

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Allie – great patio space!

    Rye – hugs!!!
    Beth – hugs !!!


    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did Extreme Makeover Workout DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Caribbean Workout Abs, Buns & Thighs

    Went and picked up the cutting board, went to Aldi since I forgot that I needed a pork roast for this week, then picked up Loki’s med. Now home, made salmon for later in the week, rice krispie bars for Vince (because I had marshmallows that I needed to use up since I’d opened the bag), made shrimp for later in the week (wanted to get the shrimp out of the freezer – didn’t realize that I didn’t have that much), now have the pork in the oven.

    Heather – I put notes on as many of the pictures that I could. Some of them I had absolutely no idea who the people were so I had to throw the pictures out. If I don’t know who they are, my children surely won’t. How sad. When my father died, I tried to send one of those remembrance cards to people in his address book. Don’t know if the name was in the book for one small reason, but I went on the assumption that they were all friends of his.

    Allie – your patio look so nice

    Put down weedkiller then paversand since there aren't very many weeds on the front walk. Started to put down more of the mulch only it started to rain.

    Michele in NC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Allie - love your patio! Looks like you had a very nice get-together!

    Rebecca - glad your son is making good headway with the move. Do they have to be out of the place by the end of the month?

    Good day here. Have so many blessings I can't begin to count them all. <3

    Sunny & cool SW WA State

    Yep out by end of month. My son is having it professionally cleaned the 30th, ( more money out of his pocket). Roommate is packing stuff today, and they're organizing the garage. I cleaned off the furniture in his living room here at our house. I have 5 black rags to prove it! When we moved we didn't feel like we needed a shower, but with his old place such a pig sty, our clothes were filthy!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Feeling like I got a great deal. We got a huge Chuck roast for 21 dollars at Costco. We portioned it into quarters to freeze and I conservativly estimate 14 to 16 servings of pot roast will eventually come from it. I am loving having an extra freezer so that we can take advantage of these deals when we encounter them. And I do love pot roast.

    We also got short ribs for peposo (like a pepper sauce stew) at Costco. John will make that for our anniversary dinner. He will have his with polenta, mine will go over steamed veggies. I’ll have a couple spoonfuls of that delicious polenta for a treat! We will have a glass or two of Chianti (which is prominent in the peposo recipe) to finish off so it will be quite the meal! I’ll make some fruit sorbet for desert if we want it because if we don’t, I can put it into the dehydrator to make some delicious fruit leathers for snacks.

    We enjoy cooking together, but so rarely have time, especially since I now work from noon to 8pm. So this will be a fun event together.

    Laters, best wishes for health and happiness to you and yours,


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Allie, your patio looks like such a happy comfortable place. You have earned the serenity after what you endured before.

    :) I made great progress today planting my newly acquired iris. I worked for 90 minutes before lunch and will do the same again tomorrow.

    :) I have been reading a great book ("Delancey") a memoir of early marriage and opening a pizza restaurant so when Jake came out after I'd been working so hard all morning and asked "What's for lunch?" I suggested going out for pizza (something we never do). It was great fun and the pizza was delicious (artichoke, green pepper, jalapeno, mushroom,onion, garlic).

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    Will post today's stats tomorrow
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Allie - Great pics of the Zen Den. I do love a big umbrella. <3 Nice placemats as well. :D May you have many, many happy times there.

    Thunderstorms over the UK. Some spectacular ones. DH was hoping to spend the day at cricket and I was looking forward to a day on my own, but I'm not sure it's going to happen. He'll probably go and see how it unfolds, but they may cancel. His friend has to come a long way, so it may not be worth his while. I may dye my hair roots. :)
    I think it's fish soup for dinner. I did think of steak, but the soup is easier on the timings with the day so uncertain. Maybe steak tomorrow for the Bank Holiday.

    Feeling unsettled. Slept horribly with nasty dreams. Had to get up and compose myself. Might start packing - that usually helps. Got to wrap DSIL's present. It's huge!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Jen8000LM
    Jen8000LM Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning!

    Jenny from Northern Maine here. I have to admit I have not posted much but I do read everyone's post. It's cool to see what women at this stage of life are doing. I will be turning 60 in October. I can't say it does not bother me. (I don't know why, but it does.) I just ordered "Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy—Until You're 80 and Beyond" and "Younger Next Year: The Exercise Program: Use the Power of Exercise to Reverse Aging and Stay Strong, Fit, and Sexy". It might make me feel better about things.

    I teach middle/high school students (Health and Business). The end of the year is always so busy. I have been stress eating and the scale has gone up a couple of pounds. So this morning I got up with the mind set that this is Memorial Day weekend and I need to set goals to reach for Labor Day weekend. So here they are (writing them down and sharing will make me more accountable):
    • Minimum of 10,000 steps a day--interval workouts 4X a week
    • Track on MFP daily--1,200 cals a day
    • No eating after 6 p.m.
    • Goal is to lose 5 lbs.

      Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: I agree with Lanette. Your patio is wonderful & your get together looks great :star:

    Barbie: Your pizza dinner sounds like a real treat for both of you. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: I love the cedar chest. It is gorgeous! Congrats on the loss of the 25th pound! :bigsmile:

    Jenny from N. Maine: Welcome to a great group. Post often so we can get to know one another. I'm a retired middle school teacher. I taught 8th grade Social Studies the last few years of my career.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
    C. S. Lewis
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    I went looking (because I'm THAT girl) and that's not a silver dollar - it's actually a Mexican silver peso, worth about $38.00. Called the "caballito peso" as Lady Liberty is on horseback on the reverse, the only side that shows. :) Works for me...

