

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    Kirby got an E bike
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited April 2018
    Thanks, ladies, each photo/piece of artwork on the fridge has been printed as a magnet. Since I have been blind in one eye since birth, I don’t see the same way as most people. And color contrasts are a big thing to me to help me make 3 dimensional sense of the world. Probably why most of my stuff I like contains eye-poping colors.

    Heather, I sure wish I could at least break even $$ wise in my photography- but the $2.00 I’ve earned in 2018 would not buy much. LOL

    Just heard from brother (with whom my Father lives). They lost their cat (19 yr old). Got to go and phone and try to console them. She (Ivy) was one of those special ones and loved to lay next to my dad. So it will be especially hard on him.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Trish - That's exactly how it was. You describe it perfectly. I now have diarrhoea, ;):* but I'm coming back to life. I didn't want to wake DH last night as I lay thankfully on the floor in the bathroom, drenched in sweat. Eventually I managed to bottom shuffle back to the spare room where I had holed up. Ghastly! I have emailed the doctor about it as I know they keep records of these reactions. It is a recognised side effect, but I have had lots of antibiotics in the past without this reaction, so I think it is not a good first choice medicine. :#:o
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    T'ai Chi session yesterday started with a different teacher leading a 45 minute qi gong warmup. Lots of new moves and a really WARM warmup. Audience immediately faded to a blur. Our group's exhibition (that sounds naughty) went very well, unrushed, mostly flowing in unison, and was met with enthusiastic applause at the end. While I had a few too many treats at the pot luck, portion control was right on and managed to stay under CICO-wise.

    Lanette cold serum in big shot, owwwww. New good vibe neighbors=cause for rejoicing ;)
    pip debt free before 60? Happy dance! sleeping pup pic=Awww
    Rebecca How much turmeric and cayenne does your MIL take every morning? Your DD is a crackup, glad you have someone who can match you laugh for laugh.
    Katla too bad the food at the rooftop restaurant was disappointing, sounds like wine and companionship to enjoy the view is just the ticket. Tired of grumpy lectures, you betcha. When Joe is being grumpy to me, I have a code phrase that tells him, without p!$$ing him off, to back off before I blow. Is that something that might work for you?
    Michele wishing Jess safe travels on the beginning of her new journey.
    Sue in WA "ride on native horses wherever they go" what a great plan. Guarantee of new take on familiar experiences. Does your DD blog about her way cool vacations for vicarious riders?
    Heather collapsed in bathroom? Side effect of antibiotic??? Please let your MD know and mark this on your chart. Scary! How wonderful your son feels "relieved" to have made it throught the event AF. That's a really positive sign!
    Carol in GA "hate that I lost dental insurance when I retired" you SAID it sister. Joe and I have spent nearly $4K on dental in the past year with another $500+ scheduled. Foo.
    Wendy thank you for that hope-inspiring story. The body IS wonderfully wrought.
    Machka and Dana the roster idea in Wendy's story works. When my BFF was in hospital after a serious car crash her injuries made it impossible to ring for help. Her mother, sister, another dear friend and I divided the days and nights up so she was never alone. we started and ended our shifts with healing hands. Hope that's not too "woo-woo" but whether or not it had a physical effect, it let us come in and leave with a positive "I CAN do something to help" attitude. Her recovery went much faster than predicted and was more complete.
    Lenora like your idea of reclaiming your studio from being everyone's storage area. Maybe your sister can help with that ;) Then YOU get to enjoy the prize! Would love to see some of your art ;)
    Allie even tho' your brother called to patch things up can you distance yourself from his wife? The more boundaries you can set between you and your SIL, the better... imho.
    Evelyn "happy that he'll be so much closer...and that he won't be moving back in with us..." not terrible at all but HEALTHY! Means you did your job and raised him to be able to care for and support himself. Well done!
    Terry holding good thoughts that MRI results will give non-surgical fix.
    Rye WOW now that's some fridge door ART. How do you get it to stay on? Couln't see any magnets or holders... ;)
    Barbie "...waiting for approval to do things like (housework)" HahaHAH! Is the MD in cahoots with him?
    Janetr Hobbitlike I resemble that... ;)
    Lisa " Many times, our true family are not the ones raised under the same roof, but those who treat us as family should." Wise woman! "invented a new job for him" That is AWESOME. What a boost for him and relief for you. Yay!
    Machka What a mix of strong emotions must be surging through you... the frustration/grief/sorrow tempered by seeing glimpses in the physical motions. Ditto what others have said, please continue to fuel and care for yourself to sustain you through this marathon. (((hugs))) for your serious cycling anniversary.
    Karen in VA, amen sister. One of the downsides to retirement and a homebody husband is I get so little time alone in the house. "Today I will start on the office and take a walk..." what concepts! ;) Every word of your "fond of people" post was both beautifully said and true for me too.

