JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Sofia_Alegria
    Sofia_Alegria Posts: 57 Member
    edited November 2018
    Wednesday Recap:

    Day 2 JS 8 Week Program (Barefoot Cardio Core) :)
    Put Away Laundry :)
    Clean house (except bedrooms/bathrooms) :)

    Thursday JFT
    Day 3 JS 8 Week Program (Total Body) :)
    Hit 8,000 steps
    In bed by 8pm

    Tidy up fridge :)
    Leave house 5 minutes earlier :)
    Read posts from this thread from today.

    As you can see, I've already taken care of most of my JFT's; that's b/c I'm a morning person and try to get things done before I leave for work. I'm wiped out by the time I get home so not productive at all.

    You all have a great Thursday!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    I have sprained the joint that connects my big toe with my foot. Feeling discouraged; this is going to cut back on my cardio, which means I need to cut back on eating. UGH. :( I like eating...

    Ah bummer. I had this the other week. Well I just cut the bottom of my foot, tiny cut it was but it hurt to out pressure on it for like 3 days.
    Not that I've been doing cardio.. But at that point I knew I couldn't even if i wanted to :lol:

    I hope it gets better soon! Have you tried ice? Or heat? Not sure which it is for a sprain!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Eat egg cups for breakfast :)
    2. Pre log food :)
    3. Three waters before lunch :)
    4. Empty/fill dishwasher :)
    5. Leave work no sooner than 4:30 :)
    6. Load of laundry :)
    7. 10 squats/bathroom trip :) These were easy for the first time since starting!
    8. 10 minutes meditation/core work :)
    9. Hopefully talk to wood stove installer >:) Fingers crossed he calls today!
    10. Eat packed lunch :)

    JFT Thursday
    1. Egg cup breakfast
    2. Be sensible with eating choices today - no lunch packed and no idea on dinner!
    3. Three waters before lunch
    4. Run dishwasher
    5. Dog puzzle
    6. 10 wall push ups/bathroom trip
    7. Help mom at lunch break
    8. Load of laudnry
    9. 10 minutes meditation/core work
    10. Hot tub
    11. Shower
    12. Bed by 9:30
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    edited November 2018
    @Bex953172 So glad to see you back! I always love reading your posts.

    @MLHC1 Wow, this year you've just been bombarded. So happy that baby boy & life are on the mend. And very happy to read your "recovery" plan ~ seems very sensible and doable. I remember your former lists, they were always so overwhelming (to me). Welcome back!

    @PackerFanInGB You've been missed! So sorry you are eating your emotions over job stress... recently I read an article titled "4 Signs You Care Too Much About What Co-Workers Think" so apparently it's a thing, and it made me think of you. Hope things are settling down in that dept. (((hugs)))

    @clicketykeys Hope you recover swiftly from your sprain so you can continue cardio ~ I totally get your discouragement about cutting back on eating / I like eating. Me too!

    @HEGoddard0928 How are you feeling? Hope you are recovering too.

    @mytime6630 I too am loving the Nov. challenge ~ 5 somethings version. But sometimes I forget.

    @jessicakrall8 Welcome, and please come back every day!

    And to all JFTers, I hope you have a great day!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    Recap W 11/7
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.66 mi 1:06:03 / stretched = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 17,170 steps, 250+ 14/14 boom! & 41 floors :smiley:
    3) Nov. challenge ~ 5 somethings every bathroom trip = Not sure if I remembered every time :D
    4) Meals/snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan & net calories green / 14c water = Mostly stuck w/ plan but ate entire last giant cookie (unplanned) for dessert after late supper ~ I could've eaten only half, but no... at least it's gone! :D Net calories -73 :neutral: , sodium green (YAY), sugar green (wow), fiber ok, protein good, 14c water :smiley:
    5) Evening: check out Trading Post Market :smile: not as many vendors as listed but still a nice little market / grocery shop :smiley: / wash dishes :# too lazy / other to-do's = brought in/put away all the groceries, organized/bagged items for food pantry & Mountain of Food (Thanksgiving at church), more digital decluttering, balanced bank accounts & updated budget s/s :smiley:
    6) Unplug 9:00 :s more like 10? YIKES!!! / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / verify/set alarm, bed & TV off 10:15 :s 11:30 ACK!!! (walk dog Th before work)

