

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    hey joyce . Sounds like you are in a very healthy zone. Way to go!! And nice to see your post.


    Karen, I didn't see a post from Joyce. Did I miss it some how?

    Janetr OKC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well surgeon is very knowledgeable. Will do a scan on the thyroid area to see which of the four parathyroids are overacting! Then they just take that one out. Smaller incision, but I will have to stay overnight at the hospital, in case of bleeding. Just cautionary. Also he does colonoscopies, so when they get my previous info from my last one, they will either schedule me in for that, or I could wait until 2022, since my last one was 2012. It all depends on what my past results say. In the way into his office by their door I found this rock!
    Cute huh!
    Husband and I tried a new pizza place there in Coupeville. We walked down old town part of Coupeville. I talked with all the store owners, just having a nice time! Husband bought Fruit Stripe gum, that brand where the gum wrapper has tattoos stamped on it. So at this moment I have a small bicycle, and a tiger on my cleavage. I let the sailor play with a drop of lotion, (so the tattoo will transfer), lots of laughing. Haahaa!
    Hugs everyone!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    sitting out on my patio at the table , set everything up and it came out fantastic, once i get some of the pictures downloaded will show you... going to take Alfie out for a walk and to bed ..
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Lanette as far as bruises from the shot, try drinking water just before the shot, then rubbing the shot area afterwards. Reduces pain and bruising.

    RV Rita
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    edited May 2018
    kevrit wrote: »
    Lanette as far as bruises from the shot, try drinking water just before the shot, then rubbing the shot area afterwards. Reduces pain and bruising.

    RV Rita

    Thanks Rita - I will give that a try!

    I was thinking of taking along some ice packs too.... have you ever used those? I appreciate your input, I thought there was something wrong with me and I didn't want to have to stop right now and start over later! :s

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.20min, 133mhr, 13.1amph. 1.5mi= 71c
    apple watch- 67c
    STAIRCLIMBER- 30min, 114ahr, 125mhr, 128floors, lvl7, 2040steps, some evry other step, 125mhr= 221c
    apple watch- 79c
    bike ride gym 2 sumn sta- 49.07min, 127ahr, 150mhr, 14.5amph, 11.8mi= 480c
    apple watch- 44c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.34min, 148mhr, 138ahr, 8.54min mi, .5mi= 68c
    apple watch- 61c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.34min, 8.54min mi, 147mhr, .4mi= 56c
    apple watch- 59c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 16.38min, 9.2amph, 157mhr, 130ahr, 2.5mi= 178c
    apple watch- 139c

    total cal 1074
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Denise Austin’s Ultimate Fat Burner DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Gilad’s Sandy Beach DVD

    Meg – please don’t ask me to explain this, but evidently Pete got involved with this Facebook stuff. Jessica said that she was going to unfollow them (the real reason is that she just doesn’t want to deal with this drama) because she needed to concentrate on her graduate studies. She couldn’t figure out what Pete was saying in his post and neither could I. I am just going to drop the whole thing. Vince is sick of all this. Evidently Jess called him while I was at ceramics complaining about Denise, Denise called him but he didn’t answer the phone because he really doesn’t want to get involved.

    Janetr – so happy to see you

    We had a Newcomer board meeting today, then went to the bank to put the secretary on the checking account for Newcomers, then I went to the store where I left the cutting board. She told me they were open Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat. Well…not in May they aren’t. So a friend of mine works at the farmer’s market on Sat there, so after the market I’ve asked her to pick the cutting board up for me. I’ll probably call her Friday to remind her. Went to ceramics tonight, I’m surprised at how much I got accomplished. Looks like I’ll need to bring something else there to work on

    Rye – I’m so sorry you’re going thru all that with the hot flashes. They sure can be a b****

    Snowflake – most gyms offer members an introductory session with a personal trainer who will instruct you on the machines, etc. and you can ask as many questions as you need to.

    Katie – hold your ground! You know your body much more than any doc who only sees you for a few minutes a few times a year.

    Katie and snowflake – we have the entire downstairs carpeted and I would love to have at least one section of it hardwood flooring. It’s a good area to entertain, and if something gets spilled, the carpeting stains. We have hardwood in the kitchen and I find it quite easy to keep clean. Plus, it looks cleaner than a stained carpet would look

    I think I have trigger finger in my thumb again. This will mean most likely some more shots.

    Felicia (isn’t it?) – congrats to your son.

    Am supposed to volunteer at the Green Room tomorrow. This new gal is supposed to be there after me, she probably needs some training. However, I need to go pick up an order from WalMart.

    Michele in NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Played second day of three day tournament today. Unfortunately it is very hot. I will be glad when it is over. My DH got bad news from his brother today. DH is the oldest of five boys and two have already passed away. His brother is in hospital with a mass on kidney which has spread to his lungs and bones. Doesn’t sound good.
    Going to bed early and hope I can sleep as I tossed and turned all night last night.
    Suebdew in TX
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Whew! I missed a few days while I was in the Poconos, and just got caught up with reading.

    It was a fun trip, although the weather was too rainy and drizzly to get out on the lake. Our host couple was most accommodating and patient with my DH, which was a huge gift to me. There were 3 poodles to play with, including a 3 month old puppy. The dogs were in the tiny cabin with us most of the time, and I forgot how much energy a puppy expends. I could watch them and laugh all day. :smiley: Unfortunately, my GF had a leg injury which kept her sedentary. So, I kept her company, and didn't get nearly as much exercise as I normally would. Didn't help that I forgot to bring my fitbit charger...arrggh. Scale was up this AM, but I'm owning it and getting back to business.

