Less Alcohol- May 2018- One Day at a Time



  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    @Alzzi76 I think if you need a break, then take a break; you don't need to deactivate from MFP.
    But I really feel that we need you and your cheerful spirit.
    And perhaps, you need us too. Let's continue on this journey together. :)
  • wigi41
    wigi41 Posts: 42 Member
    JulieAL1969, have you read Gabor Mate's book, "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts"? I think that you would really appreciate so much of what he has to say. xo!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi! I would like to join the group. My moderation goal is to drink 3 days or less a week. How do I join?

    You already did!
    I personally find that reading this thread regularly is best to stay on track. And posting wins and losses helps. You found a great group of supportive people
  • glamsquadtia
    glamsquadtia Posts: 20 Member
    Oh! Lol Thanks! I'll take a look!
  • glamsquadtia
    glamsquadtia Posts: 20 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Hi! I would like to join the group. My moderation goal is to drink 3 days or less a week. How do I join?

    You already did!
    I personally find that reading this thread regularly is best to stay on track. And posting wins and losses helps. You found a great group of supportive people

    Thank You!! I see!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    @wigi41 Thanks! I will check the book out! Xo
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    @Alzzi76 I think if you need a break, then take a break; you don't need to deactivate from MFP.
    But I really feel that we need you and your cheerful spirit.
    And perhaps, you need us too. Let's continue on this journey together. :)

    Thanku Julie,.. uve won me over..xo
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    Anyone read anything by Leslie Jamison?
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,192 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    Anyone read anything by Leslie Jamison?

    No, I haven't. I'll look Leslie up.
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    Today starting off AF.. had been a chellenge not to have a splash of irish whisky in my coffee to peck me up :/ , confession of my past.. :#
    But I've got through that.. it'll b a test this avo or tonight.. but im going to keep u all posted.. coz i do want to make this plan happen.. i have to remember to drink more water. That's another of my struggles :|

    Thanks all for supporting :)
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    I’m going to try to keep it to one night a week. Currently I drink Friday night, Saturday night, and sometimes part of Sunday.
    I think my overall energy during the week will benefit from cutting down to only one night

    That's sound a plan :) remembering if u do slip up i suggest drink plenty of water and theres always the new day, fresh start ahead.
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    NormInv wrote: »
    Want to commit to dry May
    karenesg wrote: »
    My goal for May is I will not drink alone, social occasions only
    tkincade1 wrote: »
    I am just starting and I am planning on a dry March also.
    Back in for May. The slippery slope definitely was in effect for me in April. This month I’m committing to really working on not drinking anything except for an occasional date night. Thanks to this thread for keeping me honest!
    Leeg5656 wrote: »
    Still in! Goal is AF M-Th and the equivalent of 1 bottle of wine (total) F-Sun. I went 1 drink over last week on my AF goal and 1 drink over on my weekend goal. (the weather has just been so darn beautiful!)

    One thing that I noticed was that I really thought about it before I did it. I asked myself, "Do I really want a glass of wine?" "Are you sure you want a 2nd (or 3rd) glass?" Most of the time my answer was, "Nope. I'm good." A few times it was, "yes", BUT no more mindless pouring. Looking forward to a week of good sleep and clear thoughts. Happy Monday and warm energy sent out to all!

    Just a little query.. why all the woo's.. is it suposed to b a happy thing.. :/
    We all would want everyone to feel free and comfortable and free on this thread.. i do anyway .. :)