    JFT Th 11/8 ~ Oops overslept early alarm so no dog walk before work = sad dog :( & sad me :(
    1) Nov. challenge ~ 5 somethings every bathroom trip
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / net calories green / 14c water
    4) Chores: wash dishes (did some before work) / choir 6:30 / maybe walk dog? after all, we have the LED gear / more decluttering
    5) UNPLUG 9:00 it really matters! / floss / retainers / verify/set alarm, bed & TV off 10:15 (not sure about a.m. workout ~ snow is predicted overnight & not sure how slippery roads might be)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Wednesday November 7
    2L of Water - >:) I think I only drank 500 mls. I had an extra coffee and a bottle of coke yesterday
    Calories in Green by 150 - >:) In red by 261
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 1/5
    Only 1 Evening Snack - :)
    Walk 1 Mile - :)
    5 Little Somethings at Bathroom Break - >:)
    Write in Journal - :)
    BE Conscious of my goals - DO NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF! - :/

    JFT - Thursday November 8
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Little Somethings at Bathroom Break
    Write in Journal
    BE Conscious of my goals - DO NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF!

    I left the office early yesterday, I went and met up with Jasmyne, she did my nails and is going to work on updating my resume for me. Apparently there are new standards in resumes so I am hoping that helps me get a job that I love enough to retire from in 20 years. I truly dislike job hunting, and I don't feel I interview very well at all.

    I made homemade pizza last night for supper but ended up burning it. I'm still not used to an oven that works properly. Ended up ordering pizza in, which is much more calorie dense than mine. I did refrain from having my regular evening snack and had strawberries instead though. I also forced myself to walk while watching my show for about 30 minutes. I only counted it as 20 and at a slow pace though as I wasn't giving it my all. I'm still so tired for some reason. Thankfully it's a long weekend.

    I have to run to Michael's to stock up on some paint and look for a couple of ideas for a craft night. I need to get the sample done tonight so I can send pictures to the ladies that are interested in booking me in.

    @jessicakrall8 - Welcome, I joined this group in late March and have only missed a couple of days since. What a supportive group of ladies!

    @MLHC1 - What a year you have had, happy to see your son is done his surgeries.

    @mytime6630 - You were smarter with the leftover Halloween candy than I have been. The Grands came last night and were so excited that I allowed them 2 chocolate treats AND a bag of chips... I feel a little guilty pawning the junk off on others. It's not good for them either.

    @PackerFanInGB - Your happy place sounds like Heaven to me

    @Faebert - How nice that the BF is being more attentive, I'm happy for you that your conversations seemed to have shown an impovement

    @Bex953172 - So happy to see you back! I understand about tight budgets sometimes it just seems to never be enough money coming in. I am not surprised by the job loss, I honestly am surprised they haven't closed it sooner.

    @clicketykeys - Ouch, that sucks that you hurt your toe.

    @Sofia_Alegria - Welcome!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!
    Officially back! 167 posts behind but that's nothing on @MLHC1!

    To everyone else..
    I missed you all!
    So glad I'm back!

    So happy to see you back!!!! We missed you!!! I almost wrote to you last nite ...... but happy to see your post this morning!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!
    Officially back! 167 posts behind but that's nothing on @MLHC1!
    I've read them all anyway a s will reply now and update on me after the school run!

    So.. @PackerFanInGB Sorry to hear about the job, I hate the whole behind-my-back thing too, so much so I call people out on it. So addressing the elephant in the room is a good idea.

    @snowflake1968 Sorry to hear about your job too with the branch closing. Did you know it was coming?

    @AJB1014 Yes everything's been good just had no Internet!
    I've missed you all so much!

    @Sofia_Alegria Welcome! Depression is a bummer, I also have it, but we'll done to you for taking charge of your life!
    This is the place to vent if you ever need too.

    @maryrobinson40 To read about your daughter and her BF made me so angry. I can't stand it when that happens. Makes me want to go wallop him one. I'm glad you found a way to get to her. And I hope your daughter is okay.

