

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,819 Member
    taking a quick break and then back at it... will fill you in after the shin dig lol
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. It's going to be a hot weekend! I don't have any special plans except Monday night DD#2, the BF, his mother, and little brother are going to stay overnight here before leaving at 0630 for a week in New York. Otherwise they'd have to leave at 2 to get to the Omaha airport in time for their flight. So I will get to meet the mom! I'm kind of excited about that!

    Rye: this was several pages ago, but you asked about hot flashes/insomnia with menopause. I literally had NO symptoms during menopause because I was taking Depoprovera injections. I actually had to have my hormones tested occasionally to see that I actually went through it! You might ask your health care provider about it. But I swear that got me through. I had one last period that lasted 17 weeks, and that was enough for me! Depo was the cure LOL.

    Someone asked about DH's travel restrictions. Some will be lifelong...many foreign countries don't allow entry to any felons at all. The ones specific to his crime are mostly state by state. I doubt I would travel without him other than a short weekend somewhere, and a short weekend would typically not cause problems in the vast majority of places. The real fix is getting rid of the registry. No other offenders have these kinds of restrictions, which were put in place to monitor the dangerous people, the ones who do prey on kids. Not people who come across something or get curious about something or get sent something without asking for it. In our state (and yes I have read the law because this sounds crazy) if a man pees behind a bush and a child sees him, that is a sex crime and he will be registered for minimum 5 years if the sentence is less than 1 year. If it's more than 1 year, it's a minimum of 20 years.

    I could go on and on. Right now I have a co-worker whose son was in a frat and some idiot decided to send pictures to all the members. Guess what? They are all in the court system. My friend's son is looking at 6 years prison and 20 years on the registry. He was an education major. So even his career is gone before it started. And who would want to date/marry him with this on his record? And he's 20.

    GAAAA got to get off my soapbox! You all have a great day! Meg in Omaha who is muttering under her breath right now LOL
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    Karen I hope that things all work out so that your DIL can home-school. It is so sad to think that an 11 year old has had suicidal talk, they shouldn't even know about things like that at this age. I hope the next week goes really fast and that the principal sits in and observes Mrs. Evan's classes. Having a bad school year can affect a child for years.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Hope everyone's grandchildren come through their troubles and worries. <3<3<3<3<3

    I made a delicious cauliflower mash this evening with lightly fried garlic and olive oil. I put a touch of smoke drops in it. Went perfectly with the sea bass, brushed with korma paste, asparagus and potatoes for DH.

    Nothing planned for the Bank Holiday, but we have a wedding on Tuesday, so I shall be dyeing my hair and legs. :laugh:
    Did a run today, but hope to get another one in on Sunday. Weather not looking too brilliant.
    I'm feeling a tiny bit blah, (my usual BH state) so it might be time to turn my attention to the next volume of my memoir.
    Enjoying Lisa's book. :D<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    Updated bracelet pic. All sparkly ones today!
    11 beads!
    Love Rebecca

    Can you explain your bracelet method to me please? Did you start out with a blank one or have a few beads and then just add to it?

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Pip Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Karen given how fragile your grandson is and he is in a bad situation with his teacher is it possible to have him just stay home for the last few days of school. Prayers!

  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    edited May 2018
    Karen ~ Maragaret made a very wise suggestion.

    When I was teaching, I was often given a class of mostly special education students and worked diligently to help them achieve. I think this had a lot to do with understanding some of the problems my son had.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Hello all: Got groceries this morning, red cherries were on sale, my favorite summer time fruit. Puppy is registered for puppy kindergarten. She starts June 2. That will add a few steps to my Saturdays.

    Wendy - Glad your power is back on and all the critters stayed put.

    Kim - Cute picture of Levi!

    Terry - Sending healing angels to you.

    Karen - Wow. That is all I can say. Hope things turn out well for your grandson.

    Everyone take care and have a good weekend, Sue in WA
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Karen in Virginia – I’d complain to the principal of the school about what she has done all year; if that did not get them anywhere I’d go to the school board. That is abusive (emotional); hopefully, he won’t have to have anything to do with her next year. I know when our middle granddaughter was being bullied at school, her teachers would tell Jenn, they could not do anything about it because they did not ‘see’ it. One day after lunch and while oldest granddaughter was changing classes, she saw this girl (new to the school) challenging Madison and drawing a crowd. She sent it to Jenn and Jenn was in the parking lot, stomping down the walkway to where they were all standing around. Most of the kids ran and there was fire coming out of her eyes and smoke out of her ears. Then she got Taylor’s phone and took it to the Head Master and told him that HE needed to make sure it stopped. Madison had come to the aid of a younger girl that was getting bullied by this little girl. She was at the school for 2 years; but, after Jenn showed him what had been going on for two school years; she was ‘invited’ NOT to return to school. Her parents had gone through a contentious divorce and the Daddy kept the son, older and sent him to a college-prep private school and then told her that she’d have to live with her mother as he did not want custody of her. So they moved to another county were the school district was consider a ‘good one’. Jenn got upset when she found out that Madison and this girl were friends on FB; but, since they did not go to school together, she had no way to bully her and won’t do it on FB. She apologized to Madison as well. Even a boy in their class stood between them when it looked like Madison was going to get punched. Trey told her that ‘if’ she or anyone else ever put their hands on her, she had his permission to ‘deck them’ on the spot, with no warning.

