

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, sorry to learn you feel your DH won’t be the same as before. I always tell my DD that different doesn’t mean worse just wonderful in a new way. (((Hugs)))
    Machka - My heart goes out to you. But I understand these things take time. All you can do right now is breathe and just do the next thing you have to do. Sending hugs through the ether. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

    Thanks ... I'm still hoping that more of the person I knew will start to show through as time goes on. They say most of the improvement will happen in the first 6 months and it has only been 2 months since the accident. And they say that he could continue to improve up to 2 years after the accident.

    So, it's not over yet. It just seems like a very long road.

    Meanwhile, I'm heading into what will be 2 incredibly busy weeks with assignments, an exam, and a multitude of meetings.

    Machka in Oz

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Went for a walk yesterday but fell half way through. I realized I was getting heat stroke so came home and sat under the air conditioning vent until I felt better. Then did nothing rest of the day. Too hot to do anything. Again today. At 9:30 am it is already 98 degrees with 22% humidity. Too hot to walk.

    Can’t wait until we move this coming week. Should be Tuesday so we can register th RV in New Mexico before we go much further. I love this place in the winter, but too hot come summer heat. I need to walk!

    RV Rita still in Columbus New Mexico
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I'm headed out now to plant more of the iris bulbs I got from my neighbor. I've had a nice long walk with the dogs and my friend (over 10,000 steps).

    <3 Barbie from cool and sunny NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, sorry to learn you feel your DH won’t be the same as before. I always tell my DD that different doesn’t mean worse just wonderful in a new way. (((Hugs)))
    Machka - My heart goes out to you. But I understand these things take time. All you can do right now is breathe and just do the next thing you have to do. Sending hugs through the ether. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

    Thanks ... I'm still hoping that more of the person I knew will start to show through as time goes on. They say most of the improvement will happen in the first 6 months and it has only been 2 months since the accident. And they say that he could continue to improve up to 2 years after the accident.

    So, it's not over yet. It just seems like a very long road.

    Meanwhile, I'm heading into what will be 2 incredibly busy weeks with assignments, an exam, and a multitude of meetings.

    Machka in Oz

    Machka, hugs to you! You seem very matter of fact when it comes to your future. The idea of " ok this is my new normal now", will be your saving grace.
    I can relate somewhat to your life, I have been on health roller coaster since 2007. My husband has had many personality changes throughout his health journey. His perception of past events prior to transplant is somewhat slanted. He doesn't remember how sick he was. That I was on pins and needles most every day. It's like I was living with an alcoholic, not knowing how situations would play out, not knowing how he would be day to day. When there isn't a constant, to your mates reaction, everything they do you think, "Wow they can do that now, but will they be able to do it tomorrow" ?
    Just know, how you're handling everything is perfect for you. Right now you're more a caregiver than a wife, and I suppose that relationship definition needs to happen to get thru all this.
    My husband changed physically, and as a wife, I grieved for the old him. Missed his smell, instead of the scent of medicines, and of a person unwell. But his humor returned, his gratefulness played out in bits of gallant gestures. Something he did not do prior to transplant. So be patient friend! As physical as you both were together biking, hiking, that activity might be in your future. Through that, you can reconnect dots mentally. That is my heartfelt wish for you both anyways! If your hospital has caregiver support group meetings, I would urge you to attend. Just a safe place to put any frustration. Just like mfp is a support group for our fitness journey, a hospital might have support groups for your emotions. It's hard to be strong all the time. In the meetings you don't have to. Hugs!
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen ~ Glad your gandson will have the online school. My grandson also has processing difficulties and is going to be seen by a therapist to evaluate his handwriting difficulties.
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    edited May 2018
    Rebecca - Just because you do not understand why women are not flocking to your son because you think he is special might be that he has not put forth the effort to show that he is ready for that type of relationship. Our oldest son was married at 19, a father before he was 20 the first time he married. But, our youngest son was 36 when "Ms. Right" crossed his path. I had told him, after he complained that if marriage is like his older brother and present wife was, he had no interest in it, at all. When Tami came along, he was again the 'high stepping', very 'confident young man he was when he went off to Mississippi State College. I would have 'liked' for him to play college baseball; but, his HS coach made him start 'hating' playing the game. When he started dating Tami, she told him she had a daughter but preferred not to introduce them to one another unless they got serious. One day, before he had met her he drove up beside them at a red light and honked his horn. Mallory turned to her mama and said, 'WOW, Mom, that guy is honking at you and you did not even turn and look at him, he's so cute'. But, she had turned and looked and that night when he came over to pick her up for a date, she was surprised that it was Will and they all went out to a movie and supper. It 'hit him like a ton of bricks' just like I had told him it would. She is always saying, 'I wish I had met him many years ago'. But, I laugh and tell her that she might not have liked the 'younger version of her Prince William'. She was surprised when he went to her Daddy and asked him, 'for her hand in marriage'. I think both of them were. He had brought her to Georgia before that and it was so sweet to watch him and how they treated one another. When our oldest son got married, I'm still not sure he has ever had love 'hit him like a ton of bricks'; but, of course I was there when they met and unfortunately, I met her under less than ideal circumstances and we still have a pretty rocky relationship. But, both of us are trying very hard to try to 'understand one another' and 'make it work'. She's been my son's wife for 18 years and a good mom and wife (although they do seem to argue a lot); but, the main thing I can say is she was a 'great step-mother' and for that, I will always 'love' her. Taylor views her as Mama and when I talk about 'her mama, I am talking about Jenn'. Her mom (as she calls her - 'egg donor and incubator' has gotten into drugs and she was already a very heavy drinker and into other things to support her habit. Taylor is 'finished' with her and basically has told her to 'take her number out of her phone, don't even try to be her friend of FB or any other social networking site'. But, a few months ago, she was 'shot in the head'; but, it only grazed her. When they took her to the hospital the police ran a check on her and found out she had broken parole and came in and told her that as soon as the MD said she was ready to be discharge, they were taking her straight to jail. So, she leaves the hospital before the ER MD saw her. The some random woman that Taylor did not know called or emailed her and told her that her mama had been shot in the head - nothing else. She got all hysterical and called her Daddy because she did not know the extend to it and she did not want her younger sister to see it on the news before she could tell her about it. One night she called Jenn and asked her if she could come get her as she was hiding out in the woods not far away from them. She told her 'oh, not just NO; but HELL NO'. I told her that she should have told her 'sure; but, we just sat down for supper and I can come get you when I am finished … tell me exactly where you are and what you are wearing … and I would have called the Sheriff of the country and reported her.

