

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Did I post this afternoon? If I did won't bore you..pre trial Weds if we.can get things worked out then won't have to go to court next Tuesday....
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka Would a quick fresh air break refresh you for exam study?

    I did go for a 3.6 km walk to the beach, along the full length of the beach, and back with my husband between work and starting to study. :)

    I think it's just having to shift gears into the "next thing" so quickly, and unlike many of the other students, I have to put in a full day's work 5 days a week, so my only study time is in the evening.

    When I'm in my regular semesters, usually the final project is finished a few days before the end of the course, so I've usually got an evening or two to do things like laundry and dishes and catching up on whatever else I need to do ... then we have the "what's on the exam" lecture, then I take day where I might not do much of anything to let my head get into the right space ... and then I get into studying.

    This time, I finished the project Sunday night at midnight, headed into my usual week of work on Monday (yesterday) and started studying Monday evening.

    I've got laundry stacked up I need to do. I can't even look at my kitchen right now. And my Christmas decorations are still up!! The exam is on Thursday, so I'll get to all of it then, but meanwhile it's full speed ahead with the studying.

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) Jake's desire to live in Canada is politically motivated. He thinks things would be better in Canada. I love living near the mountains and the water and love the variations of dark and daylight by season so the farther north, the better. It's all fantasy for us and we love living at the top of Washington state near the mountains and the coast.

    :)Barbara, I allow myself time on this thread as a reward for doing things on my list. For a long time, I required myself to drink 8 ounces of water before I could read the thread. You live in a beautiful place. Thanks for the pictures.

    :)Sharon, you are right that kids don't belong at NA meetings. What goes on there is too sophisticated for them and often topics are not appropriate for young ears.

    :'(Katie, sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery and not being able to exercise for awhile. Best wishes for super outcome.

    :'(Lenore, sorry to hear about your fall. Best wishes on your recovery.

    :)Wendy, your plans sound great. I hope you get to do all that you want to.

    :'( We've taken the dogs to be boarded so they'll be safe when we go see the neurosurgeon in Seattle about Jake's back tomorrow. We miss them a lot. Gotta get up early tomorrow to be ready to leave at 5 AM.

    <3 Barbie
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Lenora - golly girl! Glad you are back with us and can type! We are glad to hear from you no matter what shape you are in B)

    - love those photos of flowers and kitties. I ordered pansy and petunia seeds and need to get some started. If I wasn't allergic, I'd be the "cat lady". We do have a long-haired black cat who sleeps in DH's shop but sometimes comes in and spends the day sleeping on back of the sofa. She doesn't seem to pose the problem our old short-haired cat did with little teensy fine hairs and cat dander all over the place.

    - Sorry to hear about your mom's cousin and the other problems close to her. Sending good thoughts your way for a successful surgery on the 21st. Have you had this before? I once had a "mole check" at the dermatologist's office. I was surprised that she checked EVERY SQUARE INCH of my body if you get my drift. I told her if she'd have warned me, I would have at least shaved my legs. She said that's the #1 comment!

    - sounds like you have good plans for your company's visit. Nice to have plenty of outdoor activities for them! Glad your daughter is feeling better.

    OK ladies, have a good evening!

    Warm SW WA State
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hi all: Took DH to physical therapy this morning and then went to the YM to do a water workout. When I came out of the pool a maintenance man was in the locker room and told me I would have take my clothes and go to the family locker room to shower and dress. Good grief! I kind of lost it this past weekend with the IF but am back on track today. My DD's old cat that has kidney failure is refusing to eat most anything while she is gone. he is really skinny and it worries me.

    Michele - Traveling mercies and enjoy Florida.

    Lenora - Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Katiebug - Hope things work out and you find where your mama's cousin is. Best wishes on the surgery.

    Barbie - Hope Jake gets some good news in Seattle.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Oooh Pip you got a green hand! I am green with envy!
    Love those pics!
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Have got the best idea of all. I'll leave a note saying I am camping at Pohingina and they are all welcome to join me. They will find me somewhere up Beehive Creek! Oh, fantasies are free. I live in my imagination. Reality is never so pleasant or fun. When I realise that I only have a finite number of summer days left to enjoy this lifetime, I want to make every day count. I want to link high points and travel from peak to peak. (Skip all the valleys and low points)

    I am like the little child who doesn't want to take a nap because they don't want to miss anything. My ideal dream would be spending summer in New Zealand then flying to America and spending summer with my sister and Mom in America. Year round summer. This could become a reality. Our boxes of honey are piling up! I would have to alternate and spend some of my summer time in Spain and maybe France. I wouldn't mind going on a famous garden tour around Europe, as well as see old buildings, castles, churches and works of art. So much to do before I die.