    Lisa in AR
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Allie adding to the chorus love the patio!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,802 Member
    Good Morning My lovelies~
    slept pretty well and the granddaughter is still here.. she just woke up.... today is our memorial day parade and will probably go watch it if its not to rainy...Love the cedar chest Lisa , just stunning..
    glad you all like my patio ,I love it and will spend many happy hours out there..the mosquito's are wicked at night so will have to get some type of repellent out there..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    edited May 2018
    Sunday --

    Walk with Rowan for Ice Cream -- nice, slow afternoon walk together.

    Distance: 1.41km
    Elevation 14m
    Moving Time: 14:09
    Elapsed Time: 33:05
    Pace: 10:02/km

    Zwift Ride with HRM -- something to relieve the stress.

    Distance: 15.24km
    Elevation: 54m
    Moving Time: 35:16
    Elapsed Time: 35:16
    Power: 86W

    Avg Max
    Speed: 25.9km/h | 47.5km/h
    Heart Rate: 139bpm | 160bpm
    Cadence: 80 | 101
    Power: 85W | 130W

    Machka in Oz
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Machka, sorry to learn you feel your DH won’t be the same as before. I always tell my DD that different doesn’t mean worse just wonderful in a new way. (((Hugs)))

    Lisa, a chest and a house! You had a pretty good day. love the chest. I had one growing up . Wonder what happened to it.

    No plans for today. Going to give my feet a rest. Maybe try that new chainmaille pattern I’m having trouble figuring out. Sometimes a new pattern gives me trouble figuring out but it feels so good once I get it. I told DH if I find out I’ll be having the surgery to fit the tendon I’m going to order a whole bunch of jumprings and chainmaille during my recovery. Won’t be anything wrong with my hands!

    Well better get up, shower and make pancakes. I usually make them for us on the weekend. I’m not a good cook but I make a mean pancake.

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Terry in VT where the sun may peek out today
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Machka - My heart goes out to you. But I understand these things take time. All you can do right now is breathe and just do the next thing you have to do. Sending hugs through the ether. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

    Did my roots. :D Did my run. :D:D The sun is shining for the cricket, but I can hear the odd rumble of thunder. I also opened a jar of kimchi that really didn't want to open. It yielded eventually to the hot water on the lid trick.

    I'm reading yet another running book! I think that makes around 22. :o I like them because running, especially ultra running (further than a marathon) is a kind of metaphor for life. I channel the champions when I am reluctant to head out of the door, or my legs start to hurt. :D

    Waiting for a new kettle to be delivered. The current one has sprung a leak a month after the guarantee expired. I have written a scathing review. I never liked it much because the water tasted plasticky if you left it in there, so you always had to empty it out every time. The new one is stainless steel. We British can't manage without our electric kettles to make our constant cups of tea. I couldn't believe it in France when many houses didn't have kettles. I like ones you can fill through the spout, so most of the glass ones were no good.

    Love the chest, Lisa, and the peso.

    I think a nap is in my near future after my very short, disturbed night.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,802 Member
    Heather I bought a electric kettle which is glass and lifts off the base and has auto turn off,best darn thing ever...
    I'm exhausted all of a sudden think I will sleep for a bit .. today is our memorial day parade.i am going by myself and sitting across from the monument that they read the names of the veterans that have passed this year..my dad will be one of them..I want to be there to hear his name being read.I think it's important for me to be there.
    Lisa how exciting about the chest and the house... please post pictures of it when you can.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    Son is sleeping upstairs. Husband put son's big @$$ tv on our stand, and to be honest it was just too big for our eyeballs! Also his new tv wasn't cooperating with our old vhs/ DVD player. We have a huge cabinet of vhs tapes and ends so we want to still use them. So we traded back. It was nice of son to offer though eh? He's such a great kid, a thoughtful young man, and as his momma, I just don't see why women don't snag him up! Haahaa! Now I've noticed that his Naval job of being an aircraft mechanic has taken a toll on him. His hands and arms are riddled with scars from hot parts, scrapes, by working on her engines. It's a physically demanding job. I am not sure if he's accident prone, or really gets in there to get the job done!
    Bought some Kelloggs protein cinnamon crunch cereal. It's really good, for snacking, or putting on yogurt. I just have to use the measuring cup when I do eat it! .75 of a cup! No taking the box to the couch and munching!

    Son is working to pack up his garage today, moving his non-working scooters to our garage. Plus all the tools! My job today is moving all the Christmas boxes from the garage to the closet under the stairs. Also moving from our garage the 3 plastic bins of family history stuff! My dear husband inherited books and photo albums of his Maternal grandmother, from his Mom. But really all his research was on his side, The Gossetts. I had told him to give that all to his sister. State to his family that he was concentrating on his father's side, and that she could concentrate on the Moms side. He stated that everyone has delivered him the historian of the family. Oye!
    Well time to get busy!

    I have been tasked as the historian in my family. It’s a lot of stuff! I have old ton pictures from both sides of my Mom’s family. I also have all of the Diaries and journals from two grandmothers, my mom and dad. It’s a task to sort I have just been putting off for years now. I am thinking I want to do a family history scrapbook for each of my girls so it will all come in nicely for that.