    Back to women that we hope our sons will some day meet. You never know when it is going to hit; but, when it does - you'll know it. He isn't that old anyway is he? He's still in his 20s, isn't he. Men usually take a lot longer than women to 'fall in love' (or 'admit' it). I knew the moment I 'heard' Louis' voice - that train had already hit me before I even looked up to see his face.

    Margaret - Our baby House Wren babies barely made it out of the next before Tux got to them. I had watered them, not knowing they were in my geranium hanging basket; and, then I tried my best to water around them. One of the three did not live but a couple of days.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited May 2018
    Regarding sexual harassment:
    My dealings with that subject was in 1996/97. My dear Chief of a husband was accused of it. One of his females in his Division didn't like a performance review he gave, so she decided to go after him. In a mostly male dominated environment, on a Navy ship, interactions can get volatile. So my husband's job was in CIC , where distances are plotted on boards, surface and air contacts verified, plotted and kept track of, it's quite a stressful place. He cared about his crew there, being the Division Officer. He treated them as sailors first, females or males second. If things got really chaotic, he would stand behind them as they sat, trying to make sense of what they were seeing on the radar screen. Sometimes he rubbed their shoulders, both male and female, it was just a chill out, concentrate action. Nothing sexual at all, but the gal brought it up to the review board. So with my husband being interrogated by JAG lawyers, dressing every morning in his dress blues, one year from retiring with 20 years, he answered questions, and many sailors, and upper ranking officers telling their side of the story. As a military wife, I would hug him as he came home spent, from the stress of it all.

    My husband as the Division Chief Officer, would give his Division the talk before a port visit. You know, safe sex etcetera. Well the gal told they review board that he should have designated a female to have that talk with the females in the division. His division respectively had the lowest pregnancy compared to other divisions in the ship.

    When a guy gets relieved from duty, he would normally go to the guy that is relieving him in his rack saying, "wake up, you're on duty". Well if it's a female, that same guy has to find a designated female to go into female berthing, or knock and hope someone answers. It's a half hour thing, when if they want to be treated as sailors first females second, then any sailor should be able to wake up anyone.

    The final outcome? My husband wasn't found guilty of anything. He was taken off the ship, and after nothing credible was found, he was reassigned to a ship in San Diego, putting my husband's career to a respectable conclusion. It was an awful experience. My husband found out that the Chief that took his position on the ship was told by the same troublesome gal, "If you don't resubmit a new evaluation, you will get the same thing as "my husband's name" . Crazy!

