Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Here it is the last day of February. Everyone on here has been so committed and honest and inspirational each in your own special way.

    Logging in when ever you could and sharing your experiences has helped me the most. That way I knew I was not alone, and struggling by myself. I would log in evey day sometimes many times a day just to get my dose of support if I were feeling slack.

    I had tried to cut back by myself. It is not easy in a town or state for that matter where alcohol is 90% a common every day staple in these peoples lives.

    Being a part of this group has given me strength to get back to the person I had at one time been. Happy all the time and not basing my evening on weather or not I should take a taxi to town because driving back was not going to be an option for me.

    Thank you Julie who started this in Jan. And ALL & EACH one of you that have posted and shared and listened.

    February success -
    17 days AF


    Bravo 17 days- saved money and calories
    Gained- strength, resolve, health, and so much more.
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Being a part of this group has given me strength to get back to the person I had at one time been.
    February success -
    17 days AF

    @MissMay - you are killing it! Congrats on your success. I love your comment about getting back to the person you'd been.
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    I made it! AF tonight- the other five ladies shared three bottles of wine. I wasn't tempted at all. I still had fun and will sleep like a baby. LOL

    @JulieAL1969 - Fantastic job! Congrats! WTG! Isn't it a great feeling as you realize the night is winding down and you've stayed strong and true to your goals? It's like you can breathe a sigh of relief and say, "Whew, I made it." Another victory for you!
  • Skyweigh
    Skyweigh Posts: 113 Member
    Karaoke night again --- no, it's not a weekly thing, but after last week's AF night out, it's good to go again. I really don't miss it, and it gives me a chance to pick up and drive one of us, and get some extra chat time in.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I made it! AF tonight- the other five ladies shared three bottles of wine. I wasn't tempted at all. I still had fun and will sleep like a baby. LOL

    You are so strong!
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    My final February count....20 days AF and 8 damp. No hangovers!!!!!

    Well done! Positive outcome.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    kittybenn wrote: »
    Last night I went out with our (adult) son, whose girlfriend was out of town, and my husband to a place we like to go to to play pool. And drink, of course. I may be giving myself too much credit, but when the server came by to take our drink order I asked for a Diet Coke and lime (I'm not drinking Mon-Thurs). My son looked at me, like, really? And then ordered a sugar-free ice tea, followed by my husband, who ordered what I'd ordered. I promise you I'm not trying to make them feel guilty for drinking! But we had a great discussion with our son about how he and his GF were inspired by my dry January and are trying to cut wayyy back. He told me with the money they save by not going out and drinking for a couple of months they could afford a ski trip to Switzerland. They go out a lot, can you tell? They are both very health conscious, so drinking as much as they have been lately is in total conflict with their ideas about who they really are. The holidays were really bad, and then they just kept going. We also talked about strategies in bars, tipping servers adequately when they're refilling your AF drinks a bunch of times, etc.

    And, again, as I've been many times since Jan. 1 I was thrilled to get in the car to drive home without any worries about a DUI.

    Soooo . . . I think maybe we make people think or inspire by example! And that makes me proud of my efforts. It's also great to have family support. I know many people here don't have that, and I can imagine how hard that makes it.

    Wonderful story! I like your insights always. It was cute to see that the group ordered AF drinks.
    On my way home last night from the girl's night out, I was driving a few of the ladies and there was a speed trap down the road. I felt almost smug (giggle) that I was AF and not worried at all seeing the police parked there. I know how you felt!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    jselmi wrote: »
    There are some great accomplishments here in this group. It's very inspiring to hear the achievements you all are making.

    I've been wanting to quit drinking for awhile. I'm a winemaker, so it's everywhere. Cases and cases, barrels and barrels. I can totally relate to @Ulcaster555... Cooking/wine, friends over/wine, relaxing/wine, jamming w/band/beer.

    I wanted to do it for myself, to see that I could stop. It's not issue, I can moderate, but it had become pretty regular. I could always go the week without if I wanted to, but I was never finding a reason to actually do that anymore. It's great feeling to be 2 weeks AF today. I'll keep it up in March.

    I started Feb. 12, had Valentine's dinner reservations at a nice restaurant and drank, have been AF free with the exception of Vday. I was hoping for more weight loss, but I think that will happen as I start exercising more. I'm enjoying the ride and we'll see where this leads. I can't really say I'm feeling better, because spring has sprung in Norcal and my allergies are kicking in.

    Thanks for all the support. I read posts often.

    Awesome reflection. You're lucky you can moderate! Sounds like you are doing very well on your health journey. And to be a winemaker must be so challenging.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    My final February count....20 days AF and 8 damp. No hangovers!!!!!

    No hangovers!! One of my top three reasons for being AF. So proud of you!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,193 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    Skyweigh wrote: »
    Karaoke night again

    Skyweigh...I love karaoke. The last time I went in January was when my hubby was out of town. Went down by myself, I ended up singing 3 songs and everyone said great job. My glass had pink lemonade in it the entire night. No one asked, but everyone just assumes your wasted when singing. Funny how people I "thought" were good in the past, sounded horrible that night. Giving it another shot this Friday night AF.

    Have fun tonight!

    I laughed when you said how people you thought were good, sounded horrible. LOL