

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Hi, all,

    - glad the Poconos trip was lovely... did exactly the same thing on my last road trip, forgot my charger. Annoying, no?

    Kim - you look like you're having a lovely time.

    Rye - I'm finding out that the melatonin (I think) is actually giving me mild hot flashes. While I need the sleep, I hate waking up 15 times in those first four hours sweaty and dry-mouthed. When the melatonin wore off last night is when I finally went into a deep sleep.

    Either that, or I'm in post-book-publication doldrums. The newest collection of articles is up in book form and on Kindle now. Can't settle to anything at the moment work-wise, and have a four-day weekend coming up where I'll be alone for the first and last days (no holidays in the summer for a landscaping company--but will make up for it in the winter).

    So, as a friend suggested, I'm going to scour the secondhand stores this weekend for an old wedding dress or a satin prom dress and experiment on that to make a quilt with satin or satin pieces. That way, I can screw it up without worrying about it too much. Eventually, I want to make my emerald green & white satin wedding dress into a quilt, but I need to learn how satin feels on a sewing machine, how it moves, creeps, slides, etc. So, I'm looking for a wedding dress at my advanced age! :smiley:

    That's the plan, anyway... and no, I didn't quite make my 24 pounds lost by my 4-month mark, but looking at my cycles, am still tracking as I have been. I made it to 23.6, and, as Rori says, am owning that. Made choices that kept me from making it to the goal.

    Off to the races this morning... lots to do.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in Arkansas
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Bought it, Lisa! :D<3

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday! I mowed the entire lawn Tuesday night and my ankles and knee have been screaming about that. I meant to swim yesterday morning; didn't make it. I slept in my swimsuit last night so I could just hop out of bed and to the pool this morning; didn't make it. My joints DO feel better this morning after some extra sleep, though. Maybe tomorrow morning I will make it in.
    Rye and Rori- WHAAAAAAA?! An MP3 player that can be worn underwater? I need to look into this. Not sure if I would wear one while I swim, though. I really enjoy the silence of the water.
    Janet-So good to hear from you and that you are doing well! Congrats on getting down to your lowest weight!
    Heather- A big congrats to you for getting down into the 9 stone region! I find I am looking forward to your next cruise adventure as well! lol I am enjoying your book, by the way! The images that you are able to conjure in my mind are so vivid! And you are able to hop from this magical childhood view of things to a glimpse at the "dark places" that children try so hard to avoid. Mesmerizing! <3 Just wondering; does it give you nervous knots in your belly to know that people are getting this glimpse into your personal life? I think I would have them. Just reading seems almost like an intrusion. Sending much love to your heart so generous to share with others.

    Yesterday, I ate like a crazy person. Not sure why. I think maybe because I didn't eat enough the day before then spent three hours pushing a lawn mower up and down hills? Plus the added activity the past couple of nights of interviews, extra cleaning, and ceiling painting? I need to go on a veggie run for zucchini and squash. Those are my normal "fillers" and they didn't have any at the market when I went this week. :( I think that is why I have been filling myself with garbage. Looking for my regular "go to" and not finding it...
    My planks are down to 30-45 seconds before I flop to the floor. I think that also has to do with the extra physical labor. Ah well, I will pick that back up once the painting is done.

    That's all I have this morning. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    I’m back!

    Been in a major depression and now pulling out of it and feeling like can be around people again (in-person and on-line). Not out of the woods yet but getting there. Foot still no better and still in the boot even though I’m supposed to wean myself off it. It still hurts when I’m not wearing it. So, I’m getting my mind where it needs to be as I’m sure the dr will be saying the “S” word (surgery) to me when I see him on the 12th. I think that is partly what started me on my downhill spiral; that and my DD struggling to find an internship, which she needs to graduate, and my DH heart and leg numbing issues. Even though I wasn’t popping in, I was thinking of you all.

    I’m not even going to try and get caught up with the over 300 posts! So just going to go back about 3 pages and try to catch up.

    Rebecca, sound like you are working well with you dr regarding your parathyroid issue. Love the rock too. Your tattoo reminded me of the time I put on fake tattoos all over my body and let my DH find them. It was fun and he was quite surprised. lol ((Hugs))

    OregonMother, I’m so happy to hear your OS got a full-time job. Good for him.

    Barbie, the picture of the mountain is beautiful and reminds me of the sound of music. I love to travel and see new places. Unfortunately, still working and finances have limited that. I was thinking of trying to become a member of the 251 club of VT. What you have to do is visit each of the 251 towns and cities in the state. Might be fun and DH or DD and I could do day trips.

