

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    We bought a pie make and I am busy experimenting with fillings and then freezing the fillings. Thought that this might be better than takeout when I work long hours. The shortcrust pasty that you use for the base and puff pastry for the top is very calorie heavy. Thinking of using filo pastry but have not seen much of it on the internet - has anyone done filo pastry in a pie maker?

    Barbiecat - My garden is lucky if it gets 90 min per month let alone a day. We are on water restrictions here and so most of my plants are pots or native.

    Heather - We are having thunderstorms here at the moment, it is really the first rain this year and we are just about into winter. One of my dogs is terrified of the thunderstorms and the other is very laid back

    Lisa - Hope this new home works out for you

    Machka9 - Have they given you any indication of how long they expect your DH may be in rehab? I know it is just one step at a time and allyou can do is jsut get through ach day

    Rita _ Are you okay? No damage after the fall?

    Pip = what are monkey feet used for ? I have never seend them before

    Trish in OZ
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    A quiet Memorial Day weekend here. Car still at Maaco getting painted, so just chillin' at home. Finished reading "10% Happier" and am now starting Lisa's book,"Still Thinking Outloud". It is an excellent "sit with a cook drink on your patio" kind of read. https://amazon.com/Still-Thinking-Loud-Lisa-Hannon-ebook/dp/B07D6CB2BV/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1527459194&sr=8-1&keywords=lisa+c+hannon

    Lisa: Congrats on the amazing day. I totally believe in signs and omens. The chest is gorgeous.

    Allie: Love your zen den patio, especially your heron.

    Suebdew: Prayers for your GS's quick and complete recovery.

    Machka: Continuing to send energy to you and your DH.

    KareninVA: Hope your GS finds his way to peace, respect and continuous learning that compliments his talents.

    Rye: Thanks for the Mp3 recommendation. I can't wait to get my lap swimming tunes programmed. I'm hitting the pool every morning, sometimes after a 2 mile warmup on the treadmill.

    Making my favoriet SkinnyTaste recipe: Shrimp Cakes. 265 calories, easy and delish. Freezes well, so planning to double the recipe and have it ready for another meal soon.

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    Morning everyone

    We bought a pie make and I am busy experimenting with fillings and then freezing the fillings. Thought that this might be better than takeout when I work long hours. The shortcrust pasty that you use for the base and puff pastry for the top is very calorie heavy. Thinking of using filo pastry but have not seen much of it on the internet - has anyone done filo pastry in a pie maker?

    Barbiecat - My garden is lucky if it gets 90 min per month let alone a day. We are on water restrictions here and so most of my plants are pots or native.

    Heather - We are having thunderstorms here at the moment, it is really the first rain this year and we are just about into winter. One of my dogs is terrified of the thunderstorms and the other is very laid back

    Lisa - Hope this new home works out for you

    Machka9 - Have they given you any indication of how long they expect your DH may be in rehab? I know it is just one step at a time and allyou can do is jsut get through ach day

    Rita _ Are you okay? No damage after the fall?

    Pip = what are monkey feet used for ? I have never seend them before

    Trish in OZ

    they have no support at all, they are like barefoot running. I've done my 3 marathons in them. I haven't used tennis shoes in years or since I started wearing them. I exercise and run in them
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    What a beautiful Sunday in SW WA State!

    Baby birds - Every year, killdeer decide to build a nest in someone's graveled driveway or road shoulder on our private road. This year, I found their nest on the side of the road and it had 4 little eggs - I had to look hard as they were well-hidden. Every day I would walk by and the parents would put on their "broken wing" show. Last week they REALLY put on a show and where there used to be 4 eggs were four teensy mottled chicks. By the end of the day the family had moved on. And the little blackbirds were fledging this week. Those parents are REALLY terrors! Dive bombing the cat, dogs, and anyone coming close to their nest.

    Karen in VA - sounds like your grandson had a fabulous birthday. He'll be OK. I think he'll be on his way finding his niche. What a nice present from his sister! And noise cancelling headphones - great idea!

    SueBDew - so happy to hear your grandson made it through surgery OK. Amazing what surgeons can do with a few little punctures and their equipment.

    Rebecca - thank you for the story about your DH's encounter with the harassment charge and his eventual vindication. What he and you (his family) went through had to be so stressful. I am glad it was thoroughly investigated.

