JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    It’s sunny again today!
    I’d love to sit in the garden but I’ve got lots of important things to do as well as cleaning and putting the ever growing pile of laundry away!


    - 8+ glasses of water
    - Be in the green, really need to watch what I eat today as there’s not a lot of time for exercise! Although cleaning will burn some
    - Exercise if I can, not sweaty Betty today though, rest from that today.

    Tbh I feel anxious, like to the point where I feel sick, got important things to pay and not enough to cover it so need to get my hand on some cash :/

    Sorry to hear about the money issues, I hope you manage to sort it soon.

    Hopefully something will turn up as @HGSmith0920 suggested, but otherwise you might be able to borrow from a local credit union?

    Or, depending on your situation, you might be able to get a small grant?
    https://grants-search.turn2us.org.uk is a decent tool that might help. These vary in terms of who qualifies - some require you to be really strapped whereas others are more interested in whether you're a type of person they care about (e.g. parent, religious, disability, etc...). There might be something there!

    Depending on what it is that you need to pay, if it's a bill rather than something you need to buy then it's often possible to negotiate longer if you ring up.

    I think https://www.nationaldebtline.org have information on their website about this, and if you need to you can also ask them for advice by phone/webchat.

    Hope this helps. If you want any more tips then do PM me - I am not a financial advisor but I do work in that sector and know a lot about it, so may be able to give you some good tips, even if it's just to point you in the direction of people who are actually qualified :smiley:

    Thank you so much for all that, I knew about the debt lines but not the credit unions so will take a look for future reference.

    In the mean time my dad has managed to juggle his bills to get me the money!
    But it’s been such a stressful day. Feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    Definitely look at the positive! My wedding was actually in the meadow next to my house. I borrowed the dress from my neighbor and it was a pot luck. Lol. And the marriage is definitely more important. I'm so glad that your marriage is improving. The DH and I have had a bit of hard time adjusting to our lack of alone time the last 2 weeks. We took a few short walks last night and they were really really nice so we're going to make it a thing now. We like spending time outside at night. I hope the deck works out! We have a really nice one that I should probably clean up so that we can spend time on it. Lol

    Yes! Clean up the deck! It's like having an additional room:) You don't have to make it look like a page out of Homes and Garden...Having it clean from debris and dust is a huge step to having a nice ambiance. If you have an electrical outlet there, you can try using a fan. This helps tremendously in keeping away mosquitoes and flies, not to mention it adds a breeze. If you have white Xmas lights, and again an outlet, string them up along the deck. Boom you have a party every night! You can meditate out there in the early mornings...doesn't a stream or something run past your house???
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    JFT - Tuesday June 26
    2L of Water - :| I lost count somewhere along the line yesterday and I think I only got 1.5 in.
    Stay in Green - :( No, but I salved it from 523 in the red to 119 so it could have been much worse
    Outside 15 Minutes - Weather looks a little sketchy will have to see about this one - :/ I was out for 15 minutes while going to visit businesses but not a solid 15 minutes enjoying the outdoors since the weather turned. On Monday night it was 31 degrees in the evening, last night was down to 11. My furnace even kicked in.
    Come up with plan for sales - :/ I don't know if it's a plan, but I managed to get another 12 places visited and dropped off brochures and business cards
    Write in Journal - :) Yes, and I added more than 3 things to be grateful for
    Work on a 6 month goal plan - :) I have been thinking about it a lot but haven't written anything down yet
    Swim or walk tonight? - :) Decided to do a Leslie Sansone 4 Mile power walk. Couldn't really afford a swim and it was too miserable to walk.