    Michele, I’ve had trigger finger and it is no fun at all! I ended up have surgery, the shot only worked the first time, which fixed it fine.

    Janetr, congrats on the 27lbs. WTG girl!

    Rye, I’m sorry you are having such a hard time with hot flashes. You know those cloth tubes that are filled with rice and you can put them in the microwave to heat up and put across your shoulders? Maybe you can find one and put it in the freezer for when you have a flash. A would think a cold compress would feel good to you. I’d also put it on my wrists and head. ((Hugs))

    Heather, congrats on the weight loss. You are rocking it!

    Kelly, I think your knees are trying to tell you something. Give yourself time to recover.

    Finally bought a lawnmower yesterday. Good thing as our grass it getting pretty high with all the rain we’ve had recently. Of course it’s supposed to rain all weekend.

    Well better get back to work.

    Terry recovering in VT
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Thanks, Heather, you're a peach. :D Much love in return. Hope you enjoy it even half as much as I enjoyed yours.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Hi, all,

    So, as a friend suggested, I'm going to scour the secondhand stores this weekend for an old wedding dress or a satin prom dress and experiment on that to make a quilt with satin or satin pieces. That way, I can screw it up without worrying about it too much. Eventually, I want to make my emerald green & white satin wedding dress into a quilt, but I need to learn how satin feels on a sewing machine, how it moves, creeps, slides, etc. So, I'm looking for a wedding dress at my advanced age! :smiley:
    Love y'all!
    Lisa in Arkansas

    I've been pondering the same thing, using my wedding dress in a quilt. I would much rather it was out and being used than stuck in the cleaner's sealed box for eternity. I have no problem cutting it up and creating something new from it I just don't know how it will sew and what pattern I would use. Let me know how it progresses for you as I could use some tips!!!

    in increasingly hotter Tx

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I'm chasing you back down the scale. I was 141.1 lbs this morning. I went down to 135 initially and then got sloppy. DH thinks I don't look right at 135 and my skin was a weird texture. I'm just going down until my knee quits hurting. It is still grumpy so I need to keep going down for a bit more. :flowerforyou:

    Re Hot Flashes: I didn't do well on the pill as a young woman. DH & I had a big fight. He threw the pills in the toilet and I flushed it. When I was going through the change my doctor prescribed a low dose estrogen pill. Similar story. It was horrible. I threw them in the toilet and DH flushed it.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    May 2018 Resolutions:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on strength and stamina.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least 3 glasses of water a day.
    5. Monitor sleep. Average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
    6. Avoid alcohol.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good morning my friends!

    As of this morning I am back below the weight from February. Yippee! In hindsight I know exactly what happened and have plans for this fall/winter for it not to occur again. Just a bump in the journey.

    Laundry day, more packing/organizing, trip to Aldi, crochet and reading. Of course getting my steps in. Current goal 15,000 steps/day. Also adding daily planks. Using an Android app called Habits to monitor my goals: Daily Planks, Daily Logging on MFP and Carb Manager and Daily Steps 15,000.

    Spoke with our realtor last night about move-in process for next week. We will arrange with the renters for the key, garage door opener and pool fob turnover. Set up trash, electric and internet. Arranged for a locksmith to change locks next Thursday evening. Don't anticipate any problems. The former owners turned renters are a really nice young couple and have been extremely forthcoming and accommodating.

    Made arrangements for my 2 trips this summer. A week at end of July up in Indy with my parent's, sister and brother. Helping them transition to a smaller home in an assisted living community. A week in Virginia with my daughter. Looking forward to both except for the travel part.

    Have a good day ladies!

    who needs to get up and do her 9 o'clock steps
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    In regards to hot flashes. I've tried everything and I mean everything. The only thing that has worked for me is a low dose HRT. I went through menopause at a young age of 45 yo. My hot flashes/night sweats fell in the category of life altering/debilitating. Still have them flashes!!!!! Working with my gynecologist in discussing my risk to benefit of using HRT it was determined that for me their was more benefit. I kid you not with the very first pill they were gone! I was on them for 5 years then took a break. Upon moving down here to TX during the hottest months they returned. My gyno here said I could take them only during the summer months and see what happens. So that is what I currently do. Also, I only take them every other day. Seems to be working fine.

    This is just my story and experience. Everyone must evaluate what they want to do to ease through this part of the transition known as menopause.

    whose alarm on her phone just went off and must really now get up and do some steppin'
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Snowflake – most gyms offer members an introductory session with a personal trainer who will instruct you on the machines, etc. and you can ask as many questions as you need to.

