Less Alcohol- May 2018- One Day at a Time



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited May 2018
    Yeah... I was upset because I wanted to cut back more and I still do but that doesn't wipe out all the wins. I guess sometimes I read the x number of total days AF and forget that was not the system I put in place for myself right now and I have a lot too they just aren't consecutive. This thread really does help. Sometimes even just letting thoughts flow you make a very simple discovery.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I’d just like to say how thankful I am for this thread since January (newcomers definitely included!), for the unexpected loss of a long-term job, and for the totally unexpected gift of a new job where my age is actually a plus. I’ll be a mother figure for the offenders I’ll be teaching. I couldn’t have been that in my 30’s. Their offenses are primarily drug-related, and far be it from me to be insensitive to addiction issues. My takeaway is that things work out, there’s a reason we can’t always see immediately, and the very fact that we’re here and acknowledging our struggles means we’re on the right path. Yay us!

    This is so awesome! You know I think I remember a few folks telling you the job loss might ultimately lead you to a new, better path.... it’s fantastic when those predictions turn out to be true!
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    salleewins wrote: »
    Maybe take B vitamins--that helped me to finally not feel exhausted after a few months. I also had to take some iron. Since alcohol messes especially with B12 and Folic Acid and you need the B12 for iron processing, that is what I did.

    Plus you will sleep better once your body feels better after not drinking.

    Who knows how long it takes to repair organ damage......and I am sure it is done during sleep probably.

    Hang in there. The rewards are worth it.

    If you are having to eat sugar at times to compensate, that will affect your energy, too.

    Check with your Dr. That is where I got the information on B12 and Folic Acid. My Dr. put me on both after my liver was showing abnormal readings and I told her about my alcohol overuse.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I’ve had days like that - seeing all the consecutive AF days and the commitments some are making to abstinence and wondering if I’m just fooling myself with my mindful moderation plan. I beat myself up a little even when I am still on plan, but I think for some of us that’s just how we are wired. I again try to remind myself of the advice I give others about focusing on small changes and building upon them to develop long term improvements and sustainable habits. That not everything is black and white but there is a very comfortable middle ground.

    I’ve seen your advice in other parts of the forums and I think it’s extremely sensible, pragmatic and helpful. Try to consider what you’d say to someone posting just what you’re expressing about feeling like they aren’t doing enough, aren’t perfect or on an arbitrary plan that they put in place for themselves (and believe me, I’m a type A planner to the extreme so I know how easy it is to self loathe when you can’t stick to your own plan).

    You’re doing great, all of us are, just continuing to show up here and drawing what we do from this thread and this group is immensely helpful. Whether it is one day AF, one less drink a day, or one day drinking out of the week... each of those “ones” is a success.

    I don't know about you but self-doubt is not something I have a ton of experience with. Pretty much as soon as I was on the less awkward side of puberty I have been a fairly confident individual even making peace with some of my eccentricities and able to laugh about them. Very much an extrovert I spent much of my younger years singing and performing in local musicals. I have run a business for more than 2 decades and taken on projects always confident to see success even if I had to learn something new to get it done. I think that self-doubt is why I compare myself to others in this thread because I am worried I am fooling myself and it is why I struggle to find my own wisdom sometimes.

    When I compare myself to former me though I kind of feel that lifting some. If I can push back some then it stands to reason I can push back more. Perhaps I am just not being patient enough.

    I often skim posts in other forums but I *never* skim yours. Not only are they always good reads but I enjoy when your snarky side shows. Of course, I am never snarky. o:)
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    @NovusDies Oh yes, exactly right. I've also gained 2 lbs. Very frustrated with myself right now. BUT today's a new day. I begin again!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Leeg5656 wrote: »
    Work has been extremely stressful this week. I dream about it at night and don't get good rest. I'm tired. I'm up on the scale. I only caved Tuesday and had one glass of wine, but I am feeling particularly vulnerable today. I need to change things up or everything is going to give ... moderation and diet. I hope I can stay strong.

    When I have been most stressed I discovered a trick 25ish years ago that helped me. I eat my lunch in a nice venue like a park. I am a believer in the cup of tea, meditation, and breathing exercises but my first trick is still one of my best because it breaks up work day and the source. You might want to give it a try. The worse that happens is nothing at all I suppose but definitely do not eat at your desk unless you really have no choice.