JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,092 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »

    You do not need to send me ANYTHING back! You have your hands full with 3 little ones! Just seeing a picture when you guys get it will make me smile as wide as my face! LOL! It's really cool because I think about you and the girls the whole time I work on it and it just makes my heart happy. I cannot WAIT to send it, and I'm really hoping I don't ruin it doing this next step since I've never done this part before! :relaxed:

    Correction: @bcTRAI already wrote back and thinks you will love it too. :smiley: So excited!

    I knew Bex will love it!!!! I am so excited also for when she gets it!! And you are experiencing also the joy in making a special gift for someone --- nothing can ever compare! So much love goes into something like this! I am digging out fabric today to make a quilt for my cousin, who was just diagnosed with cancer. So I want to find a pattern that will go together quickly. I am thinking of just a lap size - as people have told me that when getting chemo, its nice to have a quilt because they tend to get cold. She does live in florida though. SO now I have to scramble and get chemo hats made for her also. But Tracy, I am so proud of you for not giving up. The quilt is so beautiful, and it will look even more beautiful once you have it all finished!!!!

    Haha I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting for it!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    mytime6630 wrote: »

    You do not need to send me ANYTHING back! You have your hands full with 3 little ones! Just seeing a picture when you guys get it will make me smile as wide as my face! LOL! It's really cool because I think about you and the girls the whole time I work on it and it just makes my heart happy. I cannot WAIT to send it, and I'm really hoping I don't ruin it doing this next step since I've never done this part before! :relaxed:

    Correction: @bcTRAI already wrote back and thinks you will love it too. :smiley: So excited!

    I knew Bex will love it!!!! I am so excited also for when she gets it!! And you are experiencing also the joy in making a special gift for someone --- nothing can ever compare! So much love goes into something like this! I am digging out fabric today to make a quilt for my cousin, who was just diagnosed with cancer. So I want to find a pattern that will go together quickly. I am thinking of just a lap size - as people have told me that when getting chemo, its nice to have a quilt because they tend to get cold. She does live in florida though. SO now I have to scramble and get chemo hats made for her also. But Tracy, I am so proud of you for not giving up. The quilt is so beautiful, and it will look even more beautiful once you have it all finished!!!!

    Haha I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting for it!

    I think the excitement is there for all of us!!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Lol is anyone actually doing the daily Mile challenge?
    We could change it if everyone would prefer something else?

    I reached a mile yesterday for the first time since surgery. I have been having to take it slow, working up to a mile per the therapist. So, I plan to continue walking a mile every day at the very least. :)

    I hope you get some rest and feel better, Bexy! I'm pinning the layers of your quilt together today! then i start stitching to "quilt" it. I've never done this step before. I have always tied quilts off with yarn or ribbon instead, so cross your fingers I don't wreck it! LOL! I want to send you a pic of it soooo bad, but I won't because we both want it to be a surprise when it arrives at your house! :blush:

    Omg I know I'm absolutely dying to see it! But I agree! It's gonna be much more exciting to keep it hidden from me!
    Have you shown Joan and others in a private message?

    Ive actually asked my partner to get my crochet stuff out. I wanted to make you a little thank you gift in return. But unsure on what to make as of yet! Need to see what colours I've got and how much etc.

    I did! I sent pics to both Joan & bcTRAI's email accounts! Also my mom's. Joan and my mom both think you will love it and I was so excited to hear that. I just sent the pics to @bcTRAI email a few minutes ago so will hear back from her when she checks her email. :smiley:

    You do not need to send me ANYTHING back! You have your hands full with 3 little ones! Just seeing a picture when you guys get it will make me smile as wide as my face! LOL! It's really cool because I think about you and the girls the whole time I work on it and it just makes my heart happy. I cannot WAIT to send it, and I'm really hoping I don't ruin it doing this next step since I've never done this part before! :relaxed:

    Correction: @bcTRAI already wrote back and thinks you will love it too. :smiley: So excited!

    I’m excited to see this too! My email is traceyschriver@shaw.ca
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Aw this whole quilt story makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

    @slittlemeister - enjoy your sunshine! You really deserve this break from work. Hope you can relax and enjoy.