    This gym, is very basic which is really great for the cost, but they don't have trainers and don't allow trainers on the premises. I think I need to book a couple of appointments at another facility with a personal trainer to learn the equipment and then go to this one to continue to use it. I'm not panicking about this one right now, the weather is so nice I want to be out as much as possible and leave the gym for crappy weather.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    I had about 6 months of hot flashes in 2015. Then they faded to almost nothing - maybe a bit of a warmth flash every couple of days. In April 2017 (at the same time I started my weight loss) they came roaring back into my life, with a vengeance. I’m so sick of them.

    The latest, past month or so is a 2 to 3 hour hot/chilled/hot period in the middle of the night that is killing my sleep. The heat wakes me up, I eventually cool down and get chilled and put the blankets back on, but within a minute the heat returns.

    I’m up every night from 2 am to 5 am most nights now. I get 4 or 5 intense hot flashes in the day time (plus a myriad of take the sweater off/Put it on temperature fluctuations). Evenings before bed are particularly bad, 2 or 3 claustrophobic covered in sweat panic attack type episodes each evening.

    I’ve tried every home remedy known to the Internet, it seems. Last time I saw my Dr. the only suggestion I got was ‘tough it out’ cause no Hormone replacement therapy for you...

    Any ideas to try? (Soy, menopause vitamins, non prescription progesterone cream, black cohosh, evening primrose oil, licorice root, St. John’s wort and daily tomato juice have all been tried to no relief. I’m sure I’ve tried other things, but can’t recall at this moment.)


    I also cannot take hormone replacement therapy. People keep suggesting it to me without realising it has a rather high chance of killing me.

    I've seen a GP who referred me to one of the top gynaecologists here ... actually an gynaecological oncologist ... for my pre-cancer issues. During my chats with him, he confirmed that under no circumstances was I to even think about HRT. In fact, the creams are even out for me.

    So I've got two options:

    1) Try to find alternative options.

    2) Use a medical product my gyn onc mentioned that is a recognised alternative to HRT.

    I am using quite a number of alternatives just now ... I take a large dose of evening primrose oil (1000 mg in the morning and 1000 mg in the evening), plus B12, zinc, Vit D, fish oil, magnesium, calcium, Vit E, ginkgo biloba (in the mornings), and Valerian (in the evenings).

    All of that seems to keep things under control for the most part, except when I approach my periods (or go into highly stressful situations, I've recently discovered). In which case, I'm running my wrists under cold water quite frequently, using my USB powered fan at work, and drinking lots of water. I also dress in layers so I can strip off to a tank top in the middle of the day if necessary.

    Evidently sweet potatoes are supposed to help too, but I don't have them very often.

    If they get bad enough, I'm to return to my gyn onc and get the other product he suggested. Sorry ... I can't remember what it was. I have trouble remembering a lot of things these days. Too much stress. But my suggestion would be to get an appointment with a good gynaecologist and ask about alternatives to HRT ... evidently they do exist! We do not have to use HRT. :)

    I hope you can find something that works.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited May 2018
    I got my Zwift to work this evening and did a good 32 minute ride on my indoor trainer. :) Plus lots of walking ... mainly back and forth to the Rehab Unit.

    M in Oz
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Hi, all,

    So, as a friend suggested, I'm going to scour the secondhand stores this weekend for an old wedding dress or a satin prom dress and experiment on that to make a quilt with satin or satin pieces. That way, I can screw it up without worrying about it too much. Eventually, I want to make my emerald green & white satin wedding dress into a quilt, but I need to learn how satin feels on a sewing machine, how it moves, creeps, slides, etc. So, I'm looking for a wedding dress at my advanced age! :smiley:
    Love y'all!
    Lisa in Arkansas

    I've been pondering the same thing, using my wedding dress in a quilt. I would much rather it was out and being used than stuck in the cleaner's sealed box for eternity. I have no problem cutting it up and creating something new from it I just don't know how it will sew and what pattern I would use. Let me know how it progresses for you as I could use some tips!!!

    in increasingly hotter Tx

    I think making a quilt out of a wedding dress is a genius idea. Mine wedding dress ended up with a big stain on it while in storage at my MIL's. I salvaged parts of it and used some of the lace and details in a shadow box. I have parts left and my youngest daughter has asked if she could take some of the lace to have sewn onto her veil for her wedding next summer. I of course, said yes.