

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member
    Stats for the day:

    Rowi machine- 5min, 100aw, 134mhr, 987meters= 55c
    Apple Watch- 66c
    Stairclimber- 20min, 81fl, fat burn program, 122ahr, 140mhr= 167c
    Apple Watch- 169c
    Incline rowing machine- 12min, 5sets of 10ea, 3diff exer, 112ahr, 148mhr= 80c
    Apple Watch- 68c
    Rope pull- 10min, 119ahr, 135mhr, 1144ft= 80c
    Apple Watch = 79c
    Leg lifts- 3.20min, 1set of 10, 4 diff exer, 132mhr, =33c
    Apple Watch =29c
    220# tire flip- 1.36min, 143ahr, 154mhr, 1 lap, 90ft= 32c
    Apple Watch- 25c

    Total cal 447
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Terry, thank you for your wise words. It will help so much knowing I have my online friends thinking of me. They are arriving on Saturday, so I have the rest of this week to clean. LOL When you have 9 cats (8 long haired) and two long haired house dogs, you have to do a LOT of cleaning constantly. I probably need to buy new tea towels and clean out the cupboards and fridge and stove and laundry room. As if I don't have enough on my plate already. But on the flip side, at least my house will be "spring cleaned" lol. We try to have barbecues while they are here, and my husband cooks the meat outside and I will make a big potato salad that will last a couple of days. I also always make a big green salad as well. Last year, we went camping for a night and that was okay. I took her biking a couple of times and walking the dogs so that was a bit of time out of the shops. I always think it's like having the Queen come to visit. She is super smart too and can be quite entertaining. LOL At least she's not my MIL. That would be worse. I know it's just me guest stressing + inferiority complex+ financial constraints+ time constraints + jealousy. Nothing to worry bout, right? <3 Wendy One good thing is that the cats don't like guests either, so most of them disappear until the coast is clear. I might have to set up a feeding station for them under the house.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,725 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    I am once again a natural blonde! :laugh: I always procrastinate on doing my roots, but I so love it when it's done.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I need to do something with mine. Last time I dyed my hair was last May ... it's grown a lot since then ...

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    edited February 2018
    Forever home?

    I can't even imagine that. No home I've lived in has been forever, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if I had several more moves to go.

    I've also never owned a home ... I've always rented because I know I'm only going to move again in the next few years so I haven't wanted the hassle of selling. But we do talk about actually buying something when my husband retires. That won't be for a while yet, but it is something to look forward to and prepare for. Ideally, we'd like to pay cash for the place and not have a mortgage, so we're saving.

    M in Oz
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Wendy, glad to be able to help. When I have someone who is trying I just tell myself that I feel sorry for them. You may think this woman has a great life, but didn’t you say her and her husband take separate vacations except when they visit you. And anyone who tries to control is unhappy with their own life.

    Didn’t do a darn thing today but paint my nails. Felt good just to relax and watch movies with DH.

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Lisa, I’m sure it was hard telling your DD about moving. But I think you were wise and respectful to give her a heads up.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    edited February 2018
    Monday -- back to work, and will also need to devote a rather significant amount of time later today to studying for my final exam.

    M in Oz
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Aw Terry, you are so insightful. I really should feel sorry for her. All I have to do is think about who she is married to and I DO feel sorry for her. LOL
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Wendy - All I can give you is my own experience, and you can take that with a grain of salt. I do, absolutely, clean if I know someone's coming. It's always been a good excuse. But it's been extraordinarily freeing to simply be myself, and a massive weight lifted. I was always what everyone wanted me to be... and when I stopped, I had to figure out who I was. You've got a really good handle on who you are... now you just have to hold onto that with other people. Oddly enough (or maybe not), I've made many more friends and better ones than when I was trying to be all things to everyone. You're an amazing person, and they know that already... so let them join your lives instead of stopping it for them. It will probably be a lovely experience for them. And quite different. People here PAY to work at places like yours, no joke. :)

    And, I'm trying to go to sleep, but fell asleep over my book this afternoon, and napping always throws me off. So I'll lay down with it again and see if it creates the same magic.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in NC

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :)Wendy, You have gotten some good suggestions about your guests. I can't add anything better. Best wishes for a visit that meets your needs and those of your husband.