    My sister is home. Not completely out of the woods but improving slowly. It’s an hour long trip to the hospital at the best of times but today a combo of rain, public transport nightmares and then traffic meant I spent over 4 hours going to the hospital, then to her place and then home again. And don’t want to think about what I ended up having to spend on cabs because the Underground was having problems! Ah well..

    Saturday goals recap
    - morning workout ✅
    - Hot yoga at 8:30 ✅
    - Did some laundry and grocery shopping
    - Picked up sister and got her home
    - In bed by 10, but coughing still so who knows if I’ll sleep!

    Sunday goals
    - morning workout
    - Finish laundry
    - Write lesson plan
    - Online grocery shop
    - Amazon
    - Early night
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Aw this whole quilt story makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!

    @slittlemeister - enjoy your sunshine! You really deserve this break from work. Hope you can relax and enjoy.

    My sister is home. Not completely out of the woods but improving slowly. It’s an hour long trip to the hospital at the best of times but today a combo of rain, public transport nightmares and then traffic meant I spent over 4 hours going to the hospital, then to her place and then home again. And don’t want to think about what I ended up having to spend on cabs because the Underground was having problems! Ah well..

    Saturday goals recap
    - morning workout ✅
    - Hot yoga at 8:30 ✅
    - Did some laundry and grocery shopping
    - Picked up sister and got her home
    - In bed by 10, but coughing still so who knows if I’ll sleep!

    Sunday goals
    - morning workout
    - Finish laundry
    - Write lesson plan
    - Online grocery shop
    - Amazon
    - Early night

    It must be great to have her home at least. Get some rest.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    Good Evening Sisters. It's 8:37p.m. here in North Carolina. I am reflecting on this past week and thinking on how I can improve and impact this upcoming week. One thing you've all given me to carry the rest of this journey is this nugget: GIVE MYSELF CREDIT FOR MY "DO'S and DON'T BEAT MYSELF UP
    Time to take assessment of what's been accomplished, and implement new ideas to help further my journey. I must learn to post in a better way. My scale is not working so I need to go get weighed properly this week.
    Thank you all for posting. I love it here💜

    I’m not sure if you do it already or not but I take measurements at the beginning of each month. It’s helped me realize that even when the scale isn’t budging what I am doing is working.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    JFT - Saturday October 6
    2L of Water 😕 only 1L
    Calories in Green by 150 - 😂😂😂 I don’t know why I even put that yesterday I knew it wouldn’t happen
    Outside 15 Minutes - 😕 probably all told, yes but it wasn’t for peace
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 1/5
    Walk 1 Mile - 😕 according to my phone yes, but it was shooing and not purposeful
    Only 1 Evening Snack -😂😂😂 my cousin bought a meat and fruit tray to have in the evening. Oh don’t forget the chips!!!
    Write in Journal - 😕
    Stay Focused! - 🙂 I al least thought about my journey before putting the food in!

    JFT - Sunday October 7
    2L of water
    Walk 1 mile
    5 fruits & veggies
    Be mindful of what I’m eating!

    Today I have a gender reveal party. I will be coming home from that to make pies and get ready for our Thanksgiving dinner tonight. I am going to log everything but not worry about how far over I am! If I don’t worry and beat myself up over it it will be a successful day!

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am back from taking 9 days of JFTs in a row. My son sent us on a Caribbean cruise.
    9/28 reading on the plane
    9/29 nice morning with my husband before getting the shuttle to the terminal and time relaxing waiting for our room to be open texting our son, night swim with my husband.
    9/30 & 10/1 walks on decks, swims in the pool, listening to string trios
    10/2 & 3 swims at beautiful beaches and time at a bar over looking the Caribbean with WiFi letting our son and daughter know we were have fun and good weather despite Tropical Storm Kirk
    10/4 margarita and guacamole relaxing before getting back on ship and a nice swim after touring
    10/5 having a small afternoon tea together
    10/6 a day with my son and daughter in law
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    @Faebert from my experience this is the time to making sure to take care of yourself too. It is more challenging now when you are caring for others. My sister has had health issues but she was far away. However I have periodic times with my Mom. So take care
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Oh my goodness! So much has been happening!

