
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • beckyobryan153
    beckyobryan153 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm so excited. I burned 365 calories during my workout today. YAY ME! Keeping to 1200 calories is not a problem, either. At least, not this time around.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    When I got up this morning, dianne was already awake, so I went to the Y and just did some HIIT. I forgot how much I sweat down here. I know it has to do with the humidity. the plan for tomorrow is to try their Power hour class. I remeber last year there was this awesome class that had stations. It was at 8:30 as I recall. This class is at 8:30. Is it the same? I don't know.

    alsa - I knew someone would answer your question! Welcome!

    Lanette - I wish we could stay in FL for the rest of the winter, but Vince needs to be back by Feb. 27 at the latest as he has an appt to get his permanent crown put on. Oh boy -- no walking. How horrible! Good news about the Xray

    Sue in TX - you can't begin to imagine how awesome that launch was. One thing that just seemed interesting to me was how long it took from when the boosters landed until we heard the sonic boom. It WAS cool sitting in the condo then going out to see it 10 minutes before the launch. A lot of people were waiting for hours, they'd gotten there real early in the day just to get a good spot.

    Barbara - congrats on the fantastic weight loss.

    NYKaren - happy birthday to Olivia. How wonderful! She's come a long way, baby

    Went to breakfast with Dianne and Paige. Normally, I wouldn't go out for breakfast. But since we don't have a refirgerator (we bought one today -- would have been too expensive to replace the freeon and then they'd by law have to find the leak and fix it.) Had 4 egg whites, two strips of bacon and Denny's seasonal fruit. Then Dianne and Paige left to go see other friends. Vince and I got a new pill shooter for Loki, got a newspaper, bought the refrigerator, went to Lowes but they didn't have a ballast for us so went to Home Depot then back to Lowes for the lights. Since they are so close together, it was worth it. Lights at HD would have been way more expensive than at Lowes. On the way home stopped at the bank. Now Vince is putting up the balasts. I need to go to HD to get him a certain drill so he can drill thru the concrete above the light.

    Allie - a 60/40 split!!! Outrageous

    Beth - I cooked a chicken breast in the crock pot and it was so dry that, honestly, I threw it out

    Michele now in FL
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Looks like I lost my post
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Terry in VT - I don't know if your husband knows this or not, but I just read in the paper down here:

    The central booster did not survive its drop from space to the deck of a robotic ship in the Atlantic Ocean, hitting the water at high speed and damaging the ship

    Michele in FL now
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    I just found this group. Turning 60 this year and this looks like a very supportive group!! May I join in?

    Welcome from another Kay. Jump right in with whatever pops into your head. That’s what we do.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    tskreczmer wrote: »
    Just saw this group. I lost fifty by fifty almost two years ago. I met my goal by coming on my fitness pal but lost my password.

    I have started to regain a few..and never did reach my second goal.

    I can't do fad diets. All that works for me is less junk and accountability.

    I have exercise down (working with kids four hours a day..teaching swimming and my job site is the Y) the food is the issue.

    Food has been my best friend..my lover ..my mother and my life.

    If anyone know how to replace the emotional crutch of food..I am ALL ears.

    Thank you Barbie and all for your posts. I love how open and beautiful they are.


    Welcome, Tracy!

    The thing that helps me most, when I make the effort to use it, is an app called “I Deserve a Donut.” It was designed by Barb Raveling. It is Christian/Biblical based, so if that is not your thing just ignore my suggestion. It was a game changer for me, though.

    The other thing that helps is to come on here and read this thread. These women are super supportive and will gladly give you a gentle kick where you need it.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Michele, thanks the information on the booster. DH hadn’t heard that.

    Kaykallsen52, you joined just by posting. Welcome!

    Tracy, welcome to the group. Learning to not rely on food is difficult and each person finds what works for them. For me I had to start thinking of it as an addition not that I had no will power. I identified my triggers and stayed as far away from them as I could. I know when I’m eating because of some emotion I’m trying to deal with and have to do a lot of self talk. I also had to get rid of the idea of being on a “diet” and begin to view this as a life long journey. It’s not easy and I’m never perfect (no one is) so I do the best I can and try to be kind to myself. I hope this group will help you to find what works for you. Don’t give up just keep putting one foot in front of another.

    Meg, a small start is still a start. Good for you.

    Allie, 60/40 with Tom getting the 60?! What are they basing that on? I hope it ends up better than that for you. ((Hugs))

    Vicki, sounds like great results from your dr visit. That’s great.

    Well, night ladies. See you tomorrow.

    Terry in snowy VT
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Karen, baby photos are awesome! She is so darn cute!
    Kelly, hope your licensing person shows soon. I'm sure you will breeze thru, one only needs to see the kids and they know how well you are caring for them!
    Lisa, so glad that your son seemingly has his stuff together and that you got a good night's sleep because of that! Hope he can keep it up. Also happy that you and your daughter are on the same page regarding when you and Corey move on. Good that there won't be a big surprise at the end of it!
    Today was weigh in. I'm down . 2 of a pound. Really need to step up my game if I'm going to meet goal! I did have a bit of a bad week last week. Hoping that things will get better this week. Guess that's up to me.... lol.
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island