    JFT - Wednesday June 27
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Follow up from sales yesterday and maybe go out again
    Write in Journal
    Work on 6 month goal plan
    Exercise tonight

    For most of my life I never ate breakfast, I just never really liked to think of food until later in the day. When I started looking at my weight and figuring out what to do, I started eating breakfast. That's what all the "rule books" say to do. So I've have been eating breakfast, usually an egg Mcmuffin, no meat so I can get the protein in and a coffee. I have been constipated (Sorry TMI) more often than not for the last two months and I decided today that I'm going back to no breakfast, just a coffee. It's the only thing that I had really changed except for the additional fruits and vegetables and portion control in my overall diet. This will save me almost 300 calories in the day so it might not be such a struggle later and hopefully will start things working properly again.

    I find out today if I'm going to have to lay people off here in my office. My financial hat thinks this is the best thing for the company. My tender heart worries about the people that it will affect. One that would have been laid off, has given his notice and will be leaving Friday so at least that is one less one to worry about.

    Hubby is going to be working a different schedule for the whole month of July. He will be working Saturday to Wednesday 6-2, it's not too bad it could be worse. I just hate the change because I have been enjoying our Saturday's so much. He is quite excited about it as it's more money and a different position for him, so I'm excited too for him and haven't mentioned to him my little disappointment other than to say I'll miss him in the mornings.

    I have planned my weekend out again already this weekend and won't have much free time again. This week is going slow, I thought it was Thursday already so have planned ahead a little early. It's a long weekend here for Canada Day. On Saturday I am designing, creating and making wedding invitations for a young lady in my life that used to work for me. She is getting married in November and has decided to have a small intimate wedding instead of the big 200+ guests that she originally planned. I had made 100 envelopes for her invitations a couple of months ago. She now needs only 30 invitations. We are going to use the envelopes I previously made, but she wants a "Mad Hatter" style wedding, where nothing really matches 100% and it's all a little topsy turvy. This was what her original dreams were for a wedding and her fiance had wanted the big to do. Due to an unexpected financial crisis she is getting what she wants, she doesn't want to go into debt to pay for a big wedding and her fiance agrees. I'm excited, this will be a fun day.

    On Sunday, Canada Day, I am taking the kids to the parade and some free family activities in the area. If I can convince anyone to go with me I may go to the free concert in the evening and watch the fireworks.

    Monday, I am going to paint my front door and do some major cleaning and laundry and enjoy my off day.

    I really hope you don't have to lay people off. I would absolutely hate having to do that. I love the wedding idea! I had about 30 people at my wedding too and it was absolutely perfect. We did the whole thing on about $800. Yay and nay for your hubby. I can understand about not liking schedule shifts. But hey, more moolah! That's definitely an upside right?

    This won't be the first time I have had to lay people off, but it never gets easier that's for sure.
    I had a very small wedding as well we had about 12 guests in a friends backyard. Only regret is too many close family members and friends couldn't attend, but the actual marriage is the important part right?

    Yes, hooray for the hubby! Maybe this will give us more money so that in August we can build a new deck on the weekends when he is off. Have to look at the positive :)

    Definitely look at the positive! My wedding was actually in the meadow next to my house. I borrowed the dress from my neighbor and it was a pot luck. Lol. And the marriage is definitely more important. I'm so glad that your marriage is improving. The DH and I have had a bit of hard time adjusting to our lack of alone time the last 2 weeks. We took a few short walks last night and they were really really nice so we're going to make it a thing now. We like spending time outside at night. I hope the deck works out! We have a really nice one that I should probably clean up so that we can spend time on it. Lol[/quote

    I love getting outside, I have a patio set that sits on our lawn that I try to enjoy a lot throughout the summer. I keep trying to convince hubby to get away from the tv and enjoy it with me, but he never seems to. He loves building and improving the outdoors but then doesn't sit back and enjoy it :) You really should use yours I bet you would find it peaceful.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Yesterday was a really mixed day. I got in a REALLY bad mood - it was black - for several reasons (row with boyfriend the day before, terrible commute to start the day, criticism from boss about some work, getting really bored at work, etc....).

    I couldn't face going to my French class in that mood and decided that what I really wanted to do was go out for dinner with boyfriend, to have a nice evening instead of the horrible one we'd had the day before. So we did. And it cheered me up. And I had a very tasty pie BUT I did not order chips (why would I, when I can just steal a few of his...). AND even though there was a tub of Ben and Jerry's in the freezer and we discussed eating it, I decided not to.