    @PackerFanInGB and @Bex953172 I can't wait to see the quilt and to see Bex's face when she sees it for the first time! There had better be photo evidence! Lol.

    @mytime6630 Have fun with the Grands! Spoil them but not yourself! You've got this down!

    @Snowflake1968 Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and yours! I hope you are having a great day! I think I might try the card game exercise "game" you did. It sounds pretty awesome.

    @Faebert Take good care of yourself! Your sister needs to you be healthy and not worn down. If she knows that you are worn down it will probably affect her adversely. Take the rest you need and get rid of that cold!

    @maryrobinson40 I like your idea of making a list. I think that that would be a good idea for me as well!

    @AJB1014 Feel better soon. I wish I had a steam bath! That must be so cool. In the middle of winter when I catch a chill, I tend to take lots of hot showers to try and warm up. My skin gets so dry! Lol.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    This weekend has been so laid back. I spent yesterday not doing anything! I spent the day on the couch on my phone. Not the best way to spend the day but I did not feel well AT ALL. Not sure why. I woke up this morning thinking that I may have the beginnings of a cold but now it's later in the day and my sinuses have cleared up and my voice isn't raspy anymore. It makes me think that I do not.

    Today's goals are simple!

    JFT, 10-7-18

    1. Work on story
    2. Go food shopping
    3. Finish laundry
    4. Dont stay up too late

    Tomorrow is Columbus Day here in the US. Kind of a strange holiday but it is a federal one so the bank is closed! I dont have to go to work until Tuesday. I have to check with LM and MG who is opening because I told a friend of mine that I would get her special needs son(who is an awesome awesome dude!) on the van on Tuesday mornings. I will text them tomorrow and find out. The DH is in the living room playing video games. I think I might go outside and write out on the deck. I need some quiet.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFT - Sunday 10/7/18
    1) Log all my food for the day
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having Diet Coke
    4) Work on orders from my shop

    5) Go for a ride and check out the beautiful Vermont foliage :) The picture doesn't really show any of the foliage we saw (which was great this weekend), but shows a really nice waterfall we saw along the way.


    Beautiful Picture!! Where do you live? I would love to see waterfalls! I was going to ask you ... you always have down to drink 8 glasses of water before you have a diet coke. Do you just try and drink all your water in the morning, or do you just have your diet coke late in the day? I am trying so hard to get in my water (which I never do), and also trying to give up diet coke, and thought I might also try this.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,219 Member
    edited October 2018
    JFT, Saturday
    1. go to the gym :) Already done! Ended up doing 90 minutes on the treadmill!I was almost finished, when a friend came in, so I planned to do just 15 minutes. Got to talking, and before I knew it, another 45 minutes. Love having friends to talk to while on the treadmill
    2. get out halloween stuff - grandsons will be here next weekend!! :)
    3. bake zucchinni and pumpkin bread :)
    4. go to the grocery store - get some pumpkins for grandsons to carve :)
    5. go and get a air mattress so we have enough beds :) !
    6. October challenge -- go out for a walk tonite!!!! :)
    7. Drink WATER!!! :/
    8. Mindful eating -- think before I BUY anything -- especially that crazy halloween candy!! :)

    Here is is, almost evening, and I didn't get my goals posted for today!! But .... I did finish up most of my saturday goals .... except a lot of them I did today!

    Goals tomorrow will be simple, as I have a doctors appt
    Monday, Oct 8
    1. go to OB/ doctor yearly checkup
    2. help hubby with shipping
    3. log all food
    4. concentrate -- 5+ veggies
    5. concentrate on 8+ cups water
    6. October challenge -- go out for a walk!!

    October CHALLENGE = 1 mile walk
    1. N/A
    2. N/A
    3. :) -- unless walking in the mall counts!
    4. >:)
    5. >:) But since I worked all day cleaning, hoping that will count??
    6. >:)
    7. :):):)

    @Faebert - I am glad your sister is out of the hospital, but wow, 4 hrs is a very long commute. Please take good care of yourself as well. It is very hard when someone we love is suffering, and you have to be there for them and be strong. But remember you are also important, so I hope you are able to stay well rested.. I will keep your sister in my prayers.

