

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Lannette I am up to bottle strength 3 out of 5 full dose. No reactions yet yet and I agree, it does work!

    Been a slug lately. DH has been grouchy bringing my depression on which then makes him angry and makes me feel worse. In a spiral. We really need to move to traveling again. Change is good.

    RV Rita still in Columbus New Mexico
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    T'ai Chi session yesterday started with a different teacher leading a 45 minute qi gong warmup. Lots of new moves and a really WARM warmup. Audience immediately faded to a blur. Our group's exhibition (that sounds naughty) went very well, unrushed, mostly flowing in unison, and was met with enthusiastic applause at the end. While I had a few too many treats at the pot luck, portion control was right on and managed to stay under CICO-wise.

    Lanette cold serum in big shot, owwwww. New good vibe neighbors=cause for rejoicing ;)
    pip debt free before 60? Happy dance! sleeping pup pic=Awww
    Rebecca How much turmeric and cayenne does your MIL take every morning? Your DD is a crackup, glad you have someone who can match you laugh for laugh.
    Katla too bad the food at the rooftop restaurant was disappointing, sounds like wine and companionship to enjoy the view is just the ticket. Tired of grumpy lectures, you betcha. When Joe is being grumpy to me, I have a code phrase that tells him, without p!$$ing him off, to back off before I blow. Is that something that might work for you?
    Michele wishing Jess safe travels on the beginning of her new journey.
    Sue in WA "ride on native horses wherever they go" what a great plan. Guarantee of new take on familiar experiences. Does your DD blog about her way cool vacations for vicarious riders?
    Heather collapsed in bathroom? Side effect of antibiotic??? Please let your MD know and mark this on your chart. Scary! How wonderful your son feels "relieved" to have made it throught the event AF. That's a really positive sign!
    Carol in GA "hate that I lost dental insurance when I retired" you SAID it sister. Joe and I have spent nearly $4K on dental in the past year with another $500+ scheduled. Foo.
    Wendy thank you for that hope-inspiring story. The body IS wonderfully wrought.
    Machka and Dana the roster idea in Wendy's story works. When my BFF was in hospital after a serious car crash her injuries made it impossible to ring for help. Her mother, sister, another dear friend and I divided the days and nights up so she was never alone. we started and ended our shifts with healing hands. Hope that's not too "woo-woo" but whether or not it had a physical effect, it let us come in and leave with a positive "I CAN do something to help" attitude. Her recovery went much faster than predicted and was more complete.
    Lenora like your idea of reclaiming your studio from being everyone's storage area. Maybe your sister can help with that ;) Then YOU get to enjoy the prize! Would love to see some of your art ;)
    Allie even tho' your brother called to patch things up can you distance yourself from his wife? The more boundaries you can set between you and your SIL, the better... imho.
    Evelyn "happy that he'll be so much closer...and that he won't be moving back in with us..." not terrible at all but HEALTHY! Means you did your job and raised him to be able to care for and support himself. Well done!
    Terry holding good thoughts that MRI results will give non-surgical fix.
    Rye WOW now that's some fridge door ART. How do you get it to stay on? Couln't see any magnets or holders... ;)
    Barbie "...waiting for approval to do things like (housework)" HahaHAH! Is the MD in cahoots with him?
    Janetr Hobbitlike I resemble that... ;)
    Lisa " Many times, our true family are not the ones raised under the same roof, but those who treat us as family should." Wise woman! "invented a new job for him" That is AWESOME. What a boost for him and relief for you. Yay!
    Machka What a mix of strong emotions must be surging through you... the frustration/grief/sorrow tempered by seeing glimpses in the physical motions. Ditto what others have said, please continue to fuel and care for yourself to sustain you through this marathon. (((hugs))) for your serious cycling anniversary.
    Karen in VA, amen sister. One of the downsides to retirement and a homebody husband is I get so little time alone in the house. "Today I will start on the office and take a walk..." what concepts! ;) Every word of your "fond of people" post was both beautifully said and true for me too.