    So overall, kind of reasonable?

    The day highlighted two things:
    1) I've been trying to do too many things lately and am overwhelmed
    2) I NEED to find a new job this year as mine is just not working for me anymore. BUT I'm not going to do anything about it until after my French assessment (jul 18th) as this falls into the category of 'doing too many things'.


    Yesterday's commitments:
    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :/
    - 3 bottles water :neutral: 2.5
    - No alcohol :/
    - 30+ mins lunch break :smile:
    - Duolingo, French podcast, French book :/
    - Stop working at 6pm (to prepare for French) :neutral: Well, I stopped working at 6! Just didn't go to French...

    June challenge:

    June 10: "I'm on holiday" = chocolate :s
    June 11: Stress = gin, no food :neutral:
    June 12: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 13: 'celebratory' mood + pub + burger/ ice cream :s
    June 14: No emotional eating :smiley:
    June 15: Greed rather than emotions.. :neutral:
    June 16: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 17: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 18: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 19: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 20: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 21: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 22: Greed rather than emotions... :neutral:
    June 23: "F&ck it mood" - pub food/drink :/
    June 24: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 25: grumpy, overworked - two gins :/
    June 26: I guess you could call the pie moderate emotional eating. But actually I'm proud that I just allowed myself a moderate indulgence and then stopped so I'm going to give myself :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 3 bottles water
    - No alcohol
    - 30+ mins lunch break
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
    - Stop working at 6pm

    It seems to me you know exactly what you need to do to get yourself into a better situation. That is the first step, recognizing when you're doing too much and taking steps to slow down. I think you made a great decision on going out and repairing the damage after the row. :)
    Yesterday was a really mixed day. I got in a REALLY bad mood - it was black - for several reasons (row with boyfriend the day before, terrible commute to start the day, criticism from boss about some work, getting really bored at work, etc....).

    I couldn't face going to my French class in that mood and decided that what I really wanted to do was go out for dinner with boyfriend, to have a nice evening instead of the horrible one we'd had the day before. So we did. And it cheered me up. And I had a very tasty pie BUT I did not order chips (why would I, when I can just steal a few of his...). AND even though there was a tub of Ben and Jerry's in the freezer and we discussed eating it, I decided not to.

    So overall, kind of reasonable?

    The day highlighted two things:
    1) I've been trying to do too many things lately and am overwhelmed
    2) I NEED to find a new job this year as mine is just not working for me anymore. BUT I'm not going to do anything about it until after my French assessment (jul 18th) as this falls into the category of 'doing too many things'.


    Yesterday's commitments:
    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :/
    - 3 bottles water :neutral: 2.5
    - No alcohol :/
    - 30+ mins lunch break :smile:
    - Duolingo, French podcast, French book :/
    - Stop working at 6pm (to prepare for French) :neutral: Well, I stopped working at 6! Just didn't go to French...

    June challenge:

    June 10: "I'm on holiday" = chocolate :s
    June 11: Stress = gin, no food :neutral:
    June 12: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 13: 'celebratory' mood + pub + burger/ ice cream :s
    June 14: No emotional eating :smiley:
    June 15: Greed rather than emotions.. :neutral:
    June 16: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 17: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 18: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 19: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 20: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 21: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 22: Greed rather than emotions... :neutral:
    June 23: "F&ck it mood" - pub food/drink :/
    June 24: No emotional eating :smile:
    June 25: grumpy, overworked - two gins :/
    June 26: I guess you could call the pie moderate emotional eating. But actually I'm proud that I just allowed myself a moderate indulgence and then stopped so I'm going to give myself :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 3 bottles water
    - No alcohol
    - 30+ mins lunch break
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
    - Stop working at 6pm

    It seems to me you know exactly what you need to do to get yourself into a better situation. That is the first step, recognizing when you're doing too much and taking steps to slow down. I think you made a great decision on going out and repairing the damage after the row. :)

    Thank you! It was definitely more important to do that than go to my French class :smile: After all, what's one class going to do to my ability to speak French?