    The thing that is kind of frightening to me are the accusations coming to light that aren't investigated, yet guys are tried and found guilty by the media and public opinion. I think in some cases, it was a misunderstanding or mis-reading of signals. Maybe good love gone bad, who knows.

    Of course, there are insensitive buffoons who made jobs uncomfortable for gals with their lewd comments and unwanted touching. Too bad there wasn't someone around to give them a swift kick in the teeth or someplace further south and change their behavior early on. Ronda Rousey comes to mind, lol. B) Or maybe Pip with her boot!

    Pot roast and veggies in the crock pot right now, house smells great.

    Sunny SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    stats for the day :smile:

    readmill jog- 30.37min, 156mhr, 137ahr, 9.34min mi, 6-7.1sp, 3.2mi= 317c
    Apple Watch- 356c
    other- legs to waist- legs straight out, - 9min, 5 sets of 10ea- 129mhr = 65c
    Apple Watch- 61c
    220# tire flip- 1.50min, 1 lap, 143ahr, 154mhr= 38c
    Apple Watch- 22c
    floor exercises- 7.57min, 2sets of 10ea, 6 diff exerises, 124ahr, 139mhr, 76c
    Apple Watch- 74c

    total cal 496
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    Just looked up, have been wearing monkey feet at least 6 years now
  • Jen8000LM
    Jen8000LM Posts: 8 Member
    Pip, I just read your post and don't know if I should ask or not but what is "monkey feet"? (Just curious)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,802 Member
    I'm in jammies and watching TV,haven't watched in awhile..very emotional day ...so I'm glad I'm alone.
    Tomorrow I go with daughter to pick up her wedding dress and then have been invited to a friend's house for Early dinner... Tomorrow I will go feed DFIL.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Did Caribbean Workout Abs, Buns & Thigh. I thought it was really more hi/low aerobics. The plan for tomorrow is to do some hula hoop, hold my plank, then do the Tear It Up DVD. No bowling, no ceramics, plan to finish with the mulch. We’ll just take the rest to the back of our property to decompose

    Spent most of the day putting down mulch. I put a few cartloads down in the front of the house. We didn’t originally put it down very thick because we didn’t know how much we would need. Since we have LOTS left over, we’re going to put it down thicker. Vince needs to spread it out. I would, but I know that I wouldn’t do it the way he’d like it, so I wouldn’t even bother. We spread it around some of the trees, too. Now I am dead tired. Went into the spa, but wished the blowers were on.

    Lisa – the house sounds like a winner. Hope the inside is as great as the outside. Like your new avatar

    M – second what Terry said to you

    When doing the mulch, I used to sweep up the bits that fell on the ground then put them into this pan. Well, the pan broke. It was pretty old – it was my father’s and he’s been dead about 14 years now and who knows how long he had it before he died?

    Rita – hope you didn’t get hurt!

    DeeDee – where are you?

    Trish – we have been having rain and coulds for quite a while almost a week). No hurricane, but clouds

    Plan a quiet Memorial Day. Hopefully, we’ll get the rest of the mulch to the back of the property.

    Michele in NC
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Relaxing day watching movies with my DH.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
  • Jen8000LM
    Jen8000LM Posts: 8 Member
    Stats for yesterday:

    14,500 steps Decided to bring it up a notch by walking/jogging/walking/jogging. Feel it this morning. Thighs and butt are sore, so I guess some muscles are waking up!

    Pip thanks for explaining what monkey feet are. I have seen them but never knew what they were called.

    Rebecca I just wanted to jump into your picture and snuggle with that baby owl. Poor thing! Hope he is doing ok!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited May 2018
    Pip - I am currently reading 'Born To Run' , which advocates 'barefoot running'. Wonderful book , for those who don't know it. It can be read as a 'spritual' metaphor for life.

    Quiet day today, getting ready for DH's nephew's wedding tomorrow. I'm dyeing my legs for a dress, doing my finger nails, wrapping presents for his sister. Done my roots.
    DH hates weddings and we won't be staying for the evening party, just for the reception in the afternoon. I'm not keen on disco type parties, especially as I don't drink alcohol much. I will have one glass of champagne for the toast and take my own AF wine for the meal.
    My AF son is singing the praises of kombucha. I've never tasted it, but it sounds like something I would like. :DMargaret, I think you were drinking it? And making it?

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Lisa ~ That looks like a great house and land for the price. You can do a little painting, etc. and it will be great.

    Rebecca ~ Wish you had gotten a close up of the baby owl. I hope the mom will feed it.

    Carol in GA