

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Son is sleeping upstairs. Husband put son's big @$$ tv on our stand, and to be honest it was just too big for our eyeballs! Also his new tv wasn't cooperating with our old vhs/ DVD player. We have a huge cabinet of vhs tapes and ends so we want to still use them. So we traded back. It was nice of son to offer though eh? He's such a great kid, a thoughtful young man, and as his momma, I just don't see why women don't snag him up! Haahaa! Now I've noticed that his Naval job of being an aircraft mechanic has taken a toll on him. His hands and arms are riddled with scars from hot parts, scrapes, by working on her engines. It's a physically demanding job. I am not sure if he's accident prone, or really gets in there to get the job done!
    Bought some Kelloggs protein cinnamon crunch cereal. It's really good, for snacking, or putting on yogurt. I just have to use the measuring cup when I do eat it! .75 of a cup! No taking the box to the couch and munching!

    Son is working to pack up his garage today, moving his non-working scooters to our garage. Plus all the tools! My job today is moving all the Christmas boxes from the garage to the closet under the stairs. Also moving from our garage the 3 plastic bins of family history stuff! My dear husband inherited books and photo albums of his Maternal grandmother, from his Mom. But really all his research was on his side, The Gossetts. I had told him to give that all to his sister. State to his family that he was concentrating on his father's side, and that she could concentrate on the Moms side. He stated that everyone has delivered him the historian of the family. Oye!
    Well time to get busy!
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Felica - I am not sure that you probably took what I had to say in the manner that I meant it. I agree that no man should ever hold back a woman by using having 'sex' with him is right. What I don't understand is why wait 15 or 20 years to bring it up? I'm also sorry that you took what I said about 'short' skirts as well. When I am talking 'short skirts' I am talking about the ones that barely cover their @$$. I 'think' they are asking for comments or more by dressing that provocatively. Just as much as wearing sequins on a see-through dress that only cover their nipples. It is like 'let's see just how far I can go pushing the edge'. I guess that is why I seem to no longer wear dresses unless I have a slip that fits under it. I don't like my legs and crotch (albeit just an outline) to show through my dress/skirt. What I am tired of is the "Me, too!" movement. I think it has run its course and now the women coming up saying "Me, too!" seems to be just for 'attention'. But, it also works both ways. Women in position can make a man's life miserable by holding her power over him and not allowing him due credit for how he is doing his job. I've worked with both men and women; never had a 'female boss'; but, I really do not think I would have ever wanted one after having a senior partner's secretary crawl my @$$ in front of him. That backfired on her … he called me into his office and handed a one line letter that she had typed and sent out and it had 7 mistakes in it (including his name). But, after a really bad experience with a 'female' MD - I hope I never have to have another one. I was about 19 when I had my first adult seizure and the Greek older gentleman who was treating me - I loved him, then a female gynecologist came in - with the longest bright red nails and said she was going to examine me. "OH HELL-O KITTY, no you aren't!"

    But, I am so comfortable with the 'male' MDs I go to and because of my 'bad experience' with a female MD, I can be very vocal. Last time I went to my gynecologist of 43 years; I was told to strip down from the waist. I got wrapped up in a sheet as always and told the nurse that I 'hoped' they never went to gowns or paper gowns. She said, 'oh no, Dr. G would never allow that to occur'. Then he came in and sat on the stool and was about to lift the sheet up and I yelled, 'WAIT, I did not take my panties off!" The nurse pulled the sheet off my right leg and held it up between me and the MD and I could hear him mumbling, 'Gee, Lenora, as long as you have been coming to me, do you really think when you are told to strip down it meant 'down to your panties'? I told him they were 'lace' and I could not even tell I had them on. They got a good laugh out of that one. Even when I go to my GP; after he has finished examining me, the nurse will leave the room so that I can talk to him - about anything. My GYN exams me and then I am taking into his office to talk to him. I've been to MDs that give you paper pants and gowns. I feel more exposed in that situation.

    Michelle - Tell Denise to go to the liquor stores and get boxes from them. They cannot be overpacked and they are much stronger than other boxes because they usually have an extra piece of cardboard in the bottom of them. She might be told they get their deliveries on a certain day and that she would just need to come by a certain time on that day - they usually do not have any space to 'hold' boxes for anyone.

    Rebecca - I would not expect for your son's sorry roommate to do anything to help him, if he would not even pay his part of the rent.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited May 2018
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Just wondering; does it give you nervous knots in your belly to know that people are getting this glimpse into your personal life? I think I would have them. Just reading seems almost like an intrusion. Sending much love to your heart so generous to share with others.

