

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    well went over and applied, and then she said they didnt have any openings, geesh. oh well... will keep an open Eye
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Heather, I am so happy for you!! House hunting, while daunting is very liberating. Its a moment life gives you to redefine yourself! Take full opportunity to do that. Life isn't always following a script, its unpredictable, and hey, that's OK too! Hugs!!!

    You are so right Becca. Moving to Brighton and Hove will be a whole new way of life. Admittedly, we are mainly looking in the quieter areas, but it will be totally different to our village here without even one shop. I'm looking forward to walks and bike rides by the sea, to buses, small artisan shops, cafés and restaurants, even the theatre. The beautiful South Downs, a National Park, is just up the road - a short car journey away. Festivals we can walk to. Occasionally going out in the evening! :o From my username you can tell I'm a city girl, but a city by the sea is a special thing.
    Just hoping we can find a property we like in an area we love.

    Up early again. :/ Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I'm excited for you!! Even though moving, they say, is one of the most stressful things, I enjoyed it. My kids even saw it as a positive. I remember my eldest son at 4 years old, looking out the car window as we were driving around housing we were to move into, and pointing at kids. "Oh he will be my friend, oh and him too"! How positive is that! I took cues from that.
    Oh to live near the ocean, and have city access! You will thrive!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sue- so glad you're getting better! Happy to see that you are able to get out and do your exercise!


    Mary from Arizona
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Kay, congrats on the grandchild.

    Dana, ouch on the taxes. We wrote a whopping $2300 check to the feds this week ourselves. Luckily, the state refund covered it.

    Allie, wierd about the job.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member

    Mary, don’t worry about what you eat while in las Vegas because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Have fun.

    Becky, don’t get discouraged as we all hit plateaus and sometimes it takes a little while for you body to catch up.

    Allie, that’s weird that they called you in for a job and then said they didn’t have any. Someone screwed up somewhere. How discouraging and a waste of your time. Hang in there, you will fine something.

    Heather, my DH sometimes leaves wet clothes in the washer for a day. That’s why I wash mine and he washes his.

    Terry in VT
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terry- thanks! Hopefully will come back millionaires LOL! I generally throw in a 20 and that's it. I do usually win on it but then I stop. I think the win is a temptation to continue on but I'd rather throw my money into a vending machine at least I get something for it!


    Mary from Arizona
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    im watching Grace and Frankie. and relaxing..long day...
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Allie, that does seem weird that they would advertise a job opening and then tell you there wasn't anything available. I think I'd steer clear of that place, if they can't even get their "stuff" together enough to know if they are hiring or not.... Too bad, sounds like it would have been a nice place to work and taking Alfie with you really would be the frosting on the cake (sorry, bad reference! lol)
    Lisa, why would she want to leave her laundry in the washer for days on end???? Ewwww! I don't like even leaving it for a few hours! And Heather, yes, the laundry has to be dry before it gets put away! I have a bathroom right next to the laundry room. The tub/shower combo don't get used much at all, but the shower bar is a great place for hanging all my "hang to dry" stuff! So nice having more than one bathroom!
    Lisa, that whole location looks like a lovely place to hang out! I certainly understand you looking forward to having control of your own life. I would have a tough time living with someone else's rules after all this time of making my own!
    Rori, how exciting to be retiring so soon! Nice that you have your hobbies all lined up too! My dad always said he didn't know how he ever had time to work, he was so busy with other stuff once he retired! lol
    Yesterday was day 4 of eating fairly well, today was day 5 of getting to the gym. And then when I got to work I found out the truck had not come thru and salted our lot. It was kind of icy, so I went out and hand bombed the lot and driveway, then swept some salt that had gotten close to doors and was on the concrete in front of the lockers. I work in a storage facility, we have about 30 units that are outside access, they have large garage type roll up doors. If the salt sits too close to the steel doors, they will start to corrode so the boss likes us to make sure its swept back onto the lot. While I was sweeping, my fitbit said I had done my 10,000 steps already! May have been more the motion from my arm doing the sweeping, but then again I did walk up and down the length of the building a few times. All in all, a productive morning! And now it's snowing again.... Still really light, small flakes to hopefully it won't build up into anything much.
    Hope everyone has a good one!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Allie ~ Prayers said that everything will work out to your benefit. You have had so much happening lately.

    Dana ~ That is sad about your mom. My mom was in the hospital with pneumonia the week she passed, the nurses there just seemed to be very uncaring. My sister (an RN) had to jerk a knot in them to get them to give mom the care she needed.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Terry- thanks! Hopefully will come back millionaires LOL! I generally throw in a 20 and that's it. I do usually win on it but then I stop. I think the win is a temptation to continue on but I'd rather throw my money into a vending machine at least I get something for it!


    Mary from Arizona

    My cousin lives in Vegas and the one time I went out I won $90 on the slot machines. I started with a $20. My cousins wife plays once a week the $1 slots and won $1,000 one time.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    im watching Grace and Frankie. and relaxing..long day...

    What a wonderful way to spend the day, feet and and laughing
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Good morning!

    It’s still raining. Ok I’d like to see the sun now!

    Yeah, taxes and death, right? With both of of getting SS and anuities from the state of TX, and I have another from HanesBrands, we just get screwed. We certainly don’t make that much!
    I suggested paying in quarterly payments to DH but he said he would keep his cash until he has to spend it!

    I have been tossing around going to an attorney for a consult about my mothers passing. As you see she was in a rehab because she had fallen and she was having a hard time walking. She was doing OK but she still can go to the bathroom without some help. The reason why she fell is because my “evil” sister and her got into an argument and at the time my sister lived with her in Arkansas. So she got pissed off and took off for home which is in Las Vegas, Nevada. She never told me that she was leaving because neither one of them were talking to me at the time. But my mother texted her and told her that she fell and she needed help so she calls the lady down at the church down the street. The lady took her to the local hospital. Then the local hospital had her set up to Little Rock because she needed a pacemaker; which is about 2 hour drive north. At that time my sister called me and told me what was going on and she was flying in from Vegas to Little Rock. So I’m about a hour and a half or so from Little Rock out in Hot Springs so I offered to pick her up being a nice person as I am. So I picked her up at the airport and we went to see our mother and she was just so happy to see me after not talking for a year. So when she got out of the hospital they sent her to the rehab and like I said she was doing OK but then she was not feeling well and so my sister who had the flu really really bad for two weeks, had her taken to the hospital from rehab. The doctor at the ER said that there was nothing wrong with her so they sent her back to the rehab that afternoon. My mother told the doctor that she went back there she would die. And that night she passed away. Her death certificate said 11:30 PM January 5. However, The nurse called me at 12:40 AM on the 6th and she said that mom had rang her and by the time she got down there at 12:20 she was already passed. So it just seems to me that there was a whole lot of negligence going on with my mother’s death. She wasn’t feeling well plus the nurses had to supply her the Advair when she was a custom to using it at will. It said on her Death certificate that she died of acute respiratory failure, acute heart failure and kidney disease.
    So do you think I have a case? She was 89.

    Sorry for rambling. I’m just upset today and didn’t sleep well last night.

    I have been doing better with my diet though. Yeah me!

    RORI: Congrats! 5 more days! DH and I had to sign papers 90 days in advance. It seemed like an eternity plus my boss thought of 50 more things for me to before I left!

    Talk later...
    Dana in Arkansas

    I say it doesn't hurt to get an attorney's opinion. Might make you feel better too.