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Anyone cutting after a bulk?



  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    steveko89 wrote: »
    175 the last 3 days for me. No loss on trend last week, I let calories creep back up closer to maintenance. Back down averaging -200 this week. I hope everyone is doing well. I got a 4:45pm surprise Friday that the company I work for was cutting the workforce by 20%. Thankfully, I was not on the list but it caught me off guard and I was naturally thinking about it all weekend. Between that and my news-addicted in-laws texting garbage periodically I can feel the stress more than I was a week ago.

    Sorry you are dealing with stress. Its good that you didn't lose your job though.

    Thanks, I do feel fortunate and I'm trying to stay focused on that positive. I'm prone to depression/anxiety in some form but I've never seen anyone about it our gotten any official diagnosis. When I get a chance I'm going to look into some meditation or something to try and recenter.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    29 weeks in and about 14.5lbs ⬆️...

    Took some pictures today and I see absolutely 0 difference in my abdomen area, and in some lights think maybe look dare I say a liiittle leaner 🤷🏽‍♂️

    Although I have added about 0.5-1" on my waist, but also have added to my neck, shoulders, chest and legs 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    Feel stronger and overall pretty good, although the bloating kinda sucks sometimes... Probably because a bit too much of those extra calories have come from cookies 🙈😂...

    Sitting around 184lbs right now and the plan was 193ish... Not sure if I'll keep going, probably going to be a listen to the body kind of thing 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    Sore af all over, so as long as I keep giving those extra calories muscle tissue to repair... I think it's all good, as long as I don't start to feel too uncomfortable...


    So in other words...

    I'm getting freaking smashed and eating all the freaking cake during this long weekend I'm on 🤷🏽‍♂️😂
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    Random question for the group: has anyone tried one of those massage guns? Costco has a decently well reviewed one on sale for $60 and I'm debating giving it a shot.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Random question for the group: has anyone tried one of those massage guns? Costco has a decently well reviewed one on sale for $60 and I'm debating giving it a shot.

    I don't own one, but I've used one at my gym. It's painful, but seemed effective on the tense muscle. I was having some elbow pain, and my trainer used it on my forearm and tricep. My elbow pain eased. Causation or correlation? I don't know.
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    edited April 2020
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Random question for the group: has anyone tried one of those massage guns? Costco has a decently well reviewed one on sale for $60 and I'm debating giving it a shot.

    On my legs... Omg it's great and well worth it, I had no idea how tight I was until I used it...

    Although I've also made the mistake of using it on my neck... It may have just been improper use, to high speed, wrong attachment, but I was sore af for like a week and the back of my head would kill me whenever I did anything on a bench...

    Maybe I would have gotten used to it the 2nd go around and the soreness would have left, idk tbh...

    In either case, it's great for large muscles, not so much on your neck... Great on your feet as well
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Random question for the group: has anyone tried one of those massage guns? Costco has a decently well reviewed one on sale for $60 and I'm debating giving it a shot.

    That's a lot cheaper than the pneumatic compression boots I paid for. But they feel wonderful as well. It's like a 20min massage.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    Week-to-week average I was down 0.71 last week to 174.9 with a low of 173.6 Saturday morning. Four hours of yard work Saturday afternoon was followed by a calorific jaunt through Sunday night so the scale was back up to 176 this morning but I expect that will drop back down quickly. Workout was great earlier today. I'm still doing the v2 Arnold program but decided to tweak some rep ranges both for variety and with an eye on the virtual home gym powerlifting competition next month.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Week-to-week average I was down 0.71 last week to 174.9 with a low of 173.6 Saturday morning. Four hours of yard work Saturday afternoon was followed by a calorific jaunt through Sunday night so the scale was back up to 176 this morning but I expect that will drop back down quickly. Workout was great earlier today. I'm still doing the v2 Arnold program but decided to tweak some rep ranges both for variety and with an eye on the virtual home gym powerlifting competition next month.

    Awesome work!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Trending down. 201.2 this morning. Four pounds in a month, which I'll take!

    Super slow (since I keep going off the rails WFH). 201.0 this morning. Tomorrow is official weigh-in, and I'd be pretty tickled if it was 200.something.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    Trending down. 201.2 this morning. Four pounds in a month, which I'll take!

    Super slow (since I keep going off the rails WFH). 201.0 this morning. Tomorrow is official weigh-in, and I'd be pretty tickled if it was 200.something.

    It's certainly slowed down for me. The first two weeks I was going gangbusters averaging a 14% deficit. Since then it's been <2%
  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    edited April 2020
    Hello, Just found you guys. Hope you don't mind I sneak in. Been on MFP for a while but dropped off a 2 or 3 years ago. then about a month or so started up again. Not because my weight, just looking for a more convenient way to log my macros. Sounds like you all are pretty like minded.

