February 2018 Running Challenge



  • ctlaws44
    ctlaws44 Posts: 182 Member
    edited February 2018
    So, hill training. My husband in particular sucks at hills and I wouldn't mind getting better at them, but I don't know how or where to start. I have more trouble down than up, since my knee doesn't like the added force of going downhill. Any advice for a newbie looking to add a little hill training?

    Running downhill: Start with a hill that's mid grade 4%-8%, approximately 1/4 mile long. The most important thing I try to do (which is the most counter-intuitive) Don't lean back when going downhill, try to keep your body perpendicular to the running surface. This will keep you from over loading your quads/knees and lower back. Also, concentrate on keeping your stride short to lessen the magnitude of impact on your legs/knees "think fast baby steps". It takes some time to make this feel natural. Good luck and safe running! I second @DauntlessDiva advice. I don't use my arms at all going downhill. I drop them by my side and let them go limp. To me they only add to throwing my CG off while I'm trying to maintain grade perpendicularity. :#
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    @BruinsGal_91 – I can’t wait to hear about your Martha’s Vineyard HM. Is this its second year? I seem to remember seeing it advertised as an inaugural last year. I’m tempted by this one and there is one in Maine that also has been calling my name.

    I'm curious which Maine half you're eyeing. I did the Bay of Fundy International Half last year and it was a lot of fun. And very cool too, because you get to run across an international border!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    @bride001and @hanlonsk thanks so much for the NOLA recommendations, I really appreciate it!

    I love traveling and getting to new places so I'm really excited to get down there. And I am definitely planning on hitting the original Cafe Du Monde. Beignets are heaven <3 I was smart and made sure the race was on my first morning there, so I get to enjoy food and drinks for a couple days after without worrying about it messing up my run! :D
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @BruinsGal_91 I planned most of my races around the bling. I didn't think much of it last year when I planned my races and there were two with no medals at all which had just a t-shirt or a hat. Like, I want the medal! I gave it a lot more thought this year and made sure the races I signed up for had some bling!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Ha Ha.....11 pages behind already.

    I finished January at 7.64 miles.....just couldn't get any more done. Ankle hurts at rest but not walking or running. So I suspect arthritis.

    This month I am going to shoot for 40 miles with a mix of treadmill and outdoor running. That darn groundhog saw its shadow....um I don't get it really since Spring is officially 6 weeks away anyhow.
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @lporter229 Funny how glycerin are my least favorite Brooks. They heel slip despite redoing the laces to help prevent it. And if I tighten them too much my toes get tingly.

    So good to know it's not just me! I don't have the Glycerin, but I'm in Brooks Adrenaline GTS16 currently. They are fine, but there is heel slippage. I have weird feet anyway, so some heel slip is normal, but when you tie it tightly, your toes are throbbing for the lack of blood supply, yet the heel still slips and the sock pools, not fun! lmao

    My fave pair were the Saucony Hurricane 15's. After the running was done in them I wore them as daily's until it hurt to put them on. I would love to get another pair, but I know those are long gone. Just don't know what is out there, and what is best for me feet now after my surgeries. Planning on going to the run shop as soon as I can to get fitted.

    Oh you know what? I lied. It's the Adrenaline that slip on me too! I don't know why I thought it was glycerin. I don't think I've ever even owned a pair. I need more sleep.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @JessicaMcB No worries, I can manage! It's my fault for living closer to the airport than I do to downtown...
  • LaurenFOB2301
    LaurenFOB2301 Posts: 84 Member
    edited February 2018
    I'll quickly recap January and set a 60 mile goal for February.

    1/2 - 2 miles
    1/4 - 2.5
    1/6 - 2.4
    1/7 - 2
    1/8 - 5
    1/10 - 3.1
    1/11 - 2
    1/14 - 3
    1/15 - 4.7
    1/19 - 1
    1/20 - 3.1 (5k race day!)
    1/21 - 4.5
    1/25 - 3
    1/26 - 6.5

    44.85/50 mile goal

    A few days after my 5k, my husband and I ran (for the very first time!) 6.5 miles straight on some local trails! I felt so accomplished, but in the days after, I dealt with excruciating heel pain in my right foot with every step. It's fine now, though. I'm guessing this was due to this being possibly too much, too soon, but also a new trail with several hills.

    Either way, running 6.5 miles felt great! I was pumped. And thennnnn, a few days later, I came down with strep throat. So I unfortunately did not make my January goal. I definitely would have if injury and sickness had not gotten in the way. :smile: Doctor has me on some antibiotics and steroids to bring the throat swelling down. Ick.

    My first 10k is in 9 weeks! I'm super nervous. I hope training goes well (no injuries!). Any advice on transitioning from 5ks to 10ks? Any training plans I should consider?
