JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited June 2018
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)
    AJB 1014: I am good at listening
    Snowflake68: I am incredibly patient with others.
    Faebert: I am good at making cakes 🍰

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Now I look at it I feel a bit silly saying I’m good at making cakes when others have put deeper and more impressive attributes! It’s on my mind though as making a cake tomorrow for my good friend’s wedding blessing and I’m nervous as I want it to be perfect!

    Not silly! I am NOT a talented baker - and the cake you are making is going to bring lots of joy!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Now I look at it I feel a bit silly saying I’m good at making cakes when others have put deeper and more impressive attributes! It’s on my mind though as making a cake tomorrow for my good friend’s wedding blessing and I’m nervous as I want it to be perfect!

    Your answer is perfect. It is a part of what makes you, you. It's a wonderful talent that makes so many people happy when they receive one of your specialties. There's absolutely no better or worse response. Also, I like how you were specific (as opposed to stopping at I bake).

    Peace, joy, and sweet dreams!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Another check in to avoid stress eating! I prelogged my day and I will stick to it! I think I'll work out tomorrows eating and try to fit in a frozen pizza for dinner, because the carbs are CALLING me, and I shall listen with just a dash of moderation. Friday is a picnic at a free outdoor concert so I don't want to blow all my calories and miss out on an enjoying Friday guilt free. I'm thinking we will stop at whole foods on the way and pick up our picnic snacks from the prepared foods and also get some nice cheeses. Mmmmm cheese. Agh - so again a kind reminder to eat the cheese steak stuffed pepper and salad tonight and enjoy the ONE piece of dark chocolate. Food is fuel tonight not comfort. I will however practice some self care and try to de-stress in a healthy way - a quick meditation or walk around the block.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Another check in to avoid stress eating! I prelogged my day and I will stick to it! I think I'll work out tomorrows eating and try to fit in a frozen pizza for dinner, because the carbs are CALLING me, and I shall listen with just a dash of moderation. Friday is a picnic at a free outdoor concert so I don't want to blow all my calories and miss out on an enjoying Friday guilt free. I'm thinking we will stop at whole foods on the way and pick up our picnic snacks from the prepared foods and also get some nice cheeses. Mmmmm cheese. Agh - so again a kind reminder to eat the cheese steak stuffed pepper and salad tonight and enjoy the ONE piece of dark chocolate. Food is fuel tonight not comfort. I will however practice some self care and try to de-stress in a healthy way - a quick meditation or walk around the block.

    MMMM...we are pizza fans here! Try and log in exercising for tomorrow and choose your frozen pizza carefully! Such a huge differences between calories. Also, consider the size as you want to end the evening well knowing you are going to have an outdoor feast the next day! (I tell myself, "It's not like you're never having ____ (pizza) again, so eat in moderation!")

    Yea for walks! They not only de-stress but helps to reset your mind.

    Peace and joy! (and enjoy the pizza tomorrow ;)
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    OHHHH 4 pages behind in posts

    @bex953172 Thank you thank you for posting the video and supporting me. Today I got through more of the video but had to modify did not take any breathers this time just one br break last time. My body is feeling it Had to laugh at the shaking the house I found the perfect spot today that is why I think I did better. Trail mix usually healthy sometime with sweets but high in calories if not careful what kind. Nice job ob goals. Need to get yoga mat if possible or towel with tape on one side will work too. Slipping is no fun :(

    @hgsmith0920 (((((hugs)))))

    @faebert What was your June challenge?

    @toaljasa great idea on the bath mat or bathroom rug would work as well the one with a rubber backing-just needed to read further nice to know the group thinks on the same lines

    @amberglittersparkles yes love this thread stated again in June but they are all amazing here. Wonderful support great job on your loss and great 6 mo goal.

    @nickssweetheart chipotle is not to unhealthy you could have done worse. Great job on other goals

    @snowflake1968 “In 2017 my best friend made me promise to start daily devotions as I was going through something big. I did it and have found it has helped me immensely. Prayers, gratitude and Faith are getting me through a lot!” - - could not agree more!!!!