    Speaking of Spain, for you ladies who are learning spanish online, do you know about the website that teaches languages and donates food to starving people? Every answer you get right doing a spanish language game, donates 10 grains of rice and is doesn't take long to fill up bowls and bowls of rice. If you google free rice . com you will reach the website. Such a great idea!

    Barbara, I do exactly the same thing as you. I reward myself with time on websites I like, or time reading a book, for hitting a target or finishing a job that needs doing. I also give myself fun breaks, after focusing on one of my goals. So I will now go and do another twenty minutes of Guest Cleaning before I let myself do something else I want to do. <3 Wendy

    Oh, before I go I want to say that I think moving to a different part of the country, or a different part of the world, every year or two would be an amazing way to live. A whole new area to explore, sights to see, customs to learn about, flora and fauna and history...oh the riches!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    stats for the day:
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.30min, 137mhr, 12amph. 1.4mi= 73c
    apple watch- 59c
    ELIPTICAL- 45min, 139mhr, 122ahr, 5resist, 2incl, 3.78mi= 350c
    apple - 363c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.36min, 15.7amph, 131mhr, 1.4mi= 65c
    apple watch- 46c
    RIDE BIKE PUY 2 SUMN STA- 17.27min, 133mhr, 10.6amph, 3mi= 130c
    apple watch- 112
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.52min, 144mhr, 11.19min mi, .5mi= 68c
    apple watch- 59c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.15min, 10.16min mi, 151mhr, .5mi= 69c
    apple watch- 55c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.48min, 7.8amph, 153mhr, 25mi= 201c
    apple watch- 140c

    total cal 956
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    Oooh Pip you got a green hand! I am green with envy!
    Love those pics!

    oh no not me that's the Kirb man!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    Have got the best idea of all. I'll leave a note saying I am camping at Pohingina and they are all welcome to join me. They will find me somewhere up Beehive Creek!

    I kind of did that the last time we went to Canada (June/July last year).

    The previous time, we took several days and went to several different places that were rather out of our way to see various friends who wanted us to visit. Although several of them assured us they would be there and were looking forward to seeing us again, we basically were stood up because other things came up in their lives at the last minutes. Like in one case, it was more important to nap. We weren't too pleased.

    So this last time, I announced that we'd be in the Rockies (an area I love), in these locations, doing these hikes, and if they wanted to see us ... they could come there and meet us. :mrgreen:

    Oh, before I go I want to say that I think moving to a different part of the country, or a different part of the world, every year or two would be an amazing way to live. A whole new area to explore, sights to see, customs to learn about, flora and fauna and history...oh the riches!

    We would love to do 6 months in Canada and 6 months in Australia ... and maybe different areas of each. But until we can actually arrange something like that, we just take as many holidays as we can. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Oooh Pip you got a green hand! I am green with envy!
    Love those pics!

    oh no not me that's the Kirb man!

    Ohhh, OK. Any guy that can grow things, is a gem indeed! My husband let's me play in the dirt, fill pots etc, but my patience is a kind of live or die plant, don't be looking all wimpy at me!!!
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Becca, I had to scroll back to the photo of the tree and picture it with buttons. Just my opinion, but I think that would be AWESOME!!! Especially with different sizes and shades of the colours in question. I hope you get to do it at some point. I also love the wheelbarrow full of flowers. Something I've seen on Facebook is tree lengths cut and carved out to look like train cars, with flowers planted in them.
    Sharon, glad that Jason is going to NA, sincerely hope it will help him.
    Sending hugs and healing thoughts to those with injuries and ailments. Hoping you all feel better soon.
    Have had a few difficult days but tomorrow I plan on doing some pampering and not much else! I have a massage appointment and then a nail repair appointment. I have one nail that I cracked close to a year ago. It cracked all the way to the quick and has kept splitting. I have been getting an acrylic overlay on it for a few months now. Fortunately that's cheap and quick! I just wish it was showing some sign of growing out, but the split is still showing all the way down the nail. Grrrrrr..... Oh well, I suppose it will grow out eventually. After all that, hubby has a chiropractor appointment. I won't be going to that, I just get to make dinner. Then it's into the tub for a nice hot soak. Looking forward to it!
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Oooh Pip you got a green hand! I am green with envy!
    Love those pics!

    oh no not me that's the Kirb man!