    @MLHC1 Well well well you have been MIA!
    It sounds like you have been crazy busy!
    How is your little boy now? Is he past all his surgeries now?
    I'm not surprised that you've ended up with PPD. After the bumpy start you've both had. It's valuable bonding time and you've had to spend alot of it in hospitals. You are made of strong stuff!

    If you ever need to talk then I'm here for you, I went through the same thing with my first.
    But it's good to see you back!
    You have been missed!

    To everyone else..
    I missed you all!
    So glad I'm back!

    Ahhh Man! You being back made my day. I miss my sisters when they're not on.
    Yes I'm admitting it... YOU'VE ALL SPOILED ME😂😂😂 And I'm dog gone glafd about it.
    I'm as happy as a kid in a candy store with a blank check😁😂😂👏👏👏👏🙌
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    My youngest daughter. She has many health issues.
    She and I keep each other going. We "cut up" (our way of saying having fun,
    wacky, and just funny). Well her birthday is coming on the 14th of November.
    I love my daughters so much. Not perfect, not obedient all the time, not where
    a Mom wants her children to be, BUT I LOVE AND ACCEPT THEM, AND WOULD
    GO TO BAT FOR THEM... Because you love me, I wanted to share them with you.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Me in wigs. I actually have hair, but I have a sensitive scalp, so I haven't permed
    my natural hair, and I don't get the time it takes to do a whole routine with it.
    So it's quicker to put on a wig.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Me in wigs. I actually have hair, but I have a sensitive scalp, so I haven't permed
    my natural hair, and I don't get the time it takes to do a whole routine with it.
    So it's quicker to put on a wig.

    You and your daughter are beautiful!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I have sprained the joint that connects my big toe with my foot. Feeling discouraged; this is going to cut back on my cardio, which means I need to cut back on eating. UGH. :( I like eating...

    That is such a painful spot! I empathize with you on that one. I ended up getting a joint replacement for that exact joint because of a bone spur. Dang that hurt like a son of a gun! (((HUGS)))
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited November 2018
    @maryrobinson40 Beautiful pictures of beautiful women! Vavavoom! :)

    @Bex953172 I'm so glad you are back!!! I came on and didn't see you posting and thought "Dang!!! The quilt is almost ready to go in the mail and I don't have an address for her! She'd better come back!" BWAHAHAHA! My friend at work is having me over to her house this weekend to do the quilting of the 3 layers on her longarm sewing machine. I'm so excited!! Then the last piece is sewing on the binding and in the mail it goes! I think, HOPE, you love it!

    @cschmitz110515 I am going to Google that article. It sounds like where I am right now and might be helpful! (((HUGS)))
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    @cschmitz110515 I am going to Google that article. It sounds like where I am right now and might be helpful! (((HUGS)))

    I just PM'd you a link to the article (hope the link works). I could certainly identify with some of the points! Can you tell I'm really having a slow day in the office? ;)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @cschmitz110515 I am going to Google that article. It sounds like where I am right now and might be helpful! (((HUGS)))

    I just PM'd you a link to the article (hope the link works). I could certainly identify with some of the points! Can you tell I'm really having a slow day in the office? ;)

    Can I have it as well? I think I need it too :smile:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    @cschmitz110515 I am going to Google that article. It sounds like where I am right now and might be helpful! (((HUGS)))

    I just PM'd you a link to the article (hope the link works). I could certainly identify with some of the points! Can you tell I'm really having a slow day in the office? ;)

    Can I have it as well? I think I need it too :smile:

    Here's the link for anyone who wants to read: https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/articles/2018-04-02/4-signs-you-care-too-much-about-what-co-workers-think
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @cschmitz110515 Thank you! And yes, I did guess maybe you are having a slow day! And I thought to myself "GOOD FOR HER!" LOL!

    and I agree.... @slittlemeister needs it too! :wink:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Need to get some goals on here quick! I feel so discombobulated lately.

