

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did 25 minutes of Gunnar Peterson’s Full Body Workout. Not a bad DVD at all. The plan for tomorrow is to do the remainder of Bernadette Giorgi’s DVD and then some of the Yoga DVD.

    Becca – what a shopper you are!

    We’re getting ready to leave for the airport. I hope that Colby doesn’t make Jess feel guilty for being away. I guess we shall see. Vince told me not to cry. I don’t think I will, I’m just real happy that she’s realizing her life-long dream. Yes, I will miss her. But I also know that it won’t be forever. I reminded Vince that I really didn’t cry when I kissed Bryan at his wedding knowing full well that that would be the last time I’d ever see him. And I didn’t cry when he went on the plane the last time knowing that that was the last time I’d see him in the States. Sure, I cried when I got home. But I didn’t cry in front of them. That’s why I don’t believe I’ll cry this morning (at least until I get home)

    Forgot that I need to go to Target today. I hate the fact that Vince waits until the last minute before doing something. Yes, it gets done (most of the time). We were talking about that at the play last night. The other gal who was at our table said how she doesn’t like to wait until the last minute. Vince commented how he does, then he mentioned about how we need Loki’s med but we don’t need it until 5:00 on Tuesday. He wants me to pick it up on Monday before ceramics. Really? I don’t get to be there very long on Mondays and he wants me to cut it even shorter? Then since I need to go to Publix (couldn’t go on Wed), I’m supposed to stop there on the way back from mahjongg. Thanks for letting me vent a little

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I slept like a rock last night and woke up at the right time to take the dogs out at 11 PM and then again at 3:30. It is drizzling so I won't be inspired to work in the yard today. I use some rest. Maybe I can get myself to sit for awhile and get caught up on paperwork.

    :)Trish from OZ, I can't remember if I've seen a picture of Jess, the wonder dog. How great that the two of you have such good walks.

    <3 Barbie
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Happy World T'ai Chi Day!
    All 3 of our activity center's T'ai Chi classes will participate. I was looking forward to it, 'til I learned there would be an audience to our "exhibition". Hope I can keep my focus on the line leaders and let all the faces beyond them blurr out.

    Sharon Brava for taking prudent self-protecting steps. "SHE didn't think (blacking out while driving) was important"??? Words fail... but "batshit crazy" comes close.
    Michelle, welcome back, missed you.
    Laura Yes it really helps that you logged the Easter eggs. I still have a stashed MayFair egg from See's, and will portion it out in thirds when I really really need that dark chocolate yummm fix.
    Barbie did the PA ever call?
    Lenora always glad to hear from you.
    Okie 6 month old Halloween candy? Really?
    Machka (((hugs))) and Brava for the 5K.

    Welcome Maria, Teri and IsMollyReally

    Time to meditate, shower and prep devilled eggs for today's potluck after our T'ai Chi demo.
    Enjoy the day, lovelies!
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    yo peeps
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited April 2018
    lhscapil wrote: »

    Barbara AHMOD - World T'ai Chi day! I took it years ago and wish I could take a class again. I have friends who will be having a session today (albeit soggy) in the park today. If I hadn't been on the run all week I would have driven in to town and joined them, but I'm kinda pooped. Enjoy the fresh air and peaceful movements!

    Dana - great photo of your parents. Can see the genes that made you a cutie! Sales tax on food is rough, especially for folks on limited incomes like some seniors :( . In WA State, there's no tax on most foods purchased at a grocery store, but fast foods and of course booze and a few other items are taxable. We pay high property tax and gasoline tax, but so far no state income tax. Hoping it stays that way for a while. This state still has a lot going for it!

    Lenora - thanks for popping in! Love to hear what's new with our resident semi-legal analyst, lol. <3

    Rita - I thought of you yesterday after my allergy shots. I'm now on the "big doses" and although I didn't have any allergic reaction, both of my arms ached for an hour or so afterward. Maybe the serum was cold or something. Ick. But, it's helping! I shall persevere!

    - great getting handwritten thank-you's! Kids/nieces/nephews sometimes have no idea what it means to aunts/uncles/ us older folks to get a handwritten note. I'd be happy with even an email of "thanks" from these now-adult little rugrats without the prompting "did you get the gift I sent?" As kids, they dutifully sent thank-you's under their parents (my sis and bro) watchful eye. So now I just send checks for birthdays and Christmas with a joyful heart. Took me quite a while to remember to express gratitude and be thankful and I still forget sometimes. :( So I remind myself that it's not intentional.

    - way to go you shopper! So glad Lee can eat "normal" foods! Does he have to take any kind of supplements to help with fat digestion since he's also missing his gallbladder? Thanks for posting that map - nice walk to the beach. Enjoy it, Island girl!!

    OK folks, time to get busy. Have a great Saturday!

    Drizzly, cool SW WA State

    See thanks, there are still things more I needed to buy, to restock my larder! I think I ate half my spinach last night! I should really just admit I have graduated to the large plastic bin of the heavenly green leaves!!
    This is what my husband takes:
    Prograf for anti-rejection
    Azarhioprine for anti-rejection
    Levothyrozine for thyroid
    Calcium carbonate for his bones
    Vitamin D for his bones
    Magnesium oxide supplement
    Multivitamin supplement
    Aspirin to prevent clotting

    It's 7 pills in the morning, calcium 3x a day, Prograf 2x a day, and I'm pill queen!
    I have been filling his big pill container for 4 years now! Seems like yesterday that he got his liver!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited April 2018
    So this morning I drank my orange juice ( with mango juice in it), and added 1/4 tsp of turmeric in it. My MIL takes turmeric and cayenne pepper in juice every morning and swears her arthritis has cleared up. I have been feeling aches in my joints so time to start now huh! It was good, and good for me!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2018
    Teri Seaton: Welcome! :smiley:

    Lenora: It is so good to see your post! Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: Paperwork is not my idea of rest. You are amazingly productive! :star:

    Allie: Your DB and DSIL can take a flying leap. You have taken care of everyone in your life for years, and they are totally out of line. Don't let them bully you any more. You deserve every good thing that comes your way. :star::heart: :star:

    Pip: Congrats on being debt free!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Lanette & Rebecca: I've been without my gallbladder since 2001. I don't take any medicine or vitamin especially aimed at it. My diet here as recorded on MFP is usually around 30% fat, some times more and sometimes less. Yesterday was 30% carbs, 33% fat, and 37% protein. I do take lots of vitamins, but I don't focus on dietary fat as an issue. I haven't had any issues with feeling bad or negative health outcomes with this general pattern. There is a lot of support in the aging brain sites for the consumption of healthy fats. This probably should exclude stuff that comes from the deep fat fryer at certain fast food places. :wink: Everyone is a bit different and it takes effort to sort out what things end up making you feel good and what things end up making you feel awful. We are our own science experiments. :heart:

    There is a new restaurant here in town that DH wants to see. I expect we will go this afternoon. It is on a rooftop location with a fabulous view. We don't know whether their menu fits our various allergies. We will soon find out.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, "I'M POSSIBLE'" Audrey Hepburn