    Those who disgust easily, LOOK AWAY NOW

    On the constipation - try to make sure you drink lots. I had it a while back to the point where I had physical pains, and when I went to the doctor they said that it was probably lack of fluid - everyone thinks that it's about fruit and fibre but actually you need lots of water as well to keep everything.... In a consistency where it can move easily.... :s

    Thanks, I am drinking anywhere between 8-10 cups of water a day maybe I need to up that more.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    @AJB1014 How are the meds going? I'm seeing lots of smiley faces! Is my trick working?

    It's getting much better! I have my work stash in my desk so always on me like you said - it's the weekend I need to KEEP THE MEDS IN MY BAG. I seem to end up taking them out for one reason or another and they dont always make it back in. Maybe a small pill case for my purse would be better than the bottles, wont have to take it out, just replenish the stash...hmmmm. But definitely has been way better than before so thank you! And thanks for checking on my habits! That in itself helps me too! Hoping today is a better day on the anxiety front for you.
    JFT - Tuesday June 26

    For most of my life I never ate breakfast, I just never really liked to think of food until later in the day. When I started looking at my weight and figuring out what to do, I started eating breakfast. That's what all the "rule books" say to do. So I've have been eating breakfast, usually an egg Mcmuffin, no meat so I can get the protein in and a coffee. I have been constipated (Sorry TMI) more often than not for the last two months and I decided today that I'm going back to no breakfast, just a coffee. It's the only thing that I had really changed except for the additional fruits and vegetables and portion control in my overall diet. This will save me almost 300 calories in the day so it might not be such a struggle later and hopefully will start things working properly again.

    I have seen lots of new information that is no longer regarding breakfast as "the most important meal of the day." I think I have read that mostly in articles references intermittent fasting - which I can get behind but mostly for the idea that you should eat when youre hungry, don't when your not, and set a time frame to stop. Also, much more satisfying to enjoy those calories elsewhere when you are actually hungry.

    Now that you mention that, years ago I did a "diet" that was only to eat when you were hungry, physically feeling the hunger pangs. You would eat slowly, putting your fork down between each bite and not doing anything else when you ate such as reading, watching tv. Also, you never ate family style, you only ate buffet style so that the food wasn't sitting right there in front of you. I followed that for about 6-8 months and did nothing for exercise and lost close to 25 pounds. I should incorporate some of that back into my eating habits. I only do family style when the girls and everyone are there, so this wouldn't be a stretch for me at all as that is one of the habits I kept all these years. Thanks for the gentle nudge on my memory.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    It’s sunny again today!
    I’d love to sit in the garden but I’ve got lots of important things to do as well as cleaning and putting the ever growing pile of laundry away!


    - 8+ glasses of water
    - Be in the green, really need to watch what I eat today as there’s not a lot of time for exercise! Although cleaning will burn some
    - Exercise if I can, not sweaty Betty today though, rest from that today.

    Tbh I feel anxious, like to the point where I feel sick, got important things to pay and not enough to cover it so need to get my hand on some cash :/

    Sorry to hear about the money issues, I hope you manage to sort it soon.

    Hopefully something will turn up as @HGSmith0920 suggested, but otherwise you might be able to borrow from a local credit union?

    Or, depending on your situation, you might be able to get a small grant?
    https://grants-search.turn2us.org.uk is a decent tool that might help. These vary in terms of who qualifies - some require you to be really strapped whereas others are more interested in whether you're a type of person they care about (e.g. parent, religious, disability, etc...). There might be something there!

    Depending on what it is that you need to pay, if it's a bill rather than something you need to buy then it's often possible to negotiate longer if you ring up.

    I think https://www.nationaldebtline.org have information on their website about this, and if you need to you can also ask them for advice by phone/webchat.