    J4T - 11/8/18
    1. Journal every bite
    2. WATER: 64+ oz
    3. 5 Fruits/Veggies
    4. Walk Maddie / Step Goal
    5. Body / Mind / Spirit
    6. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    7. Bed early with a book. Non-negotiable
    8. Gratitude Journal / Dodie O / Simple Abundance
    9. Up early with Maddie without hitting Snooze!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Monthly goals

    October Goals:
    Weigh < 180 lbs :#Does it count if I did for one day?
    64+ oz water every day :#Too much coffee this month
    Mail Casey's quilt to Bex by October 31st :'(No but it will be mailed in November for sure!
    Read "What the Heck Should I Eat?" by Mark Hyman, MD B)Still reading. Keep getting distracted by James Patterson novels.
    Focus on positives / Be aware of negative talk :s I let this get the best of me when I returned to work.
    Use Calm App 4x/week :)
    Take daily walks 6 out of 7 days per week :#Shot a little high for coming off surgery.
    FitBit Step Goal: Work up to 10,000 consistently B)Doing really well at this. Not quite there but higher every day than I used to be.
    15 minutes of self care per day :)
    15 minutes/day on digital photo project :sThis one is so hard to do. I am on a computer all day and just don't feel like it at night!
    Meal plan every week :)

    Keeping November's goals pretty close to the same thing until I finally get it right.

    November 2018 Goals
    • Weigh < 180 lbs
    • Red Glass / 5 Somethings (starting this late, so beginning 11/9)
    • Mail Casey's quilt to Bex by November 30th
    • Read "What the Heck Should I Eat?" by Mark Hyman, MD
    • Focus on positives / Be aware of negative talk
    • Walk away from gossip / Focus on reality and not "stories"
    • Use Calm App 4x/week
    • Take daily walks 5 out of 7 days per week
    • FitBit Step Goal: Work up to 9,000 consistently
    • 15 minutes of self care per day
    • 30 minutes/weekend days on digital photo project
    • Meal plan every week
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    2018 Stats...

    SW on 1/1/18: 175.4 lb
    1/8/2018: 174.6
    1/15/2018: 175.8
    1/22/2018: 177.2
    1/29/2018: 176.6
    2/5/2018: 178
    2/12/2018: 176.8
    2/19/2018: 176.2
    2/26/2018: 176.4
    3/5/2018: 174.0
    4/16/2018: 177.8
    4/30/2018: 179.4
    5/7/2018: 176.6
    5/14/2018: 174.6
    5/29/2018: 176.6 (Memorial Day 4-day weekend in Indiana at mom's. Ate out for every meal and got no exercise at all)
    6/4/2018: 176.6 (I am satisfied with this since it could have been much worse with grandson's graduation/18th birthday party, PLUS my husband's birthday and his DQ Ice Cream cake down in our freezer)
    =============2018 Half-way Mark=================
    7/4/2018 180 lb I have not been drinking water. I have been eating a lot of salt. I have been having issues and going to PT for lower back and hip pain. Not excuses, but this is what I think happened with this weight gain.
    7/16/2018 178.8 lb
    9/3/2018 179.3 lb
    10/1/2018 180.6 lb (disappointed I'm in 180's again, but happy I'm down from the 184 lbs I weighed about a week ago.) Boy, I really need to get better about keeping these stats current!
    10/8/2018 181 lb (weight not going down, but I started daily walks and starting to FEEL better so that is a step in right direction)
    10/12/18 179.8
    10/22/18 180.8
    11/5/18 183 -- Have been emotional eating and just not caring. Been depressed. Need to pull out of this. No excuses!

    Mini NSV Goals are to:
    []Be able to wear my wedding ring
    []Be able to wear more fitted blouses
    []Be able to tuck shirts in comfortably
    []Have waist of pants be loose enough to be comfortable
    []Be able to walk with friends and not be out of breath
    []Have cardio be a habit at least 4 times per week
    []Lose chicken wing flab on my arms and look decent in sleeveless shirts

    Scale Mini Goals:
    Mini goal <180
    Mini goal <175
    Mini goal: <170
    Mini goal: <165
    Mini goal: <160
    Mini goal: <155
    Mini goal: <150
    Mini goal: <145
    Ultimate goal: 140 lbs

    Height: 5'4 1/2"
    Age: 58 years old