    Hoping the rain will back off this afternoon so I can scrape out the raised beds and lay down the hardware cloth vole barrier.

    Oops! So enjoy catching up with you all that time got away from me, again. Can squeeze in a quick meditation then gotta dress to shoes and dash to church.

    Enjoy the day, lovelies!
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited April 2018
    Rye - What a wonderful fridge you have. :D Isn't it great when you get monetary reward for something that gives you pleasure!

    Still lounging around in bed, just reading, and nodding off every few minutes, but I am improving hour by hour. My friend wanted to call in to say hello, which was sweet, but I didn't feel like being sociable. I'm going to make roasted cauliflower and tomatoes for dinner to have with the cold chicken we have, that DH has kindly taken off the carcase. Couldn't face wrestling with it myself. I may, as a very rare treat, have some basmati rice with it. :o:D<3

    Katla - I'm so glad that your new regime is helping your DH, at least in the stomach department, if not in his attitude. He may be something like mine, a bit jealous and suspicious of this thread. I have to be very careful how I refer to it.

    Machka - I really appreciate your updates. Thank you. <3

    Penny - Nice to hear you are going "home" . Now I can picture where you are! :D

    Barbara - I have emailed the practice, telling them of the side effects. They are on the Internet and on the piece of paper that comes with the capsules, but my nausea, aches and dizziness was horrible. I have never had "side effects" of that nature to anything before.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    aparoulek wrote: »
    Hi All,
    I am 60 and new to My Fitness Pal. This looks like a very wonderful and supportive group. I posted a discussion on the general community page, thinking I was posting it to this page but, I figured it out! Thank you, DebCountsAll for responding to my community post! My goal is to lose weight, which is hard but not impossible, and keep it off, which is the impossible part! Something has shifted in me and I really want to do this now for myself and I am determined. Thank you all for being here, I am really looking forward to becoming an active member of this group!

    You are welcome. I'm not active really, mostly because I was out of town/irregular internet access for nearly two months, and my mother's passing. It is a great group of like minded ladies.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Rye - you are such a talented photographer! Love your fridge! And way to go with the shopping spree! Got your walk in and lots of new clothes.

    Karen in VA
    - I struggle with the inability to "be alone" constantly, as does my DH. Now that he's retired, as Barbara mentioned with hers, it's a challenge. I am envious of gals whose husbands take off and go hunting for a week in Montana every year or go fishing a lot! If I was here by myself for a bit, the TV would never be turned on. B) As a matter of fact, when he goes out to mow, I rush for the remote to flip it off! To be fair, if his arthritic hips weren't hurting, I'm sure he'd be more active.

    And, I agree - this is truly a wonderful group. Being kind of isolated and introverted, I wonder what my outlook and health would be like had I not stumbled on to you folks?

    - I finally looked up the FODmap eating plan your DH is on. Good for him (and you!) as it looks kind of complicated. I'm glad it's working for him. If I'm reading it right, will he eventually get to reintroduce foods?

    Barbara - I liked your story of how your BFF recovered from her car crash. I don't think your healing hands were too "woo-woo" at all. The healing power of touch!

    This morning, I finished "The End of Alzheimers" by Dale Bredesen, MD. He was a presenter in the Broken Brain series. I may plunk down some $$ and order it from Amazon just to keep it on hand. I am a fast reader and undoubtedly skipped over important stuff.

    He mentions the MOCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) test for folks to take to see how they are faring memory-wise. Looks like it has to be administered by a professional - MD, for example, but there are some similar tests available for free on the internet.

    He talks a lot about how memory starts to fade and why. His protocol is, to me, quite overwhelming but does seem to have measurable success for folks who are genetically predisposed to develop Alzheimer's and are showing definite symptoms.