    KJ (Kelly)

    I wondered about that too .... I get nervous knowing people are able to look at my life through this thread ... although I don't share anything truly personal here.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Just to clarify. No one is going to jail or losing his job and family for telling a woman she looks pretty. We are talking about people who are actively trying to look under a woman's skirt -- I don't care how short it is. Forcing women to perform oral sex. Raping women. Threatening to destroy careers if sex acts are not performed. People who *kitten* in front of others to show power and to intimidate. I don't feel sorry for any of them. Enough is never enough. Until all men decide to treat all people with respect and stop trying to retain power by threatening us with their penis, victims need to speak out. I am not going to get into the psychology of intimidation that happens against women who rebuff harassment and sexual advances. I am sure there are many of us here who have been called a b@tch more times then we can count. And how many of us have been told that "boys will be boys," or told that we are somehow asking for it because we are women. For no other reason than that. All of those accusations drive victims to silence and in turn create more victims. Where is the sympathy and compassion for us?

    Felicia, a victim of workplace, school, construction, and truck driver harassment

    I agree with you. As a mother of a daughter who has encountered harassment in the workplace, the damage it causes the victim effects all areas of their lives. It will never be enough until it stops.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Nurse Karen, welcome. Both my mom and dad were nurses. My dad was in the Air Force for 20years and my mom’s last nursing job was as an intensive care nurse. I applaud you.

    Picked up a journal for my DD and I to record our 251VT travels. Going to get some stickers to decorate the pages. We thought we could take a picture in front of the sign of each of the 251 towns and cities we visit and put them in our journal. Can’t wait to get started and see how long it takes us to complete all the towns.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Machka – One time you mentioned that DH didn’t seem like the same personality, with his physical and memory coming back is his personality too?

    Allie – I’m with Barbie I don’t remember the photos of ZenDen Patio –

    Katla – I would ask the price of running a trail ride for a couple of you, and then just pass that info on, and if the other gal is not comfortable with that cost she could negotiate for herself.

    Felicia - well said.

    Terry – what a great idea to see all 251 towns in VT… I wonder about doing something like that in CA I’ll have to see if there is something for the towns even in my county… CA has way more than 251 towns….

    Kim from N. California
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    my county has 20, and the neighboring county 30 towns... My house is 2 blocks from the county border...
    What a fun project.

    Kim in N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,722 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    this is before
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    We are hoping today that the roommate realizes that he has an opportunity to get his stuff moved via my son's uhaul, but he has to work for it! Meaning he needs to help my son move the washer and dryer! My husband nor I are really physically up for it!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    My moving boxes are gone! Yeah!!!
    Gotta love virtual garage sale sites!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,427 Member
    Allie - love your patio! Looks like you had a very nice get-together!

    Rebecca - glad your son is making good headway with the move. Do they have to be out of the place by the end of the month?

    Good day here. Have so many blessings I can't begin to count them all. <3

    Sunny & cool SW WA State
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited May 2018
    Sue ... glad to hear that your grandson's surgery went well. Continued prayers that he heals completely.

    Karen VA ...your grandson's situation is so wrong on so many levels. Thankful that he has you as an advocate!

    Sexual Harassment ... I have experience with and very strong feelings about this subject ... and that's about all I'm comfortable saying.

    May has been a rollercoaster month for me ... down in weight .. then up. I had a chocolate binge of all things last night but decided to go for my scheduled blood work this morning nonetheless. Should be interesting to see what my labs look like after a chocolate binge! At the very least, they can only get better from there.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Machka, was so happy to come back to see that your DH was in rehab and doing so much better. Hang in there girl.

    Allie, what a wonderful space your patio is. I can just see you beaming as you party with friends. Life is good and you deserve it.

    Probably going to work on a fairy house flower pot for my cousins wife who has cancer and just graduated from college. She is in her 60s and was determined to finish. My cousin has created a nice small flower garden for her so I know she will love the pot.

    DD is with her dad until Monday night. They have gone to Maine to spend some time together before he retires and moves out west in again few weeks. Seems strange to have the house to ourselves.

    Terry in VT
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    It is a sunny but drizzly day here in Perth OZ. Hope to get out and pull some weeds. Need to do food shopping, ironing for work next week.

    GD has auditioned for a part for shakespeare in a local reporitary - not sure if she will get it but said she would work as a backstage as well, so that might help in future productions
