Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 35



  • IrritatedDoro
    IrritatedDoro Posts: 89 Member
    Round 34: 171

    3/19 - 170.2 Going to try to challenge myself to do 30 Squats & 15 push-ups a day and a vitamin this round, in addition to watching calories. Will do cardio as able. Hopefully that tiny bit of muscle increase will help with the burn. Took vitamin and did squats/push-ups. Ate a little over calories and went to sleep early.
    3/20 - 169.6 did daily did squats/push-ups. These weights are consistent with the range I was at in round 34... with my lowest weight recorded at 169. If I start seeing drop to 167 & 168 this round, it will be good.
    3/21-170.2 I'm okay with this. Husband made dinner last night - burritos and homemade pico and guac and chips. So calories were all guestimates and I went over even so. Did half an hour on the treadmill. I am in control of my food today so should drop tomorrow. Did push-ups and squats.
    3/22 - 170 Yesterday I ate under calories, drank extra water, went to bed early. I was sure I was going to drop more than a pound. But alas, just in a holding pattern right now. Did push-ups this morning. I can knock out the squats this afternoon at work. Hope to get on treadmill tonight. Over the last few weeks, my fat has fallen a little so at least that is good. Keep on keeping on I guess. If it is not rising dramatically, that is good.
    3/23 -169.8 Yesterday I ate at calories, did squats and push-ups and 15 minutes on treadmill - was super exhausted but managed this. Hope to have more energy for exercise tonight. This is the weight I started round 34 with I think so really been the same weight for a couple weeks - all while staying within 1200 to 1400 calories. Before that I had lost about 8 lbs in the previous month. Age is not good to metabolism, ya'll... but hoping that I can honestly get into the 160's and stay over the next few weeks.