    469367makfzcur9b.gif Stats for today:
    *13,000 steps
    *189 minutes walking Sasha and Bessie
    *208 minutes riding the exercise bike
    * strength training
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Michelle, you are probably right. They might be bored of their regular life. I know the guy comes to visit because my hubby usually takes off a week and goes fishing with him. (He hires expensive fishing guides and they go to exclusive spots where they can catch huge trout and he pays for it all, so my hubby is happy to go. This has caused lots of arguments in our marriage because my hubby then won't take any time off to go on holiday with the family or me because for the past 20 years he's used up his holidays to go on the guy's fishing trip instead.) The fact that I got to go to both Fiji and Vanuatu this year was a total fluke and usually I get no holiday with my husband whatsoever. My hubby finally told him this year that he couldn't go fishing with him as he had already used up his days off with me. That was a huge victory, hard fought, for me. But the guy is still coming and bringing his wife.

    So, when the wife comes too, I am expected to entertain her while they do guy things. She has a very stressful job so I think the contrast when she comes here is refreshing. I spend my days trying to think of fun things to do. Even though I work hard, I also play hard. I'm not sitting in front of the tv. I'm out doing. I have taken her garage saleing and one year we bottled Black Doris plum jam. To my husband, I joke around and say she has come over to go "slumming." I don't really know. I've never been to their place though I have seen photos of their house and entertainment areas and hot tub etc. Even though they've been visiting us for 20 years, I don't really know them that well at all. I just think that she needs something from me, and I'm not sure what. Maybe it's just accepting her and not expecting anything from her. She lives in a corporate world where image is everything and the demands are huge...and political. I am so uninterested in politics that I never talk about it. Probably quite different to most people she is around. Maybe she just wants to be at a place where she doesn't need to put forth her perfect image. Let her hair down a bit. We are slowly thawing to each other. Will be interesting to see what this year brings forth. <3 Wendy
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Imagine: Free Dreamer Horse Rider Waterfall Girl trying to find common ground with Career Woman Power Player High Flyer. Perhaps she secretly wants to gallop horses on the beach and go barefoot and grow her hair long. LOL. Or maybe she just keeps a secret notebook of all the crazy chit that happens here and then has amusing stories to relate at her Prestige Dinner Parties. LOL. (There was one year that we chased chickens around with a crazy woman...and then the year she got chased by a bull when we were biking...)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    Imagine: Free Dreamer Horse Rider Waterfall Girl trying to find common ground with Career Woman Power Player High Flyer. Perhaps she secretly wants to gallop horses on the beach and go barefoot and grow her hair long. LOL. Or maybe she just keeps a secret notebook of all the crazy chit that happens here and then has amusing stories to relate at her Prestige Dinner Parties. LOL. (There was one year that we chased chickens around with a crazy woman...and then the year she got chased by a bull when we were biking...)

    Have you taken her galloping on the beach?

    If it were me, I think I'd be inclined to suggest hikes (like the one you did a month or two ago), long bicycle rides, galloping on the beach ... and other active activities.

    Maybe she does just like the contrast to her own life. Hers is probably exhausting having to keep up a certain image. Maybe she finds she can relax with you.

  • knjiuv
    knjiuv Posts: 61 Member
    Wendy, I think you have for excellent suggestions from everyone. You say they go on African safaris. I think at least the wife might find your bee keeping interesting, it is a little bit of working with the wild side. Have you asked her what is interesting around your home that she might like to participate in? I'm just glad I don't have that problem. When my kids come, it is for a weekend and they go home.

    My husband used to always say he was going to sell our house and buy a trailer. Or if we divorced he would just move in a trailer, he told the girls to get a trailer. Well Christina got a trailer. She was I thrilled by the bay window in the kitchen and in the living room. She loved the large kitchen and the garden bathroom. What she didn't see was the addition they put on themselves. It was awful. It was a master bedroom with large closet and office and a large addition to the living room. Well they didn't get the new and old cane red very well. I think they were connected by carpet only. They also put a studio apartment on top of the roof. You could have access by a big scary ladder in the garage or a big staircase on the side of the house which was what was used the most.mit was also used by some furry guys. The trailer had some serious mold problem and the longer they lived there the worse it got. Also they kept a base ball cap by the commode to put on your head if it rained. I was never so glad when she called and said that the back foreclosed on them. They had enough they were able to rent a fairly decent townhouse. It wasn't the Taj Mahal but it was better than they were living in. Then they found a 3 bedroom ranch to rent. Both girls now have their own bedrooms, a good size master and the family room which was a garage makes a perfect office for my SIL. And it has a large fenced in back yard so they don't have to walk their dog. I felt so sorry for that dog at times. Now he has a whole back yard of his own. We own our house and I don't regret it. I just regret that it is a bilevel.

    Oh, the relief I got from my cold fingers and face lasted about 12 hours. I woke up this morning frozen again. But I will let my doctor know and let him do. The thinking

    Joyce, Indiana