

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Memorial Day to those who are stateside; Happy Monday to all! Painted until 6:30 last night. I felt much better when I stopped than the night before and I feel much better this morning. I still have a second coat to put on the entryway (about an hour's worth of work); but after that, I am going to get my house put back together. Light fixtures, outlet covers, etc, plus curtain fixtures and curtains rehung, house cleaned up and ready for tomorrow. IF I get all of that taken care of, I might work on painting the kitchen. But I think I could work on the kitchen in the evenings this week as well. DYS really loves the blue of the living room. His words "It really makes the house look more like a beach house." :)
    Lisa- Love the house on Bluebird Ln! What a price! That's a lot of house and land for that price. Just curious; wondering if your brick is wheat brick. It looks identical to what we have on our house. The bricks will have impressions of wheat stalks in them as wheat was mixed into the brick before making them.
    Rita-Holy hot! I am so glad you recognized the signs of heat stroke! Does your hubby like the heat? Or is he ready to head north?
    Rori- LOL! I love your description of Lisa's book. I often describe books to friends in terms of "good beach read" or "good with a drink".
    Karen VA- I forgot to mention how upsetting it was to read about your son's problem with his teacher. It does sound like she is having a "power issue". Why in the world would she choose to single out a child/your grandchild to show her power is beyond me. He sounds like a very bright boy, who needs more challenging classes.
    Solo- KarenVA was it you with the grandson and friends going to see Solo?! I saw it with DYS on opening night (our Star Wars tradition). I was NOT looking forward to it, but I can honestly say it is one of my favorite movies in the Star Wars pantheon. Very different; but very good! Also...good for you for giving books (esp. the Harry Potter series) to your grandson. The gifts that I remember most are my books and who gave them to me.
    Heather - Born to Run! My favorite running read! So inspiring and I found it very educational with it's theory/science behind running, running shoes, and running barefoot! Christopher McDougall wrote another book called Natural Born Heroes that is about the science of our bodies and what they are able to do and some unknown fighters during WWII.

    Well, I better get busy. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Had a friend send this to my daughter and tag me in it. For all of you language lovers:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: I wonder if biking will eventually help your DH regain some of his old self. My husband has had physical challenges that have taken sailing away from us, and that was our shared joy and passion for most of our marriage. Now I ride horses and enjoy it, but I'd trade horseback riding for sailing with my husband in a heartbeat. My son tells me he'll take me sailing when he is able, but that will not be any time soon. Perhaps the two of you will find something new that will give you a sense of shared adventure. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Heather: DH & I have a stainless steel Sunbeam electric kettle that is amazing. We've had it for decades and it always does the job. It was a wedding present. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I hope that you are able to get a good position and can hear your Dad's name being read with the other veterans. My dad served aboard ship in the Solomon Islands during WWII. His ship was attacked by Kamaze Fighters. He has been gone since just before the Berlin Wall came down. I always hoped he'd hear about the Berlin Wall coming down from the Angels.

    Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all who served in the past and helped to keep us free, and thanks also to those who are serving right now.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Remembering Memorial Day for past loved ones and all our men and women lost while serving our country!

    Heather yes I drink kombucha daily. I thought about making it but never have. It is fermented tea. The brand I like GT does not add sugar but uses fruit juice instead. It also does not add stevia which I do not like. It does contain 8 grams of sugar which comes from the fruit juice per 8 ounce serving. I drink it in a wine glass so I limit my portion to one serving.
    I do think it is helps with my immune system. (It is more from observation.) It is a bit pricey. I do not drink wine. This is in place of wine for me. They do add fizz so it does not like to be shaken or bumped. I made the mistake of keeping it in our refrigerator door and found a spill on the floor in front of the refrigerator.

    What a difference a month makes. We have gone from a blizzard to humid mid 90's.

    I am on day 6 of eating differently. I am minimizing sugar and any processed flour. I am also sticking to three meals a day no snacking. I dropped four pounds. I know some of this is due to water retention.

    Breakfast is:
    a whole grain
    Dinner is the same
    Once I get to a goal weight then I add whole grain to lunch and then dinner.

    I like it because it is simple and I can use foods I have on hand to complete the diet.