    For the past couple of years, Madison has not allowed the girls she considered the ‘snobby ones’ to get her goat; now she is friends with them. They know she couldn’t care less if they were friendly or not. Louis and her Dad told her (when she was entering HS) that the ‘best thing she could do is to make better grades than they did’.

    After a real talking to by Taylor – her grades made a 180° turn around insofar as grades. This year she won 2 certificates for having the ‘highest grade’ in class; and 1 certificate being the ‘second highest’ and Head Master’s Honor Roll. She’s a member of the Honor Society and one nice thing is that the company her mother now works for gives out a scholarship which she will be entitled to … that plus Hope (lottery-supported college).

    I had a teacher in 3rd grade, who unbeknownst to everybody was ‘mentally ill’. The first day of class she told us that we were NOT to get out of our desks for any reason. A spider dropped down on my arm and bit me. So I ‘climbed up in my desk’ … I did not touch the floor; and screamed bloody murder; she came over an literally slapped me out of my desk, then sent me to stand out in the hallway for the rest of the morning. I stayed out in the hallway about as much as I stayed in class – thankfully my Mother was a teacher and the aunt of my best friends knew that they were trying to get her out of her position. But, all 3 of the 3rd grade teachers were sending kids to stand out in the hallway. When the principal’s door opened, we’d squeeze ourselves flat against the door which was set in by the width of a concrete block; but, we also soon learned that he ‘never’ looked to his right down the hallway when coming out of his office. At that time, if you got sent to the ‘office’ you got a paddling.
    That’s sad that your grandson has even contemplate suicide. He is so young and that should not even be a ‘thought’; however fleeting. I’d have her ‘freaking’ job by the time I finished with her. Hope that your son and daughter-in-law have kept a journal of this. She should NOT even be teaching if her persona is that of a ‘bully’. Do the other teachers have any problems with him in their classes? Or have other parents complained about her?

    It might be “Friday”; but, because Louis is ‘home’ (no work today) – family had company coming in and don’t want him to start until Tuesday – it seems like a Saturday for me. I have been ‘trying’ to repot some of my ferns which are so pot bound that I have had to cut them out; Louis had to do the other one. All of them, even though they were ‘put up’ got too cold over the winter several times. I hated that I lost all my orchids (except two – that were inside the house). I think Trey watered them too much when we were at Will’s. I was so upset that I had lost them and a huge Jade plant that was about 5 years old. It doesn’t seem to be rooting, so I am going to take the dirt out of it and try it one more time.

    Tracey – I’d be changing the locks and putting in a security program and sit all his $#*T on the driveway and have a sign on it “Take what you Want – Free to All.” I’d let him know that they were going to do it, too.

    Rita – I’m glad that you had a good time with your Mother and that it was the best trip ever and that y’all will never forget it.

    I think there are a lot of things that go on, that put people as ‘sex offenders’ that really aren’t; but, some things I guess could be. I think we have all been expected to be ‘politically correct’ that we can’t please 100% of the people 100% of the time. It is like ‘gun control’ … it is a matter of interpretation and both are pretty vague. There is soon going to be a time where a man won’t be able to tell a woman that she ‘looks nice’ – thinking ‘oh $#*T – how is she going to take that’? This “Me, too” movement has gotten pretty damn old, if you ask me. But, that is totally IMHO. Why wait 15 or 20 years to bring something up? You’d think there would be a Statute of Limitations on some of the things these ladies are saying. They’ve ruin reputations and put these men on ‘public display’ … and then 20 more will accuse them as well. What are they looking for – vindication or money or their 15 minutes of fame? OK, I can understand if someone got ‘raped’; but, I don’t understand ‘how one man could molest 200 women or young girls’. What exactly did he do to them? Now Morgan Freeman is up on ‘display’ and he is in his 80’s. So, he likes to look at women. Sure, he should not have asked ‘if she had panties on’; but, when a woman wears a dress or skirt that is so short that she could not bend over without showing her ‘hoo-hoo’ … it is pretty hard to sit on a dress or skirt that short; then when she crosses her legs – anybody could see up her dress. She should only be crossing her ankles.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Updated bracelet pic. All sparkly ones today!
    11 beads!
    Love Rebecca

    Can you explain your bracelet method to me please? Did you start out with a blank one or have a few beads and then just add to it?

    Tracey in Edmonton

    I bought a bunch of loose bead sets, and a the bracelets came in a pack of three. I bought it all at a craft store, Joannes Fabrics. So each of the loose bead sets cost about $4 (total was about $16) and the bracelet pack was $4. I know I didn't spend more than $20. Each bead is a lb lost. I weigh myself mostly every day. If my weight goes up a bit, I just take off my bracelet until it's back down. I have an index card by my bead jar to log everything. I mix up my beads, restringing them. That's why the open ended bracelets are great, because I can unscrew one of the end round things and have fun changing things up.
    I am just thinking positive, and not worried about the numbers on the scale, but more on filling my bracelets!
    This works to make a necklace too, but it's not really wearable unless you make the clasp more of a bow that you can untie to load more beads on.
    When I lost 6 lbs I put three beads on hoop earrings, that was fun!
    Some pics for you!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Oops that one picture should read 250.6!!! Haahaa!
    Whidbey island
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Suebdew ~ Prayer said.