    Now I am all for women onboard Naval ships. They just need to understand the historical way of things. No you don't go upstairs, you go topside. You don't use the bathroom, you use the head. All things that the females aboard my husband's ships would say all the time. The male sailors too scared to correct them. Also females higher in rank would say to lower ranking males, " Oh, tell so and so, he's hot". Talk about uncomfortable, conversation!?
    Ok, well I can drone on and on. Thanks for listening!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited May 2018
    Karen in VA .... just thinking out loud about your grandson ... are there programs in your area through universities or even governmental agencies that would pique his interest in tech development or internet/web surveillance? Someone with high intellectual capacities needs to be challenged and you mention he is already skilled in these kind of things. It would seem he just needs help in finding the right direction.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Pip - I love my toe shoes! So comfortable!!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Rebecca - Just because you do not understand why women are not flocking to your son because you think he is special might be that he has not put forth the effort to show that he is ready for that type of relationship. Our oldest son was married at 19, a father before he was 20 the first time he married. But, our youngest son was 36 when "Ms. Right" crossed his path. I had told him, after he complained that if marriage is like his older brother and present wife was, he had no interest in it, at all. When Tami came along, he was again the 'high stepping', very 'confident young man he was when he went off to Mississippi State College. I would have 'liked' for him to play college baseball; but, his HS coach made him start 'hating' playing the game. When he started dating Tami, she told him she had a daughter but preferred not to introduce them to one another unless they got serious. One day, before he had met her he drove up beside them at a red light and honked his horn. Mallory turned to her mama and said, 'WOW, Mom, that guy is honking at you and you did not even turn and look at him, he's so cute'. But, she had turned and looked and that night when he came over to pick her up for a date, she was surprised that it was Will and they all went out to a movie and supper. It 'hit him like a ton of bricks' just like I had told him it would. She is always saying, 'I wish I had met him many years ago'. But, I laugh and tell her that she might not have liked the 'younger version of her Prince William'. She was surprised when he went to her Daddy and asked him, 'for her hand in marriage'. I think both of them were. He had brought her to Georgia before that and it was so sweet to watch him and how they treated one another. When our oldest son got married, I'm still not sure he has ever had love 'hit him like a ton of bricks'; but, of course I was there when they met and unfortunately, I met her under less than ideal circumstances and we still have a pretty rocky relationship. But, both of us are trying very hard to try to 'understand one another' and 'make it work'. She's been my son's wife for 18 years and a good mom and wife (although they do seem to argue a lot); but, the main thing I can say is she was a 'great step-mother' and for that, I will always 'love' her. Taylor views her as Mama and when I talk about 'her mama, I am talking about Jenn'. Her mom (as she calls her - 'egg donor and incubator' has gotten into drugs and she was already a very heavy drinker and into other things to support her habit. Taylor is 'finished' with her and basically has told her to 'take her number out of her phone, don't even try to be her friend of FB or any other social networking site'. But, a few months ago, she was 'shot in the head'; but, it only grazed her. When they took her to the hospital the police ran a check on her and found out she had broken parole and came in and told her that as soon as the MD said she was ready to be discharge, they were taking her straight to jail. So, she leaves the hospital before the ER MD saw her. The some random woman that Taylor did not know called or emailed her and told her that her mama had been shot in the head - nothing else. She got all hysterical and called her Daddy because she did not know the extend to it and she did not want her younger sister to see it on the news before she could tell her about it. One night she called Jenn and asked her if she could come get her as she was hiding out in the woods not far away from them. She told her 'oh, not just NO; but HELL NO'. I told her that she should have told her 'sure; but, we just sat down for supper and I can come get you when I am finished … tell me exactly where you are and what you are wearing … and I would have called the Sheriff of the country and reported her.

    Back to women that we hope our sons will some day meet. You never know when it is going to hit; but, when it does - you'll know it. He isn't that old anyway is he? He's still in his 20s, isn't he. Men usually take a lot longer than women to 'fall in love' (or 'admit' it). I knew the moment I 'heard' Louis' voice - that train had already hit me before I even looked up to see his face.

    Margaret - Our baby House Wren babies barely made it out of the next before Tux got to them. I had watered them, not knowing they were in my geranium hanging basket; and, then I tried my best to water around them. One of the three did not live but a couple of days.


    Well, that would make sense, but with him being in the military since 17, he's now 28, I don't think I play a part much in his choices to interact with the opposite sex. The Navy has taken up most of his life, and he is presently just content. All I know is as his momma, it would be nice for some gal to see his awesomeness! I don't say that to him mind you.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Hello my friends! B)<3:)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    Saturdays stats

    spin- 80min 127ahr, 160mhr, 108aw, 76ar, 20mi= 661c
    Apple Watch- 720
    rope pull- 10min, 115ahr, 130mhr, lvl 5 out of 7, 1088ft= 78
    Apple Watch- forgot to record
    other- honestly I forgot, think it was floor exercises, 10min, 133mhr, 102ahr, = 59c
    Apple Watch- 67c

    total cal 798