

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,430 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Lots of walking (7.4 km)
    Several flights of stairs (10 flights, in fact).
    Tried to Zwift but my rear sensor thingy wasn't sensing. :( So of course, without Zwift, I couldn't ride my bicycle.

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Going through the motions is ultimately how things get done. I'm sorry your energy was at a low ebb at the gym & hope you're back to your energetic self soon. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I know the appetizer tray was photo-shopped in, & Camilla wore a pink hat that people said looked like shrimp tails. I thought the real hat was passable and Camilla is the woman people love to hate. I also thought the appetizer tray was funny. :laugh:

    M in OZ: My DMIL had those tray tables. They featured prominently in eating dinner in front of the TV. DBIL still does that. My mom had a TV in the kitchen eating area. There was another TV in the living room. If the trays aren't readily available in stores you could visit garage sales, estate sales or flea markets. Good luck finding something that will be just right. :star:

    The plan was to go to the cemetery with flowers for my parents today, but I had a major digestive blow out yesterday so I'm taking time to see how this morning will go. We may postpone for a day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Hi! Just popping in. Life has been insane! Taking care of me though. Love you ladies!
    Kylia in we skipped spring in Ohio
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Dr.katie I am surprised your doctor did not order an MRI instead of going to a surgeon. Years ago I was under doctor's advice going to have a surgical biopsy. Right before I was going to do it another doctor recommended an MRI instead. The MRI showed everything was fine. If I had gone ahead with the biopsy I would have been cleared, but I more than likely would have had other problems to this day. If you see this surgeon they will recommend surgery because that is what they do. Ask your doctor if an MRI would tell him what he/she wants to know.

    For me it was a case of proving to them I was fine. I am okay with that as long as it is done with the least evasive method. Surgery is big time evasive and I would want an iron clad reason for doing it.

    :heart: Margaret
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Been to gym. Today was mat/floor work then cardio. Sometimes I take a moment to lie on the mat and just marvel in how much stronger I am than when I started. I can comfortably knock out 3 sets of 10 bird dogs now. When I started this journey 1 set of 5 knocked me out. Go me!

    Another hot day here. Already prepping the hubs for a slow and consistent moving few days when the time arrives. We aren't youngins' any more. I'm all for doing it ourselves. Rented a small uhaul truck for 3 days. We've moved so many times and moved our kids so many times that we know how to do it. Just slower this time.

    Have a good one my friends!

    in 500824ms6eoy3c9b.gif Texas
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    KJ what a fantastically creative mind you have! I love those ideas! What is magnetic paint? I’m going to have to look it up because I filled up my fridge with the magnets I get and will need a new place to put magnets!

    Machka when I got my first apartment after schooling my mom and I came across those TV trays, in wood, for a set of 4 with stand for 39.99 dollars. In 1990 that was very expensive for TV trays, but a real bargain for wooden furniture- so about right. They are here with me today (thirty years later) and have been useful for everything. Side tables in the dining room when we have a full dining table, TV trays, jigsaw puzzle table, temporary living room side table for lamps, window perches for cats, etc. the perfect multitaskers, imo. I hope you can easily find some for you.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings and good morning. It’s going to be hot today; I’m just sitting at my desk and I’m sweaty. Bleh. I have a couple of meetings today then I’m leaving early to get some errands done. Can you believe it…I had DH put a new battery in his car so I didn’t have to worry about it dying when I drove it. Of course the new battery has never held a charge, so I’m taking it back today. It’s only 6 months old and under warrantee, but good grief!

    Some friends are having me over for dinner tonight. I was at the support group for “registrants” and the future travel restrictions we face are enormous. I left the meeting feeling so defeated. So I texted her (she’s the leader of the group) and she asked me to come for dinner. You know most days are fine; others not so much.

    Felicia: I’m so glad things turned out the way they did! Sadly, many times discussions like that do not. Your son is blessed!

    Heather: glad you are home safely!

    NYKaren: I agree with Rebecca!

    Katiebug: wow that’s quite the adventure! I’m kind of speechless about the mammogram and that drama. I’ll just say a big prayer for you! And may your freezer rest in peace!

    Wendy: I agree with your idea: food is cheap medicine!

    Kim: I am so sorry about your brother!!! Fingers crossed for a good report for you.

    Rebecca: I think that’s a wise move for your son!

    Trish: I hope you didn’t have any serious injury from your fall! Be careful!

    Michele: I’m so sorry about Denise and all that drama. I do understand, my DD#1 is the poster child for ungrateful and all-forgetting of everything we have done for her.

