

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Brownie waiting to inside and watch tv.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did Cindy Lessig's Tank Top Arms, Bikini Abs, Boy Bottom and Total Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one of my new DVDs -- Beach Pilates. We shall see how that one is.

    M - if you wear the shoes with the clips, do you ever have trouble falling off the bike or running into something (you need to put your feet on the ground) but your feet stay on the bike?

    Mary, Barbara, Theresa, eminater - get well fast. We have too many sick people

    eminater - I've never found eating something like a piece of fruit to make me crave sugars. One thing I did (and do) to help squelch those sugar cravings is I have something sour -- like tea with lemon or just lemon water.

    Why am I doing this? This morning Vince wanted his Frosted Mini Wheats. Well, Aldi didn't have any yesterday when I went so I took the one box we had that was full and packed it and put it in the car to take to FL so that he has something for breakfast when we get down there. He got upset saying that he wanted FMW and I should get them out of the car, he'll have some today and tomorrow, and then I can put the box back in the car. I just said "well, why can't you have just Cheerios for breakfast, what's the big deal?". "No" So I go out to the car and unpack the FMW. (I think I did a good job of packing). So what doesn't he have for breakfast today? I said "you don't want to go down Sun so I'll have to buy milk at the grocery store that's open, I won't be able to get you any more FMW for a few days. You don't need to get upset. It's not a big deal". Why do I do this, get him upset?

    Lisa - I know that being unable to help your son is really hurting you. (((HUGS)))). I know the feeling only too well.

    kmcdonell - welcome. Happy birthday, enjoy your vacation and tell us all about it

    Beth - your son's situation just makes me sick.

    Shirlee - welcome!

    Allie - when my FIL passed away, MIL also had someone come in who sold everything. Took so much off her mind.

    suebdew - after exercise I usually have something that is high in protein -- a cheese stick wrapped in a slice of turkey, even a protein drink (but I haven't had one in a long time), sometimes tuna. Sometimes an egg

    I find that if I want to lose weight, a good night's sleep and not eating after dinner seem to really work for me. Unfortunately, I do like to eat in the evening. Even if I allot calories for a nighttime snack, I still need to be careful of what that snack is. Applesauce is pretty OK

    Michele in NC soon to be in FL (yea!)
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Liked this

    Janetr OKC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M - if you wear the shoes with the clips, do you ever have trouble falling off the bike or running into something (you need to put your feet on the ground) but your feet stay on the bike?

    My feet don't stay on the bike ... I can unclip with a tiny twist of my ankle.

    That said, when I first got them I did fall at a stop light. Most people do fall a time or two in the beginning.

    When I learned to cycle back at the age of 6, I had learned to put my left foot on the ground when I came to a stop. When I got the clipless pedals 17 years ago, the person at the shop told me I would need to learn to unclip with my right foot and put it on the ground. Why? Because I'm mostly right handed and he figured my right foot would have more precision for getting into the pedal again when I set off. So not only did I have to learn how to use the clipless pedals and cleats, but I had to switch feet for stopping. When I rolled up to that set of lights, I went to unclip my left foot, my head told me that it was supposed to be the right foot, and I didn't end up unclipping either. Landed on my left knee and a little bump came up.

    About 2 weeks later, same thing happened again. Landed on my left knee, and the little bump went away. Problem solved. :)

    Several years passed, and then I started getting into cycling really long distances in hilly areas. As I was used to cycling in flat terrain, I struggled on the hills. One of my issues was that at some point halfway up a hill, I would have to come to a stop and get off and walk. But I couldn't unclip in time. So, 10 years ago, I developed a rather unique cycling style.

    I have dual-sided pedals on all my bicycles ... clip on one side, platform on the other (see picture). Sometimes I ride clipped in on both sides, and other times I ride clipped in with my left foot, and ride with my right foot on the platform. I'll do that in situations where there's a lot of stop-and-go traffic or steep hills.


    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    M - if you wear the shoes with the clips, do you ever have trouble falling off the bike or running into something (you need to put your feet on the ground) but your feet stay on the bike?

    My feet don't stay on the bike ... I can unclip with a tiny twist of my ankle.

    That said, when I first got them I did fall at a stop light. Most people do fall a time or two in the beginning.

    When I learned to cycle back at the age of 6, I had learned to put my left foot on the ground when I came to a stop. When I got the clipless pedals 17 years ago, the person at the shop told me I would need to learn to unclip with my right foot and put it on the ground. Why? Because I'm mostly right handed and he figured my right foot would have more precision for getting into the pedal again when I set off. So not only did I have to learn how to use the clipless pedals and cleats, but I had to switch feet for stopping. When I rolled up to that set of lights, I went to unclip my left foot, my head told me that it was supposed to be the right foot, and I didn't end up unclipping either. Landed on my left knee and a little bump came up.

    About 2 weeks later, same thing happened again. Landed on my left knee, and the little bump went away. Problem solved. :)

    Several years passed, and then I started getting into cycling really long distances in hilly areas. As I was used to cycling in flat terrain, I struggled on the hills. One of my issues was that at some point halfway up a hill, I would have to come to a stop and get off and walk. But I couldn't unclip in time. So, 10 years ago, I developed a rather unique cycling style.