    Still have three pages to go but that will have to be tomorrow. Hope you all have a great night!!!!
    Keep on Keeping On!!!
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    48 new posts! ZOMG... will go back and read this evening, but I needed to post now because I am almost certain I have a new job and I am scared to death and want to eat everything in sight.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @nickssweetheart NO EATING!!! A new job is a wonderful thing! How long have you been unemployed? Think of the fact that a serious amount of stress will be lifted from your shoulders! What is the job? Go take a walk around the block. Bring a water bottle with you and finish the whole thing!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    edited June 2018
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)
    AJB 1014: I am good at listening
    Snowflake68: I am incredibly patient with others.
    Faebert: I am good at making cakes 🍰
    HGSmith0920: I am a great lover of people
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    48 new posts! ZOMG... will go back and read this evening, but I needed to post now because I am almost certain I have a new job and I am scared to death and want to eat everything in sight.

    Why sabotage yourself with overeating??!! I second @HGSmith0920 and write down all the positives in your life right now. A new life journey and look at the wonderful things that have come your way (including us,lololol)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Faebert You are totally rocking life right now! You do so much in a day! I am incredibly impressed that you manage to get it all done. You should be very proud of yourself! I bet that even though your daughters and student dont show it but they are grateful for all that you do for them! Keep up the awesome work!

    @Bex953172 I'm glad that everything worked out. Aren't (good) Dad's wonderful? I'm sorry that you want to cry! Is it relief tears? I've had that happen. Take a whooooole bunch of deep breathes. Maybe take a hot bath and go to bed early? Lol.

  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    I have been unemployed since January. I was working as the night auditor in a hotel and became seriously ill and was hospitalized for almost three weeks and lost my job. This new job would be as an assistant for real estate agents. I spoke to the HR person today and they are proceeding with my background check and told me they would let me know one way or the other early next week.

    I just feel like my last job ended in a disaster and I am fearful if I fail at this one for some reason I'll never be employable again. I mean, I shouldn't fail. Dealing with the public and being efficient and friendly and calm is what I love and am good at. So this should be something I can handle, but my work history over the past few years has been spotty as I've been exploring different industries after a long time in the insurance industry and I just really want this to go well.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I have been unemployed since January. I was working as the night auditor in a hotel and became seriously ill and was hospitalized for almost three weeks and lost my job. This new job would be as an assistant for real estate agents. I spoke to the HR person today and they are proceeding with my background check and told me they would let me know one way or the other early next week.

    I just feel like my last job ended in a disaster and I am fearful if I fail at this one for some reason I'll never be employable again. I mean, I shouldn't fail. Dealing with the public and being efficient and friendly and calm is what I love and am good at. So this should be something I can handle, but my work history over the past few years has been spotty as I've been exploring different industries after a long time in the insurance industry and I just really want this to go well.

    I lost my job at my first bank 6 months in due to a mistake that my acting manager allowed me to do. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get hired in a bank again. After 5 months I got hired. It will happen and you will be good at it. I hope that you are doing better health-wise. Was it legal for the hotel to fire you because you were hospitalized? I dont think that is legal where I am. I could be wrong though. But that was not right of the hotel to do. I bet you will love this job. As you said, public dealing and a friendly and calm demeanor are what you are good at. I know that that is really valuable to businesses. Especially ones that deal heavily with outside people! So keep that chin up, and dont fret. You will do swimmingly!
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    48 new posts! ZOMG... will go back and read this evening, but I needed to post now because I am almost certain I have a new job and I am scared to death and want to eat everything in sight.

