February 2018 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    Rest day today, but I'm not gonna lie: I could really use a good run. Having a rough couple of days right now. A certain relative who gave us a knockout rose bush to plant when my son was born - as a beautiful memento that we could watch grow as he does - took it upon herself yesterday while we were at work to "prune" it back from 4.5' tall to about 12". :angry: Plus, my grandmother passed. There are just no words. But that's two funerals in as many weekends.

    Sunday can't come soon enough.

    MTD: 2.75/45
    YTD: 50.35/500
    2/1 - 2.75


    Goals for 2018:
    - Run 500 miles
    - Run a nonstop (no walking) 5K
    - Run/walk my first 10K
    - Run 3+ trail races
    - Run in 3+ states
    Stretch Goal: Run/walk a HM

    1/27 - Mississippi Blues Marathon 5K (Registered) - DNS
    2/14 - Luv 2 Run 2.14M virtual (Registered)
    2/18 - Q50 Trails Extravaganza 5M (Registered)
    3/10 - Hammond Shamrock Run 5K
    3/18 - Shamrockin Run 8K in NOLA
    3/31 - Crescent City Classic 10K
    4/20 - Star Wars Dark Side 5K in WDW (Registered)
    5/12 - Q50 Cinco de Mayo Trail Race 5K
    6/21 - Summer Solstice 6.21M


    I'm so sorry about your grandmother.

    Roses like being pruned, hopefully it will be back soon even better than before.

    Thank you. She had been ailing for a while, so it wasn't completely unexpected. And she is at peace now. Just hard.

    As for the roses, it's more about our emotional attachment to the bush and the shock of coming home to such an extreme pruning (I'm a firm believer in not pruning more than 1/2 and preferably not more than 1/3), completely without warning. Like, who does that?!?

    Yeah, seriously. I could not imagine going up to someone's house and being like "You know what? that plant is to big, I'll just cut." Did she give a reason?

    Sorry about losing your grandmother. Even when you know it is coming it is still hard.
  • HRKinchen
    HRKinchen Posts: 202 Member
    edited February 2018
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    HRKinchen wrote: »
    Rest day today, but I'm not gonna lie: I could really use a good run. Having a rough couple of days right now. A certain relative who gave us a knockout rose bush to plant when my son was born - as a beautiful memento that we could watch grow as he does - took it upon herself yesterday while we were at work to "prune" it back from 4.5' tall to about 12". :angry: Plus, my grandmother passed. There are just no words. But that's two funerals in as many weekends.

    Sunday can't come soon enough.

    MTD: 2.75/45
    YTD: 50.35/500
    2/1 - 2.75


    Goals for 2018:
    - Run 500 miles
    - Run a nonstop (no walking) 5K
    - Run/walk my first 10K
    - Run 3+ trail races
    - Run in 3+ states
    Stretch Goal: Run/walk a HM

    1/27 - Mississippi Blues Marathon 5K (Registered) - DNS
    2/14 - Luv 2 Run 2.14M virtual (Registered)
    2/18 - Q50 Trails Extravaganza 5M (Registered)
    3/10 - Hammond Shamrock Run 5K
    3/18 - Shamrockin Run 8K in NOLA
    3/31 - Crescent City Classic 10K
    4/20 - Star Wars Dark Side 5K in WDW (Registered)
    5/12 - Q50 Cinco de Mayo Trail Race 5K
    6/21 - Summer Solstice 6.21M


    I'm so sorry about your grandmother.

    Roses like being pruned, hopefully it will be back soon even better than before.

    Thank you. She had been ailing for a while, so it wasn't completely unexpected. And she is at peace now. Just hard.

    As for the roses, it's more about our emotional attachment to the bush and the shock of coming home to such an extreme pruning (I'm a firm believer in not pruning more than 1/2 and preferably not more than 1/3), completely without warning. Like, who does that?!?

    Yeah, seriously. I could not imagine going up to someone's house and being like "You know what? that plant is to big, I'll just cut." Did she give a reason?

    Sorry about losing your grandmother. Even when you know it is coming it is still hard.

    She said she felt responsible for it since she gave it to us, and maybe we'd been too busy with other things to prune it. I don't know. It didn't really make sense to me. We've always had a different view on pruning (which I never would've pegged as "a thing" on which two people might so passionately disagree, but there it is nonetheless): she likes to heavily prune (like "crape murder" the crape myrtles kind of pruning), and I prefer to let things grow more naturally, doing major pruning only when the natural growth threatens to become hazardous in some way (like cutting tree branches that grow into one another or reach too near my son's swingset). I should note that we live next door to one another; it's not like she drove across town with the shears or anything. Maybe she had just looked out her kitchen window and seen it all big and bushy one too many times and just couldn't help herself. I don't know. I just know that I preferred it a little on the wild side - just like my son. And now it's practically nonexistent.

    Ask me about the roses again when I'm not reeling from back-to-back losses, and maybe I'll feel differently about it. Maybe. But that's how I feel today.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited February 2018
    @PastorVincent Since those are the Saucony Ride you night also try the Saucony Peregrine for a Trail Shoe. I have the Guide and Ride in my rotation and find them to be very similar. A slight preference for the guide. My Favorite Trail shoe is the Peregrine, great tread pattern, uphill chevrons on the ball and toe, downhill oriented chevrons on the heel. They also have the Peregrine Ice - designed for the Ice covered trails.

