
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,584 Member
    edited February 2018
    So how is it that the man who can see a fleck of rust on the van's bumper at twenty paces... can not see the fried egg on the spatula while he's washing it? He is a soul brother to Rye's? DH who is constitutionally incapable of wringing out a dishcloth. :o Trying to be grateful he cooks and washes his own dishes... o:)

    Sharon so glad Jason is getting help. Now its time to focus on you. Is there a micro action you could do to remove any obstacle to starting the disability challenge paperwork? No need for you to be galley slave to Queen Sister ;)
    Penny you remind me of one of the Mrs.es in A Wrinkle in time. Don' remember if it was Which, Who or Whatsit but when she blew in she said something like "Wild nights are my glory".
    Kelly 5 lbs in two weeks, well done! With all that cleaning and shoveling, more will fly off.
    Machka Would a quick fresh air break refresh you for exam study?
    Michele safe travels!
    Lanette we cannot see any neighbors from the house which makes Joe very happy. There are 3 or 4 other houses on the lane, all within a half hour's stroll. Have met 3 of the neighbors at the mailboxes where the lane meets the road. Come on down, we actually have a guest room for the first time in our married life. :)
    Katla men are so unsympathetic when we are sick :sick: but so needy :astonished: when THEY are...
    Karlen welcome and good luck with the habit. I'm not trying to quit, :noway: but limiting it to 1 5 oz glass or 1 beer on the 4 or 5 days when I don't go out in the evening. Working ok so far.
    Carol "I hate to try on clothes" AMEN sister! I'd post a pic of the view from my office, but the windows are too dirty :( Oops there goes a deer!
    Allie when is pre-trial? Do you think the lawyer is stalling? Does the judge seem annoyed? That could work in your favor ;)

    ok 2 hrs upright after Fosamax, time to meditate. Don't even ask about the pc limit :s

    Mindful hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Carol Bobbie Brooks pants! Always makes me think of the John Cougar Mellencamp song Jack and Diane where he sings about them :). Misty Harbor sounds familiar but I certainly did have Bobbie brooks clothing. I don’t remember seeing that brand after the early 80’s tho.
  • HandiCrafter
    HandiCrafter Posts: 56 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Keep the garden and flower pics coming—I love them so.

    Heather you are a solid friend—. I can understand eating chocolate on the train oh so well.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol – I made the mistake of climbing up on a step stool to put an angel my sister had given me and when I raised my arm and tilted my head up I had a dizzy spell and went to dtep off stool, it went one way and I went the other. Did not break fall so face and wrist (back of it) hit the floor hard at the same time. Big goose egg under right eye, now black and so much pain in wrist I was pretty sure it was broken. Started swelling immediately and sister wrapped it in an ace bandage. Went to OrthoMD on Thursday and wrist is broken. Clean break so they put it in a splint and sling for 2 weeks. Worst part is the itching. Louis wrapped it in a trash bag so I could take a shower and wash my hair. He said he’d let me take 2 a week. Yeah right! Can’t style hair, so I look sort of ragged. I also took another fall over the weekend. Apparently got up too quickly and jut hit the floor and fireplace hearth. Both falls ‘after’ the MRI which was normal; but will see NeuroMD on the 20th.
    Worst part is always having to reach over things to get to something on my right. I can do things left-handed; it is just that my brain is not wired to be left-handed.

    Becca – I definitely do not need to get the flu. Generally, it goes right to my chest when I do. Thanks for your sweet thoughts. I have not been on MFP in several days.

    Barbara – Read my response to Carol. Not thinking was my biggest problem. Never been dependent on others.

    Lisa – Very stupid move. See response to Carol.

    Katla – Thanks! I plan to; just need to move slower.

    Allie – I’m surprised that TomCat’s JACK@$$ lawyer has not been sanctioned by the Bar – he sounds incompetent – IF he even has a degree to practice law. Other attorneys are a lot quicker to have fellow attorneys disbarred than MDs about having other MDs have their licenses revoked. I think one of the reasons that Louis’ former urologist went out on a ‘medical leave’ because of Rx’d drugs was that he was a malpractice insurance lawsuit waiting to happen. He put a tube up Louis’ penis without putting him asleep and even the other Urologists in his practice made pained looks when we told them what he had done. Another thing they told us was to call their office to have the ‘on-call’ MD meet us at their office instead of going to the ER and being seen by someone whose specialty was maybe a lung MD. I know my lung MD is one of the hospital’s ER contract MDs.