    Hope this helps. If you want any more tips then do PM me - I am not a financial advisor but I do work in that sector and know a lot about it, so may be able to give you some good tips, even if it's just to point you in the direction of people who are actually qualified :smiley:

    Thank you so much for all that, I knew about the debt lines but not the credit unions so will take a look for future reference.

    In the mean time my dad has managed to juggle his bills to get me the money!
    But it’s been such a stressful day. Feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted

    Glad something has come up, in the shape of a nice dad!

    Hope you can now relax and recover after the stress. Feels like you could do with a nice little treat, maybe an evening of guilt-free slobbing out and not doing anything???
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    Turning my 6 mo goals in to daily and weekly ones:

    Watch how I react to failures and keep picking myself up and pressing on. – D- not sleeping last night at least I got some reading done on the Daniel plan

    Log all food and drinks – D Water 104oz on 6/26 and up to 96oz now, Calories 1350 on 6/26 220 now a little hungry(MFP goal1290-6/25)

    Weight loss get to 215 and preferably 199 by 1/1/19- sw218.1/cw219.3/stg195/ltg135

    Actively post daily (JFT,log,weight,mood) – posted goals this morning and posting daily goals now mood up

    Read and put into practice the Daniel Plan – read chapter last night

    Snacking healthier – have recipe I want to try but have not made it yet

    Exercise daily – did plank and yoga challenge 90 sec 30 minutes of sweaty betty thanks so much for this it is making exercise fun for me.

    Bedtime routine – electronics off by 1030 XX read before sleeping xx – , asleep by 10 – 9:45 6/26.

    Be more loving to those around me – extra hugs for DH and got up to say goodbye this morning6/27

    Get rid of clutter – sell items, posted 4 things 6/26

    Clear out food pantry and freezers forgot meal for lunch that I took out

    Daily devotions, gratitude journal, and goal tracker – XX

    Accomplish household tasks on to do list – laundry, straightened up


    Eat three or more times throughout the day.
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    What is your opinion on eating most of the calories in the evening or from 4 on? I am usually not hungry during the day and at work do not have much time to eat.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    My Weigh-in Wednesday
    I began this life/health journey 1/1/18 and weighed 177lbs
    Today I weigh 152, down 2 pounds from last week.
    My heart is overflowing with gratitude, including discovering you lovelies!
    I'm looking forward to when I join the 40's club!

    JFT: 6/27 (JFT for 6/26 in parentheses)
    April Challenge: drink 6-8 cups water (yesterday, I drank at least 6 cups of water.
    May Challenge: Be outside 15 minutes (I walked my 3.7 miles)
    June Challenge: Be mindful of when, why, and how much I eat (my modified version)( I followed my new plan and set an alarm for 815pm so I could eat a snack before cut off time. I tried to convince myself I wanted a snack, lol! I finally realized how goofy that was and grabbed a La croix instead and happily drank it! )
    Set alarm to close up the kitchen (did this yesterday)
    Complete a household job from the list (Yesterday I washed the back porch windows and doors and washed the woodwork and cabinets in the house)
    Order the book from my plan (Yep!)

    Peace and joy!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    It’s sunny again today!
    I’d love to sit in the garden but I’ve got lots of important things to do as well as cleaning and putting the ever growing pile of laundry away!


    - 8+ glasses of water
    - Be in the green, really need to watch what I eat today as there’s not a lot of time for exercise! Although cleaning will burn some
    - Exercise if I can, not sweaty Betty today though, rest from that today.

    Tbh I feel anxious, like to the point where I feel sick, got important things to pay and not enough to cover it so need to get my hand on some cash :/

    Sorry to hear about the money issues, I hope you manage to sort it soon.

    Hopefully something will turn up as @HGSmith0920 suggested, but otherwise you might be able to borrow from a local credit union?