    Why sabotage yourself with overeating??!! I second @HGSmith0920 and write down all the positives in your life right now. A new life journey and look at the wonderful things that have come your way (including us,lololol)

    You are more right than you know. I am blessed in many many ways, not the least of which has been that I've been okay financially even without working for half a year while recovering and then injuring my ankle which put the job search on hold. I have family I'm close to even though they don't live nearby, I have a few amazing friends in real life, I have incredible support from everyone in this thread. I have a lot of activities I love and volunteering which I adore and (apologies to other cat owners) the cutest cat in the Western hemisphere. I am lucky and I am rich, not in money but in the ways that really matter.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    I have been unemployed since January. I was working as the night auditor in a hotel and became seriously ill and was hospitalized for almost three weeks and lost my job. This new job would be as an assistant for real estate agents. I spoke to the HR person today and they are proceeding with my background check and told me they would let me know one way or the other early next week.

    I just feel like my last job ended in a disaster and I am fearful if I fail at this one for some reason I'll never be employable again. I mean, I shouldn't fail. Dealing with the public and being efficient and friendly and calm is what I love and am good at. So this should be something I can handle, but my work history over the past few years has been spotty as I've been exploring different industries after a long time in the insurance industry and I just really want this to go well.

    It sounds to me like you've done all you can. So now it's out of your hands. Just as a reminder (I know you know this) worrying, fretting, fearfulness will not change whether you get the job or not. Nor will it bring you joy (I've never heard someone say, "Worrying brings me such happiness, lol) So, do some things around the house (windex windows, light fixtures, dust the baseboards, clean out underneath the sinks...) to get you distracted, to do something purposeful, and to get you tired out by bed time! You can do this!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    48 new posts! ZOMG... will go back and read this evening, but I needed to post now because I am almost certain I have a new job and I am scared to death and want to eat everything in sight.

    Why sabotage yourself with overeating??!! I second @HGSmith0920 and write down all the positives in your life right now. A new life journey and look at the wonderful things that have come your way (including us,lololol)

    You are more right than you know. I am blessed in many many ways, not the least of which has been that I've been okay financially even without working for half a year while recovering and then injuring my ankle which put the job search on hold. I have family I'm close to even though they don't live nearby, I have a few amazing friends in real life, I have incredible support from everyone in this thread. I have a lot of activities I love and volunteering which I adore and (apologies to other cat owners) the cutest cat in the Western hemisphere. I am lucky and I am rich, not in money but in the ways that really matter.

    Boy! I'll say you are! You are truly rich :)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    I don't see your name on the Lovely List. You might need to scroll up a ways if you haven't read about it...but then scroll back down to the last one and add your name:) We'd love to know a bit more of what makes you, you :)
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)
    AJB 1014: I am good at listening
    Snowflake68: I am incredibly patient with others.
    Faebert: I am good at making cakes 🍰
    nickssweetheart: I am a very good writer.

    I love writing short fiction or game content or fan inspired fiction, and I'm good at it. I've designed online games and done all the writing for them and also written some short stories and have gone to a writer's conference and am working on a fantasy novel.
  • monstersweetsbyallison
    June 25th JFT:
    Stay in the green :)
    Go to dance class :)
    Go for a run :)
    June 26th JFT
    Stay in the green :)
    Go for a run :)
    Sweaty Betty workout ;) kinda lol did 10 minutes
    June 27th JFT
    Stay in the green
    Go to dance class
    Go for a walk
    Write down my 6 month goals

    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)
    AJB 1014: I am good at listening
    Snowflake68: I am incredibly patient with others.
    Faebert: I am good at making cakes 🍰
    nickssweetheart: I am a very good writer.
    monstersweetsbyallison: I can be a full time stay at home mom and help my husband run our farms at the same time.

    Going through the new posts, I may not have time to reply but I'm thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way XO
  • monstersweetsbyallison
    HGSmith0920: I am a great lover of people

    Oops just saw this one. Adding it to my list!
    The JFT Lovely List

    Toaljasa: I am good at teaching.
    Bex953172: I am good at making people laugh :)
    AJB 1014: I am good at listening
    Snowflake68: I am incredibly patient with others.
    Faebert: I am good at making cakes 🍰
    HGSmith0920: I am a great lover of people
    nickssweetheart: I am a very good writer.
    monstersweetsbyallison: I can be a full time stay at home mom and help my husband run our farms at the same time.