  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFT - Sunday 10/7/18
    1) Log all my food for the day
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having Diet Coke
    4) Work on orders from my shop

    5) Go for a ride and check out the beautiful Vermont foliage :) The picture doesn't really show any of the foliage we saw (which was great this weekend), but shows a really nice waterfall we saw along the way.


    Beautiful Picture!! Where do you live? I would love to see waterfalls! I was going to ask you ... you always have down to drink 8 glasses of water before you have a diet coke. Do you just try and drink all your water in the morning, or do you just have your diet coke late in the day? I am trying so hard to get in my water (which I never do), and also trying to give up diet coke, and thought I might also try this.

    Thanks! I live in Vermont...it's beautiful this time of year.
    Yes, generally I try to drink all my water for the day early on and then I'll have a Diet Coke in the evening. Some days it takes me all day to drink the water so I never bother having the soda. I used to drink 3-4 Diet Cokes a day, so doing this has really helped me cut that down a lot. Now, if I go out to eat, I don't do as well because I usually will have soda at a restaurant, but most days it works out pretty well for me.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    JFT - Sunday 10/7/18
    1) Log all my food for the day
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having Diet Coke
    4) Work on orders from my shop

    JFY - Saturday 10/6/18
    1) Log all my food for the day :)
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories :/
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water before having Diet Coke :/
    4) Go to the gym :)
    5) Go for a ride and check out the beautiful Vermont foliage :) The picture doesn't really show any of the foliage we saw (which was great this weekend), but shows a really nice waterfall we saw along the way.


    This makes me happy. My beautiful sister... Wonderful picture.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    JFT, Saturday
    1. go to the gym :) Already done! Ended up doing 90 minutes on the treadmill!I was almost finished, when a friend came in, so I planned to do just 15 minutes. Got to talking, and before I knew it, another 45 minutes. Love having friends to talk to while on the treadmill
    2. get out halloween stuff - grandsons will be here next weekend!! :)
    3. bake zucchinni and pumpkin bread :)
    4. go to the grocery store - get some pumpkins for grandsons to carve :)
    5. go and get a air mattress so we have enough beds :) !
    6. October challenge -- go out for a walk tonite!!!! :)
    7. Drink WATER!!! :/
    8. Mindful eating -- think before I BUY anything -- especially that crazy halloween candy!! :)

    Here is is, almost evening, and I didn't get my goals posted for today!! But .... I did finish up most of my saturday goals .... except a lot of them I did today!

    Goals tomorrow will be simple, as I have a doctors appt
    Monday, Oct 8
    1. go to OB/ doctor yearly checkup
    2. help hubby with shipping
    3. log all food
    4. concentrate -- 5+ veggies
    5. concentrate on 8+ cups water
    6. October challenge -- go out for a walk!!

    October CHALLENGE = 1 mile walk
    1. N/A
    2. N/A
    3. :) -- unless walking in the mall counts!
    4. >:)
    5. >:) But since I worked all day cleaning, hoping that will count??
    6. >:)
    7. :):):)

    @Faebert - I am glad your sister is out of the hospital, but wow, 4 hrs is a very long commute. Please take good care of yourself as well. It is very hard when someone we love is suffering, and you have to be there for them and be strong. But remember you are also important, so I hope you are able to stay well rested.. I will keep your sister in my prayers.
    I hope your doctor's appointment goes well. Please let us know. I love you and hugs.💜😇
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    JFT, 10-7-18

    1. Work on story😀 Got a beginning, middle and end!
    2. Go food shopping😐 Just didn't feel like doing it! I'm going to get up early tomorrow and do it first thing
    3. Finish laundry😀
    4. Dont stay up too late😁 Honestly, I'm pooped. I don't think I'll be up past 11.

    JFT, 10-8-18

    1. Up by 830
    2. Log food
    3. Food shopping
    4. Fold clothes
    5. Do story research
    6. Text MG re Tues open
    7. Dishes
    8. Bed prep @ 945
    9. Lights off @ 1030