    Or, depending on your situation, you might be able to get a small grant?
    https://grants-search.turn2us.org.uk is a decent tool that might help. These vary in terms of who qualifies - some require you to be really strapped whereas others are more interested in whether you're a type of person they care about (e.g. parent, religious, disability, etc...). There might be something there!

    Depending on what it is that you need to pay, if it's a bill rather than something you need to buy then it's often possible to negotiate longer if you ring up.

    I think https://www.nationaldebtline.org have information on their website about this, and if you need to you can also ask them for advice by phone/webchat.

    Hope this helps. If you want any more tips then do PM me - I am not a financial advisor but I do work in that sector and know a lot about it, so may be able to give you some good tips, even if it's just to point you in the direction of people who are actually qualified :smiley:

    Thank you so much for all that, I knew about the debt lines but not the credit unions so will take a look for future reference.

    In the mean time my dad has managed to juggle his bills to get me the money!
    But it’s been such a stressful day. Feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted

    Glad something has come up, in the shape of a nice dad!

    Hope you can now relax and recover after the stress. Feels like you could do with a nice little treat, maybe an evening of guilt-free slobbing out and not doing anything???

    Not gonna lie, I’m pigging out, I know it’s emotional eating. But feel although I *need* to do it or I’ll just cry lol!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    mepeiffer wrote: »
    What is your opinion on eating most of the calories in the evening or from 4 on? I am usually not hungry during the day and at work do not have much time to eat.

    I used to eat that way a lot, no time at work to eat and I was so busy that I didn't think of food much. I did find I was usually starving by the time I got home so would end up grabbing take-out on the way home. Wasted a lot of money. I can't tell you how that affected my weight at all because I felt I wasn't being healthy and stopped paying attention to my the scales or tracking. I do know I gained 30 pounds in about 5 years so I wouldn't say it was the best decision I ever made LOL
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    mepeiffer wrote: »
    What is your opinion on eating most of the calories in the evening or from 4 on? I am usually not hungry during the day and at work do not have much time to eat.

    Check out "Intermittent Fasting" - I have never done it personally so not sure on specifics but it may give you some insights on if that is something you could incorporate. I think typically its a 16 hour fasting window and an 8 hour eating window. So if you're not usually hungry til later in the day your window could be say, 3-11. I think you can still have coffee as long as its under 50 calories it doesn't technically break the fast...

    Great list of goals! I am also forever trying to get rid of clutter but never manage to sell anything! Hope you make some extra cash!!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited June 2018
    I Am Wonderfully Made!

    I have noticed that there are many of us who have a hard time loving ourselves, giving ourselves grace, acknowledging our unique attributes, even though we are quick to do so to others. For the next few Wednesdays I want to encourage us to make a group-created Lovely List. Start with the words "I am" or "I can" or "I am able to" or "I am good at" and then name one thing that is an attribute such as I am kind, I am forgiving, I am tenderhearted. OR name one thing that you do well such as I can do a twisty on the trampo line, I can bake, I can whistle Yankee Doodle while eating Cheetos! I'll start and then you add to mine. Maybe we should put our MFP name beside it. (might need to tweak this part :)Tweak #1--scroll down til you see the last Lovely List and then add yours!

    We are truly uniquely and wonderfully made. This isn't about bragging or not being humble. It's about acknowledging and appreciating who we are and how we touch this earth in a positive way.
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,114 Member
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)

    Snowflake68: I am incredibly patient with others.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)
    AJB 1014: I am good at listening

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    @AJB1014 How are the meds going? I'm seeing lots of smiley faces! Is my trick working?

