May Self-Care Challenge



  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    May 2
    Made a lovely meal , set a table by the front door with a vase & a single flower - just lovely!

    sounds perfect!!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    I need this! My leg is injured and not being able to work out is making me feel useless and frustrated. I'm currently spending too much time ruminating about my misfortune.

    Today I sat outside and watched birds in the garden. A rose I thought died last year is blooming.

    sorry to hear about your injury! i’m glad you got to take the time to notice the rose blooming - now you can look forward to watching it grow! ❤️
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    May 2 - spent a good 20 minutes or so sitting on the floor with the office dog, Ruby. Even though i didn’t have time to waste, spending time with her is an instant mood boost / stress reliever! So thankful to my coworker who brings her in and shares her with us!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    I took a bath the first day and last night I went to bed early. Today I've got my favorite Zumba class. Going to try and work in some of the other ideas on here

    I’m dying to try Zumba, it looks so fun!
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    This article about self-care + fitness showed up in my inbox this morning, thought I’d share!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    May 2, put new cushions on the kitchen chairs. I've been hating the chairs for a while without doing anything about it, now I like them.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    nelja wrote: »
    Yesterday i left the house cleaning behind for once and prepared lunches for the whole of next week.First time every i took time to prepare lunches in advance.

    this is awesome! you’re going to LOVE how much time you’re going to save with the lunch preparation!

  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    May 2, put new cushions on the kitchen chairs. I've been hating the chairs for a while without doing anything about it, now I like them.

    i love making little changes around the house. (apartment, in my case!) Even a tiny quick update can make a room feel so much better!
  • khunjit_js
    khunjit_js Posts: 8 Member
    3 - stop procrastinating and submit my homework -- woohoo!

    4- zumba
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    May 3: more bird watching - and took steps towards reclaiming my crafting space, which had become unmanageable. Donated a bunch of stuff.
    May 4: more deep cleaning and organization. I need to buy a couple things before progressing further, but this is shaping up to be a major improvement in my life.

    Also took a very nice evening walk with my husband - still slow walking due to my leg. It's just beginning to sound and smell like summer, and it was pleasant walking just at suppertime because several neighbors were grilling outside so we got to enjoy the delicious scent of their dinners and then go home and enjoy our own.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,194 Member
    May 4 rode around in convertible with top down and wind in my hair listening to Sugarland CD. Bliss!
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
    Watched a movie I've been wanting to see and took care of my hair
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    May 4: Deep relaxation with YouTube audio TWICE today - both times (early AM and late afternoon) I got more sleep! I’m realizing how important sleep is! Helps with weight loss, general health, and energy!! Grateful & glad that I found away to get more
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,194 Member
    May 5- had a beautiful day - scrapbooking with girlfriends for the weekend. Meditated several times. Spent the day scrapbooking memories.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,140 Member
    May 5: Shopped for & cooked a new recipe with my husband - and then had a leisurely meal. Relaxed.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    May 4 - dry brushed before my shower! adds a bit of time to my morning routine, but i love how dry brushing stimulates & invigorates!