. After I stop drinking I noticed that I am much more patient and little to no mood swings.
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    This is an awesome post. Way to go @JulieAL1969 and everyone else.
    I can very much relate on some of the things you have mentioned in this post.
    This new year I promised myself to keep the drinking to Fri/Sat and maybe a bit on Sun.
    I was tried of being hungover/bloated and it was affecting my new job.
    Not to mention how much it costs to drink everyday and I can finish a bottle of wine and few hard drinks in a night.
    So far I have stuck to my goal only drinking on the weekend and I'm feeling so much better and my work ethic has improved so much along with my personal happiness.
    I have also noticed already my waistline shrinking from the bloating which makes me happy
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    Alzzi76 wrote: »
    Hey, ... does anyone here enjoy irsh coffee..?

    this was an old idea that ive recently gone back on. Ihad them as a treat occationally but then got into a bad habit after i had a lot of stress and had lots to do. I felt it got me going without thinking abt my worries. I was really stressed out with a lot to do and not know where to start and this old idea came to me and i gave in.
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    I had a really tough day today. Even though i’ve made good progress, personal issues have been a struggle. It would be so nice to break the diet and have a drink with some unhealthy food.
    But i have stayed strong. Made a healthy dinner and am drinking an orange juice and seltzer.
    If i’m being totally honest it’s unhealthy food i’m craving more than a drink - but im glad ive had neither.
    About 2 more hours til bed.

    It’s nice to have a place to come and vent
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    NormInv wrote: »
    Listened to the meditation app last night for sleep. It made me fell asleep but the schmuck kept talking and woke me again. I need an assistant to turn it off

    Can you set a timer?

    Schmuck!! LOL!! :) I had to laugh at that....funny...sorry though that he woke you up...

    ummm it was a she.....
  • leebroadway13
    leebroadway13 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi everyone. I have not read the whole thread, but I am with you. Have not had a drink since Jan 1. Definitely having an easier time getting up in the morning and less "brain fog," so that is great. But it's very stressful at work right now and we're also in the process of buying a house so today I briefly felt like I REALLY wanted a drink. Made tea instead. Going to buy some La Croix next time I'm at the store.

    I keep thinking about how Feb. 2 is going to be so great because I can have a drink again... :neutral: And I guess that sort of thinking worries me a little. Anyone else?

    ETA: I saw someone mention the Trader Joe's turmeric-ginger tea in another post. I have been drinking a LOT of that and taking milk thistle too. The turmeric-ginger tea tastes a little sweet which is nice because I'm also on a no-sugar diet. Trying to give my liver a little love!
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    Alzzi76 wrote: »
    Hey, ... does anyone here enjoy irsh coffee..?

    Why was this flagged?
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Day 9 for me! Wasn’t even tempted this evening. I had sparkling water with lime through a straw, which is the way I drink my rum/sparkling water, through a straw. It was yummy, I made dinner and it was super yummy. It’s about my son’s bedtime and hubs and I are going to lay in bed and watch The 100.

    I have been having lots of intense dreams lately, not sure if it has anything to do with the no alcohol but it’s kind of getting on my nerves because of the intensity and often negative aspects of them. Could be worse I guess, I could be having trouble sleeping.