    By ways of introduction I lost a good amount of weight (35lb) about 10 maybe more years ago. Kept it off for a long time then l let about 20 creep back. Got back to goal weight about 6-8 months ago and have been hanging out at -1/+3 of goal for most of that time. I'm 61yo and wanted a new goal so I joined a serious gym in October, signed up for Renaissance Periodization (RP) full 1:1 diet and training 90 day program. RP is a macro counting program and lots have had success. I generally buy into the science but did not see or feel much after 3mo. Well, maybe I felt better and my training was going ok but sticking to my macros was hard.

    RP tallies their macros different than MFP does but this is so much more convenient than a spreadsheet. Their app, while fancy and high tech, was not a fit for me. So I'm back to MFP.

    Training was going ok but now we are on lockdown. I don't have a garage gym but have collected some heavy stuff from the shed and my old Crossfit days, sledge hammers, sandbag, filled some propane tanks and jugs with sand. Dusted off an old truck tire I used to fill with rocks and drag around the trails. Hung some rings from the ceiling. I have yet to put together a good wo plan with the equipment I have and have recently hit a slump in motivation. I own a small business so COVID crap is creating some stress (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).

    Nonetheless this looked like a tight group with some of the same challenges and objectives I have. If you don't mind I'll catch up with the goings on and hopefully I can add some value to the discussions.

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Welcome Jeff @theclaw900

    I've heard great things about RP but boy does it look complicated. You will find some of us are cutting, recomping, bulking. Just a place to track progress, updates and talk about what is working or not working for us.

    Best of luck with your goals and hope you share your progress here :)

  • theclaw900
    theclaw900 Posts: 321 Member
    edited April 2020
    Thank for the warm welcome @sardelsa

    RP does take some work. I found with my schedule it's hard to keep up with logging in, spreadsheet or the app. Workout templates are "ok" but there's a lot of free stuff out there depending on your goals and available equipment.

    Is anybody Macro Counting?

  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    edited April 2020
    theclaw900 wrote: »
    Thank for the warm welcome @sardelsa

    RP does take some work. I found with my schedule it's hard to keep up with logging in, spreadsheet or the app. Workout templates are "ok" but there's a lot of free stuff out there depending on your goals and available equipment.

    Is anybody Macro Counting?


    I track meticulously, making sure I get at least 1 g/lb protein, try to stay under that number for carbs, and hit a window of 2000-2500 on calories 24/7/365. At 6'1" 175, that works out to a p/c/f split of 35/35/30 but I'm not overly rigid about hitting all three on the nose. My rolling average TDEE is consistently around 2500 and doesn't change much with seasonally and pretty regardless of training plan. I'm not particularly good at traditionally bulking and cutting so my weight pretty much bounces between 170-180 in what's been about a 5 year recomp.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited April 2020
    I track food (2200 calories) and macros pretty tightly. I prioritize calories than protein, fiber and netting at 30-50g of carbs (modified Ketogenic diet).
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    cupcakesandproteinshakes Posts: 1,106 Member
    Hi everyone
    Just stopping by to say hello, I’m still following this thread. I stopped my bulk after 3 months and am aiming to lose a lil bit while we are in lock down and then go back to bulking when the gym opens again. Im a home based worker so pretty used to being inside but I’m missing the gym. Plus the family love their snacks so I’m having to say no to myself a lot and stop opening the effing fridge so much as there is a lot of deliciousness inside.

    I have some adjustable dumbbells which I can do my programme with a lot of substitutions. Hopefully will be enough to preserve muscle.

    My weight is trending down all of .4 lbs a week.
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    Hi everyone
    Just stopping by to say hello, I’m still following this thread. I stopped my bulk after 3 months and am aiming to lose a lil bit while we are in lock down and then go back to bulking when the gym opens again. Im a home based worker so pretty used to being inside but I’m missing the gym. Plus the family love their snacks so I’m having to say no to myself a lot and stop opening the effing fridge so much as there is a lot of deliciousness inside.

    I have some adjustable dumbbells which I can do my programme with a lot of substitutions. Hopefully will be enough to preserve muscle.

    My weight is trending down all of .4 lbs a week.

    Hi there. Good to see things are going well for you. I also paused my bulk during this madness and just heard our gym is closed til mid-May at least! Ouch! I also have those adjustable dumbbells that get up to 20lbs each 🤪. I feel you on the fridge. However, I am trying to stay active and do some resistance training 4-5 days/week to preserve. Have you upped cardio? What’s your program for now?