    No run to day we are getting hammered with back to back major snow storms 20-30 cm in the first one and the 2nd one promises about the same. Was supposed to travel to Grande Prairie tomorrow and overnight for my race on sunday but the road conditions are super nasty so it will probably be my first DNS.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent Since those are the Saucony Ride you night also try the Saucony Peregrine for a Trail Shoe. I have the Guide and Ride in my rotation and find them to be very similar. A slight preference for the guide. My Favorite Trail shoe is the Peregrine, great tread pattern, uphill chevrons on the ball and toe, downhill oriented chevrons on the heel. They also have the Peregrine Ice - designed for the Ice covered trails.

    @juliet3455 they had those in the store - but they do not come in wide. I did like the tread pattern though, was very sticky on the rug.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent Since those are the Saucony Ride you night also try the Saucony Peregrine for a Trail Shoe. I have the Guide and Ride in my rotation and find them to be very similar. A slight preference for the guide. My Favorite Trail shoe is the Peregrine, great tread pattern, uphill chevrons on the ball and toe, downhill oriented chevrons on the heel. They also have the Peregrine Ice - designed for the Ice covered trails.

    No run to day we are getting hammered with back to back major snow storms 20-30 cm in the first one and the 2nd one promises about the same. Was supposed to travel to Grande Prairie tomorrow and overnight for my race on sunday but the road conditions are super nasty so it will probably be my first DNS.


    We are getting it bad too. Still ran today, will still run in this shin deep *kitten* tomorrow. No one expect PR pacing from me though :D
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent Since those are the Saucony Ride you night also try the Saucony Peregrine for a Trail Shoe. I have the Guide and Ride in my rotation and find them to be very similar. A slight preference for the guide. My Favorite Trail shoe is the Peregrine, great tread pattern, uphill chevrons on the ball and toe, downhill oriented chevrons on the heel. They also have the Peregrine Ice - designed for the Ice covered trails.

    No run to day we are getting hammered with back to back major snow storms 20-30 cm in the first one and the 2nd one promises about the same. Was supposed to travel to Grande Prairie tomorrow and overnight for my race on sunday but the road conditions are super nasty so it will probably be my first DNS.


    We are getting it bad too. Still ran today, will still run in this shin deep *kitten* tomorrow. No one expect PR pacing from me though :D

    We are getting off lightly SE of you guys. No snowfall warning, but expecting 5-10cm. The drive home from work was slippery. I am planning 2km loops close to home to get in my 8km tomorrow afternoon.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @lporter229 - I think you made the wise choice. Listen to your gut when you are out there, and if it tells you to bail out, bail out.

    This! Always!

    It's not uncommon for victims to say that they felt something was wrong but thought they were being silly or didn't want to make a scene. There's often a good reason for that unease.


    Gavin de Becker calls this the Gift of Fear and wrote a great book about it.

    My personal philosophy is *kitten* politeness. I'd rather be safe and alive.

    Someone grabbed my arm a few weeks ago when I was waiting to cross a street on my way to work and I just turned and screamed: "DON'T *kitten* TOUCH ME" He let go and tried to say but I said excuse me. I had everyone's attention so he backed off and I crossed the street. I gave no *kitten* who heard me or what he thought. No one has any need to grab my arm. I stayed sexy and didn't get murdered (hopefully someone else gets this or I just sound like a weirdo).

    I also stare down every person I pass when running. I want them to know I saw them. A police officer once said eye contact is a big deterrent because 1) it shows you aren't "weak" /a target and 2) it makes them know you saw them and can identify them later. And if someone is behind me, I will change routes mid-run to see if they follow. I've done this driving too.

    I may or may not have a problem with true crime.

    I mentioned my riding teacher who was carjacked before. It came out after her killers were arrested that her death was a good example of someone who was targeted due to being polite - three young guys came up to her at a Sonic and asked if her dog, which was on the seat next to her, was a biter, and she said, no he just loves everybody. Well that was what they were looking for, a nice polite kind person. I know we all wished afterwards she had said the dog bit people! Sometimes it's okay to be rude to people when they are getting in your space. These three teens had been casing victims at that Sonic for some time previously, waiting for the right opportunity.

    It's better to be an alive person who everyone thinks is a crazy rude lady than a dead polite person.

  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Okay, I need a race opinion. I want to schedule another marathon in late Nov - Jan time period. This will give my ankle time to fully heal. It will also be late enough that I won’t have to do my heavy training in the dead heat of summer. I am pondering three separate races. Does anyone have any insight? Has anyone run these races?

    1) The Louisiana Marathon on 1/20/19. Pros: It is flat and rumored to be well organized. I could drive and save the expense of a plane ride. Cons: My ex-husbands family is from Baton Rouge. I would have to be in the same city with them - Ewwww

    2) The Route 66 Marathon 11/18/18. Pros: I have talked to two people who said it was one of their favorite marathons. You have the option of running an extra 0.3 miles and getting “the worlds shortest ultra” medal. Cons: I would have to call in a whole lot of work favors to get someone to cover for me that weekend because it is so close to Thanksgiving. If I can even get off...

    3) The Miami Marathon on 1/27/19. Pros: It’s Miami — you run along South Beach! I know two people who want to go with me. Flights to Miami are pretty inexpensive in January. Cons: I would spend more money on hotels and airfare (mostly because I would want to stay a few days extra).
  • penko47
    penko47 Posts: 236 Member
    edited February 2018
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Ah, nearly forgot.


    Cool site that with the free version lets you sort/view your best efforts in Strava for different distances over the past 180 days.

    It lists all your runs in that time period in order of fastest to slowest and you can view all the different distances like that.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Feb 1 - 4.95 miles - Interval, Core, followed with Sarasota Beach run (virtual)
    Feb 3 - 5.44 miles - Interval, Back & Core, followed with Destin Beach (Florida) run (v)