    It started by reading a book by an author Susan Peirce Thompson who explained why our brains get hook on the sugars and refined flours. I liked her analogy that those who ate cocoa leaves did not get addicted to cocoa leaves. They do get addicted to cocaine. Those who smell poppies do not get addicted to poppies. It is making them into a distilled form that causes the problems. Sugar is concentrated sugar cane or beets, High fructose corn syrup concentrated corn, flour concentrated grain. She showed a pile of sugar/refined flour and then a pile of cocaine.

    (If you look her up and take her susceptibility test you will end up on her e-mail list a she does promote a paid for support group and boot camp. When she e-mails me I just use it as a reminded to stay on track and then delete the e-mail.)

    I am hoping this picture works for me I have tried to cut out sugar before. When I was in third grade a boy in my class did a report about chewing your nails. He said when you chew your nails it is like eating a worm. I chewed my nails until the day he gave that report. I never chewed my nails again.

    She does go on to say not everyone's brains are as equally susceptible to becoming addicted. That is why we have friends who can stop a one cookie and be satisfied.

    She also talks about how these food spike insulin. This surge in insulin blocks the leptin receptors which keeps me in a constant state of wanting to eat.

    This made sense for me. I notice when I try eat in the current style of eating constant snacking and grazing. I never feel satisfied. My body is constantly flooded with insulin. Hence that is why I am trying three meals a day. I found it makes it easier for me to say no to high fat sugary snacks.

    I do not plan to get as extreme as the author. She actually brings a scale to a restaurant to measure her portions. I do think it is good for someone who is learning what a true portion of something is a scale is a must. I still do draw the line at a restaurant or friend's home.

    :heart: Margaret

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    jennybech3 wrote: »
    Stats for yesterday:

    14,500 steps Decided to bring it up a notch by walking/jogging/walking/jogging. Feel it this morning. Thighs and butt are sore, so I guess some muscles are waking up!

    Pip thanks for explaining what monkey feet are. I have seen them but never knew what they were called.

    Rebecca I just wanted to jump into your picture and snuggle with that baby owl. Poor thing! Hope he is doing ok!

    Have a great day everyone!

    they are really called vibram 5 finger shoes, I call them monkey fee cuz my first pair were black and they looked like monkey feet
  • waitingtogo
    waitingtogo Posts: 35 Member
    Hi. I am @waitingtogo93 from Rochester BY. 55 as of May the Force Be with you.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Lisa ... I love the house! That's a great price, but wondering why the value is dropping??
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited May 2018
    We had saved a bit of money here and there for months now to have a bit of a splurge celebration for our anniversary dinner but after we got such a great deal on the meat at Costco we decided to not actually go out to eat.

    We did clean a closet together and found old posters we had, some he had up with tape when he was a teenager and some travel posters from our memorable vacations together (London, Saba, and Greece) and some signed comic book artist prints etc. so we went to the frame shop, and these precious memories are being put on foam core and at 1/2 price thanks to a sale! Much more satisfying and appropriate way to honor our life together than a fleeting dinner!

    We are walking our house and redecorating our walls mentally while we wait for them to be finished in a few days :)

    John made the peposo yesterday, we’ll eat it tonight. I’m off to make lemon squares. We rarely do much except fresh fruit for desert, but we both love lemon bars so I thought it would be a nice gesture this weekend.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    We are both tired of the heat. Looking at campgrounds north of hear and hoping to leave tomorrow.

    RV Rita still in HOT desert of New Mexico
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited May 2018
    Janetr Healing thoughts for your daughter after her appendectomy. And wow! Passing the CPA Exams? Only 50% pass them, and only 10% pass them all the first time through. I'm thinking your daughter must be a very smart woman. I don't know if our friends from across the seas and oceans know what CPA is - Certified Public Accountant - might be called something else in other countries. Very rigorous exams in the USA.

    Rye What a great way to celebrate your anniversary. Love it.

    Heather I don't remember if I told you, but I am reading your new book. Just got started. <3

    Rita I'm tired of the heat and I don't live anywhere as hot as you do. I just had to come in after less than an hour replanting iris because it was too hot and humid to do anymore.

    At this rate, it will take me the rest of the week to finish moving that iris bed! I just cannot stay out there for very long. Even though I am cursing a little bit right now, I am so pleased to see healthy plants, with virtually no evidence of rot, and very few iris borers. While labor intensive, it will be so worth it next spring. After that, we have a large bunch of day lilies to relocate, but may wait until fall to do that. Some of them are rebloomers, and we usually have a late frost, so there should be plenty of time then. And we are going to try to move some Baptisia. That may fail. The reason we are doing this is because we are trying to revise the edge of a large perennial bed next to our lawn to make it easier to mow. Right now there isn't enough of a "no man's land". We might put rubber mulch edging to further define the revised edge so we can mow more easily. I think it's kind of pricey. Has anyone ever used it?

    Karen in Virginia
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    afternoon dear friends~
    went to the parade, very very emotional, they played taps 3 times, 3 times I was in tears, and the read my dads name as a veteran who has passed since last memorial day... came home and took Alfie for a walk, and am going to lie down again.. im just emotionally spent..he has been gone 5 months and it is just hitting me now.

    Losing a parent is so difficult. I personally don't believe that you ever "get over it", you just find a way to accept it and still enjoy your life. It still hits me like a ton of bricks though some days and it's been almost 6 years. I hope you can remember your Dad with fondness and that you have a family that supports you as long as you need it.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    A quiet Memorial Day weekend here. Car still at Maaco getting painted, so just chillin' at home. Finished reading "10% Happier" and am now starting Lisa's book,"Still Thinking Out Loud". It is an excellent "sit with a cook drink on your patio" kind of read. https://amazon.com/Still-Thinking-Loud-Lisa-Hannon-ebook/dp/B07D6CB2BV/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1527459194&sr=8-1&keywords=lisa+c+hannon
    Lisa: Congrats on the amazing day. I totally believe in signs and omens. The chest is gorgeous.
    Colorado Foothills

    Thanks, Rori!

    For those who were asking, here's the link to the house we fell in love with. It will need some loving... and a whole lot of scrubbing, but it's in such an amazingly quiet spot. Only one house can even be seen... and it's got everything we were dreaming of but the one... sitting on top of a mountain, or on the side of one. It's in a little valley.

    It's one of those places that needs the lights on inside to make it look homey--and my husband loves the dark stained cedar siding. I'd prefer something more of a silvery gray... but the size is perfect, with room enough for a craft room and an office, as well as the pole barn, which will make an excellent wood shop. The location is just what we wanted, outside any city limits. No major repairs that we could see from the outside, except possibly the septic, but with the price they want, we could afford to sink some cash into getting that fixed. We'd have to move to satellite Internet, which is not my favorite, but can be dealt with, in the end. Isolated enough, but 20 minutes from Corey's work and five from a small town with a grocery store. Private, quiet--you could hear the wind in the trees. And literally at the end of the road...

    But, of course, we found it on the Memorial Day holiday weekend... and no realtor will answer their phone this weekend. In Texas, they would have jumped us like a duck on a June bug, but apparently Arkansas is a little more relaxed about the whole thing. That's OK, too. In fact, it's kind of what we're looking for.

    So... who knows? If it's not the right place, then we won't get it, and if it is, we will. Either way... we're going to do just fine. We've got plenty of time if this one doesn't work out. Love y'all... taking the holiday to attempt a couple paintings while I'm waiting for a sewing machine part to arrive in the mail. Had planned on quilting this weekend, but painting is the next best thing!

    Love y'all,

    What a beautiful property, I hope you get it if it's what you want.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    I second that!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kelly Thank you so much for your comments about my grandson. If it makes us feel as bad as we do, I can only imagine how it must be for him. He speaks up if he sees a classmate repeatedly being treated unfairly. I don't think that endears him to Mrs. Evans, who apparently has some favorites in her classes, and then some who are definitely not her favorites. I don't think my grandson is the only one who plucks her nerves. I just think he is the designated whipping boy she has chosen for the year. My head nearly explodes when I think about it.

    Yesterday for his 12th birthday he had 3 friends over, and they went to see "Solo: A Star Wars Story" in the IMAX 3D theatre, and had a sleepover afterwards. I haven't heard how it went. I imagine they are all recovering today with naps.

    I haven't seen the Solo movie yet. I would also like to see "The Avengers".

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member