    The condo pool here at home opened while we were gone, and I couldn't wait to get in some laps today. Rye, and anyone else who has used an MP3 player while swimming, please advise on what make and style you like. This is my first summer as a retiree, and I see myself getting in the water much more often than last summer. I've always loved aquatics. Music and laps sounds divine to me. Oh, and I'm giving the fitbit a vacation as well. During the 4 days I had it off my wrist the indentation on my wrist subsided and I felt very liberated and at peace.

    Our car is still in the paint shop getting a 'rustectomy'. :frowning: Our fridge and pantry were pretty bare, so I finally broke down and used Amazon Fresh to get some staples delivered. Wonderful service! Everything arrived in good shape and on time. I've got my celery all cleaned and sliced up. Berries, tomatoes and lettuce all washed and ready to use in next few days. Tonight dinner was pan roasted salmon with capers, on a bed of tri-colored quinoa, and a green salad. Delish.

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi Sisters, my run today was so so good! It was raining when I left home, then stopped by the time I reached the forest. I ran for two hours then walked another 30 minutes to get back to my van. Saw the Rabbit Woman just starting her run as I was finishing mine...then as I started to drive home, a torrential downpour blasted us for about forty minutes. I was snug in my van but I felt sorry for Rabbit Woman, and a little smug that God spared me the dousing, LOL. (I'll probably be the one to get soaked next time!) Snug and Smug....hmmmm.

    Katla, getting lost on a trail ride is pretty standard for me! I just love to explore and new trails are my siron song. Getting lost and found is part of the excitement and adventure. Luckily, I've never had to spend the night out but it could happen one day... Give me a good horse and a new trail and I'm in Heaven.

    Old carpet-wood floors...I think if I do things over, I will have large oriental carpets over wooden floors. That's what I have in my bedroom and if the dogs 'make a mistake' I can put the carpet outside and hose it off and let the sunshine deoderize it. I have a pair of wonderful fluffy woolen slippers that I wear inside the house to keep my tosies warm. I wonder if they make "carpet paint" like fabric paint? I might give my old carpets an exotic facelift...

    I am counting down till I retire on June 15th. I only have ten more working days left. Woop woop. I probably sound like I never work because mostly I tell you all about my good adventure days, but I actually work three days a week, and during queen bee season I was working six days a week. Well, it is still light outside and the rain has stopped again, so I am going to go play in my garden for awhile. Love Ya all and love all the photos and little stories. This is my online soap opera and I even get to play a part in it! <3 Wendy
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited May 2018
    Rori This little Gizmo is dirt cheap. Only thing it really lacks is a shuffle mode. I’ve had it for almost a year now - no problems. Figure it has spent more than 150 hours u derwater by now.

    I would love a better one, but don’t have any extra indulgence money to get one and this one works, so I can’t make any recommendations on nicer models! :)


    (If we lose the link, it is to a Gearonic underwater mp3 player 15.99 on amazon).
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    Ughhh up.in the middle of the night as Alfie decided to pee on the.lamanente floor,had to clean up,and try and go back to sleep.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2018
    Dr. Katie: We have hardwood floors and area rugs. I like them, but the hardwood floors have already been refinished once and could use it again. We've been here almost 20 years. I like our stairs having a carpet runner down the middle and wood edges. If we refinish our wood floors, I'm thinking of putting a dark stain on them for a change and the fun of change. I doubt we'll do this any time soon. :noway:

    Rebecca: Coupeville is such a charming place. I loved our visit there. You're a lucky woman! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: The mountains are gorgeous! :star:

    Wendy: I have to admit that getting "lost" out on the trail with a friend was a lot of fun, and we did find our way back without too much trouble other than mud. Both horses and both riders were muddy. I'd do it again anytime. I would like to figure out a way to get back on Arrow when there is not a convenient stump nearby. Advice welcome. :wink:

    I'm hoping to get to Salem and take flowers to my parents at the cemetery, but things keep interfering. We normally go for Memorial Day, but we'd like to be early this year and hope to miss some of the traffic problems that come with a holiday weekend.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    my travel buddy and best friend Lynne and me in Boston

    You two look like you are having so much fun!!! Yay for you!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited May 2018
    Kim - Great fun pic. A breakaway is so important for our health and happiness. <3

    I have nudged just under 140 lbs for the first time since 1990. Only a few ounces, but I'm taking it. :Do:):D In British terms it means I am now in the 9 stone somethings. :laugh: :drinker: Nice to know just before the cruise in a couple of weeks. It feels really good to be fit. I admire my muscles every day! :bigsmile:
    Today I think I might let DH go off to do the big shop and do some kettlebell swings instead. I don't do them often because I have to strap my knee, but I know they are great exercise.

    Going to try a new kielbasa recipe today. It is made with sauerkraut, but I am also going to add fresh cabbage as DH is not the greatest fan. It's for the IP.

    Its my sister in law's birthday while we are away on the cruise, but we are seeing her next week at her son's wedding. We are going to buy her a set of 12 "healthy" fruit individual snack packs as she likes to keep fit and I will add a set of varied AF drinks for her to try out. She finds it difficult to limit alcohol when her boyfriend is visiting, so I would like to show her the options without her having to buy a whole lot. I have another delivery of AF wines coming tomorrow to take on the cruise. :DB) We will take the present to the wedding with a card.
    The bride and groom just wanted money for the honeymoon as they have a child and a stepchild together and a house, so we have given them that already. Very sensible.

    We have light oak floors all through the downstairs, including the kitchen. Wonderful! We have done nothing to it in the seven years we have lived here, apart from a light mop. Looks great! One small rug in the living area. It was one of the reasons we bought the house.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx