

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,831 Member
    May I suggest taking.photos and scanning them onto a USB? You will still.have them and if you ever need to print any out your set...just a suggestion ,I should do the same. I am up and staggering and having my tea..I love hearing the birds singing out there.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    JanetR – Layla’s beautiful! Love the name, as well… congratulations.

    Ginger – I love the idea of the packet of forget-me-not seeds for a remembrance of someone lost. Glad you felt lighter, and have some understanding of that. Humans need these celebrations of life to help us get to the closure we need, to say goodbye in a way the heart can understand as well as the mind.

    Becca – You’ll get there before we can get started! So glad for all of you, and so pleased you’ll have room to roam, and a secure place with a much-loved son.

    Katiebug – That shower is flippin’ gorgeous! Absolutely love it.

    Felicia – I struggle with dealing with any kind of mess at that level, as well—and the filth that seems to inevitably accompany it is stomach-turning. Add in that it is for someone that is hard to regard positively, and it is an extremely rough situation. I too would have been sitting in the car.

    More below...

    Lisa in El Paso for one more day
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Good morning Ladies -

    I am working on day four of a headache so my concentration is not good this morning. I read through the posts and remember what I read but now who posted what. Hugs and Prayers for those that need them. High fives for those with victories.

    The headaches are weather related. They weren't too bad Monday and Tuesday, but yesterday was worse and it is still there this morning. I will strap on the tennis shoes anyway and get my walk in when I finish this. It will probably take much longer than normal, but that's OK, I'll still get it done.

    I think I have worked out the menu for next week to see if we can gets hubs kick started. I reviewed what I was thinking with him yesterday and he said he would eat whatever I send him to work to eat. I'm trying to make it things he wants to eat as well, not just torture him for 4 days :smile: . I'm basically sending him a (much) bigger version of the salad I eat for lunch, a couple of extra snacks and adding egg cups (which I made and are in the freezer for reheating) to his breakfast. For dinner we normally eat the same thing anyway, I just add more protein to his than mine. If it works, I may have signed myself up for a lot more chopping and prepping to prepare both of our lunches on the weeks he is home as well as breakfasts for him (I just do yogurt). The grocery store tomorrow will be entertaining. I may need two carts to fit in all the veggies and fruits.

    Machka - You are both still in my prayers. I was going to suggest the same thing as KJ. If you don't have the bank statements, you can try the bank to see if they can give you a print out of the last 3 months activity so you can see patterns.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MARY glad you are feeling better and using your 40lb KB again Ive just ordered my 26lb one

    Kate UK <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,438 Member
    Machka - sending heaps of good thoughts your way! Hope your DH is healing quickly and responding well. Thank you so much for suggesting that spreadsheet. I worked on mine for an hour yesterday and will finish up this weekend and get it printed off.

    Michele - you mentioned a couple days ago that a house was for up for sale with a big listing price. News in our area is that there will be 40,000 new jobs in the next 5 years north of Olympia, many of them in high-tech. Our little county has been a "bedroom community" for that area and the housing market here is really hot - sounds like it's about to get hotter. Smaller homes are getting snapped up quickly - might be challenging when we downsize in the next few years.

    Lisa - kudos on a super successful event!

    Barbara - if you want to send some of your spring north, we won't turn it away. The only concert I recall attending was Three Dog Night. Some gals I worked with in mid 70's saw Elvis when he performed in Chicago. Now that's one I'm sorry I missed!

    - so sorry to hear about your headache - you may have mentioned and I missed it - have you been troubled with them for a long time? Lots of healthy eating coming up at your house!

    I went in for my allergy shots yesterday morning and it seems my nose was cleared up by evening - that's pretty early for them to take effect (I am only on third week at low dose) but I'm grateful for an unstuffy nose, whatever the reason.

    My back seems a little better but sitting is a problem, especially my favorite recliner :'( . Last night I dug out some "green" meds/candy a friend of mine had given me last year and by golly, I think they helped. Ibuprofen tears up my tummy. So I had pretty pain-free sleep last night. I am SO GRATEFUL for strength training. I believe strong legs and an otherwise strong back/core will get me through this much quicker. I was able to do some stretches this morning and get back up off the floor!

    SW WA State
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Lanette - I hope your back is better soon! Back pain is the worst!! It makes it hard to do anything. I tend to get headaches with weather fronts. They aren’t migraines, thank goodness! I only get migraines every blue moon. Those send me to a dark quiet room. Not fun. I feel so sorry for people who suffer regular migraines.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Pip - when I die, I want to come back as YOUR DOG! They look so happy and pampered!!

    - so excited for your move!! You'll have to give us a pictoral tour once you get landed there!

    - what a nice story about your DBIL's funeral, thank you so much for sharing that.

    Janetr - what a sweet new great-grand! Mia will be busy! How far do they live from you - just wondering if they are close by and you get to see them often B)

    - you are so motivated with your cleaning out. Very inspirational. Every now and then I go through my books and give away - seems like 2 more take each one's place. You are making wise use of your kindle! Sending lots of good thoughts your way regarding letting the boys know about your book.

    - your retirement is off to a good start! Your zen den sounds fabulous. I'm curious - are you a writer like Heather and Lisa?

    - LOVE that shower! Can't wait to try it out, lol! After my long bubblebath that is! You were an angel to help with your friend's mother's jammed house.

    Felicia - MIL's hoarding sounds overwhelming and I don't blame you for sitting in the car.

    I'm not a hoarder but have a real hard time going through old photos and finding a few to keep. We've have lots of pix of the dogs and kitties we've had, our past homes and critters and friends that have since moved on. Just opening those boxes (and there are several) - I have a wave of nostalgia and something like grief I guess - I start to tear up so close the boxes up and put them back on the shelf.

    I don't get emotional looking at past photos of my parents and grandparents event tho I loved them very much and do miss them. Now, that's one for the shrink!

    I somehow twanged my back today and can't stand up straight. DANG! hip joints hurt, knees hurt. I've sat against the ice pack, the heating pad, taken CBD and ibuprofen. The bugger still hurts/muscle spasms- I seem to get this once or twice a year and start all of the stretches I learned in PT.

    I read or heard somewhere that back problems are caused by tight hamstrings so will check that out. I probably need to dig out that TENS unit and give my rear a nice shocking for a few minutes.

    Ok ladies, will close for now.

    Sunny SW WA State

    Lololol that is so sweet, I do take care of them