    It's getting much better! I have my work stash in my desk so always on me like you said - it's the weekend I need to KEEP THE MEDS IN MY BAG. I seem to end up taking them out for one reason or another and they dont always make it back in. Maybe a small pill case for my purse would be better than the bottles, wont have to take it out, just replenish the stash...hmmmm. But definitely has been way better than before so thank you! And thanks for checking on my habits! That in itself helps me too! Hoping today is a better day on the anxiety front for you.
    JFT - Tuesday June 26

    For most of my life I never ate breakfast, I just never really liked to think of food until later in the day. When I started looking at my weight and figuring out what to do, I started eating breakfast. That's what all the "rule books" say to do. So I've have been eating breakfast, usually an egg Mcmuffin, no meat so I can get the protein in and a coffee. I have been constipated (Sorry TMI) more often than not for the last two months and I decided today that I'm going back to no breakfast, just a coffee. It's the only thing that I had really changed except for the additional fruits and vegetables and portion control in my overall diet. This will save me almost 300 calories in the day so it might not be such a struggle later and hopefully will start things working properly again.

    I have seen lots of new information that is no longer regarding breakfast as "the most important meal of the day." I think I have read that mostly in articles references intermittent fasting - which I can get behind but mostly for the idea that you should eat when youre hungry, don't when your not, and set a time frame to stop. Also, much more satisfying to enjoy those calories elsewhere when you are actually hungry.

    Now that you mention that, years ago I did a "diet" that was only to eat when you were hungry, physically feeling the hunger pangs. You would eat slowly, putting your fork down between each bite and not doing anything else when you ate such as reading, watching tv. Also, you never ate family style, you only ate buffet style so that the food wasn't sitting right there in front of you. I followed that for about 6-8 months and did nothing for exercise and lost close to 25 pounds. I should incorporate some of that back into my eating habits. I only do family style when the girls and everyone are there, so this wouldn't be a stretch for me at all as that is one of the habits I kept all these years. Thanks for the gentle nudge on my memory.

    I do a lot of that too. I always put my utensils down between bites. My DH likes the TV on but I generally don't pay attention to it. And I always say my lunch workout about distractions. AND I don't eat breakfast.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    I Am Wonderfully Made!

    I have noticed that there are many of us who have a hard time loving ourselves, giving ourselves grace, acknowledging our unique attributes, even though we are quick to do so to others. For the next few Wednesdays I want to encourage us to make a group-created Lovely List. Start with the words "I am" or "I can" or "I am able to" or "I am good at" and then name one thing that is an attribute such as I am kind, I am forgiving, I am tenderhearted. OR name one thing that you do well such as I can do a twisty on the trampoline, I can bake, I can whistle Yankee Doodle while eating Cheetos! I'll start and then you add to mine. Maybe we should put our MFP name beside it. (might need to tweak this part :)

    We are truly uniquely and wonderfully made. This isn't about bragging or not being humble. It's about acknowledging and appreciating who we are and how we touch this earth in a positive way.
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.

    I love this idea!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)
    AJB 1014: I am good at listening
    Faebert: I am good at making cakes 🍰

  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Now I look at it I feel a bit silly saying I’m good at making cakes when others have put deeper and more impressive attributes! It’s on my mind though as making a cake tomorrow for my good friend’s wedding blessing and I’m nervous as I want it to be perfect!

    Crazy time here - kids medical stuff to squeeze in around working and the usual end of term chaos. So so much to fit in but I’m hanging in. Has involved more than 20000 steps all three days this week - exhausted!!

    Wednesday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - Leave on time to get daughter for medical appt ✅
    - Get back to work on time!! ✅
    - April challenge ✅
    - May challenge ✅
    - June challenge ✅ ooh came so close to a binge, purely from tiredness and irritation. But pulled myself right back from the brink. Happy happy!
    - Data data data ✅
    - Hot yoga?? Or try the Sweaty Betty workout?! :D don’t know what I was thinking here?? Can barely summon up the energy to type tonight!
    - Prep cake ingredients for friend’s wedding blessing cake - ready to bake first thing Thursday ✅

    Thursday goals
    - start cake
    - Morning workout while cake bakes
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - Email J, F’s Mum, speak to P Re Year 6 lunch, reply to J’s mum
    - Leave work on time
    - Finish cake
    - Get rooms ready for daughter’s sleepover Friday night
    - Sleep at some point...

    Night all x