    Hoping the rain will back off this afternoon so I can scrape out the raised beds and lay down the hardware cloth vole barrier.

    Oops! So enjoy catching up with you all that time got away from me, again. Can squeeze in a quick meditation then gotta dress to shoes and dash to church.

    Enjoy the day, lovelies!
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    I think my MIL puts 1/4 tsp of each in an 8 oz glass. I'm not quite a cayenne pepper lover to put that much my orange juice just yet!I
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Oooh tonight's dinner is refrigerator fresh pickled cucumbers, cottage cheese, a pouch of salmon ( only 70 calories), and garbanzo beans! It's mishmash kind of eating but it's what I like! I might warm the salmon on a plate before I add it to everything else. No worries, I rinse the garbanzo beans well! Snack is a baby bell piece, and a couple of walnuts. Do I kinda eat like a bird? Why YES I do!
    A bird in Paradise
    On Whidbey island
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Watching Justin Timberlake on Netflix...
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Today starts another long week at work teaching someone backend system analysis. Something I do by rote and my fingers just seem to know what to do. Now I have to think about it and put it into words.

    My puppies will miss me having me home for the past 5 days

    Walking is going great, stil thinking abuot how I can keep it going this week .

    Hope everyone is okay. Hugs to Machla and everyone else who needs it

    Trish from OZ
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Ok so I only watched about 1/2 of Justin..made up the bed,one thing I have learned save money and don't ever buy cheap bed linens,not worth it.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Trish - That's exactly how it was. You describe it perfectly. I now have diarrhoea, ;):* but I'm coming back to life. I didn't want to wake DH last night as I lay thankfully on the floor in the bathroom, drenched in sweat. Eventually I managed to bottom shuffle back to the spare room where I had holed up. Ghastly! I have emailed the doctor about it as I know they keep records of these reactions. It is a recognised side effect, but I have had lots of antibiotics in the past without this reaction, so I think it is not a good first choice medicine. :#:o
    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx [/quote”

    I agree & feel Drs need to brush up on what they are dispensing.Found this....interesting.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Watching Justin Timberlake on Netflix...

    <3<3 Justin Timberlake & Chris Stapleton - "Say Something" <3<3 Some of my favorite workout music!

    SW WA State thinking of working out, lol.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    Stats for the day

    Helix machine- 30min, 65arpm, 131ahr, 156mhr, 3.46mi= 270c
    Apple Watch- 265c
    Jump- 15min, 146ahr, 166mhr, 176c
    Apple Watch- 180c
    Fl exer- 4min, 145mhr, 1set of 15ea, 5 diff exercises= 43c
    Apple Watch- 40c
    Mow lawn- 42min, 125mhr= 250c
    Apple Watch- 232c

    Total cal 739
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Another quiet day. Lots of tv and rest for my ankle.

    But it snowed most of the day! What the...

    Terry in VT
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did the ballet portion of the ab blast DVD then some yoga. The plan for tomorrow is to do some hula hoop, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Cut the grass, did the weedwacking, then planted the bulbs I got. I didn’t realize that they don’t bloom until early to mid summer, but that’s OK, I’ll just get other daffodils.

    Rori – you really impress me with your patience and understanding.

    Lisa – congrats to Cory

    Machka – thanks so much for keeping us updated. Sounds like slow…but surely for your hubby

    Karen – I’m with you. I think about the people here so often during the day, that it isn’t even funny

    Aparoulek – welcome

    Rye – doesn’t it feel good when you find something “just right” at a thrift store? Good thoughts for your dad.

    Heather and Trish – do you know that the MD one time prescribed for me an antibiotic whose one side effect is diarrhea which can last for months after you stop the antibiotic? I had what looked like cellulitis in my leg. It’s fine now, but I couldn’t believe she’d prescribe something with a side effect like that! Not when there are other antibiotics that do the same thing without that side effect.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,627 Member
    Hi ladies! Only up to Saturday night posts, but wanted to stop by.
    Was pajama and paperwork day today! All day! Laundry done yesterday. Feeling good starting the week with paperwork for home and work and rentals all caught up.
    Cooked dinner #7 at home again. Feels good! I already know tomorrow is dinner but for DH 's friend's birthday, but since have eaten at home all week, that is okay.

    Hugs, prayers and high fives!
    Kylia sleepy in Ohio