


  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member

    I noticed they all use itty bitty 2-5lb weights for the weighted superman. I couldn't lift and hold my 5lb-ers, so I've been doing it without weights like the bands guy. I think there's PLENTY of other shoulder work in that workout ;)

    I did extreme circuit this morning. I love it until it gets down to 8 minutes remaining, and then it's a struggle to keep going. I guess that's the point, though, and I look forward to being able to nail it rather than drag myself to the finish.

    I had to drop the weights on that move too, I just could not hold them up there and move them lol. I'm looking forward to getting into the other Gamma workouts. Well except Speed 3.0, I could handle never doing that one again!
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Gamma Week 1 day 2, Rip't up - I really loved this one. It is upper body. So many different moves. I really enjoyed the downward down into plank moves. I had a hard time with the weighted rocket man/superman moves but I'm sure it will improve. My upper body strength has gotten a lot better with Beta and this will help even more!

    Happy Tuesday all!

    I noticed they all use itty bitty 2-5lb weights for the weighted superman. I couldn't lift and hold my 5lb-ers, so I've been doing it without weights like the bands guy. I think there's PLENTY of other shoulder work in that workout ;)

    I did extreme circuit this morning. I love it until it gets down to 8 minutes remaining, and then it's a struggle to keep going. I guess that's the point, though, and I look forward to being able to nail it rather than drag myself to the finish.

    HI ladies yes I can not do the weighted supermans at all! Its nice to see I'm not the only one because I thought I was super weak. The lightest weights I have are 5 lbs but I can't even lift them off the ground doing superman aye aye aye. So yep been doing those without weights.
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    My shirt arrived today :)


    This is a small top, just so y'all get a grasp of what the small's look like lol. I almost got a medium and glad I didn't!

    Funny story, I had just finished up the stretch to my last workout today, sweat was poring from my head, I hear a knock at the door, I ran to the door though I was out of breath. I was wearing my purple muscle shirt, but it's thin so when I sweat you can see straight through it. My shirt was drenched. I opened the door and the entire time I'm smiling, the mail man looked at me like "What in the world?" I'm smiling and he hands me the box and it says "Beachbody" on it, I looked at him and said "Beach body is like santa clause, when I get something from them it makes me squeal" He laughed and told me to have a good day and thanks for making him smile. He knew I just killed my workout haha!

    Awesome, congrats on getting your shirt. You look great!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    As I said before. I LOVE Speed 3.0 but not at 5 in the morning! My body does NOT move like it should and therefor I do not burn as many calories!:sad: That was my workout yesterday morn along with last nites running 3 miles in 28 minutes on the TM plus 524 stairs (for my other challenge). Today was 2.6 miles of speed walking on the TM (322 cals) and then I did EXTREME CIRCUIT for 322 cals. Plus I did 400 stairs & 100 core reps for my other challenge.
    I do agree the weighter supermans are tough. I use 2# weights!!!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I slept through my alarm today, so I have allllllll day to dread Speed 3.0. Ugh. At least I can grab a cup of coffee on the drive home and hope that a caffeine boost will help my workout...right?

    I should have gotten up at 5:15 when my alarm went off!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    I almost did the same thing today. I layed there for like 30 min after the alarm but at the last minute forced myself up and got Extreme Circuit done. Another great Gamma workout, I really enjoyed it. I am surprised at how sore I am since starting Gamma. Just goes to show that I'm still working those muscles :smile:
  • dietka975
    dietka975 Posts: 63 Member
    Good job
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I almost did the same thing today. I layed there for like 30 min after the alarm but at the last minute forced myself up and got Extreme Circuit done. Another great Gamma workout, I really enjoyed it. I am surprised at how sore I am since starting Gamma. Just goes to show that I'm still working those muscles :smile:

