Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi you all!
    I haven't been here on this thread for quite a while. I have been busy with learning to play the guitar and gardening. I enjoy exercise and lost 36 lbs. I am enjoying life so much more these days; these sober days. It has been since last Christmas that I have had a drink; which was most likely about a bottle and a half, or more, of wine.
    This thread was definitely part of my recovery process, it was so supportive. I also should give some credit to The books; This Naked Mind, Blackout, and The Alcoholism & Addiction Cure....in that order...I was deciding to just slow down at first, but found out that my body was addicted to alcohol. I haven't had a drink since Christmas and I am so so grateful for my new life. What a wonderful new life I have.....I pray that this message somehow encourages one of you on a new path in your life also. Blessings. :)