    Allie: I agree, my parents left an enormous amount of stuff that all came to my house. I hope not to do that to my children either. Well, maybe DD#1 LOL

    Kylia: where in Ohio are you? I have in-laws in Wadsworth.

    Well ladies since I am at work I suppose I should be productive! Hope to be back tomorrow. Take care, meg in hot Omaha

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    thanks katla
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member

    You know, I realized last night that I do not give my husband enough credit.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    My youngest and I didn't give my husband, her Father, enough credit for a situation very similar to this 10 years ago. We planned and organized a meeting before ever telling my husband the truth. Then I told him. He was shocked that we hadn't thought he would handle it well. Next summer he is walking her down the aisle to marry the same young man, I think my husband is quite looking forward to it as long as his baby girl is happy.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »

    So I’ve read the posts from Heather about marketing, and really looked at my budget – and fully realized what a $$ hit a week of vacation and 3 sick-ish days took on me, and have decided that I need to ramp up my embroidery business… So I am making a commitment to marketing, I have a few ideas, but know I need to leverage the least expensive options first, and facebook is one of those (not my favorite platform) I do have a business facebook page, so my goal is a post/pictures every week… I’m sure I can do this.


    Kim from N. California

    I have 2 FB business pages, one of my businesses is more for the holiday season alone right now and I keep getting a lot of views and feel like I'm failing because there is nothing new there. I have been told by several people, although I haven't done it myself yet to use Instagram as a marketing tool. The people that have told me have had success selling items through there. Just a thought. Good Luck, I love embroidery, my Mom did it for years. One of the first signs of her Alzheimers was the noticeable difference in her needlework.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    @wildhorsewendy - I just have to tell you that I wanted to be you when I grew up. I always dreamed of owning horses, riding on a beach on a horse. Funnily enough, I am afraid of horses! I have gone on a few trail rides but I have a very healthy respect (read fear) of them. I also live in landlocked Alberta so no beaches. I just wanted to tell you I am enjoying reading all of your posts and pictures immensely.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    I had about 6 months of hot flashes in 2015. Then they faded to almost nothing - maybe a bit of a warmth flash every couple of days. In April 2017 (at the same time I started my weight loss) they came roaring back into my life, with a vengeance. I’m so sick of them.

    The latest, past month or so is a 2 to 3 hour hot/chilled/hot period in the middle of the night that is killing my sleep. The heat wakes me up, I eventually cool down and get chilled and put the blankets back on, but within a minute the heat returns.

    I’m up every night from 2 am to 5 am most nights now. I get 4 or 5 intense hot flashes in the day time (plus a myriad of take the sweater off/Put it on temperature fluctuations). Evenings before bed are particularly bad, 2 or 3 claustrophobic covered in sweat panic attack type episodes each evening.

    I’ve tried every home remedy known to the Internet, it seems. Last time I saw my Dr. the only suggestion I got was ‘tough it out’ cause no Hormone replacement therapy for you...

    Any ideas to try? (Soy, menopause vitamins, non prescription progesterone cream, black cohosh, evening primrose oil, licorice root, St. John’s wort and daily tomato juice have all been tried to no relief. I’m sure I’ve tried other things, but can’t recall at this moment.)

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    you know those days where you are just going thru the motions at the gym and you're not not putting the effort, u just have no juice? well today was that day for me.

    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.30min, 136mhr, 12.7amph. 1.5mi= 72c
    apple watch- 67c
    ROWING MACHINE- 10min, 52aw, 96ahr, 113mhr, 1604meters= 55c
    apple watch- 79c
    ELIPTICAL- 15min, 134mhr, 107ahr, 2-4resist, 4incl, fat burner program, 115mhr, 2mi= 77c
    apple watch- 95c
    HELIX Machine- fitness test (for a man) 20min, 121ahr, 59ar 150mhr, lvl1-13, says "excellent" 2mi = 136c
    apple watch- 116c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.35min, 104ahr, 125mhr, 16amph, 1.4mi= 45c
    apple watch- 44c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn sta- 13.57min, 13.1amph, 120ahr, 146mhr, 3mi= 135c
    apple watch- 124c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.22min, 154mhr, 141ahr, 8.33min mi, .5mi= 63c
    apple watch- 56c
    jog wk 2 sumn sta- 4.27min, 9.39min mi, 147mhr, 121ahr, .4mi= 58c
    apple watch- 51c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 17.07min, 9amph, 147mhr, 125ahr, 2.5mi= 192c
    apple watch- 150c

    total cal 833

    If this is a day with no "juice", I really need to pay attention to what a normal day looks like for you. That is amazing to me!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    @exermom - I love your gnome family, they are so cute!