    I have dual-sided pedals on all my bicycles ... clip on one side, platform on the other (see picture). Sometimes I ride clipped in on both sides, and other times I ride clipped in with my left foot, and ride with my right foot on the platform. I'll do that in situations where there's a lot of stop-and-go traffic or steep hills.


    Machka in Oz

    I only ride with bike clips I couldn't imagine using tennis shoes to anything else to ride with... same thing with running, haven't used tennis shoes in years, only run in vibrams 5 finger shoes.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    edited February 2018
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    M - if you wear the shoes with the clips, do you ever have trouble falling off the bike or running into something (you need to put your feet on the ground) but your feet stay on the bike?

    My feet don't stay on the bike ... I can unclip with a tiny twist of my ankle.

    That said, when I first got them I did fall at a stop light. Most people do fall a time or two in the beginning.

    When I learned to cycle back at the age of 6, I had learned to put my left foot on the ground when I came to a stop. When I got the clipless pedals 17 years ago, the person at the shop told me I would need to learn to unclip with my right foot and put it on the ground. Why? Because I'm mostly right handed and he figured my right foot would have more precision for getting into the pedal again when I set off. So not only did I have to learn how to use the clipless pedals and cleats, but I had to switch feet for stopping. When I rolled up to that set of lights, I went to unclip my left foot, my head told me that it was supposed to be the right foot, and I didn't end up unclipping either. Landed on my left knee and a little bump came up.

    About 2 weeks later, same thing happened again. Landed on my left knee, and the little bump went away. Problem solved. :)

    Several years passed, and then I started getting into cycling really long distances in hilly areas. As I was used to cycling in flat terrain, I struggled on the hills. One of my issues was that at some point halfway up a hill, I would have to come to a stop and get off and walk. But I couldn't unclip in time. So, 10 years ago, I developed a rather unique cycling style.

    I have dual-sided pedals on all my bicycles ... clip on one side, platform on the other (see picture). Sometimes I ride clipped in on both sides, and other times I ride clipped in with my left foot, and ride with my right foot on the platform. I'll do that in situations where there's a lot of stop-and-go traffic or steep hills.


    Machka in Oz

    I only ride with bike clips I couldn't imagine using tennis shoes to anything else to ride with... same thing with running, haven't used tennis shoes in years, only run in vibrams 5 finger shoes.

    Tennis shoes would be awful on a bicycle!! You've got to have the support.

    Even before going to clipless pedals ... back in the day when I used toe clips ... I found a pair of shoes with sturdy, flat, stiff soles to ride in.

    Actually, come to think of it, I did have to ride a century (100 mile) ride about 18 months ago in what are basically relatively cheap, and fairly flexible walking shoes. I had forgotten my cycling shoes!! My feet were so sore by the end of the ride and the next few days.

    I ride with a good portion of my weight on my feet, and those shoes just simply did not have the support.

    M in Oz
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele- you're not getting him upset he's probably on his period! You do too much for him tell him to get it himself...really though you are very good to everyone in your life sometimes people take advantage of caring individuals.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • sdjm62
    sdjm62 Posts: 72 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Hi all: Good day today. Took DH to community breakfast at the Senior Center. He has not been since his knee replacement. He loves to have breakfast out, not me but it is his thing so I took him. Did some shopping with my DD for the new puppy. She is coming from Parker, CO so we needed a soft-sided carrier. PetCo price matched so we got a deluxe carrier for 29.99 that was priced 59.99. Yeah for deals. Have to take DD to the airport at 3:00am
    tomorrow morning. Well if you have to drive through Seattle that is probably a good time.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    Sue, my oldest daughter lives in Parker, CO :)

    Janetr OKC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Sunday --

    Final project day!

    We got out for a quick, short bicycle ride. I wasn't sure if I should take the time, but I do seem to find that it helps me think, relax, process, etc. when I take an exercise break in the fresh air.

    Distance: 29.25 km
    Elevation: 175 m
    Moving Time: 1:27:05
    Elapsed Time: 1:28:39
    Estimated Avg Power: 73W
    Speed: Avg: 20.2 km/h | Max: 30.6 km/h

    Then a quick grocery shop ... my husband and I shop together. Always have. We each have things we like and we share some things. We each make our own breakfasts, lunches and snacks and often have quite different things then. My husband usually makes dinner and then we'll usually have much the same food.

    This evening, my husband made one of his favourites and although it doesn't hit my top 5, it is up there for me as well ... roast chicken with roast veggies. Yum! :love: There's a garden on the orchard property, so he's been bringing home heaps of fresh veggies and we both figured that doing a roast chicken dinner would be a good way to start using them before they go off.

    I noticed he bought grated cheese which is a good indication that he'll do baked potatoes later this week. :)

    And now I'm in the last few hours of working on this project. 3 hours to go will 11:55 pm when I will need to submit it. I very much doubt it will be "done" ... there is just so much to this data analysis business ... but I'm hoping it will be done enough to get me a reasonable mark. My report is 31 pages now. Plus I need to submit my code (which is enormous) and a "Read Me" file (which is a little odd ... not sure why we need that, but whatever).

    Machka in Oz