    Hahaha!!! I see that MFP took down my joke about ‘venting’ …

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Western Monarch Day!

    "It is a day to celebrate the Western Monarch butterfly. ... The monarch butterfly is facing a terrific decline in numbers. Many conservation groups are calling for it to be protected as an endangered species and claim that the number of declines could be as high as 90%!"

    Becca - What a gorgeous cat picture! That is one handsome cat. Those eyes!

    Sharon - Cute kiddos. I love how different each little owl picture is!

    I don't pay a lot of attention to sports so I didn't watch the Super Bowl. Sounds like it was a good game, and I hope any of you who are fans enjoyed it! Instead I had a really nice, lazy Sunday spent mostly on the sofa with a book.

    Saturday was a work day. Stuff has been piling up so we took a load of recycling off to the recycle center, then a bunch of bags to the thrift store, then put the Christmas decorations back in the attic. I never even got all the decorations put up, since I was in the middle of it when I had to drop everything and run to Houston. Anyhow, that all went a long way toward freeing up space. Now I've asked Philip to give me one weekend a month that we can set aside to work on unfinished household projects.

    I'm getting itchy to plant stuff, but I'm forcing myself to remember it's too early even for central Texas!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi ladies, sorry drkatiebug to hear of your problems. You have real problems. Mine are all just in my head. LoL. And you too, Lenore with your broken wrist. What next? And Allie, you must be so frustrated! Heather I probably would have eaten chocolate as well as icecream and pizza...well, that's what I did when my daughter had to go through surgery.

    I love the Suki pictures too. Like having a miniature leopard.

    I went out to my queens this morning. I counted 14 making plus I have one virgin queen stored for use, so 15 for my hubby to put into the splits. I put more cells in the hives that didn't make, first going through them to try to figure out how I can encourage them to make queens. I moved frames around so that nurse bees and larvae would be on either side of the "queen cell frame" that I put into the hive. I checked for self-made and early-hatched queens but did not find any. So keeping my fingers crossed for another good count up. The weather is starting to turn now, so won't be that much longer I will be able to make them. I am making them twice a week now, in order to keep up with demand. May even have to do it more often and take advantage of every window of sunshine that is left in our summer. Ditch the office. Oh, how I would like to! Sooon.

    I am going to offer to take my guest woman out to do queens with me. She is pretty brave but a lot of people draw the line at having bees swarm them. LOL I can't take her galloping on the beach right now as my float brakes need fixing. But maybe she might like to have a ride in the arena. I'd like to suggest camping again, as I relax so much better. The campground is a neutral place, out of my house and everyone does their bit to help prepare food and we can sit around the fire and drink and tell stories at night, so really, that is my vote for the weekend. I even have a place in mind that we have never taken them. It's a river and campground about an hour and a half away that I discovered a couple of years ago. Hidden in a beautiful valley with many hiking trails and biking areas. It's called Pohingina Valley. My favourite walk there is called "Beehive Creek walkway" and it is perfect for a hot day to walk right up the creek with river sandels on.I will broach the idea to my hubby tonight and see if I can get him onside. But that would mean my daughter would have to come look after all the animals. She is still recovering from surgery but she did drive out here this morning so she could have a soak in the bath. She is still in pain... But hopefully by the weekend she will be better. She told me she is feeling better every day. Even if I can't get an agreement to camp, I still will try to schedule a day walk up Beehive Creek, if the weather cooperates. We'll take a picnic lunch along and Jock. That would be fun... <3 Wendy

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Had a mammogram this morning so just about done with all those regular tests. We worked out yesterday so decided to rest today. I cleaned out my freezer and made a list of everything left in there. We have beef stew in the crock pot for dinner.
    Michele - safe travels to FL. Hope the weather is good for you guys.
    Have a busy week ahead and the weather is suppose to be yucky for a few days. Not much going on today. My throat is scratchy so I’m drinking hot eat and hoping it will get better.
    SueBDew in TX