    Yeah, my husband is the gardener too ... he works in horticulture, and then comes home and does amazing things with all our roses and protea and hedges and things.

    We have a gardener to keep our grass in check, but the bushes and shrubs are my husband's domain.

    Oh ... speaking of which ... we've had large grape vine growing over our outdoor patio area. This year it produced grapes!! They're just little, but there are a lot of them, and if you don't mind something slightly sour, they're actually edible. :smiley:

    M in Oz

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Barbie – thanks for keeping us going!
    So goal for January was participate in logging and this forum on a semi-regular basis, and I did it..
    Feb goal is January + I want to log my food 20 + days…when I log I lose… so I need to log.

    Janetr – excellent !!!! Love the what falls out of your cup post

    Allie – thinking of you.

    Rye - I have found quite a few I love that are part of NPR; TED talks; Stuff you missed in history class; Stuff you should know; Food Stuff; Ridiculous History; The food Programme (BBC)

    Sue – OH MY!!!! Sending hugs and thinking of you.

    Computer backups - I back mine up to the cloud, using Carbonite, I really like the idea that I don’t have to think about it at all, if I’m online my computer is backing itself up.

    Lisa – Safeway a grocery chain in CA has gift cards that do not allow you to spend them on tobacco or alcohol products; I don’t know what’s available in CO but maybe that would help you feel like the money you were sending was going to better choices.

    I love mushrooms, and even caramelize them for a different taste and texture.

    Beth – ((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

    Barbara – wishing you luck!!!


    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Rye - I just going to have to look into streaming "The Good Place". Even if I do have to pay for it, it'll be worth it.

    Welcome everyone new.

    I guess we got here around 7:30. Boy, do I ever have a sinus headache! This happens when the weather changes, and it was so cold in Newton and warm here. As we were going thru Georgia, that's when I started to feel it.

    Skimming because feeling really bad.

    Friend and her hubby are supposed to be here tomorrow. I absolutely remember having a pill shooter to give Loki has capsule, but for the life of me I can't find it. Hope one of the pet stores around here carry it.

    Barbie - good luck to Jake

    Going to try to get to sleep. Oh, the pain.

    Michele in FL now
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    M in OZ, congrats on your mini vineyard! I had a neighbor that grew grapes against her wall that separated their property from ours. She told me any vines that grew on my side, the grapes were mine! It seemed to love where it was growing, because we had a lot of grapes on our side and the wood fence had to be reinforced! They were the little champagne green grapes, so sweet!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Heather what a caring friend you are. Profiteroles were just the thing for your friend to enjoy after such a grueling day.
    Terry rooting for you making your goal. Happy birthday a week in advance ;)
    Lenora OWWWWW! Are the dizzy spells something new? BP? Sorry I missed your venting joke ;{
    Joyce Onderland is Onderful no matter why. You are loved here, Joyce, whether you get out of bed or not ;)
    Yvonne, asking hubs for one weekend a month for household projects? Brilliant!
    Drkatiebug, Fooey on basal cell! Very glad you got it checked out. Good luck taking your mother to see her cousin, prayers for her and your family.
    Wendy so glad your daughter is well enough to drive and soak. Hope her pain resolves soon. LOVE the "leave a note" idea ;)
    Machka you're right, the laundry and decorations can wait while you study for the exam. You are a wonder woman to work full time and take such an intensive course. Brava!
    Barbie great idea, will use this thread as reward. Safe travels and good thoughts for solution to Jake's back issue.
    Lanette "at least shaved my legs" LOL, That only happens here just before a Dr appt. ;}
    Sue in WA Maintenance man in the locker room? Yikes!
    pip sure looks like spring wherever you are!
    Michele let your friends pamper you, sinus pain stinks.
    Becca we had a champagne vine back in Boise and boy did the dogs love those sweet grapes that dropped. ;)

    Mindful hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.