    Nevertheless, the tips he provides about getting good sleep, getting good vitamins, plenty of exercise, the 12/3 fasting, drinking plenty of water, eating green/cruciferous veggies, getting adequate Vitamins D3 and B12, cutting out gluten and especially added SUGAR/high glycemic foods, and doing some brain games like Luminosity may help us from developing memory loss and may improve it without extensive tests and a whole counter full of vitamins a functional doctor would provide. But, it's good to know the research is there.

    Machka, I was thinking of your DH while reading this and imagining how his brain is now re-wiring itself. The little nerves slowly finding their connections which, I think, will stimulate neighboring nerves to search for theirs. Glad to hear he is progressing!

    OK ladies, better get busy.

    Drizzly SW WA State
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Barbara: I love the idea of a code phrase. I wonder whether DH would be willing to give it a try. j*ck*ss might not be a good choice for public places. :wink: Can you give any examples that I might discuss with him? :star:

    After my last riding lesson my teacher told me that I've met all of my original goals. She said, "You're done." :bigsmile: It has taken several years, but I can now ride at walk, trot, and canter without grabbing a saddle or anything else for balance. I can also manage a horse that is on the bratty side. I've worked toward this in fits and starts since I was 11. I'm concerned that she may be giving me my walking papers as a student, which I wouldn't like at all. :noway: Now I'm thinking of a new goal. Western Trail might be the right direction to expand my skills and Arrow's. I haven't brought it up with her yet. She is pretty busy right now. She has been working toward becoming a Certified Veterinary Technician for a long time and is almost completely done. She's been working for a veterinary clinic as part of her training. They are eager to have her full time after graduation. (I heard it through the grapevine at my yoga class.)

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "It is not selfish to be happy. It is your highest purpose. Your joy is the greatest contribution you can make to life on the planet. A heart at peace with its owner blesses everyone it touches." ~ Alan Cohen

    Katla "j*ck*ss" made me laugh out loud! Congrats on achieving your riding goals! That's wonderful! You have worked hard, and most of all, you have been persistent.

    Karen in Virginia
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks! Still lurking. Mind has just not been the same since I face-planted myself when I broke my right wrist; but, it is healing and they will check me in 3 weeks (again) to make sure it hasn't moved. Wear the wrist splint; but, when I do I sometimes have to use my left arm/wrist/hand - like picking up a coffee mug full of coffee so I won't spill it all over everything.

    Rebecca - Why did you change from "Becca"?

    Trey is down helping his Dad, I think. I need to dress and go outside for a little while.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited April 2018
    Had a great time with eldest son yesterday! All of his modes of transportation are having trouble, so he limped his scooter from his place to our place. Then we followed him to his scooter mechanic, and he left it. Then we drove to Mount Vernon, to see his Japanese truck. Since I have been keeping tabs on it, by friending the mechanic on Facebook, the mechanic has been a bit on edge. ( Good I say). It's been thru an overhaul since he dropped it off at his friends/mechanic way back in 2016! Changing motors, and my son feeding him money periodically. It's still not done. This is a pic, before his friend got a hold of it!

    So it's new motor made them have to extend the wheel base, which made them have to extend the frames around the wheels. I told my son, she ( I call his truck a she), is having plastic surgery and is going to be hippy, and curvy now!

    We had sandwiches from a new Subway" like" place place. I had turkey, but way too much fats on it, mayo, oils, etc. I should have been more specific with husband. So my gut paid for it!

    Held my belly for most of the night just so uncomfortable! No fun!

    Reading, 'The Okinawa Program', by Bradley and Craig Wilcox Ph.D. and Nail to Suzuki M.D.
    It's a great read, full of optimism for me, and giving me a kick start into how I wish to run my body!

    Enjoy your Sunday, ( or whichever day you're on!)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    I have been busy today..picked up and did a few loads of laundry,took my son to his place to drop off the table..he is pulling more And more into himself...this is a big transition for him as he has always lived with someone and not really had to be responsible...it is a tough road for him,but do what I can do to help him make that step...his room is a mess clothes and junk all over he said he has washed stuff but who knows..gonna maybe rest for a little bit.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Allie ~ How old is your son? Just curious.