    I think Extreme circuit might be my favorite. And just when I was thinking that Gamma was a whole bunch of upper body training, I realized while climbing up some stairs yesterday that my glutes were pretty sore, too. So clearly we're working everything. I look forward to finishing the next 2 weeks of Gamma and then trying the hybrid alpha/beta/gamma schedule.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Good job ladies!!!!
    My Thursday workout was 63 minutes of Elliptical for 10, PYRAMID for 25 and SPEED 3.0 for 25 and the 3 minute cool down!
    822 cals TORCHED!!! I give it my all till sometimes I wonder if I will make it!! I remind myself it is ONLY 25 minutes!:wink:
    I have got to be up by 4:45 tomorrow for a workout & I think the elliptical will be my choice (much better for my cordination at that time of morning).
  • lutterby
    lutterby Posts: 61 Member
    Hi all,
    Just another newbie type enquiry and looking for some advice.
    A colleague passed some Focus t25 cds and a resistance band to me last week, he felt he wasnt fit enough and he said there were some books that he would bring in, but he has gone on holidays for 3 weeks.
    So does anyone know what the books are? I am guessing its a manual or a diet plan or something else ??
    The cds look fairly self explanatory... so can you do these workouts without the books?
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi all,
    Just another newbie type enquiry and looking for some advice.
    A colleague passed some Focus t25 cds and a resistance band to me last week, he felt he wasnt fit enough and he said there were some books that he would bring in, but he has gone on holidays for 3 weeks.
    So does anyone know what the books are? I am guessing its a manual or a diet plan or something else ??
    The cds look fairly self explanatory... so can you do these workouts without the books?
    Google T25 and get the workout calendar. It is ALpha, then Beta & I do not think you have Gamma cuz that is ordered seperately. I hope you LOVE it like we do! and yes the books are for an eating plan.
  • lutterby
    lutterby Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks for the reply.
    I guess I'll get the eating plan when he gets back.
    I will give it a go this afternoon, if its too strenuous I'll delay for a week and a half as I have something on next weekend

    One more Question...Just want to confirm that for alpha and beta (none of the cds say gamma), all I need are the cds and resistance band?
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    Thanks for the reply.
    I guess I'll get the eating plan when he gets back.
    I will give it a go this afternoon, if its too strenuous I'll delay for a week and a half as I have something on next weekend

    One more Question...Just want to confirm that for alpha and beta (none of the cds say gamma), all I need are the cds and resistance band?

    For alpha, all you will need is a fitness mat or yoga mat for the floor work. Alpha lasts for 5 weeks. For Beta (week 6), you will need either the resistance band or some hand weights, as well as the fitness mat. You won't use the band/weights for all the workouts, but you will definitely need them. Beta will last you another 5 weeks.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Finished up my first week of Gamma this morning with Speed 3.0. I have a love/hate relationship with that one. All those burpee's are killer!! I'm looking forward to measurements tomorrow to see if there's much change. I weight myself each day just to stay on track and so far no weight loss. I am actually up a couple lbs since finishing Beta. Hoping to see that come back off soon.
    Happy Friday to everyone!!
  • Panama_frank
    Panama_frank Posts: 19 Member

    Are the gamma exercises still only 25 mins long? I'm only on week 3 of alpha and was wondering how big of a step it is from Alpha to Beta and then to Gamma
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    Finished up my first week of Gamma this morning with Speed 3.0. I have a love/hate relationship with that one. All those burpee's are killer!! I'm looking forward to measurements tomorrow to see if there's much change. I weight myself each day just to stay on track and so far no weight loss. I am actually up a couple lbs since finishing Beta. Hoping to see that come back off soon.
    Happy Friday to everyone!!

    I'm up a couple pounds, too, but my measurements went down. Looking at my arms and legs, though, I have so much more definition that I'm pretty sure it's muscle that Gamma's packing on.
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member

    Are the gamma exercises still only 25 mins long? I'm only on week 3 of alpha and was wondering how big of a step it is from Alpha to Beta and then to Gamma

    Yes, all the phases are 25 minutes. I felt like there was a BIG jump between alpha and beta and then beta and gamma. I think the first week of each phase is torture, then your body starts to adapt and you get better at it.
  • sandeerah
    Hi . :happy:

    I have finished week 3 of Beta. I love the Speed workout and Ript Circuit. I HATE Core Cardio.

    I am on my 2 days off right now... does anyone else feel withdrawals on their days off?

    Everyone is going so well, I love reading everyone's progress.

  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Hi . :happy:

    I have finished week 3 of Beta. I love the Speed workout and Ript Circuit. I HATE Core Cardio.

    I am on my 2 days off right now... does anyone else feel withdrawals on their days off?

    Everyone is going so well, I love reading everyone's progress.


    Congrats to you!! I really enjoyed Ript circuit in Beta also!! I always feel the same way on my days off also. I am actually excited to get back to it Monday mornings. Do you plan to do Gamma next? I am just starting week 2 and I love it!
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Week 2 Day 1 Gamma - Rip't up. I really love this one. I was shocked to see 340 calories burned on my hrm today. That is so awesome for a 25 min workout. I did not see any weight loss the first week of Gamma, actually I'm up about 2 lbs. I did see a .25 drop off my arms and an inch off my bust but my waist is up an inch. So overall not much change during the first week.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed that extra added hour of sleep :smile: I know I did.

    Happy Monday everyone !